Th! mind Rim of the Timlnlr Anna-u! "mil-y Layne was 70:13th amt Int Than-day night Iu-h’nn the "'9"in and Timmim teams.“ the {‘oliwnm in 'I'immins. The «mini «Inc-loved into n rm] live. (an! and fut-inns mum. Th1- puek being mslwd c-nniiniiumly up and dawn the in. The Timmina boys Faminfly Ia-unnrvl. Spraw- ond Ellin. minim: In individual rushes I'Il'l’j- ilfl “It park dlnrhmsly rinse in 150i? umumoni's pull. but failed in heat the Hnllinm‘r defence. whilv cm the other hand the â€ailing" hays w- lied an "In mun mmbinaiion which proved must oflrctive-tiiis nhuuld he I gun] lessun in NW Iowa's who» seem- ml in diam-gun! slim-st rniircly any attempt at mmhinniiim thmuglmni thv game. Fr" penaltirs wen. hanclwl nut, Ilthnugh more was vunsiclerahlv trip- ping: whivh shcmlcl haw roveivm! mun.- utern anemia" {mm the um. cinls. Tho- gsmc Marten] “ill! Hu- 3'01an- mg line-up: nomnur ‘l‘lmniu Kim: . ....... . ï¬nal ......... 140"" luuxln'au . . . . l’nint . . . . . Irmmrd This nomination blank. when properly ï¬lled date to Five Thousand Votes. Only one Nomi each Candidate. Name of Nominator ............ I hereby Nominate .. Address .............. as a Candidate in year CONTEST MANAGER. PORCUPINB ADVANCE Timmins. Ontario. Nomination Blank Who Will Get Kitchener? Well Here’s Your Chance Boys and Girls You Hand your nomination blanks to your merchants or to The Advance. Ask for folder. Contest Starts December 0th. and Ends March 6th, 1916. You haw nothing to sell. Simply save the receipts and your {x'ivnds will help you. And the pony won't cost you any menu This Is a Picture 0! Kltchenor’s Full" Would Like to Own a Shetland Pony Wouldn’t You? LAUB STOCKWBLL. Confectionery EMPIRE THEATRE. The Thence that Shows Something Difl‘ercnt J. K. MOORE, Baker THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE J. P. MCLAUGHLIN MARBHALL-ECCLESTONE LTD. Hardware and Furniture CHAS. A. SEE. Drugglst SCHUMACHER JAMES B. TODD. Drnggist S. PORCUPINE Remember, Boys and Girls BEN CBOSKBRY. Gents Furnish- ings, Boots and Shoes, Cleaning and Pressing. popular Pony Contest. TIMMINS General Merchant :rly ï¬lled out, entitles the Candi- one Nomination Blank allowed for Telephone No.. . . . | 5,000 Votes eye and was n- lnml by Timmins. anal (‘nuley ca! â€you shut“)- lfler which ('auley was chased 06 fat thm minutes and «plated by B». so“. Timmins tin! the mn- nim- minntm after thp flailing" had “la lied their ï¬rst. Hum "pile-ed Smilie on "0"th and Smith replaced lam-rd «n the Timmins team. and just born" the Plus? Hf "If "(’8' period "oiling" :- smin serum! the lead. makipg}! 2.1: Right .3 the beginning uf the 2nd pt'fiud Malling" determined tn pill Hw gum- 1m ire. when Jules Tim- mins luau-«l â€w am in less than half a minutr. Then Hu- town ag- grrgatinn rrpiaml Ellis at mw-r by Smath. Ellis guing to right and ('anl- ey in Hu- bom‘h. Hullimn'r replnnwl 3101'qu It left by Zach-nu and the "N‘Wntka “INC“. . l-‘ur uwrul minutes the hum loam ruslu-cl the purl: alum! llullingwr RUG. mm! but fur punt marksmanship lhmdd have put a cliflrronl vmnplex- inn nu things. Finally after 17 min- ulna nl' play Syn-um eluded