THE OPRCUPINE ADVANCE A! .:_,._:7...,; 11:; g: ,_u.:__:_;.._: r? :.,.;..,....._. 2:: .:. :3. .7... 0 000.0000 0 0000 O. 0600 00 00 O 0 too on. co. 90. co. 9.. to. co. 0.. J. o. 9.. 00. A. ‘9. ‘00 00’ tn. .0. oo. .c. .0. on. on. on. on. .u. on. 9.! on. 90’ cu. 0H. 9.. 90. on. 00. .0. no. .9. «no .0. .0. on. 1‘ no. to} to. '0’... 0". '9 av. Hm tho Stu-v05 llml hut :m'vh “MN; m .dnlw sllmzml "r051!!! s. lemyr hunk dl «whim-h G O Q 00.09 0.! ‘0 ".. '.9' vovvooooovo 00000000 ‘0....oc.oo.o 0.09:0... . 0.0 9.09.0500. . 9.. a. 0.. ~00. .00.. 9.00.0...o.oo.oc.oo.oo.oo.0o o u... 5.00.. 0:00... [Il'muiM-«l In lu' p pmu' all llw H'ilir withstanding. tlu :41le in spun-la. (lilllt‘t'. . It is. pmlmhlv will lu- Ul'g‘llllilt'tl ,' Nearly hm humh'ml guests were as- smuhlml m llu- Mumniv 'l'vmplv lust night. in llullul' u!’ Rnlwrt Burns. t'hv gn-m Smntish I'm-l. 'l'hv t‘valst was a great sum-ms Frum (-vm‘y [mint “1' flow. and. in tho nvxt wvok's issue- :1 full ropurt will lw given. .\. numlwr ul.' gvntlt-nu'n \\‘|m haul m'muisml In M mum-m t'nilml In :w- uunus autumn succtssmuv Hill] nu wtsmw mum "ll Imisl lit- lmriw in minol llml l’urmumw was unly ilism-wri-il wini- "Va «1‘ six )l‘flr‘ mt". mnl ll Niki-- lilm‘. ainl a c-nnsnlm'alili- aniunnl ul’ limm lu lurn n premix-vi min a iiiiiiv" says ll. l'i. KPIIH‘I‘PI‘. in his wi-i-kl)‘ mining: "wit-u. just pillilislwil. â€lml. Ilm’vrllwlo'ss. l’uri'upim' lma nlrl‘mli' prmlm'ml .mmi' SlHJ'ilNlJlml in gulcl. nml it is no.“ iwlinniiml llml llu- vnr- rrnl your llllli will ~|mw an unlpni at aplmmiman-ly .~ï¬1ii.imn,mm, â€A: trillvii lliis ma} Iml appear a inc-at ilval. lml i-nnsiili'i'i'il as a ninth-r nf CerO'lli'lllN‘lil. anal taking Inlu \ii-w ilw I’m-l that this is pmgri-asiunal ilM’vlnpnn-nl. lln- slanting is. in itself. remarkable. What lllI' l'ulari- will bring in â€in way "1' prmlin-iinn i'rmn tln' “Pill is a llllllli‘l‘ nl’ lln- inc-rim! I‘Olljei'liu‘v. \Vi' liliuw liuw than :i numln-r (ll. iln~ 'DWH'PH ur «'liil-ln‘in‘i'll prnm-riii-a urn living ra-u'a-ni-il al‘ii-r having lain iniiv-«wni fur a lung tinn- â€lull-“’Hllu'l' in far! Iln- than «if llw great "11- in "Hi and that llam- prom-flint will lN'I'UIIN‘ lii'mliivlivv in tho iinnn-iliau- l'nlarv may nnw la- ialu-n an an ai-i-i-pii-il l'ai-l. "'lluw many lllHl'l' prupvriii-s Will he nix-nail williin lln- lwvlwnninlli. and will sllllM‘qm'llll)’ pmvv prmlny- liw. is again a inallvi' ul' ulna-rm! vnnjei'lnrv. 