llllfllf MIME mm that if the pupa-m of tin» many cm «mailman in nuppnrtim: any meas- mt, whether it lu- m' a warlike at nnv nun-nut projut. that the matter wiil It†a very good rhant-r of being tmht nhmtt. for after all. the Voice «1' the pm is nothing '0'†than the mnï¬mrnts of the penplr. 8n much fat the influential and of the nrgnn- iution. Htm‘ about it as an educnt. in: medium! h it nut 3 mod auxil- inry in nmnplt'tinc the wnornl know. 101)“ at“ any young: man or woman. and I haw. sum. as nu tluuht many «I yml have. mum whrn- a man or mutant have not horn furtttnntt- on. «ugh tn .«wnn‘ nn mhtrntinn in Hm usual way. Le. thmmzh schmts and "mom. but who haw gained mm. uiclmhlr knmt-leotgv thnmglt perusing the nolttnms uf Hu- thtil)’ and wwkly nomltnpors. It is nlsu "Inst «nun-n. Will in httlttlrt‘d't nt' ntlwr ways. Ham mnny tltmpumtt-nt uh! 'Ntl‘ht'tur‘l tutu- been mmlv happy t‘nr ltt't' h)" rut-lying: tn ntl\'t-rtim-ttwttt¢ in thr papers and: maturing rhnrmin: with. who» pmt‘t-d} In he (hultwmls tn tht'm in tht'tr nltlf nnd inï¬rm clay-t. Truly n must tum. tlnrfnl mlt‘nntam- t'ur n lot ut’ us «on Wham tht- tutt'ht-Iuthmul Inns hfl'u rum ferret! tlmnmh. pvrlutpv‘. m- fnult nt' ultra. “'0 Will Mum‘s rt'smrt tn 0 ttnnl vflnrt tlmmglt Hm mlt-t-rtising rmttt-. Hnttghtt'r and Phi-wt"). "I! {u this paint I lmu- lwon “Ilk- ing Mum! Hu- prc-s-s in mmvrul. but why slmulcl I um aim-ll n little.- vlusvr Immv fur a hat mmswnht. As yuu am- awnn- \u- lmw mm“ in 'l'immim a must c'rvdimhlv \wc-kly pom-r~ilumks In HIP vnh-r'u'im- n3. hwfll "I'M“. Til" l’urmu-im- .\cl\'unm- svmns in "w (u Imw u wry bright fuhm- in stun. :Iml ' lmpv HIM Hu- gmul Iu'nplv uI' 'I‘immin-s and Na- \'i¢-inity will «mm-- «inh- tlnis fart. mu! giw- Hm! papvr Hm vrmlil it so “all olvst-rws. Imalic-s mu! umtlmm-n. I ask yuu m drink In Hm prmpvrit)‘ ul' llu- 'A‘NIII’S IIIIII uI-IIIIIIIIII-II. I IIsk )‘IIII III III'IIIII III IIIII III‘IIIIIIII'I‘II)‘ "I. III(' ‘DI‘I'SS II 'IIIII'I’b‘. .\Ir. I'IIIII-II. In I‘ININIIIIIIIIL'. I-IIiII: Mr. IUIISIIIIII‘II' I. IIIIIII-s IIIIII L’I' 'IIIIP- IIII-II: II i-I II I'IPII‘IIIII" IIIIII II IIrIIIIIIgII III IIIIIIIIIr IIIII II-II-I In IIIII 'III'SS‘. IIII‘ III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII; IIIIII IUIISI I IIIII sin-Ink III}: IIII III-'IIIIII III “II“ III “III LII'IIIPIII IIIIIIIII- N'IWIIIIIPI III â€III III-IIII III-IIIII. I‘MII‘. I-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III' IIIIIIIII-IIIIII-II IIIIIIIItaI Il III-IIspIIIII'r. IIII' IIII IIIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIII II “Q'I‘kl_\ IIII- IIIIIII sIrII- III" IIIr IIII- .IIIIIIII- IIIIIIIgwâ€"III III'IIIIIIIIII IIII' III'IIIII'I' III III!‘ IIIIIIIIII'. IIIIIIIII‘IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIrIIIII, IIIIII III IIIIIk IIIIIII‘ IIIIIII' iIIIIIrIIsII. IIIInIgiIII- II I'IIIIIIIIIIIIII\ II’I’; iIII' III IIIIIIIIII-I- IIIIIIIIIII IIII- IIIII III III-IIIIIIIIIII-I' III IIIlIIIIIIII- II. l’onplc- lukv Haw matter "1' ('(Hllw -â€" pay at pumy ur the ("national 1mm Page 5). u-mls Cu â€mm in their nld day-I. Truly a mm! mm. «Max» fur a lot uf us on hm'hvhuhmul has been ('un‘ â€ugh. pvt-Imps. lm fault uf mm always rvsmrl tn 0 ï¬nal mush sz mlwrtising mute. Mal end of the amn- nhmn it as an «inun- h it rm! a sum! auxil- Ning the mural know- \(Nflu! man 0" *Ulfllflo hen. as m» cluuM mam hr umsspzuwr an: a .v -â€" .smnmhim: they tivc cvnls fur. 