Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 11, 1918, p. 2

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re FOR SALE House at on terms John wick a V Christmas And Mores an Oval Brooch Valued Howard for to Bra Office to express my thanks to all those who gave mo their support iii past J A COLE i LOST y A Block Wolf Muff on Main SI batttcon Poet Office and Metro politan morning Jan 2nd Finder please leave at the Office I AND Ilio of Lot Hast con taining acres more or loss about aorta of Hard- wood with some three running springs of The balance of farm good pasture land Intending will apply to Angus the owner Quconsvillo or to His Solicitor Newmarket Oat majority Brown ing J A Winter Samuel Taylor ftitQwilllmbury Proctor Coun cil J A Haines Tim vote in the several polling divisions was as I I CO I CO LI O CO CO o CO irt in CO ID 1- CO CO ft CO I I- CO CO to CO CO OX 3 a o CO to CO f A I The Meeting of the Company will be in the Off loo On Monday evening Jan 21st at oclock for the elec tion of Officers and transaction of- business A full attendance of requested unable to attend the meeting may obtain blanks for proxy voting by applying to he Secretary fl Proa ROBERTSON NOTICE I Is hereby given the Of above Society will bo bold in Hall Newmarket January 10th At Owe OOlock PM For purpose of receiving Annual of Officers for lite Is licquooted J Pica King Township Hoove J Wells McCuIchcon D Thomas WoMurcby A J John J Percy and J Allan School Trustees all by acclama tion Holland laudlnu Hoove- only voles ahead of Gibson Councillors Ed is callod for- after noon Jan it 3 oclock matters of officers tho commg yoar members arei requested to bo present Christmas collection for Bel gian Children collected by Girl Guides Letters- received this week in of parcels sent from the and tho Club to the boys at the front IK Mitchell Ir vine Carter Pto Hobs Saunders Harrison Hcg IK- Pierre A Martin W Moore Bap Geo 8 Pto A J Roberts A If Gib son Pic Colin Miller Hap Hopper A It C of Exchanges i D r j SOUTH END LOUR A HOUSEHOLD AMD OF THE VJE8T FLOUR BRAN HAY PEEl QUIT AND U to A Howard Prompt Delivery Phone CO TEH A I American Issue Tlioro is not very much left of the liquor traf fic in Canada this action of the Government kills the tail of the at least until after the war And people not likely bo disposed to breathe breath of life again into a thing that has caused so much rouble On ibis mundane sphere there trouble enough without planning- for it- 1 Express The fuel ought to get busy and a price for wood as well as coal Kast week local farmer asked and wo understand receiv ed a cord for a of hardwood and this has now be come the local market price controller ought in the interests of general public put a curb On the greedy of every one particularly llic class called farmers who during present national emergency are showing themselves hi a most unenviable light in Ibis connection Wilson N Star It is stat ed that there are many poverty- stricken widows In Europe There is a great scarcity of domestic help In this country Why does not some society atari move ment toward- bringing those wi- to this country and putting them in comfortable American homes where they can sustain themselves until the world ad justs itself and order has come out of chaos Christmas far from Homo Doc To Kioto Comforts Dear Mrs Hobs It has boon my ploaauro to receive a bountiful from your Please accept my thanks for a box containing such a selection of tin various articles needed by a sol dier Although those comforts may seem small to you people at homo hey Oil a great big place daily routine of our over hero We not only look at contents but think of tho spirit that prompted our at homo to bo so thoughtful- In remembering us at this time of year Imagination often loads us to believe that wo are doing all the fighting but when the question is given consideration and thought wo find that those in Canada are fighting Just as great battles as tho on the West ern front Inasmuch as they braving the awful suspense of not knowing just where heir dear ones are and What they are life However we find it just as hard not to be