Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express (Newmarket, ON), December 27, 1956, p. 1

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V Editorials On Pago Two This Wook and CLASSIFIEDS ON PAGE FOUR 1 YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY DECEMBER 19S6 NO SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Looking Back Over 1956 was one of the stormiest politic years in Newmarket and the first hall was newsiest The inaugural meeting of the town council was a stormy or the of many similar ses sions to he eld in The Introduction of the list of nominations by Mayor for the standing committees caus ed considerable controversy It ended with Councillor Alex who had headed the polls no committees He had been recommended as chairman the fire and police committee but proposed thai Violet accept the post Mayor sulci he sew age disposal plant eon Ik evaded no longer The Holland River resembles a large sewer and the area around the municipal dump suggests scenes from Inferno ho added Fire Chief Leslie Maple was crushed to death be neath his tank truck The fatali ty occurred at the farm of A of Bond where Mr wax preparing to clean out a well Arthur Lloyd was of the Newmarket pub lic school hoard lie said the board would generally Improve educational facilities in Newmarket The J It Hell school watt opened for three class es so that the live-year- olds of the community were able lo at tend kindergarten The Newmarket Public Library board urged local organization to as projects for the year funds more library book Close to former from U of York County attended the annual meeting of the York Coun ty Soil and Crop Improvement as sociation in Newmarket Township plans for a re-assoss- of the township Red- ffck appointed assessor The New Year was nearly three hours old before the first child of arrived County oi pit at She was pound five ounce baby girl the sixth of Mr and Mrs Norman LAST COUNCILLOR Lome was the final of lilt town council of Newmarket to be elected Mr who served for five years from I0t8 on was elected during a vote in Newmarket to fill one vacancy caused by a shortage of candidates after the nomination meet- Inf He defeated candidates John Sunn anil A Robinson Photo by Studios The agency and ser vice business of Tom and Sons Ltd was sold to Brad Walk er of Bradford Mr and Mrs and family came from London to Newmarket years ago Howard Morton was reelected president Newmarket Chamber of Commerce Mr Mor ton suggested hot the Chamber bo put on a broader basis so that any Interested citizens may have the opportunity of Joining the of movement In January Vnughon townships Reeve Marshal Mc- was Installed as Warden of York County Mr MeMurchy said that since formation of Metropolitan Toronto the popula tion of the continuing county bad jumped 20000 A 50pound bush wolf was shot on the farm of A Gathers by Davis of Koltteby community halt at Lake Wilcox was destroyed by fire A special meeting of Holland founding residents was called to protest Newmarkets testdrilling operations in their neighborhood They feared their local supply of water from artesian wells would be affected by the tests Town council voted to open Mil lard Ave lo through des pite the fact thnt some residents from the street appeared before council to oppose the move Newmarket council discussed two opposing viewpoints on the towns policy for purchases A motion introduce by Councillor Gladstone recommended that all purchases be channeled through clerks office that tenders be called on all purchases and jobs estimated to cost or more and that purchase requisi tions for all items of more than show at least two quotations wax tost Also in January a sturgeon was caught In As far an official records go Ellis of Sutton caught the first since The York Dainty Health Unit Director Dr Hubert King ad vised Newmarket council lo re fuse approval of residential de velopment The letter slated the addition of large of water consumers might give rise con cern about future assurance of adequate water supplies In the community and the municipality would be well advised to give consideration to future water sup plies in order to prevent a com munitywide emergency In respect to sewerage facili ties an addition of a substantial new load to the already inade quate sewage treatment facilities can hardly be given public health approval and for this reason would recommend thai a propo sal to subdivide not approved until adequate sewerage treat men facilities for the entire com munity have assured Young defaced St An draws Presbyterian church on the of King town hip Three Wilcox youth Were v e of arson and I breaking and eider log The hoys jail Iti years of ago pleaded guilty to yetting fire to the Community Hall a it two cottages at Lake Wilcox The three buildings were destroyed February A recommendation that no fur- l her development Ite considered for Newmarket until an addition supply of water is found was made to council by Water Chair man Atex Hands who explained that there was no need for panic An extensive report on the towns search for water was outlined by tho town engineer Bos- worth Council turned down a second move to increase the salaries of members The resolution intro duced by Councillors and set a maximum salary for a councillor at approved on additional for a chair manship of a standing committee Fire destroyed a landmark dwelling on the farm of Wattless sixth concession of King Total loss was estimated at 000 The second phase of the New market fund raising campaign for an outdoor swimming pool was started in February It was es timated that about half of the ne cessary funds had been raised in donations and pledges A group of local drivers took part in fourth annual Cana dian Winter Rally sponsored by the British Empire Motor the rally which covered a course of miles through Ontario