Advefliwnwnls inwrlod Willuml written inslnwtium «ill nmwnr until written urclvrs l'ur llwir «lismmlimlo tum. shall lmw horn rm'eivnl. To immro insorliun, «mic-s uf ml. u-rflm-menlu nlmulcl M in tlw lmuls "1' â€w prmlvr by Tumult!) u-mn ul' q-m‘h work. 'w had a "if Pflflï¬lll'lll MIMI}! uml Pmmd. \anflm "PM. PM. mw im'll prr Insertinn. 'l‘lw 'l'uwn ut‘ 'l'immins is in tlu- [mam-stain" M' u pun quuh- wan-r supply. and 1 pumping muvhimngv and «l o-qmplm' Wlmlc‘. ( "gum-v rmwml. cussiun H10 t-lm is 50 \H 1.0ch Card: or Rotten- V0012 Hut â€mm“ are [blmsvs 01' “w ulwm- Hun ul' llu- wrvic-v whirl: NI“ fur vritirism. It \vuulnl sm-m In hr at l'mulnnwntnl rulv ul' equity than tlw lliSH’ihlltiull I!" must sllulllcl. as “If 3|.c gumsihlv. lw vnrvlulix'v tn tlw «listl'ilr HUM" Hf M'I'Vim'. X" [wracm hllnltltl b0 rmmirwl in pan} murv Hum his share. uur .slumlcl :myum- lw lwrmit- ted ln'vsvulw his just [ml'tiuu ut' the burden ut' Innintvnmu-v. upvmtiun and rvdmnptinn. Ur. Mrlulws is vutitlml tn the [hunks uf tlw «ummuniu' fur raising: the quvsliun ut' NIH-a. u! Hw ('muu-i; mowing un )lmulaly. and vspwiully but imlmsml m-vm'tlwlvss, cm snmv watt-r usvrs. \vllih- UHWJ'S :Irv laugh- ing up tlwir slvows on their (-smpc. It is In»! such an «lillimllt nmttvr. ad'tvr all. In ï¬nd an “\‘iu mmliu" b0- twm-n tlu- hm (-xtrvmvs nl' vm-vssiw levy and absurd (-M-mpliun. lu'awtiv- ally. frum vlmrgv t'ur svrx'ivv x'vmlex" ml. ('uum'illnl' \Ic'llmvs :ulvm'nlo: Hu- installmiun m' nwlm's. but. whih uu'tm's,lluly 1w 21mm! tn lw am aid. Hwy zllulw “ill m-vvr snlvv the lumb- lvm. Mvtvrs lmw- h» (In with "1035’ nrmm'nl. 11m l'ilh‘s. lvm. Motvrs lmw urenwnt. m»: mlvs. First Hf all]. â€I" waltvr \mrks 5‘10““! ['10 "1mm! tuwn I publiv utilih.s!1m hunks. :unl mninmi Itlml‘gvs Shullhl he i the rules. mnl :mt 'i'lw tnwu 1“ {ion nt’ am 021 “ill!iht}'. ul- (‘ ymsitiun. H' “(4041 is llHl rlmrgos (and erv is smut watvr Wurks live yours u “11' tmvn llll lxu‘vt Hm «Iv! works hunks I" year With the swam m expenditure appruximzn nncc. It. should hut be dinin- Min the ('03,! ul' upm'zltitfl wt" and redemptiun. 11 0mm")! vals‘y tn maintain pumpugv. and .1 simplv will prnvids' the rm! u proï¬ts. 1 pawl vnlu-r ‘alos ul‘ nu in the t'utu hunks 3‘th dvt'orrml a Um situuti pruvidinf. Cores! :m Surplus : plus sin»! «of lhv In it in-lnnu“ it. and s in: ymu'. S‘H'PCS" WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 9 Canada ~ United States - Furthvr mum Condensed Advertisements Ptofmional and Business Cards Ending Noam. H m mu Inn mm Geo. late. Publish: Snim-rim inn ll¢1\v Ur blight-d every Friday by muhl POI'R primary supplim h in u!