'l'hv lmw I'm-n la";- in mun-ml. but 1| a little c-lusvr Ms. As yuu uro- 555555$55$5555555§555555555555555555$5555555555§5555555555555555555$5555 ing counter check books, to sell their productions in the Porcupine Camp and District. We can give you reliable work, prompt de- livery ond the lowest prices. Look over your stock of counter check books and cash sole pods If you need a new supply, give It does not cost you anything, and it helps us “"I‘ - expendedâ€"tn bring that int‘nnnatiun l0 him. Naming inflnenees the habits and thoughts «f penple mare than the press. It all the newspapers in the wurld numbined in a campaign to say the mum is made of green eheese.‘ and tin evidenee was published tn the euntrnry. many penple mmld he eon. vineed that the mmn is made of green ehme. Newspaper: refleet the ideas and tlmughta of purple. The newspaper puts the ideas and'thmighta of many people into eonerete form. and tells the penple what they are thinking alimit. Yum should support your newspaper. financially and inurnlly. It is the guardian of your interests. and any help yum give it will be well repaid. Perhaps it will he in an indirevt way. but you will. neverthe. lean. he well repaid. 1 wish tn thnnk you. nn behalf of the Press. fur )‘mtr penguins tonal. “vagu- man dam not nppmiflf that. .A.... - _ in buying a newspum iu- is buying the landed of the min-st 3nd most far-melting omniution of the wrld (0-day. He Md: 3 deg-patch {mm lmdoa. or news. gathered [mm may «nannies. some of which he has. now" heard mentinm-d sin" his sdnml days. but duos no! slop .0 mm sick-r that cï¬ofl or mom-)- has been le m-xt insist. â€The Pudry nf “mm." was pimple-"Hy pmpoml by H"- lh-v. J. huuglns l’nh'rmm. in n w-ry "M:- 333000“. whirll. with one ('x- m-Miun was lu-arhly npprm-iutml mul lumlly "multitude-cl. He lightly trm-ml Hu- [mo-1's wurks ms they lmu'hod Ilw variants plmsm :mcl visrissihulvs ut' the mmmun “fr. mu! slmwod him m hr. by c-ulmmm vullscm. Hu- poor nl' 'uM'HI' “Hwy. .‘lr. \\'. M. Wltytv. in rt‘sImmtinm ttuult- mm at tlu- “twat spam-In"; ut' tht- c-wning. â€a ma in part: \\°ittt savh ynriml tlwttu-s. t-tttht‘nv- im: an tlu-y «In tln- wtst' and â€w witty. tlu- graw and tlw any. hi4 luw lilta aml his clc-mnn-iatiun ut' anything that stfl‘ttt‘t'tt ut' ltygnwrnsy and t-nnt; ta ttn tin-2w jastn-t- \mald require run- stclm‘nhlu titnv. and ability of tm na-aa urdvr. \\'v can understand and vnjny Hams nun-It lwttvr it' wv kauw his uhjm-t in writing ptwtry. and the- paint ut' view than which he regard- ml lil'v. lhtras' lu-art hml lN't'll tuurhml hy thv how-s aml surrmvs ut' lil'v. and. it was his amhitlun tn slag su naturally ut' the-su- as tu tuavh tlu- hearts ut' uthors. llnw well he sat-t-omlml in this we han- ahumhmt (-vicloavo tu- night tlmmghuut t‘hristvmlum. Sumo nt' thv lite-vary lights nt‘ Edi". lmrgh tlt'Sll‘t'tl that hv should write his wurks in the (‘ltlï¬a‘lt'lll English. hat his put‘llt'fll t'l‘t't'tl may he sumo mml up in thvsv th liacs: as.