and Quebec were John Peter Dillnul Vic Ills- Jock Struthcrrf Bert Mor rison and Doug Sanders all of and Frank of Aurora A week a freak accident cost Peter his life Mr- Kenneth of von suffered a 20000 loss when his barn was destroyed by fire Seventeen head of cattle were lost York County Council question ed the annual expenditures for salaries and administration costs of Childrens Aid Society when the budget was presented for approval It was decided to form a separate society for the continuing county A fox which attacked a Great Dane at the home of Mr and Mrs William Hill Heights was found to be rabid The York County Health Unit advised dog owners keep their pets tied and to have them vaccinated Councillor William Davidson that Aurora take lead In bringing water this area from Lake Mayor Henderson reminded the group that the matter was under discus sion at Queens Park In February all the typewriters were stolen from the commercial department of Bradford High school This was the second time that the department had lost all its typewriters to thieves A young motorist was convicted of criminal negligence lie was fined for endangering the lives of skaters on Lake Wilcox It was announced that the local dial telephones were due in New- I market in December The con at town coun cil over town purchases made without tenders and a closed meeting of council was held to discuss water and industry Friction was evident between Reeve George Lament and Chief thinner of Sutton with the form er being convicted of impaired I driving and the latter resigning bis post shortly afterwards Former Warden Corner was appointed clerk of township Mr Corner was reeve of the township last year County council decided that everyone using the County Park Lake would pay on ad mission charge on weekends and holidays this year Hospital records showed that patients had been admitted in the previous year This was an increase of 3806 There were And A Happy N births and meals served The York County Health Unit recommended that no water be made available to the subdivision in East Gwilllmbury by the town March The big news In March was the official opening of the south wing of York County Hospital The Hon Phillips CM Minister of Health for On tario officiated This hospital ex pansion program costing approxi mately increased York County to a hospital Town council was still concern ed with whether there was or was not a water shortage in Newmar ket The town solicitor was in structed to prepare an agreement between the town and Mr Lcnhardt which mean the retention of an Industry in town the possible location of another industry fan English tobacco firm which It was said would employ to people and a contri bution of more than to ward the sewage disposal plant The town agreed to provide water for houses in the MacDougall subdivision Miss daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph won a scholarship the Kiwanls Music Festival Miss was invited to play at the Stars of the Festival concert at Massey flail The talented 12 year old pianist chose Mozarts Sonata K330 in for one selection King township ratepayers pro- tested to council because Of the provincial refusal to grant a per mit to the Maple Leaf Automobile Ilacing erect a speedway In the township The speedway had been approved by council earlier Highways Minister Al lan based his refusal on the grounds that the speedway would congest traffic on Highway too A site was purchased on the Kin west of Highway tor a township municipal building A fouryear old King Cits- boy was given rabies vac cinations alter being bitten by ihe family pup It was determined later that Ihe dog was not rabid Regulations for controlled de velopment in Newmarket were approved by council The set the proportion of resi dential and industrial develop ment which will be required and listed the subdivides responsi bilities The Creek was sug gested as a possible source of ad ditional water for the towns wa ter system A survey of the Creek was requested York Countys regiment Queens York Rangers celebrated its 200th anniversary In March regiment was known at one time as Rogers Rangers during the search for the Northwest Pas sage Mr George Hers of Tor onto addressed the North York Conservatives in Newmarket He warned that Liberals at Ot tawa would call a snap election this year For the consecutive year the Newmarket Business and Pro fessional Womens held its spring fashion show Entire pro ceeds from the project went to the Hospital Building fund as the had pledged A bylaw to prevent dogs from running at large in the town throughout entire year was passed The action was taken because of the rabies epidemic in the province Handy Ingram Park Avenue Newmarket is prepared early lo welcome In the New Year of with top hat and horn People in the district will be celebrating the big event in various ways at par ties dances visiting friends or just sitting at home watching others on their television sets Its a time for making resolutions and having faith that the world will be a bettor place in Era photo New High School Addition Completion The new wing at the Newmarket district high school near com on and this photo shows the fine new building with its pleasinr Room been crowded at school this year and it has been necessary to use the auditorium for more Students and teachers are looking forward to the opening of the new wing photo The King City Memorial lib rary was opened The Era and Express paid tribute to the build ing and expansion program of the York Cotlnty Council with a special supplement on the hospi- Town council went on record as stating that water was avail able for the English tobacco firm if it located in Newmarket It commit ted itself to a definite program to provide additional water through test drilling and or the use of the Creek The sixth annual figure skating carnival