‘ 'l'immins is t'm'humu- Sl'sainll M u pun- mu! mie- ['1' supply. and «.l' «uh-iv": nuvhinvry nml dim-mum." Whotlu-r llu- \xnrks. as u l hm murh tlmmuh c-xtmv- wnsto. ur fur any ntlwr flu! IIH- cult-satin" muh'l' dis- w. L0! Ils lw satisï¬ed llmt primary mud n! llw lu-nplc mefleading natives ninmenls. «In. where a u 5? made. will â€0 iflfl'flfll 'mmim' Advnnn at "up "g. 'f 5 NM:- [wt llm- fur "M's pnh per lim- fnr Mark fan- pt “lwrw Hw- jnh “Mk is m Adx'nnm Priming (â€Ht-v. «- “i" M- insortml free "I" AQUA PURA In \\‘ wrhun Phone Ul'( wn business ll nml. lmrtirulnrs may â€in". ' be dilï¬rul! upm'mimx. 1 .1 l‘ hum Hu- gem upomtiun. ium HI r-mlt mp! inn WUI'ks huntls. mg. furm lull't nwrh‘d without will nmwnr "mil Ilwir dismmhlm- ule'utiun 01' HIP lw 1““:an from I’endin Huh-s: 82.00 a year 33.00 a year WHH m-humm mos :uh'm'zlivs 101's. hut. whilv tn bu am aid. snlvv llw prul)- (In with mous- itm I": vr Sn I q It m1 011'. ONTARIO II shuuld be u l‘crul‘d Uf calculatiun water pH llu it It mt 1H a"! “\Vn 1'09 lter illll ht ll 1H h ll ll 0.099â€.OOOWOOâ€â€Wâ€â€â€OWOWO§QO99â€â€? Murkvl lc-llm' ul‘ â€mm-r L. (iilmm (u. 'l'lmmins, In i’un-npilu- Acl- \mlm'. hvl' llu- wm-k ending “ï¬lms- 11“}. Ft'hl'lull'} â€III. 'l'lu- mark"! M' llw pus! \H-vk has how "no "1' extrmnv irn-gulm'ily: n Wimkllvss clmanvd in tho curly slu- gvs has lwt-n grmlmllly runvertml in- Iu u snomly mu! inn-rousing domuml l'ul' tlw nml'v urtiu- issl’t's. the tnlul Nth-s yvstq-nlzly uggrvguting 1(35,UUU. Sllhllld pay â€Iih' pul‘tiull. 1 per hydraâ€! fur Instnnvo cullsnlvrzlilun IS mused l tluumuul gullnns. 'l'lu- m-xt quvstiun is hmv tn distrilmtc- um rust‘.’ Sov- Hml mnsialvrnlinns mum in here. I’M! ut' ull. tin-r“ is n gvnvrul wrvim- fur the prntvrliun. vlml‘gmhlo tn Hu- whulv pmlnlv. 'I'Iw town (im. tuxvs). shunlui my this Imrtiun. alt su unwh . , . .5IIIIIIIII |III\' IIIII5 INIIINIH. all .5‘II "II" II 1II'I‘II\IIIIIIH IIII III5IIIIIIIII. .\IIIII|III'I IIIIII5III‘IIIIIIIIIII I5 III I.5IIII II\' lll"U|I('lI\ 5-IIII'IIIII III IIIII IIIIIIII5. IHII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII' IIIII I'IIII5IIII. SIIIIII IIII'IIIII-III 5IIIIII|II IIIII II5 .5IIIII°.II II IIIII failure In IIIIII- IIIIII I.5 IIIIII III IIIII lI(':.'III.'(‘lH‘l' III IIIII IIIIIIII'. 'llIII II.5II HI IIII- IIIIIIII' .5'III'IIIIII II' III'IIIIIIIIIII. .5IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIlsIIr)‘. II5 II IIIIIII5III'II III lIIIIIlIlI. II I'IIII IIII IIIIIIII' IIII5IIII. IIIIII IIIIIIII I5 IIIIII'II III IIII .5IIIIl IIII IIII.5 IIIIIISI'. III IIIIIIIIIIII' IIIIII'. .