Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 7, 1916, p. 2

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9 V vY WANTED At once a good Girl Apply to George Hotel Newmarket FOR SALE CHEAP i A New Collage on Apply to Airs Lloyd 3w52 St CUTTER FOR SALE Semispeedy Apply Newmarket 52 WANTED Two furnished rooms for housekeeping Modern conven iences Apply Bos Newmar P MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Wo One of the keenest municipal fights ever held in he County of York was that in King Township for the office of first deputy reeve John Watson last years deputy was opposed by the latter winning- over Watson by 59 voles The vote was exceptional ly large manifesting the great interest taken in the contest I ho no outstanding question was at stake The poll was as follows to to J V7 co 77 I I a WANTED At once Apply to Mrs Yaw- man Grace St Newmarket CARD OF Mr and Mrs A Boyd wish to thank their many friends and acquaintances for their kindness and sympathy in connection with the death of their twin darfghter Ruth also for the floral tributes I WANTED Capable young man for adver tising and correspondence Ap ply by letter stating qualifica tions and experience Office Specialty Mfg Co Newmarket YOUR EARNING POWER by at tending the Popular CO TO CO C to r CO to CO 71 s C CO to co r a r o CO to CO T to co Jj t to o S 3 g rt S Aim Mr Joshua Wilson EDITORIAL NOTES OUR society column do now- and Toronto may take a plebisoiltj voteon the same issue at the close of same as single and years ago is visiting his ister ina in Savannah jii Binns and 0 Miss Mon- IS to spent New Years at her home Ci were Mr A Lancaster M P for St Catharines died Tuesday evening- last after a prolonged illness He has representied Lin- coin County for fifteen years De ceased was- a native of England and earned to Canada his at an early afftVi E- i a day or two week Miss May Quail of The war tax from York County ex- was visiting Mrs Mela City- papers announce otjl that County Treasurer on laslweefc- Miss Margaret Osborne Thursday of last week sent to the f lfi at Provincial Treasurer a cheque amount the war tax raised by the one mill rate i I inc Mr Percy Elliott is visiting imposed the Provincial author- Ins aunt Mrs on ties J Ontario Pie Norman Osborne of spent the holiday at his home here St Catharines Little Miss Margaret daughter of Principal and -Ms- Coombs was taken suddenly ill with appendicitis on Christmas Day and was operated upon on Sunday at the She is doing as well as WE HAVE A OF FRUITS FOR SOME OF THE FINEST THAT CALIFORNIA CAN Select for A Ate 2 for 25c v j v i Toronto Onl Best place in Can ada for High Grade Business Ed ucation Enter Now Open all year Catalogue free Young Charles Streets Newmarket Agricultural Society NOTICE Is hereby given thai the Annual Meeting of the above will be held in the Fire Hall New- market On of Jan lolO At One Oclock P for the purpose of receiving the Annual Report Election of Officers for die A general attend ance is requested KEITH P- Sri East Horace and John Smith oldtime rivals in muni cipal life in East struggled for the office of reeve by a majority of Not in years lias there been a strong er flght put up for the reeveship Mr Smith having occupied the of fice of reeve and member of the County Council for some years J Proctor won over Fair- barn by Haines and Toole were elected Council- The vote was very heavy Report has it that Mr 1 R Conservative for made a snug little pile of ducats through having obtained a monopoly for the sale of war horses to the Government in the County he re presents in the Provincial Legisla ture The Canadian Liberal Monthly makes the following observations in thereto How did Mr get his monopoly Did hi get it by his own unaidcil efforts Or did he enlist the services of Mr Richard Federal Member for Peel Federal patronage usual ly is controlled the Federal Mem ber rrMrs Hamilton will receive on the 2nd Thursday of each month Miss Gertrude Moody spent Christmas holidays with her cou sin in Maple DeputyReeve Pearson spoke in on Sunday in favor of Local Option Mr J and fam ily of spent the New Year with their mother PRESERVE YOUR EYESIGHT By your Prescription accurately filled and your Eyeglasses properly adjusted Lone Ground On the Premise Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled PERCY THE OPTICIAN STREET TORONTO Phone North f Seeded Raisins Raisins 2 for Also some at Seedless Raisins In bulk 2 lbs for 2 lbs Nice Clean Currants for 25c Prunes at 10c and lb Peaches 3 lbs for 25c Table Raisins for -lb- Cooking Figs Table Figs 20c lb Cranberries Quarts for 25c WE HAVE ALSO A GOOD VARIETY OF CANDIE8 NUTS A PHONE Mr Frank Baker of wishes to be remembered to I ft I The Annual Meeting of the Newmarket Cemetery Company will be held in the Secretarys Office On Monday evening Jan at oclock for the election of Officers and transaction of A full attendance of Lot Owners in Loll owners