able loll you all not for you to know All we can do for the present is to Carry on to use the vernacular of the army and hope that may go down In as Peaco Year May I wish your a promising Now Year Yours gratefully Vale Witley Camp Dec Field Comforts Dear Mrs Hose I am In receipt of your moat welcome parcel today I can truthfully say Mrs Ross that is one of the best put up parcels a soldier ever got It certainly Is one of the finest I have ever received It was simply and I am most thankful foi it There are numerous other boys out here who have received parcels but not one of them up lo he ones sent out by the Field Comforts and Club Kindly thank both Socie ties fop heir to rno remain Yours gratefully Morrow Surrey The Collectors of the Victory Loan in Newmarket have be warmest thanks of the ladies donation of their fund The collectors were Messrs Fred Prosser IK A J and Hughes cave FATE OF8IQEMA Paris Jan The chamber of Deputies resumed its session today after holiday recess It was call to order by Jules Siegfried a native Alsatian who the absence of Anno was the eldest mem ber present If Siegfried devoted his opening speech to the subject of When he driven from Alsace In by the Invaders or his native land he said he little to occupy the ho wis holding today native ho went on had never been Herman My was a citizen there when the own free will asked lo be united to franco was then already had been French Alsace since end bine Siegfried recalled the protest of at the German annexation of the provinces and fcpoke of the Hi hod since endured tiuoU fidelity must be recompensed lie dee tared for he sake of the pro vinces for the eake of franco- and for sake of the world The injustice Lorraine had been the cause the later injustices to Serbia Belgium he pointed out and the fate lwo provinces the fate for Serbia pod if they alloed In Germanys f Strange is situated on tho Con of King and is bounded on the north by Lake on oast by If umber on the south by Joe OBrions blacksmith shop oa west the boundary is unexplored Mrs A McMurchy went to To ronto today to attend fu neral of the lato Henry Kitchen Miss Irene who has been employed as bead trimmer in one of the leading stores in Midland is homo for holiday season Mr Wiles who is leaving this vicinity to make his home In Toronto had a very extensive solo on Thursday and everything scorned lo go off Mr Archie and his daughter have returned homo af ter a visit in Toronto Mr Malcolm and wife have gone south for part of winter Threshing is order of the day in this vicinity and will for lime If wo toko Irishmans defi nition when ho applied to got on the emergency staff In France and was asked by of officials what ho meant by hard water who replied Ice then wo have mom than enough bard water at present but I presume the look more often at coal bin Just now Enterprise -ova- Newmarket Military Hospital VIVMH A number of tho neighbors of Mr Cutler recently returned from tho front and now settled on the Jeremiah Brooks farm Vivian got together at his home recently and assisted him to cut his supply of wood for winter Mr Cut ler lost an arm at front and much appreciated tho help with his work The people of the Vivian neighborhood show a fine neighborly spirit A number of ladies belonging to the Aurora Womens Institute visited the Hospital last Friday afternoon and were most cordial ly received as they had contri buted in filling he soldiers stock ings for Christmas besides sup plying games for the soldiers On Monday evening people of the town and large numbers from the surrounding districts as well as he patients a rare treat The entertainment was given under the auspices of the military hospitals commis sion ball was beautifully decorated for occasion and the talent contributing con cert all from Toronto at heir best while the crowded au dience every number as may be indeed by the number of- encores called for Frank Farmers Pride Three for Jack Floral delighted his audience and when a request for Sussex the Ron was made he respond ed with that old favorite to the dolight of his audience Eddie in his own inim itable way gave Spooney on That He end More