Our Town on lee was presented at the arena for three nights The Trinity Lutheran con gregation of Bradford purchased property for a church building Also in March two small chil dren lost for 10 hours in the dense scrub near their home at River- drive Park were found They were taken to York County hos pital but despite their ordeal were not in serious condition An option was taken on the pro posed site of Newmarkets sewage disposal plant It at the north end of town in township and consists of acres of land The land is being given to the town for the sum of SI by Mr A under ait agreement by which town will provide wat er to houses in the subdi vision Aurora Textiles was robbed of more than worth of wo mens sweaters The Newmarket Ministerial association began con ducting religious services at each Sunday The first service was held in March but the chapel would not be completed until May it was announced April King township council agreed to petition the department of highways to make the towntine a highway linking high way to 11 mass was sung in St Patricks Roman Cath olic church at Sehomberg for Mrs Bridget Mrs don was years old Municipal leaders from all over York County met in the invitation of Dr J Henderson to discuss the districts water pro blems A committee was named to prepare a brief which would be forwarded to the province Col Coming Events FRIDAY Dance In Sharon hall sponsored by Sharon Homo and School association Orchestra York County Boys Admission person Dancing lo Cafeteria lunch Everyone welcome SATURDAY DEC St Johns bingo Newmarket town hall pm Jackpot DANCING in Bond Head com munity hull every Saturday night Leo Paxtons orchestra Admission cents TUESDAY JAN Dress dance in Mount Albert community hall sponsored by Sharon Junior Farmers Holllnphead orches tra Sehomberg Cafeteria lunch Good per- j son couple Everyone Former Fighter Pilot Norman Aurora Resident Dies Norman Aurora a wing commander and famous fighter pilot with the during the last war died at Sunnybrook hos pital Toronto on Wednesday He had lived in Aurora since j 1945 operating Chateau the largest tourist home in Aurora on St His wife former Elizabeth Die predeceased him earlier this year A brother and a sister in Winnipeg survive hint Norman Bret won the during the war and was associ ated overseas with the late Lloyd Aurora also a wing commander and Brad Walker of Bradford and Newmarket a squadron leader He was the first of the Aurora Recreation Commis sion and was active in the Au rora branch of the Canadian WMS AUXILIARIES HOLD JOINT PARTY The Evening auxiliary and the Evangeline auxiliary of the Trinity United church held a joint Christmas party at the church hall with Mrs Harry and Mr Harold taking charge of the devotional period Each group met separately for its business session Mrs read The Little Match Girl and The True Mean ing of Christmas Two selec tions were sung by the IllTone Boys from the Newmarket High school Don Jackson and P Helen was guest soloist She a accompanied by Mary Steven Christmas carols were sung by the group A social time was en joyed and refreshments served WHITE GIFTS BROUGHT TO CHURCH St Pauls Anglican church was filled to capacity for the annual White Gift service on Sunday morning Joining the boys and girls of the Sunday school were more than members and lead ers of the Junior Auxiliary and St Pauls Cub pack This was the first full dress parade for the who were proceeded into the church by their color party carrying the new Junior Auxiliary standard Canon J Rhodes received the standard and the flags of the Cub pack The service was centered the children and included their favorite- Christmas carols The Nativity story was retold to them by Canon Rhodes A service medallion was pre sented to Thomas by the rector This was in recogni tion of the months of service to the church in the office of server which Tom has complet ed CHILDREN ENJOY EVENING OF MOVIES Approximately children at tended the annual Christmas party for the St Andrews Sun day school when an evening of movies was presented Mr Leon ard Sunday school super intendent was master of cere monies Carol singing and a visit by a magician Ray Sherrard complet ed the program Santa gave each child a gift candy and fruit EVENING WA HAS XMAS PARTY Members of St Pauls Chancel guild were guests of the Evening WA for a Christmas party at the Parish Hall on Monday Dec 17 The two groups decorated the church prior to the party Re freshments were served The installation of officers for the Evening will be held at the first meeting in the New Year It will be held in the Memorial Room on Tuesday Jan at Contract Signed For Swim Pool To Be Completed By May 1957 Who said there Is no Santa Claus He came to Newmarket recently by way of the swim ming pool committee and Ken I Bete of The contract for Newmarkets outdoor swimming pool was signed by all parties on the weekend the total contract price i being Another is required to pay for the project and the com mittee urges everyone to please get pledges in now or send don ations to the Swimming Pool Committee Newmarket Construction is to start imme diately and the pool is to be completed by May There will be a wading pool in a sepa rate enclosure and there will bo proper supervision for children from two years up The present committee consists of Peter Gorman chairman Ray Charles Van Fred and Stan Smith The pool will have an Olympic size tank dressing rooms and shower rooms latest design and plans are approved by the provincial departments of education and health Members of the Newmarket swimming pool committee look over plans tor the new pool On the weekend the contract for con struction was signed with Ken Left to right ate Charles Fred Curran Chairman Peter Gorman Stan and Ray Charles is another member not in photo 3H

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