Ferguson, Sheila M., Brantford Expositor, Fall 1989 "Brantford artist Shelley Niro is doing something she has long wanted to do; she is operating an art gallery which also houses her studio. In May of this year, the Niroquois Gallery opened at 318 1/2
Ferguson, Sheila M., Brantford Expositor, Fall 1989 "Brantford artist Shelley Niro is doing something she has long wanted to …
Daily Sentinel-Review, 23 May 1930, p. 3, column 2 1st year OCA student from Ingersoll wins Colonel Leonard scholarship for drawing and honors in other subjects
Daily Sentinel-Review, 23 May 1930, p. 3, column 2 1st year OCA student from Ingersoll wins Colonel Leonard scholarship for drawing …
"Although their costumes and the songs and dances they performed were drawn from their heritage, there was much to remind them of how life has changed."
"Although their costumes and the songs and dances they performed were drawn …
Ball, Vincent, Brantford Expositor, Fall 1991 "Indian art has become more 'acceptable' and that's a positive development for all Canadians, says the museum director of the Woodland Cultural Centre."
Ball, Vincent, Brantford Expositor, Fall 1991 "Indian art has become more 'acceptable' and that's a positive development for …