“ The Poetry of "Bum. Gin: me am apart 0‘ nature's Mr That's a' the inning I desire. "(I ended by imhing "it hurts ni‘ Sendai“! and â€king her mun- pmd of this dialed. of him. and of herself. The hmtherhood of lull! we hear on much all-mt these days had a “mug ndvoente in Burns. and the sumly and independent sentiment' “hieh ehlrleteriu-s his song I man's a nun for u' that " is sumac-m ; to give him II I‘nrenimt place amung; social refcinnem "The rank is. but the guinea stamp: The man '9 the gum! for n' that." Then we have the s) Inpathetie feel- nit for those in silver-sin porn-Med in “Man was made to mourn. '° Anni again we tune the parts expresaing the tender sentiment.- ut' the heart. the songs in whieh he excelled; his E“Farewell tn honey.†ehnrnetetitecl in both ltIrun and Smtt to mntain the IerI menu! at It thmtsnml IIIIe tussnm: the beautiful “In Menmro inm In .‘ltll'I. IIritteII cm the Ihinl anniIersan «If her «lenth. the sultl flirting strains IIt’ “Seats “ha line"; the familiar “Auht Luna SIIIe": IIIIIl une III the “neat things It‘ eIer Warn“- â€rho (utters Sntc Imlny Night. " The mm. .\I â€II: IminI. IIII- IIIIIII‘I PI’I‘SI‘III began In IlIIjIlsI IIII-Ir rlIIIIrs. and n9. ISIIIIII‘ II frII-IIIIII. I‘I‘IIII‘III IIIr. [In-pur- IIIIII'I‘ In II IIIII IIII-I' III II‘IIIII I‘IIIIsIIlI-I‘ In III“ â€In I'IIII-I IIIIIsI III III» ('VPIIIIIR‘“ rIII‘ lmssII-s. The rlInIrIIInII IIIII‘IIIIIII" NI IIIIIIIII‘ \IIMI. WIIII III‘IIIIIIIII‘II. IIIIII Dr. .‘II'IIIIIIS. IIlm I'I'sImIIIII-II. III II I‘I-w I'nvI-IIuIIx III'IIII‘III‘I'S. and II IIIII IIIIIII-s WNII IIIIIII IIIIII IIISIIII|NIIIIIIIIPIII III IIII‘II’ III-IIrIs. II IIIII‘I'II l'nIlflIII IK‘ III. IrIIIIIImI In I'IIIII‘I‘ IIN‘ III'IIII'I‘ III IIIIIIIII or â€w III'IIII'I‘ III IIIIIIII'S. Mr. Allan was in exeellent farm. and prmed himself a past master in the art at tlattery. tn the great de- light «if all the ladies. and nne in partieular. It is dittteult tn under- stand huw nur haehelur l'astnr has been ahle tn aequire sin-h an intimate kttnwleilge nl’ feminine psyellnlngy. hut there was an paint that. he t'ailedl tn make. and when he sat duwn he had earned the suhriquet of ladies" ehampinn. lt was an elmpie Heading. appealing and wheedlini: speeeh. and reeeived the rnnnds nt' applause it so justly merited. llr. Melnnis was in line l'ettle when he stmal up tn speak fur the ladies. in resimnse. lle spnke as t'nl- lnws: Mr. 'l'nastmaster. ladies and gentle- men: l-Iver sinee l was nutitled that the duty nt' respnnding: tn the twist tn the Ladies lmd devnlved upnu me. i I inurnn IIAIIDII u’nlnllbl‘int' \\'l'\'. ‘ '1‘].- Hm t'tl lllt' \Vfll‘ltl. m lived in ar visited (treat ltritam. re- CI'III' . eitizen. (Applause). We all admire the heauty of the Spaniard and the .\qur. We eanunt t'ail tn he impressed hy the little .lap- anese with their almnnd eyes and funny t'nsltttlws. The Swiss and Xur-l wegian girls have eharms peeuliarlv their mm; and the l"retn-h. hy their petiteness and \ivaeit)‘. have eaptur- 'l'lmse nt‘ us whn have I!‘ll"“. IIII‘I I. ~"I'I' memher the lilmim uppnn her maid- ens° eheeks. and wished that they had lieen rnses that we might have phieked them. Her statliness and eharm nt' manner have made her t'am- nus from sea tn sea. (t‘heers). 'l‘he .\meriean girl. tun. tn the snuth nt' us. has peenliar elaims upun nur ad- miring attentinn. llut we t'anadians need an! travel in nrder tn see hean- tit'ul wumeu. and pretty girls. liv- ery eit_v has its handsume wumen. and Mr. 