\'IIII' IIIIIII. II I5 just IIIIII (‘\'('l')' I5III' III' II'IIIIII' I5 IIIIIIIIIIII III II IIXI‘II IIIIIIIIIIIII III’ gIIIIIIII5 III IIIII .5IIIIIII III'IIIII. 'III5 IIIIIIIIIIII I5 III'III'IIII III III' IIII'IIl IIIg IIIII IIIII Il IIII.5I III IIIIIII'IIIIIIII, IIIII., III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII' III IIIIIIIIIII SPHNI, IIIII5 III.5II IIIIII IIIIIIIII II5II IIIII .5III"\IIIII. IIIII WI.IIII IIIII IIII.5‘I lIIIl° IIIIIII IrIIllIm5 I)(‘- my. IIIIH“ II. II IIIII then he IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIII) 3.::IIIIIII.5‘ .5‘IIIIIIIII I’HIISIIIIIII‘ IIIII IIIII IIIIIII. 'IIII5 I'IIIII .5IIIIIIlIl III- IIII'IIIII UH IIIIII'I IIIIIlsIIIIIIlIIIII' in IIIII I'III'III III' II IIIIIIIII' III.\'. 'l‘lIIIII IIIIIIIII5 IIIII IIIIIIII' III IIIIIIII'IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII' III' \I'IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII' II5IIIl. II' IIIII IIIIIII'IJII I'III' IIIIIIIIII t‘I‘IIIISllIlllIIIUll ('.\'(‘('('(IS the IIII5III I'IIIII.I ‘III lIIgJIIII IIIIIIIIIIII ()HI\ I5 IIIIIIâ€"rII' 10.5.5. ‘II' II' IIII WHIOI' IIIIIIIIIIII5 II IIII II5IIII III III. IIIIIII IIIII IIIII I‘IIIII 5 IIIIIIIIIIII. "“ i5 plan. with II L’l‘IlII- IIIII-II IIIIIII'I.I'II I5- IIIIIIIIIII) IIIIII5IIIIIIIII tIIIII'IIII5II5'. IIIIII IIIII'III'IIIIIIIIIIIII; IIIIIIIIIIIII (IIIIIH’SIII' IIIIII IIIIIIISII‘IIII II.5‘II.5‘. S‘IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII' 1-» II. 5IIII5I'IIIIIIII'y IIIIIIIIIIIIII. mv Imm)’ gullnns the Nut mtv. 'l'hi; levied ull mu": Imu form m' an \mtvl tax itiutiw- ut' vhu handled ‘tivzll slylv. An unto-date Assortment of Valen- tine Cards. Novelties. Eta, can be seen at the store of ‘ THE L. STADELMAN CO. Near the Station - - TIMMINS H The sale of ll ll immmli lnstit EDITO' TAL COMMENT illlc (m The Mining Stocks -\\'0 have it I‘m-k 011' um' yml for street - ulll‘ minister a striking; pr u'zn'er. Hunnlwrsc l’vrlu i'uninmm . (iuulcl . . "HINT“ . . ... Grout Northern Mum'm . . . l’vnrl Lakr . l'urmpino (‘n Vilmnd . . .‘ Imperial . . l’roshm Ii. H Trek-l highw- l’un-npino 'l'is “‘99! l’nlm' .. Hurm'nvos lullhm- . lex'iulvy X "influx: Hnld Heof linllingor Hunwalnkr Jupiter . .‘lc-luh'rv \VI'S’ I’Hll Cobalts. l't'lvrsull lmko Right "1' Way .. Smuwn Superior Silver lwul’ Slmmrm-k . A pox I him Dome .\l M “must lhnlr)‘ Mme- “Hum "mm' I'IMo-r 'l't-Imskmmn \\ N l luut'vr ' 0 l rot lu-m-v YorkJ nu. . 