the da- l‘em-e and bulged the nets fur an- ullu-r gun]. Hansel was replaced by Lulnmle- and Smilio replaced Zadeau and Hum replaced Irving. Then- was uu furllwr «rating: in ll"- mmnd ht'rlml Wlllt'h rlufl'd 3-3 in llollingor favur. At the start ut' the third [wriml tafuniero- much- his tint awn-Ironm- nf the vwning playing at ventre, Lawn guilt}: tn h't't. Whit? thv tuwn phtyml Itussc-tt at Math. and Spence It t'uVFt‘. lmt‘nnirrc- lmlgml mmHu-r mmnter' fur Hullinm-r in um- minute. after whic-h play nun-mm! tn M wry vvvn.’ breaking: up rush an" nml: by [.1- funivn- and lpwu with his rh-ver wurk. Hansen was put an the fem-v fur 1% minutos fur luuflng and wds rvplm-ul by Mrï¬nirl'. Lennard was n'plnm-J by Smith ,iual lwl'uru time was up. tlw pnvk slipped th‘rnngh u hulv in â€w m! and â€w HIM um- pirc- put his lmml up. The reform- nut brim: sure. alluwul H. and «allml fur fum- nfl' at «Mr» ivv. 'l'lw mum- vmling with llnllingvr winners. 'l‘lu- mammonwnt almulcl uni “meet that it is nlmulutvly nvvvssnry tn sv- mme rvliulilv guul mnpirvs as wvll us n‘t'vrm-s. and nut ammiiit individuals wlm will «levlurv 1! until wlu-tlwr it 3.3mm tliruugli ii lmli- in the hawk "f the not nr t'mm tho. t'runt. ()t' murm- we will admit that this wmtlcl nut uvvur it' m'ts were prulwrly impartial and rvpairml. 'l'lu- Hulliager - 'l‘immins game slmalcl he a grgeat buns! for Ian-key in the vamp. nut ualy was the game fast and full ut' vm-itcment but was quite free frum ruagh play, and gum] slmrtsmaalikc- feeling prevailed ~a- mung the players thruughnat the va- tire gnaw. 'l‘he hm-key fans had the hest feast. «if the seasnn served up at the (‘ulisâ€" cam on Munday night when 'l‘immins and lhnue elashed for the tirst time this seasun. It was nut «if the dain- tiest in reality. but it had all the frills and thrills in real northern style. Both teams eheeked hard and play- ed aggressively. 'l‘he Duane had a slight advantage in a\'uidu|mis hut were unable to break up the splendid emnhinatiun the locals have develup- ed since their l‘lullmger game. Ilmskvv hum will miss Bill \V vliv wry llllll‘ll «luring: tlw remained at the season. Bill was flat only mu: ut' the host but «me of tlw fairest players in flu: rump. It \vnuld he very ditlicult tn pick «mt the stars on either team. as every man on the ice shuwed to advantage at ditl'erent intervals during the game. l’rulialily Spence. at. cover- puint t'ur 'l'immins was the nnly nut- standing light and was undoubtedly the heat man an the ice. â€is hard, hat nevertheless clean, checking. sav- ed the situatiun many times, his abil- ity tn get away quickly and his cun- stant rushes kept the uppunents cun- tinually un their ines. This was the Dame 5 home game. Line-up for the lirst period: Timmins Id’tt Ellis Sponvv Brennan (‘2! ulv)’ LnLnnclt‘ Brmmxm drow ï¬rst hluud fur Tim- mins at'tvr Iiw minutvs nf that play. â€no half minute later lhwkvr miss‘ed :1 Hire rlmuve tn tie it up, but after :1 minutes play ’prnwn. whu seemed In be best x'nr tho lhmw during the ï¬rst period. m’rnod the Irirk. 