'l'nzwtmustur. hulivs and gvmlv- uu-u: I-Zwr sim-v l was nutiï¬ml that tho Ilnt)‘ ul' rl'spumling tn Um tmls! to â€w [Julius Imd dM'ulH-d mum luv. 1 haw hm-n wandering why. (M'- tuinly it mmmt lu- lu-mmso ul' my oxtmmwiimu'y powers nf spew-II. It is mumll)’ m-rtuin that my gum! Innks m PORCUPINE ADVMCB ol whom nu- fat Invite: a «in-HI in the CH of minty. and II of lhfln an! (lodclally hem-r linking. and imhly mon- aurnrtivo. prison- ally. lo lhe feminine sex. ll!- lhis as il may. however. I am [mind In have been selected as lhpir spike-3mm and I will do my mum hes! I0 jnslify llte solwlivmâ€"mving. lit-farmland. that kind inclnln-m'e whirh I know 1 you will brains in «mums ileum. l “Wmnan†is the males! mml in he l'Inglish humiliate; il stands [at much. It slamls fur infamalinn. lrm- Malian and ruin. fur many a man I.“ lmi luiq sultry-nod and his man- harl- an! and far no this distin- guished honor â€auxin-fl. I sn- at- mum! this “Mr m M all ma. many Nation and min. for many a man has has! his album!!!“ and his man- huml herma- «l' her alluring Inauly. her sparkling rye. her «limplml rhoek and her winninu ways. llul. mulle- hwn. wumnn nlm stands fur all that is puml and liable and "he. and "new chief trails of her rhnmflvr an ch» in more Hum all «that inlluvncm mmhim‘d. lu ('hrislinhim' lhv Wul‘lil. llmiol rlwcrs). I ll" mil lnuah til llw yam“: mam wlwn he honin- l0 “and hofnrv the hmking glass wnh‘hing the daily pron RMS «if the olnwn upon his upper lip. which will «me «My hlmsum furlh in all the WS'ill‘llili'Ill glnry «f a full grim" mmislm'ho. Withuhl llml smile ul‘ P}‘llll'lslll whi-n you lwhulil his run-fully imrlml hair and his pul- ishml llngvr lips. Du mil ridimih- his shining slim-s. ur his vnrivgnlml nvvk- tics. He is in how-“and mmolimly hWPs him! .\ml. llli' liwi‘ iil' ii gmul. iipriglil. i-li'mi-liviiig. high-lhinkiiig girl Will iln llIul‘I' llmll all ullwr things mmhinml ln spur ii yum": iiinii cm in greater ('mli'm'ur nml lul'lior «Hurt-w imhm- in him ilw spirit ul‘ mnuhilicm. lmll'll him in hvmnw mainly. lumur- nhlv “Mum and ii guml uml pulriuliv iviiizvn. l.\ppllll|8l‘l. mfvry {'illugv fits pin-Hy muiclvns. All tho :3an qualitic-s M a" tlw ntlwrs urt- tn lw l'uuml in Hu- su-vullml Unuâ€" This toast. 1 Iake it. mum. includes mIr mothcnutktd bias them! May thI-I- long live to euro Q‘iSI' their ItiIino influence (“‘9' 0m lives“! And IIIIr sistersâ€"the suns beams «If m on humpâ€"what mIIld we do without them? Amt nut daughter: sweet imam 01' «Int IriIes. stars In our life. and tlw brightest jewels in the domestir Ilindc-m. â€Our Sunt- hearts-mm tlIeI soon homun- our win-s; ttIIr wivea-mn§ tIII-I alum-s be our sweethearts." m w ' ï¬lter «If the Snows. tubal .9 sho IIIII he in Hw- fIIr of the homer. and radiant in the named don of the Maple Inf (Inn: nmIiIIm-d ups plum). o The ions! inrlmln llmsr. who. by stress at“ rirmmstanrm. «to mmpol‘ 'Nl m Inlmr fur â€wit daily bread. I! invludos nut Plurvnro Nightinnlrs. our Edith “We"! (luml rhcors). and hundreds of Miners Mm have given up mmfuflnhlo Immos and brilliant snrial pnmmrh. Hm! Hwy might min. is!" h! the sufl'oring nml «listmwd. H inrlmlrs "mac. who». in mtr ufltrm. \t'nrehmtm. fartntios and stuns. nrv daily proving their mental t‘nol‘qttfl" ity with man. It itwhules «mr writvrs and all those wlm by their