'l'ln-sn- npvralin: lll'fl'll‘l'- iii-a will iin-ri'am- li'vnwnilnusly i-an- tint. ‘l'ui' a niunn-nl In. ilnnlili-il. As has been poiniml uni Iii-fora. wv nnw «niil'miif a ailnalinn in ilw prim-inns im'lal inarki-l Slli'll as has ni-wr lawn rewarded in lllh‘lul')’. 'l'lw «Ivannnl i'nr gold and silver is now such that the iirmlucem must, ilirnngli tlic wry liinilalinns «if their industry, fail in «me will! it. 'l'liis impossibility ul' lam-ting lln- ili-inanil. will, ul' vani'sv, lawn in: i-ll'm'i an the prim. nl' gnlilï¬ inasnnn'li as gulil is iii'ai-iii-ally ilwf nniw-i'sal‘ i-nunnvri-ial slainlai'il. lllll (and this I wish in particularlv i-ni- plinsizc) lliis i-mnliliun ul' affairs will I’llflfllli'llfâ€™ï¬ ï¬‚ï¬‚llflf ,A rmmm Wfllflffl ‘ " Mflflf BAPIIAl NEEDED .\h‘~ Vol 2. No 12 Notes, Comments and Opinions _‘ Of Interest To Mining World lhc DOZEN OR MORE LIKELY PROPERTIES AWAITING THE SUPPORT OF CAPITALISTS POE DEVELOPMENT WORKâ€"Aâ€" GREAT STRIDES IN 1916. :muer rival h U'H m h) â€Inâ€! I! (U “It l't rmuun Mr IH [m H that z in UN ll (‘H‘lllll ll)\\' Ill ll] muuwul. but u preside!!! HI Mim‘s‘. was times. was 3!; nu Imsim 'upvrly. and |( r llnilovluw}; H RH [in H H I»)! 'illl'lls uup l'i Mm'ulny rlmlw I'm '(‘pl'tnfl‘lll- “I" “INN \\' I IS l't'l 11H H H Incl Hm! ml smm' it .13ka mum nl' \\' t lub (‘ll In m ll (H nn transmit: with P. H llw whnlv. 1m: This im-rmmm ()ITsct any lil‘ per tun. 'l‘lu- annual lam-tin}: at tho l’nwu- piav-(‘rnwn was held yvsu-nlay at Mnall'val. Hvtails ut' the meeting: Will ant be available lwt'm‘v Satur- day avxt. hat is umlvrstmnl that 21 um satist'm-tury report was [In-scat- ed. It is l’arnwl that a lal'gv luuly nt' urn was hlm'kml nut during the part )var. amt «lmrlulmu-al \mhk. nu Annual Meeting' of Porcupine Crown 'l'la- Maidens-MM)uaahl prulwrtivs in lh-lnra 'l'uwashilb aw again lwinr." pal m shalu- fur vxauaiaatiun. The shaft is: Ewing- clmvalvrml this wwk. and within a l'vw «lays a \wll-kauwa vag‘imwr. l‘vpl't'svutillu \‘01'\' «mag Iiaamial iau l'vsls “ill .miu- in «31.11â€. to make pwlimiaan vxamiuatiua u! iiN'St' pmpm'tivs. (lililuh is situutul : smith-“0s! ut' llw [J has always lwvn rm. by lm-al mining mvn Another Deal For Delora Township making: industry hm â€Wt tlu- luv-d mlvmmluv. is IIUW â€Iv “31:30.3! | "Inst lu‘ufllllhlv guhl wvswrn lu-misplwrv. «mum! is Mum! #1751 grand tutu! $2.:NNDJI is prm-Hvully all dm Hull 08' I‘ynllich' "1' | vxtrm-Hun ul' unlul. vxh’m-Iiull ul' gum. “.iHlmlI vynllich' \mrk muhl flu! hf I'lIl'l‘iml Ml. fur Nu- yivlcl l'mm vyuniclmiun in tlu- lhnml i9. n'mul scammunmm per your. while IIIIIIIsH-rml “'3'" “‘0' ‘ Hullinuvm