'l‘im- mins 1, “HUN“ 1. Hun-Mt rvplum-d ('unlvy but did Hut vlmuso a time wlwn play was stnppml In makv lhv chungv and had to take tlw bench 'again. After 15 minutes play. 'I‘immins tuuk the load and hm minutes later Brennan nmking the most sensational play ut' the ï¬rst lwt‘iud. (-lnding both dvfuwc- men by olvvor stivk handlingr added mmtlu-r In his 1mm '5 head. Smrc at mu! ut’ ï¬rst puriud 25-1 in NOTES OF THE GAME [MIME V5. TIIMINS ('. l’uin! . Centre H. Wing L. Win: (itrzll l’()illt TH E PORCUPINE ADVANCE (‘attley Sullivan Keelvy Hm“ I) . ])U(‘ leI‘ .\14 Donald Dome Timmins favor. Nu guano... Inn at centre: “use". right wimt. lhmo.-flriden. R. Wing: Everard 1.. Wing. Alumugh Bridm was in punt mo- di'inn he prm'ed his «Id ahiIin to shun! hy shunning «mo in fmm rigM wing during my minute "1‘ play. Drum and lit-mm": eat-h min-d thm minutes for mixing up. Bmwn was "placed hy Mélhnalcl and “ren- ‘1! by .‘Iv-Huirv. [Albumin added an- "the? for Timmim in less than three minutes. "rich-n llwn was replaced by Dur- ker and "hunt â€plowed Evrmrd wlm was playing at ventm Lama“! n. Marcel Ellis at paint. Ellis n‘mvimt up to right wing. Hume-u In lo" and lmhmdo tn the benrh. Tm: minutes later Mrflnim heat (‘ntfley fur aunthor: Krolvy was hurt lmt n-summl flu» game. 31:"in and Koch-)- wvrr playing a wry «It-rm:- mns came «luring this [u-riml and sev- eral times carried the puck coluse (u 'l'immim goal. but muld nut mt flmmgh Nu- clefmwv. Kin-Ivy did rm! play hing bl'fun' hI' lmgan tn Shaw sigm- uf mmkmx-m and was rvpluvwl by Stï¬c'klnml. Just at 12! minutes play Mvflnire umrni again «If 3 Hire puss i'mm Ellis and mum right Inn-k mui scum-d from the fave ufl' by n um-Mm-ulnr individual rush. Mvfluire pluyml a wnnclvrl‘nl gmm- ulumnwng mnmnlerulplv "apron-mm! in shunting «we-r lmdA gum». Sec-um! [K'l‘iml Huh-d m'nre 7-2 m tnmr uf â€limmimo. 'l‘innnins had Brennan Inn-k M m-n- tfl' and Hannah- M L. Wing. hum» Inn] Ken-Ivy lmvk mt clc-l'vm-v. Right M the. ln-ginning Slk‘fll't‘ made :9 nice rush hrc-aking tlnrungh the Ilt‘fi'flfl' lmt ('unlvy Ham-d; n minutv Inn-r he rum-Mm! um] ngnin ('nttlvy n-slmnclml. 'l‘ln-n tln- hmnv. vswvinlly Sullivan nnd Km'lvy. wo-nl right nl'tvr tlwir ummnunts nml lnul n slight mlvnntnm- in pln)’ win-n tinnl- 1y lhwkc-r lm'ntml the nuts after ten minutes plny. Dm-ker was playing a strum: gamw at this stage giving Imlmmh- u rough passage. ulthmngh "Nc-wsy†tank it and mum right luu-k fur mnrv. The “Grand UM Mun" lngIII tn IIIIIkI- things liwh and haul the puvk in his pussvssiuu must ut the “Inn tur smm- minutes. but Inilm! In got it In the desired place. Ellis scurml t'rmu tlw (-urm-r. Ilw puck glunving utl' MW of the players. Basset! rvplnvml lmlmmlr nml lw lmmlml nut smm- lmnl humps whirl: \muml up in u pugilistiv mmlvsl just ul'lvr llw lwll rung l'ur llu' cull ul' tlw game. Final Scoreâ€"Timmina 8. Dome 3. llvt’crm-.