"The Meech Lake accord, designed to accommodate Quebec in a Canadian constitution with stronger provincial powers, died when Manitoba MLA Elijah Harper, a Cree Indian, blocked ratification by the Jun
"The Meech Lake accord, designed to accommodate Quebec in a Canadian constitution …
Morrisseau, Miles, Southam News, Summer 1993 "As the Mulroney era comes to a close, natives, like others, are taking stock of the retiring prime minister's record and his influence in their lives."
Morrisseau, Miles, Southam News, Summer 1993 "As the Mulroney era comes to a close, natives, like others, are …
Tekawennake News (Ohsweken, Ontario), 28 Jun 2000 "OTTAWA (CP) - Ten years ago today one of the most momentous events in Canadian history took place, not with a dramatic declaration of principles or the firing of a gun, but with the passing of a dea
Tekawennake News (Ohsweken, Ontario), 28 Jun 2000 "OTTAWA (CP) - Ten years ago today one of the most momentous …