Like a Friend than a until his audience not satisfied with him In these roles called him hock and ho responded with Tata Mary and others Long- performed her of the urogram in character songfl and dances equal satisfac tion while Misnames soorano her in her solos a a well as in a vocal duct with and P playing tho accorn- After refreshments worn served in a simper room hud dancing followed to lb music of an orchestra vided by which lasted well into the to Friend rf IBMBilBillll Mr a v A- Cornell entertained frlodua- oh Friday i andftrs spent Now holidays with hie paronta v- Jacob of vlllo visited his son over weokiond J Davis is in New York and Boston this week on a busifibss trip tSorgUMojor Connor of Military Hospital has rented Mrs Logmans house Keith loaves to day for and from homo several days Mr and Mrs John Williams Huron St their 40th Anniversary on Wednes day Dr Graham of Toronto was a guest at during his stay last Sun- day Mr and Mrs Marshall of wore the guests of bet sister Mrs Watson during holidays Mr Howard Morton of West on spent a of days in town with his mother Mra Neil Mor ton last week rBradord Witness Vera and- Ella Church of Newmar ket spent over Sunday with their aunt Mrs Dew Mr and Mrs J- Andrews of Swift Current spent Wednesday with their niece Mrs Willis Millard Ave Miss Terry who spent holidays with her grandparents Or and Mrs A Terry left for the city on Sunday to resume her studies at the Normal School Dr Cook of Col umbus Ohio in renewing for tho Era writes I hope I may go back and see the town once more al though so many of deat friends have passed to groat beyond Word was received here on Monday that three Newmarket hoys met unexpectedly one even ing behind the trenches In Franco and spent a very enjoyable lirno They wore West and Inch Mrs Nichols of Kincar dine formerly of Fast Is spending the winter with her sons at Colorado Springs Colo and writes that they are having lovely weather Pretty warm In the shade Dec Mr Martin arrived In town from the West last Satur day night having returned here on account of ho illness of his mother Mrs W who does not improve very much since the accident a few weeks ago when she fractured her hip We accidentally omitted to mention last week that Mr and Mrs Bert Cane of London Mr arid Mrs Cane and Mr Jack Cane of Toronto spent New Years Day at homo We pleased to saylbat Mr Cane is improving again though slow ly Town Council The Co hanger officers vyere herb on evening on Juniors ravelled to Tuesday nlsiit aria homo thoahort end of an score Barrio Juniors form they displayed one week when they dofcated the ipcalxby scoro of to look Brand chance for tho group honors i A freight train smash lcar Chatham gave residents free corn streams London shortage Is so at that trees ore being cut down trees from the orchards being sawn up and fences burned Money homes have not a bit of coal any kind pails handy corn syrup In conairjcrahle Ion The fuel the Furniture Undertaking Mouse You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING A attended to at a IBs itI Phones and 20 CONFECTIONERY Clock in boxes Grid In and a Good Vorlcty of ivhloh Please You that you can toll from Ones l Carnations and Holly Wreaths NUTS of California VJalnuto that that Wo havo Other Kinds of Wal nuts Almonds Filberts Brazils and Pecan OUR PASTRY FLOUR Wo Varieties to from PHONES YOUU IT f L Asi Qradlo In Newmarket on Jan 1918 to Mr and Mrs Goo Wilson a daughter Altar Council met Jan members present Mayor Keith Deputy Pear son Councillors A A BJnns Tench and Following bills passed York current J Johnston Osborne Sons Newmarket Era Jas Bond no iloberlson am Rose Market Pay feheels a Giles United Typewriter Co Tf 2855 A Trivett go Referred to It a Worn Gwiliunbury Crossing net to Com 5 Mayor Duncan 2950 Application for water service from Devonshire Co and A Hop kins for light and power referred to Com Complimentary remarks were made regarding iho services of he retiring members and Council adjourned sino die Red Cross Society There was splendid attend- Tuesday afternoon and the in terest in the work continues We collection amount ed to of Red Cross