pnulm-tiun Hr RUM Win “1‘ n! nl‘ MINIMUM!" ur lllfll‘t‘ [wt 31‘ "N pruflls nl' In‘l'r $§JNNUNII nm- musiclv-w Hu- um un- '- prmhwtinn. Tim “and ' “1th nl||_\’ KBIMNM. lmt it |_\' Ilwrrnm-cl. until mm mhk the Hullihgwr-Armo "H.000 Ions ul' "'1' I The munch}- ut' the Pronsml and within \‘lul Hflllllï¬ffl l5 BIBBESI Pflflflllï¬ffl II "it Wiï¬ï¬‚fll HEMISPHERE MI UH N \ll n-upmo ulll)‘ 8| II illstulli ll Elli†I (981†much l\'. “I and has Mum! n N H! H V N a IN ii (' Ive-Mm rum Ian-Hy m H‘PH ‘HIHI 11111) In! | h' H ll Iain â€mt M‘('l “m up": an"! fl‘his gmup "1' album 13.; miles Dump Milws. mu! szu'clml "ZIVHI'EIIDIX 1 «mt Inlmu u «[m' new turbine is: it was név‘ossary runditinn “to per- {va new turbine. I «handed 5 Lac WI†[)1 ('l’PllSP HI Falls I’Olmll 0 In HIP IIIIIIIINI- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII In the “iHIuIII I-\ «hid? ll lllll Mm" is in rmsll M'r) fuur “wks. mill is being me 13 mnnlhs Nu ill '10 at â€up rate ’01?!) 0 W mm Hurry tn men-t nmr um ‘H l 5}) “‘08 n \‘I Wm†'(‘l ll TIMMINS, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 26th. 1916. \W'N' :1 \‘ ï¬ll! HM "V0 H8 [‘1 SlH‘C‘t 1.: "W M In rmsll 111nm». r. WI“ nu pl'th 'lun‘n Hm lug m‘ it tho r- rntP . with “'lwn M’nil .\ numlwr 0 NH! l'l‘lmrlwl I] «lay. SH [lull am in hum! mumâ€! z'qmrl. KPH! and Inn â€mum. «In. :35 â€w â€I†{mt draws mu- .:. 0'0 Halluwinj." is m'm-nlt-m-v: 0:0 0:. 0:. â€"â€"-â€"â€"°.â€"Iâ€"-â€"I_ vault min- Kt It 10$ IH‘ Ul Aiuru UH'IM .\ min Ire-1w Huger Hul‘hl II pm M MUJI'N] Hvtm lles . . l‘lmums Lmu'enm lidlu Suns . plum- replanting Mary I In tit'tln plan-v. Ailovn ' l'rmu clvvcnth In sixth I“ 1:: HR Mary I .\ ih'un 4!;11‘110)‘ lvwls. Un tln- ~ltli lvwl in win 15 t'mot. “'ltlt' tissuying $81!" per tun. lins hot-n rut lu tlw mn'tli ul' .\'0. 5 vein. and is vitlwr at new win ur nn vxtvnsinn wt Sn. 5. un Wlllt'll n lnrgt- liiuly at cm lnul nlrmul)‘ Iwrn ulwnml up. ull this lowl. ()n tln- 5th lt'Vl'l Nu. 5 win in tlw \\‘¢x~t drift is at pi'vsvnt. '.5 fun! “'ltlt‘, with an nwrngt- \‘ultu- nt' uwr 510M†pm' tutt. 'l'lu- t'ulllittlmliutt ul' lllis‘ \‘let In â€In Dust ul° tln- (-l'uss-vnt Inns lwvn pit-lcml up wlwt'v at t'nult was onmnntvrml, «lisplnving tlw ul'v nlmnt ti l'm't. Htt llw lilll lvvvl at mums-cut is living run lu tlu- ltut'lll ln intorsvvt a win rm-vntly Hit by cllzltuulttl drill- in: than tlw stntiun utt tlint. lvwl. .