Jarvis, Anne, Brantford Expositor "Molly Brant is Back. Who? The sister of Joseph Brant, the famous Mohawk who led the Six Nations to the Grand River."
Jarvis, Anne, Brantford Expositor "Molly Brant is Back. Who? The sister of Joseph Brant, the famous …
"Recently I reported an interview with Sir John Johnson, Sixth Baronet of New York, whose famed ancestor Sir William Johnson led the forces which routed the French from Fort Niagara and ended the Fre
"Recently I reported an interview with Sir John Johnson, Sixth Baronet of …
"Gary Hussey is becoming more Indian at every pageant. First, he entered his 12 year old adopted daughter, a Cree, as one of the characters in the replica of a traditional native village at the annua
"Gary Hussey is becoming more Indian at every pageant. First, he entered …