Euchre which was postponed Red Cross ladies wish to thank the Victory Bond canvass- for their generous gift of As the Society provides pec month for our prisoners of war such gifts help very materially Supplies donated to New market Military Hospital on Jan uary Dressing Gowns Slippers 1 Jar Fruit Comfort Bags containing brush and comb tooth brush and paste shaving brush toilet powder and wash cloth The woollen mvien Out were by firi early Wcdneedaji At tho Tom- Parsonage Au rora on Jan 2nd by Scott Miss Mary West to Mr Coo both of King Tp resi dence of Mr and Mrs Samuel Atkinson on Jan by the Hew Thos Scott Miss Ada Watson lo Mr Edgar Sanderson of On Jan by Mr Richard to Mrs Sophie Lloyd all of East PHONE I Tho Tomb In Aurora on Sunday morning Jan 1918 Lizzie beloved wife of Mr Edward Funeral Wednesday afternoon from Cones toga Lytic On Jan 1018 at the rosldence of her son- In- 1 aw Draper St Toronto Locke wid- of the laic John Lytic for merly of Bond Head Out Service on Friday evening at St Interment at Newton on arrival of train at Bradford Saturday At General Hospital Toronto on Jan 3rd 1918 Marvin in his Interred at Holt on Sunday Six nephews were pallbearers name ly Wm and Alex of Newmarket Leslie at Marvin and Guy on homestead jed was just a week in He was well known and highly respected in Tp of East J It Quality that Counts I QUALITY OUR ALSO AGENT SPECIALTY THE PATHEPHONB The Musical Instrument In the World CHOCOLATES 80B MAINSTRKKT NEWMARKET for and Photo House Phono Store Phono Hamilton At Point on Dec 29 Robbie son of Mr ftichard Hamilton aged about years Interred at Ceme tery At Los Angeles Califor nia on Jan 7 J only eon of late Jos op Fennel Jr in his A6h year Interment at Bradford Ont hi In loving memory of Eric Ross infant son of Mr and Mrs It who entered into rest on Monday Jan aged 2 months and 2 days Go no but not forgotten Angos called thee little darling Called lo their sunny homo And wo know that thou art wailing For the dear ones here to come- we long to bear the singing Of that bright immortal throng Hear gold harps gladly ring In that happy land of song Sweetest fairest brightest flow er Darling of our hearts fond Ob wo miss every hour Since God called up above Angels called Hide dar ling Called thee In thy early bloom Now thy form is lying In the cold and silent tomb white hands ore folded Quiet now our baby feet Brightest closed forever Gone our smiles no more greet DONT PAY INTEREST JUST READ GREAT OFFER A from BO to PROM DUTY ALL A Mi A A A WITH NATURAL TONE Until you hoar 8ymphonolo arid its make no decision as lo which Phonograph you Intend to buy Us ion of constructed sound box Is natural and fullvoiced You not confined to lino of you may play nil Columbia Note Its tono apd all Have a demonstration In your Own homo A frco trial It you nothing range from 30 to wo will cell you a Phonograph than any company In York County RECORDS From to gold for Cash Plan NO Arm done a sou Phono 30 I For Making- Bread ROSES PURITY IMPERIAL Always ask for Royal or Pastry Lukes Royal per 550 All Kinds of Grain for Chickens trior nil going at for lag hi Board fit lainmc I for se Bonds The Officer Vu 2nd Secret Treas f or in tavo I very e sole fcers is By la each I El and in and II Maud The by m and d en at nark Cur in J Judge fthowi forme All Iho farm as luarki Jolt inarki iark Hi Do i Hat NEWMARKET Order by Phono or from J- 1 I I- called thee darling From all cere and pain away To the realms of joy eternal To that land of purest day We miss thee oh so sadly No cherub now to kiss But well meet thee dar ling In thai home of perfect bliss Sent in by a friend In sad but loving mem ory of my dear mother Eliza beth A Keetch who passed peacefully away Jan Willi tearful eyes wo watched you Going on your homeward way Although wo loved you mother dear We could not make you stay But youll not bo cold or lonely In your heavenly borne on high And well all bo with yoo In that bright land by and Her Daughter Lent- J UuJertakliig North All fciZETt ARCHIVES OF TORONTO Fro Hewn Wo Hew Hat Chi aph Mb Aiu King sih Leo Tin Art s3rki

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