written banks are giving: us at hettvr mumm- tinn nt‘ “\‘ilttt. and hoim: and doing. It inolmh‘s the tvm'hvrs nt‘ uur young â€"-â€"mny they reap n rewnrol eniiimen. «irate with their respumihility in that sin-rec! task at mmihling the mimls whieh will mine clny henee «lir- eet the destiny at this great land nl' 'mrs. lt inehules mir since“. mus- ieintts nttil chitin-rs. fltnl till lhnse \vlm mum the puhlie plzitt‘urm ur stmze ttt‘t' tlnim: ttmeh tn relieve life's ilttll mim- ntmiy. (t'heera). Whether in the drawing: t‘uuttt. :mr- ruttttileil h)‘ her ermlite friends. nr in the kitehen preparing tltllltllt‘S t'nr mu' ileleetittiutm; whether engaged in the Wurks nt' elmrity. ur ironing at the laundry. it inehules all \mmen whu are uuml nml nuhle «ml true. and. gentletiien. mi their helmlt'. I thank yuti. t'rum the huttum ut' my heart. t'ur ymir genermu sentiments. ((lreut hm-rspvrsml mmmg Hu- tnusts. n upphmm-L mush-"l prugrum "1' high "writ was giwn. mnl as highly nmm-vhuml hy thv c-mnpzmy prwvm. 3113.]. K. Mcmn- was in vxwlh-nt \‘uim- as In- smlg “'l'hv Star “1' hnhhh- “urns.†all juining in the vhurus. Mrs. .1115. Todd has n sut't “mu-ailing \‘uim' that stirs tlw vumthms m tlwir wry «h-pths. mu! slw svurml u distim-t sur- mms- mnl :1 \WII mm'ilvd vnmm'. Mr. 'l’mlcl has u an†umwuliug \‘uiw that stirs tlw vmutinns In tlwir wry dvpths. and she .wurml n distinct suc- m-ss. mul 3 \WII mvrilml vm-urv. Mr. J. .-\. Built-y sung “'I'lu- .\u|(l llcmsv†nmst pIc-zlsingly and Mr. .lns. Smith mmtrilmtml u c-uuplc- ul' c-xvvllvnt numlwrs tn tlu- c-xm-rmimuwm. Miss .lmm linlwrls WHIL'III llu- :tppluusv ut' Musical Program. the listeners wilh he? at"! and sym- plihflir voice. and Mn. l'liihful dam-"fled her skill on the ratio in hm dim" amt-hon Mt. cum-s Ralph gave hm "rt-"(ml readings in ï¬ne «Inlamtoty style. Mr. lhmler and Mr. Martin wrro n gum! team in handling â€to hmst h) llw Navy and Army ul‘ the Empire. at tlw Mums Banquet. Hath sulntio mm! for «others. witlmm "Miro. nml bu"! pmved equal to n critiml cmcro army. We have yvt tn flml some ltlt‘lfl‘ in I'llllllt‘ lil'e Wlllt‘ll Mr. Allan cannut till with manly griwv. He served the â€Haggis" in n way that almwml mn‘ t'nl training in clummtic arts. and. tiikim: this M‘l‘\‘lt‘t‘ in ('"lljllflfllflll with his vhnriiiingly olmim-nt speech tn the lmlivs. it is ditlivult to (‘\'Mlt‘ the mmvlusinn tlmt llt' is timrkml fur the almighti-r nt an vm‘l)‘ ditto. Mr. Whyh-‘x â€â€™00“! cm “'l‘lw Poet- ry M' Burns†mm a fem“ in itself. Wurtlly nt' Hm mwmsicm. and HH' NM’. M r. Putt-mm. who prulmsml the toast H" n mmuont's mum. vxhihitml that skill whic-II pruws M has nut missml his calling. llr. )lI-IIIIIis. like llH‘ alIIIIIIl pl“- aIIiIIII lII- III. IIIlIIIiIIisII-Iml II lullll IIl lII~IIlIIII~IIl llIIIl i~I (lt'lll‘ to â€w l('llllll- llll‘ llt'llll. in ms H'SIKIIIM' IIIr IlII- llltlll'h’. NIII' (‘Ulllll Mrs. MI-IIIIIls III!- â€1' him. although IslII- IliIl llI’l' III-st. llv is IIII lll‘llï¬l lll lillN‘lIlL' sugar mats Ull IIIIpIIlIIIIIlIlo pills. ('ulnnol Huy's address by H-lvgmph was um» 01' tlu- t'vutun-s u!’ tlw «wu- iug. and grvully upprm-inlml by all. Miss lhwkvr mmh- â€:0 M! M' Hu- vw-ning in lwr ('nstmm- mug with a dame â€mum in. SI!» «hum-d lu-r may intu tlu- hearts 01' uwry guns! pix-smut. AT THE BURNS DINNER 88" EN