\'u th'vlnpnwnt \wrk lnts yet lwvn alttmnlitml Hll tlw 7th lt-vvl u\\°lll;.:‘ tn tlw prusont inaulcqnntv lmisting t'nv- ilitivs. Wlllt'll will. limwwr. slmrtly In- imprmml. lly tllillltulltl drilling t'runi petllnrs m the I’m teriully (-hzmgml I Bit-Huug‘ull and Huh! ï¬rst and Sr Xic-ulsun. huwm'vl FflNV RACE FBUEEEDS M RAPID BATE SWERM SHANBES (McIntyre-Porcupine Progress For Quarter Ending Dec. .\I (In. NH. I slulf‘l nu llw s'uulll sidt' ul' llw lukv. llwrc- lmw lwvu nu rc-vvnl ale-vvlnlmn-nls ul' impurtmm- in â€w \vm‘kings. whit-II mmtimu- In gi\'v a) sh-mly pmduvtinn ut' milling urv. Three Month’s Production. During llu- HIN'I'JIIUIIUIS mulvl; rv- \‘io-\\ tlu- mill H‘Nlh't' min“. {NIH H" "W. "I an mnmgv \‘nluv M' $7.39 lbs-r hm. 'l'ln- L'l‘wu â€mm on" this millngv Wm SI!!.‘£.‘.’HI. mu! llu- n-vuwr)‘ 4.55 [N'l‘ PM" Ir“ ul' $151333. Tho- up. e-ruliu: rust. lunch-r unï¬nished vululi- (nuns an In plant it slumld lu- romvm- lu-rml. was $4.16 m-r tun. mnmmting in “08.748. lmu‘iug am ulwrming pm- m «of $75,435. ur alt NW raw "1' M‘vr $£NNIJNN| pvr unumn. Development. .\l Hm .\'H. I shun nu Ilw Mouth sidv ul' tlu' lukv. llwn- hm'v Iu'vu IIU ed in M. May. I'rr l’urmmino. 0 pork»! vmlin slumlcl prmr «mum: in t Ul'llli :lt‘ bbit’ PRESIDENT HAY MAKES SATISFACTORY STATEMENT -â€" MILL RECOVERS 95.†PER CENT OP 26.160 TONS~VALUE $7.39 PER TON. SHOWING 8193.281 GROSS-~0PERATING COST IS â€.16 PER TON. AND NET PROFIT 875.485 -- SOME VERY EXTENSIVE ORE BODIES HAVE BEEN LOCATED. â€'1 8 IN Im II V. 3‘ IN "V 'v' “Uhgl'IS ." E'I‘cqrzu'd . . . ('m‘lrfemam-hc pusitinns nt' scinwyi' Hu- 5 in tlw l’nn_\' ('ulllvst :n' vhzlngml this work. M: gull am! Nurmun Weld ll('( W5 lH‘fll‘Ul Hiker Upmcrs H H Mr“ a IT mpm m-lv .hh h-wl n will 1.3 {Not widv $5.00 .u-r lull. has lwvn rut ml: ul' .\'n. 5 Hell). and Is Sun'm urring‘t un mrt juï¬t i I'rnidvm .. mwrim: dim: New m Him \\'rl"b M599)“ H'SUH HT H ll 'Ol' \‘l‘l'y s4 shah-hum: all wlm m mnom nl' mm apl'mlml In!“ I \' Hallwr wlm 2 11 'l‘hmupsuu l'i (ll! pusiticm. IHN’T H" Nu 'lilt'l ll mu! m M'- pnssml HM ‘13! I!" "I" il'rick‘lfl In Ilu HIM HI. H mtil m H â€Him Ma" H :ll'(‘ M I“ SH In art" I" 1N0†mv 1m In I\' Illil till to‘l )l'cl HM ll " f HOLLZNGER DIRECTORS ‘ ! z.| MEET IN TIMMINS Mill Construction. 'l'lw «'xlvnsiun lu ilw mill lmilcling Inns ln-vn rulnpli'li-cl. lint sm'iuns clu- lnys lniw- lu-vn nwl will: in â€in ship- ment â€1' nnml nl‘ lln- nnilvi'inl. ('ynn- itlv Iainln' nrv mm in plan-v. nncl must of lln- nwvlmnisni nlnl pipingr lins lmn insinllml. 'l'lw lnlu- mill is mm in irnn.~it and shipment ul' ilw llnll llllill has lim-n pmmiM-«l within :1 few ï¬lms llmlli liming sinw :ll'l‘l\‘wll. lt liï¬â€˜anm-lt'ol than iln- new unit will he rmnl)‘ in upcrnlo nlan the inicltllv ul' l°'¢oln'nnr.