Beaver, George, Brantford Expositor, Spring 1993 "When I was a boy growing up in a little log house on the Six Nations Indian Reserve, we were very poor. One of the ways my dad made money to help feed my 10 brothers and sisters and I was to hunt ga
Beaver, George, Brantford Expositor, Spring 1993 "When I was a boy growing up in a little log house …
"The Native people in southern Ontario have suffered abuse and loss for generations. They were often misled into signing treaties and many of the things they asked to have protected never found their
"The Native people in southern Ontario have suffered abuse and loss for …
"Two American natives, Greg Agawa and James Goulais, were recently convicted of fishing without a fishing licence by My. Justice Duncan Blair in Toronto court, although the judge admitted a treaty ma
"Two American natives, Greg Agawa and James Goulais, were recently convicted of …