Beaver, George, Brantford Expositor, Winter 1991 "Thus being the so-called Huron Carol. It was written by a French Catholic priest to better explain the Christmas story to the Hurons and Algonquins."
Beaver, George, Brantford Expositor, Winter 1991 "Thus being the so-called Huron Carol. It was written by a French …
Beaver, George, Brantford Expositor, 1989 "In this book, The League of the Ho-de no-sau-nee (Iroquois), L. H. Morgan told how the Six Nations Iroquois gathered together for confession of sins. This "meeting for repentance" took place before
Beaver, George, Brantford Expositor, 1989 "In this book, The League of the Ho-de no-sau-nee (Iroquois), L. H. …