\'. \vlnwn tln‘ lulnl valui- }'ll}' â€1' tin. mill will In. 450 Inns pvi' «lny. 'l'lw invi'vnsml milling impurity and llw liiglwr \‘iilinw lu lw (‘\|N'('l(‘ll {ruin the (â€'0 lnnlii's living: (ll'VPlU'M'll nn iln- ln\\'(‘l' luvols slmnlil grmilly in- m'onw tln- 1'unnmm 's vnrnings dur- pity ui' ilu- mill Wlll lw 45H «lily. 'l'lw iilvi'viisml milling and the liiglwi' \‘lilll(‘~i lu lw l'rum ilw un- lmilirs living . un ilu- [um-r luwls slmulcl ;: ('l't’ilM‘ llfl' ('uiiipuuy's (‘lll'll in: the pi'i-wni. your. In «mlvr tn vmhmm- at full pvriml ul' tm-Iw luumlls I'I'um llw «law “1' lhv lust I'vpnl'l zuul lmlzlnvv slum! is~ sllml In slmrvlmldvrs. tlw tisml ymu' HI. llw ('mummy Wm 3w ('lusml nu APEX SHAHEHfllHERS Tl} fllEl’flSE flf SflMf IflfflSUflY 5108K M's have up In I“ and [my l'ul' Hit «lute tlw unsuld WHUIII IM‘ â€H.011â€! lhc mumh ul Mam-h 1:15! m-xt vml nuwtm: w: 'l'lu- l'illsi' at ï¬lm Nu. lll slml'l ul' llu- .‘lvliiiyrv-Jupiii-r Inn lwvu mm- |il0lml frum Ilw mm in tlu- 2"†l‘mit li-vvl. This will lu- iisml us ii working slml'l fur tlu- pi‘mmit. .\ nmv lwml i'rmm- c-mln'm-ing u vrusliing llllil sum- pliiig plant is liq-mg iiisiullc-al. mul tlw m-w 0°I|HI||I‘Q'.\~HI‘ plum iiiicl mining ('qllilillwlil. lms lmm shipped and sliunlil slim-Hy lu- un ilu- gruuml. It is leviml ilmi iiviiw mining uiu-ro minim will he Pullllld-lll'l'cl by â€in linu- llmi ilu- Mrlniyn- m-w mill unit is ready in i'vm'iw‘ illiil ll'i'ul Hl'i' l'l'um this pi'nprrty. mm III!“ II "3'5 WM. and “ill I» run- lIIIIIC‘Il III II IlI'PllI III “III" II'I'I III "I‘- III’I‘ III IIIIIkI- punish-II IN III! "to prlu-I and «mm. .\ (’I‘IIss-I'Ill will lIO Ill'IVI‘II Ill llll' lIIINI II. ““14 IIIII‘III‘Il Ilir MI-IIIIyI'v XII. 5 slIIII‘I. 'l‘hh \I-urk will I-\|IIIIII- llII' gIIIIIIIIl lII'l\\I'I‘ll IlII' IIIII ~«IIIIIIsI IIIIIl I‘IIIIIIII‘ IlII- \Imkings uI llll‘ III" pran'rIiI-s In M I‘IIIIIII'I'lml II|I IIII‘ IIIIII'I' I'I'IIIIIIIIIINII HIN‘I‘IIlIIIII. ll slmulcl also. IlllI'I‘M‘I'l. III IlmI alvalI. IlII- III'I‘ lImliI-s IIlII-IIIh I‘I'lI‘I'II‘Il In IIII Ilw MI'llllyl'I- III‘IIIII'IHI). III llII' IIIII‘llI III' XII. 5 slIIII'I. \I'lIII'lI will lM' IlI‘VI‘lII'I- IIII'IIl “Mk â€I \‘I'I'y ng-III lllI|mI‘lI|III'(‘. this lmol. M an angle _M’ 3" MI «Irv lImlv has “01'" I-III III II depth III MIMI! 75" TN! l'rmII HIN'. W In»! In IIIIIIII. and by assays IIII "VI-mgr \‘fllllt‘ $18.00 per hm. [m dirorlnl' mumn sin: Vie NEED the MONEY 3 3 9 0 $0666 060 6-9004? (’4‘ QOOO6¢ $00 {‘0 00¢¢990006 {v6 $909000â€? 