-â€"- Frank lml’unierv. Little Frank McGuire was the hem nt MunduvRs ' game. Me “as nlwnvs un thv inol); svnrml thrm' mulls. one 1mm tum-MY, and assistml in utlmrs. Nu phlyer was nmre respunsihle t'ur 'l‘immixfs’ \ietury than Spenee. Time after time Dame rashes hmked like the real thing, hut Speaee was en the jeh. lie worked like a trujaa aml'was easily the most useful man tn his team on the iee. Mumlay's game was the fastest see!) in TWIaInins tlas puntn. TWIe eheehï¬lu: \vas lulrd Innt at tlnflittniy hm players were henehed. The game was luuufled luï¬ter than the lluHin- ger-Tï¬lnlains («tutest of last \Veek, and little forward passing nl‘ nther breaches ut' the rules “gut hy" the referee. Timmins.-.\ldhnin- wplgml ï¬rm. Dome gut «me gun! in mwh svssiun. 'l'immins soured three in the ï¬rst. four in the socuml and mm in tho last periods. In the ï¬rst periml Timmins haul 21) shots on goal against Donne's T. in the second 15 tn 9, but Dumv had 17 chances tn Timmins' 11 in the lust. BOBOBS FROM THE GALLERY. 'I‘inmiins won the game by unsol- ï¬sh playing. The forwards pussml whenever it was best and thaw was a man vauiping un the nets at out-h rush. llullinger will rcvvivv a big: surprise whvn they must mvvt the town tmuu. (m Mumlziy's shuwing 'l'iimuins is :1 snappy ililT-lliil)'ill_‘.’ ug- grogatiunmml will be hard in heat. Hullingvl' 'l'uuunns Dunno . NERVOUS DEBILITY Watch for the Special Vote Cou- pons for the Pony Contest in each week’s 'ssuc of “The Advance.†Diseases of the leNI, Skin. 'l'hruat and Mnuth. Kidney a“ d Bladder afl'evtinns. Diseases f' the Nerves and all dvhilitatml mm- ditinus ul’ tlw system. a spwiult)‘. (.‘nll nr writ-c. ('nnsullutiun Frcv. Mudirim- .9an to any :ulch'vss. DR. JOHN RBBVB Phone North 6132 18 Carlton St. Toronto. LEAGUE STANDING Third Period. W. H 'l'.l’. § JAMES K MOORE i (‘nNCC’f‘TI “NCO flpp. Empire Theatre SPECIAL TEMIBKAMINGEI NflflIHEfll fllTAfllfl BMW , BAKER and CONFECTIONER (Successor to John \Vutt) . Brazeau, Tlmmlns Now Train "Nutimml" min-ruling: luetwovn 'l‘umnt.n"xuu1 \Vinuipcg. \‘iu ('nchrauw, lt'iH'illf.’ 'l'ummn curl: 'l‘mmiay. Thurs- day and Saturday heaving: \\'iz;ni;w;_r mwh Sunday, Tuesday and 'l'lmrmln)’. 'Ihrnugh 1min." :13:in (cxu-p: Sumluvs) In ‘\\:3': u 'l'umutn and ( nelnmw, m: skim: runner t mus at l’urqunis' Jr: t'ur' Porcu- pim- “run: 1: points, and up: mtingr Hn'mwh Slurp: l4, lnruntn, l .‘nglvhult mul ( mhmm'. ('afo I’zn'lur ('ur svrvivv but ween «1::in (um-opt Sunday). ('unnm-tinns at I'Im'ltnn JM. fur duilv, («-3-pr Sumluvs). lmih. (4 xw p1 Sumhn) at n ic e â€"; ('mzhrzuue, â€penning thruugh altupil :md Mnnhml ( . 1’. Luca! Service betwwn I'lnglvlmrl Sunday). all and Give us a Tritl. J'mu. Shut Iron Worhu. Comm all Sky-uni Ia... Snot. Ouch lulu u Otdur. AGINT 1‘08 830M 301‘ an WRIACBB. BBTMEB SUPPLIED rm. Newton’s Dining Hall TIMMINS L. S. NB‘VTON. Try] Our Famed cures, Pics and Pastries Scotch Shortbread Always in Stock. I’m} full partit-ulzu's. 5H: vurrrnt timo-luhh- on N. U. Agent. TRAIN SERVICE-BFPECTIVE NOV. 28th, 1915. Brazeau PLUMBER P.O. 0pm From 5.45 to 8 pm. Board by Day, Week or Month Anyone purchasing 5! worth of Bread Tickets receive: 500 Votes in the Pony Contest. H BREAD TICKETS for 31.00 J’AHH. G. l".u\' l’. .\., ch'th i?- Inglvhm't and Calm“. ohm IIIMINS r'x'im-s lwtwm-n Xny‘tn sluuplng var hotxwvn Photo 61. Elk Lukv hum: Nurth 5315' and l I’ROPRIBTOI Phone In. 29 Cnulvhart, Hay and I'mehrmw Hut. H‘X(‘(‘ pnintï¬, .0 any