'c'†'m Monday ul‘dvl'ml ntv installatinn of strt-o‘. Imwv mnnlwrs. «m t’m in- (‘num'illur McLaughlin. :1 V v qnvstinn in fine pul- lt wvms now that crmli. is c-Iuimml in \‘M‘iuus and, Hum. Mr. l’ttloy. sm-rvtv {Mail me-lmnts' Asmwiu- t‘m' M‘s urgunizutiun «lo- mmplimvut. while Mr. he “Hard of Trade is mm Porcupine: tlu' I! n (-laimin may yet I‘ Lrlnl‘Vâ€"Wt l’nlm Extensmn link? . . . . .‘IiflPi . . . "'“ru \\'(lll]( {PM 111'! M' I’vrlmul 1H Hm xtnnsim their own 111 black uwn hat. “Hf nf ’ullll "II In “50 Ul' "I“ [111110 15 mm 1;: the public I1) «Mu-1' 1-2111- 1' INIH‘ YO! in 12111117. /:1tiv111=. t a, the Min- nQ. thn Odd- key Léaguv. humbly rcfnr .\«l\'z1nco. 21nd fl HS. mu flu 11w run- and \Vt (‘1111rs'i1l111'alil11 int111'11sl has been 1111111i- 111511111 111 H111 1’111'111111i1111 list wl1111'11as' 1|111 (‘11l111lt issues 1111111 l1111111 \11i1l 111 ,11111 111111111'ial 1".1111111111 (Ming: tn H111 111111 l11111ls \1l1i11l1 1111111 |1111111 (‘hlilhllsll- i111l in tl111 1111111111 1l111li11i11;.1 i11ll111111111> 1111 l111li111'11 11111 11111511111 ti11111 111 I111 1111' _11'1111iti1111s 1111' i11111'1111si111_1 l1nl1l- i111_r.~' 11 11 H‘llSUllillDlU 111111111111. 'l‘l111 activity and 1-1111ti1111111l111l\'11111111i11 .1 a naturally based 11111111 “111 1l i11111'1111s11 i11 111'111l1111ti1111'. 1111- 1111i11;.1 lm' H111 \11111l; at 11121601) l1i1l the stack 11l115111l strung last 11i11l1l at $239. Mul'iwi iviivl‘ «if A. S. i'illilt'l' 6; (1H. 'I'immith. tn 'l'lu- I’m'rulvim- Admnw'. t'ur wwlx «titling \\'t-thw.~d:i.\'. Fri». 9. Win clw'idml mnnm-r in whivh Hu- i'un-upinv 11ml ('uimlt iSMH'S mlliml mum tlu- h-ust oxvusv prvsvnting it- self. has hovn am (-xc-ml-iilimtiun uf the rmnurkuhlu underlying strength which is hvhimi tho Imu'lu-t. 'l'lw slightvst lvssmling ut‘ tlw prvssm't- ui' liqttidntiun met with immediate r0- slmnsv in thv farm at mivutu-inu [trig «vs and at iill' tiuu- this is written privv lc-wh :u'v tnntvriully highvr L : '1 thvy wvro at tho vml nt' thv his! lho- hmm licuidnthm whivh the m- has om-uuntvu-cl has horn mum-t1 h) n number at t'avtms: thv svvm- lnmk in N0“ \mk hl'mluht . :v mmmnt nt' selling: m: thv part â€1' lhnsc- wlm haul New Yurk murgim tn prntm-t. thon- wus a wry mmshh vmhlo \‘nhmu- or hm: «hm» mmmit mvnts falling duo whit-h haul in lw prulcvtml mul thon- wus tho inm‘it- wool; ll 53.15†H.500 1 1,05" 6,51)" 3,70" l 1.52:? Slovk :I “(‘1‘ mi H.023 fwd“! ISM†risen m (-umpuny mut' . In; 31.900 3",]th 1.3m. issuva. Senora Super‘inx and l’etvr- sun Lake lmth rem-ted un rumors that tlwt fnruwr pmperh “as multmuplat- in: timing: dcmn in the man {Lure 3.9m" mum 2mm 1,50" 2.71m 31 l‘ 1m mark ‘nMy higher pl‘iPPS t'nr “HS in the near future. )lvlutyrv ‘ tluvlnuting vuux'so. and selling as law as HTr «luring: the n. vlusotl strung at the «lulâ€" nrk. Jupiter has apparently in sympathy with the parent my. and shuuld eventually 501' higher. Dome Lakv wspundml njm «of» m US I I m 04' MI lu' m' H flu 3†GI.) m "13 â€I! 9" câ€. {in tr" Ii-I‘ ’H 3" h‘ THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE l t l l l l â€hle qltnta ut' tiinuruns unes whn were tn saeritiee their stueks and llll':)\\' theni n\'('t‘lN)t|t'tl an the ttrst "H at a reaetiunary tendeney. The market has already made very athstantial adranees all alung.r the "He. partienlarly in Big Danie: Danie "'\'.. and. Dante Lake; and Melntyre. \< we predietetl lest week the “"st ‘ "'ks tn t'espund are the gnld issues: and WP wnnld again impress ntmn‘ .nr elients the advisahility ut' eun-‘ " “W their â€Heretinns nrineipnlly tnl the l’nrenpine stat-ks. ’We have nineh l Innre first hand int'urtnatinn euneern-1 " '- mines I'ere than ean lN' seenr- ed regarding the mines in the uther eatnps, and it.‘ the investur and spee- 'tl:'tm‘ will limit his upet‘ntiuns tn the l’urenpine stneks during: the mining \‘ear. we think nnteh inure nmney will he made. i We partienlarly advise at this time the purrhase ut' Danie l'lxtensiun. Big Dune. Jupiter. and Vipnnd. All at' these stat-ks are due far higher priee. At this writingr the January pro- dnetiun at the Melntyre has not yet been made pnhlie. and when it is, we lnuk t'ur this stnek tu sell higher. l'\' .»\pplieatinn has been made tn list West lhnne ('unsulidated stnek npnn New Yurk (‘nrlL 'l‘his slmnld mean a wider and nnn-h more active market t'ur this stuek and with the (‘unipany smm tn resinne npei'atiuns. we helieve that huge prutits 'an lie made by the pnrehase t-t’ this stuek "l(‘ ‘at this time. ‘ ' Vipund still remains praetieally at a standstill nwinu' tn the t'aet that nu ntlieial relmrt has been made at the head uttiee. .\s we hare ennstantl)’ painted unt t'ur several _\\'eeks past. Hmut UHIN‘. AS “‘0 Hzlw ('uumuuu) [minted nut fur several works? past. we do nut export this stm-k tn mun» up until Sulllt‘ statwuont has been maulv hy llH‘ President 01‘ by sumo vilivizil ut' the ('Utlllbzlll}'. t'umlitiuns at tlw mim- :m- tum-h hotter than vvor lwt'nre for Several uumths past. and 'ï¬â€˜nvy buying: l'rmn the ramp \wmltl urclinm'ily put this stm-l; up vxwpt i'ui' the lack of inl'uriimtiun t‘mm the hmul nlllH’. In tlw silver issues.fl'vi'niskzuuing still (onntinues the t'amrita and has .. n't-(l tlH tw†“1- “mm [milils in sym- pathy with the gonvml zulx‘zmw nl’ thv past few «luysï¬ further (Im'lilw wk m T ry guml \Vith n“ 11°. and \O'Y‘U‘ made befure any ‘ In.