3 com thly movting. HY Shill'fhnllll To all Subscribers on whose address label. appears the ï¬gures -15 (referring to the year 1915) will have their names removed from our mailing list, unless they re- new their subscription im- mediately. You NEED the PAPER «lirm-turs mv miss“! sumo lmu pm SIN! N'huldvl' McIntyre Extension. .‘lvlnhrv liuvnsiun FINAL NOTICE HH't .\| McIntyre-Jupiter. slmrv not ‘5'. Fiscal Year. HI ulllhurizin l'( ill and N) HIHHH ml H'L’ilh’l! l'_\' TIN. shall'vlmld- 15â€! In anhsrl'iho cwk. :IHM' whirl: (in!) of â€w shwk lhv syndimllv. xlvnsiun ~lmt'l is , mu! will hr mm l' “Ni“ “'1'! in ur l( ill the annual lwhl In haw all lil I'VV u“ Ilu- sale H II lluHingvr mlirnml .\I lll charm-s. \ errnl Ilw sur- slmwim: IH UIHUIV moot E «1111‘ "VP! ll the H 1113.: clwtmn â€1' n 1’“ “mil. All 01' thv me! sunt~~()strusser. Durv all hging newly c-lwt twu yvm's. The first business was the elm'ticm of 21 tom Sturkwvll and J in: H. J. Marsha}! f: F. H. STOCKWELL WAS UNANIMOUSLY ELECTED AS CHAIR- MANâ€"MR. T. M. \VILSON’ REMAINS AS THE SECRETARY- TREASURERâ€"MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE ARE DEAL? WITH IN A VERY BUSINESSLIKE MANNER»FINANCIAL STATEMENT PRESENTED TO THE BOARD. 19th. in Hm statuhn'y mm Pllhlil' thunl Mr. T. M. \\'i 'l'rvusm'er. um in! (‘lm'iiull ( .3... «2.522.... r. 1.7. 1...... 3:3. my. 15.12::â€" .2:.......:. :93. 2.1325. 2:; z... .7. .1 .25....†<...:..__..._ 2:: 2 †:.. 3.12.7.†3. 5:31.: 52.. 'HM' “il'm'lurs HI. I). Mim' will :ll'l‘in- in m; anal will slwlul s'M'vl'n prupvrtgu \V. S. l':«l\\';l ul' tlw (humanly. \vlm I’lfl'sitlvm nl' tlw lhmu- \\'i’l|| the party. It. is u «luring: llwir visit mu lvnsivv «liammml «lrillin ml and plans fur fulur 01' Hip pmlwrt)? at .lum, a. .\l|ullu'l' M‘iclvno'v n" llu- l'nllll HI. m~w c-zlplml in II!" lh-lum M'vllull ut' llw l’nrc'upilw l'mnp is llw rm'vnt clmll nll Ilu- llmnillun-Kilruymummy ul' vluims. in “Mum 'l‘cmmlnip. Imm- ml just llm‘lll ul' llw llvlul‘zl Slim-s. Limitml. l'nrnwrly lmmm as tlw l’ilu- lolllxt' .‘lllllllg ('0. ll l~ lllltlt’l'slmul that u gruup ul' vslpltzlllsls l'rum llam- iltun. â€Marin. will spvml molh’ltli'l“ ulplc- mum-y cm â€who claims. mul than upvrauimm will lu- .~lm°tml nlmut Vol:- rmn‘y 15!. This sm-tiun ul' llu- rump llus lwvu ulll’uvlin: «'thltlvl'llllll' ut- lvmiuu «luring llw pm! right Iliumlls. «luring; whirl: limo Ilw llvlum .‘liuvs Limitml lms lml in at small plum. «I'm-(ml vxlvllslx'c- mitw lmiltlilxgs. nml (lmw vunsiclm'uhlc- sinkilm. _.:::..:.:.._.< _: 1:. 1.21.. 1:. 2...... .1..<:.:...:.. :3... :2... 2:11...“ 12.....- :2 3:. 2:. 7.7.. :1. _..::._7. 2:2 : 7. _...:..<..._ 2.... 2.1:? 2.... 2...? 1...- wig-1.2.7.. THE TOUGH-CAKES MINE ANNUAL-'MBBTING TO-DAY Dome Ex. Directors Coming to Camp The annual lllm'lill Unkvs Mining (‘u. u! .\ \'(‘l'.'\' gm in \‘ivw ul New Selma! Board Holds Inaugural Meéting IS lmlIm-I' “IN c-I'imflvd by hip 0mm. mu! lmcl many l'riq-mh. \slm alum! gin-n up hum- "1' his :1 nliw. Another Delora Property to Open lwlivn-cl In lmn- lwvn his H'ml In {'humuml lulkv. hut Hm trail was IIHI pirkml up «m â€w ulllt'l' slclv M' â€w Inkv. It is Humght mm Hm! tlu- pnnr l'c'lluw \wm Hurmmh Hw irv nu this lul hush mm-ml In [N'rllmm'lfl mmr nu mnlwr 20â€.. .\Hvr mum dim Hu- m‘m‘t'h party “mm! â€W "NY in NH- swmllp. and (than u unlim illg llmt lu- luul slurlml fur 1 l’urcupim'. vaml Indians. Irmmm: it â€(mm Lulmrt pmslmclnr. wrll l Murine. is minim tvrtnim‘d that In- timrly NM. "1‘ I «m u phvs'wvling weal [Ilfliull Hf J â€1‘ was "Inm'. Mu ('unflm" I'IIIISI’EIITIIII MISSING SIIIIIIII PAIIII IIIIIIIII WIIIIIIIII IIIII ml wt 1mm mm in Hm mvm-nxhig» rlumgo m llw chl'm-tm'; :vmcnt may Hut lu- mu H \\ all Indians. ï¬rm I_\‘ Hwy lmol fun: I In lmw I’m-n hold tu-ch' :mul H'lml't HM 01' Hip mem'u i150“. Hw 'vupiml HI NIH H†a _\' â€1' “main l'lxlvnslull . in vamp Saturday. wwml «lays :ll llw l':(l\\'|l'(lh’. l'x'vsillvlp . \Vlm l-; allsn \iic‘b- llmuv .\linv.~', will Iw ll. is umlt-l'stnml that it vunll'uvls l'nr 0x- «lrillin: will he vlus- .' lrip il .‘lv.\ rHII lllt "UI l\' (’ 1'! (-1le mun I )¢,:1'\\‘m' 1h “1' H10 Tntlgll- Kirkland Lzllw, :II ll:lilo_\'|nli‘.\'. ' vxpwu-«l. mu! h I'M"! flfl‘ Inn in an â€m early ll('\'('lulbll|l‘lH lzlicl nut. H H 'liun Hf lhv n H'ulll llu- M'vIumm-nl gram! clwll ml HI H hv sum ll- Tun-"ship. In wlurn H'cl (-Mm m Hw m! m wimp lnhm'r I "ma th-ulty. ’ will"! '0 my. S "Iâ€! lllilll I'll «lis- Imu- 'lnm ms {In .\|u-.\ ll (H' Ill!- 1’" ll u] I‘ll H's H H pun u wannau, nuns ‘ nun JMEISIIN Iwrs. : sum; 10 umusm “i iIIIVI' I‘I'IIIi Hf I’IIIIhiIiI‘I‘iIiIiI- I-I'Ii PiSln .n' IlIis |I:|riilllifll' IiisIIiII. II it svaus IlIr.\ lIuII- \I-I\ littlv I‘\IK iInIvv III' gwdcl zInIos. Hl his vIHInIIf; InuirIivnll5' minivxwdiqivcl IHII \Vitu f' slup“iiu:s iil0}' iNlVI' Ifllqudy' lqu iilv}‘3lrv IHIi juinï¬iul in IuInIh'nIu.n \\'H|I cupuii PIHISPI\1|iiVP IIHIHIP'IIMIH arid IvruIIiIuIl nniuiivr Ilu‘ disIIicI .. iIP II wiIInIn. Sweet Claims l’ulp "n. is m-gutiuting' fur Ilu- Vhtims. mljniningr lhc- 'l‘uylm' l' tivs 21ml c-lusv in llu- Jmnit-suu ‘ in thl) 'l'mvnship. .\'u purli ul' lhv «It-all luu'v )‘vl lwvn «hv Iml llu- muvv sovms m lumpin'. tIu-n' rumn “plum purvlmsv . Jmnwmu chums. â€'l'lwrv is Im «Illvstiuu l \vuulcl lw \wll \vurtll whilv I'm iml imm'vsts lu im'vstiguh' Hm i‘llllll‘ Ilistl'it'l HI! â€ID lilu's ul' Illa pruspu-c-ting and mining. 'l'hv |Irus|wvtml Plililll" slmw guml ‘ mul with â€w rlwnp puwm' M: stv lawm- urn hmlivs mm lw "ml millml cry vllmwly «m a ril)’ lnlnis.‘ gvr u!‘ Svlmnuwlu-r Mines f'nr linw past. has been :Immimml pus! nl' Helium] Sllpwrimmulc tlw lhmw Minn. and will slum sump his new «lulivs. BIG DOME MINE APPOINTS J. B. HOUSTON GEN. SL'E‘T. â€'l'lw a'luwill}: whirl: lms iu-vn mud» in tlw lust l'mv wvvks. Hm uh hut 'willg udvvl'tisvcl 2m vxh'll~iwly. is w-rtuinly wry vnvuuruging For Its fuluro'. '|'lw fnrmmicm ut' tins Hur- Iivulm‘ «listl'iv! is c-Ilic-Hy u naughtâ€: :'- Minn u" svltisl quartz. Mm'k upturn with I'llyulih- inlrusiuus. and m mm |mrtivn|m° mm- ul' tlw Lujuiv rimrn mu! Mlu'rs Iwm'hy vl'M'im's wrung tlw t'urnmtiun m'v wry muvh in mi- IININ' mul shuw c'nllsiclvmhlo' rm. 3:0ch and frum any paint yuu «mph- Ilvl‘uss‘ lhv IN) I'm» nl' lwlgv lmnfh‘l' will pun I'rm- gulul. â€'l'lwl'v is In» «nu-stint! liuzf .1. him-ks inn-MN)! In â€W M‘Im‘ anâ€. 'n â€Ii! cmlllwvlic I N Is ruling mm‘ tn I'I'ml mu ï¬st-Mir“ lishml in â€w Advmn-v "hum yc-urs sum. gin-II by a well k "As am IIIIIIIII-I'vsII-ol 'u-rsuu an I'HI' IIN‘ III'III‘III uI' I'urI'IIlew IMO-h ul‘s. I Imw mmlv II IIIuI‘uugII vsmm‘ IIIiuII uI' Ilu- I'nI'IIIIIIIuII «If this wII Il'_\'. mvm'ing IIII III‘I'II uI' If)" IIIIII' WIIII l’nrc-npuu- us II mum and m-IIvIIIsinn-t I’varcIiIIg Ilu- |m~~IhlI III-s I'ul' II s\IIIIII'I|IP nI' mmIpIIII. It \‘INIIIII'III Iw I'I'IIII'Q'CI III IIII' I-IIII..o~u CIISII'II'I. 'l'lwr‘ hm- vau n gn'm clc‘nl uf manning m-Iivity during the \va. n'gnrclillg various lmqmrtic Tumlmll. Rnhh mul .lnmimmn ’l'o ships. Nu dumb! â€w I‘N'l‘ll! “mil tlu- Jmnivsnu «him: hm: awn-m hm: Hw vyvs nl' Ilw minim: p; â€ll 0W" ['0 It 171 \H It H FAMOUS PROSPECTOR WHO WENT OVER THE GROUND THREE YEARS AGO PREDIC- TED IT WOULD BE REAL CENTRE OF GOLD CAMP. XI H“ ll â€nustnn. wlm ' St-lmmm'hm' «It Imam-in] H mnlvrstuml that ï¬lm Moth: Single Copies 5 Ccnts mar 01' H mi . this .Iislric-I. whirl: lllfll‘!‘ tlmn its slum- mun â€1' Nani rtuinin and i' H H' uul Mr uwmho l|_\' :umnum-ml EU'( Reported Sold (PM! IH'H were m 3'†tutcnwnt Hm'rotau'v .\l dutiuns tn llw H H'U H Hill l’“ r! u I»!!! H PM "V3†H ii I" ll "NW" “Mn UH“ II'I‘I' Hi .' HI f'.