uhahe to attend the an nual meeting may obtain blanks for proxy voting by applying to the Secretary SCOTT PresV- K Secy For by Tender that valu able farm property comprising acres more or less part If of Lots anl in the Fifth Con of the Township of Whitchurch being farm formerly occupied by the late A Starr Close to Newmarket and Good quality soil adapted to dairy pur poses firstclass brick dwelling substantial frame barn with stone foundation driving etc orchard well watered Written tenders will be receiv ed up to the insl Address tenders and for further particu lars apply for Newmarket in io ft CO l ft It is announced by the Provincial Secretarys that thenewjall old Newmarket friends automobile licenses will be issued on the 1st of instead of January 1st anhtbat licenses will stand good till 1st of February next The new rates have been published a follows Cars Mrs Charlie of To ronto is spending a couple of weeks with friends in town Mr and Mrs J took New Years Dinner with Mr of 26 horsepower or less are to Mrs J Hunter in Toronto a fee of Instead of 16 to 35 a 2 at If CI 71 H IQ CI CO T o w CO 5P North The municipal elections pass ed off very quietly there being very little interest manifested and the vote polled was unusually small The following were elect ed to Council Messrs Thompson Henry lover J D Hamilton and Edward Holland Landing It Goodwin was re elected defeating Lane by a majority of Goodwin re ceived votes and Lane The election passed off very the voting being very light The councillors were returned by ac clamation CiOO horsepower 15 instead of 36 to 50 horsepower lowet in ex cess of instead of 25 Motor vehicles driven by storage instead of 5 motor trucks ot over two tons capacity per ton or fraction thereof instead of for transfer of pent 2 Instead o of 1 Motorcycles remain the same 3 The increased revenue from license will amount to about a year and will be appro priated towards the improvement Pro Mrs Bailey and son also her sister Miss Eva Donne spent New Year holidays with Mrs Only a very limited number of peo ple have any adequate conception of the operations to Allen special of the British press with the French army there are twenty miles of trenches to every mile of front He lays In the section the Trench lines that I have Just been visiting there are already ofl a front of ten mile 375 kilometres or over 334 miles of trenches To make certain still more sure an other kilometres or miles of other trenches are being dug so that by the end of the year there will be in that neighborhood miles of on ten miles front Mr Allen estimates there least miles trenches to every mile front bo that between Switzerland and the North the and French armies have at least 10000 miles of trenches guard and keep in order J- has re turned home after visiting at Kes wick for two weeks and is feel ing some better after her bad cold THE LEADING House You can buy your For UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night attended to at John H Millard and 26 PURITY R AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Mies Marion Long and her brother Eddie of Toronto spent over Sunday with their uncle and aunt at the Methodist so KKTTLKBY SNOWBALL Seasons 4 Greetings We are again grate ful to our many Friends for their Kindness and Patron age during this an- other and one and all a Happy and Proeperous Hew Year Phone Studio On West the New Post I Photographer In Your Town Hello Friends here we ore again big as and twice as natural A large crowd attended the party on Thursday evening and all report a good time at Mr Alex Terrys What made the girls take a to one our soldiers with his kilts on at the Ibiss Trainer has been a few days with Mrs Dan Mr Vlll Webb spent Friday with friends in attraction eh Miss Flossie Terry Is spending a month or in Sharon with her ulster Pete waft a good boy and he won the Victoria Where was BUI Mr Mitchell spent Sunday evening with his lady We are sorry to hear that Mr Shanks is away He Saturdays for the mountains where he Intends to stay for the winter Harry and Ms sister Jessie spent Sunday with Muriel Mitchell League well attended on Sun day night Two attempt were made down the City Hall at Hound Hack again is the correspondent Had some time all right Maurice Watson returned home from the front on Monday and was welcomed by all Several his old friends went to meet him Measels to be the fashion now adays Mr and Mrs L Watson and Miss Olive Wateon went to Toronto to meet Pte Maurice Watson on Tuesday of last week all remaining in Toronto over the holiday Several of the young people around our burg attended the dance at Mr Alex Terrys on Thursday evening of last week and all report an excel lent time Mr ana Mis Ash of King have moved into the that is known as Hills Crossing Mr Curtis the line spent Friday of week In To Mr White spent over the holiday at Mr also Mr Fred Smiths Mr and Mrs Fred Skinner of spent New with Mr and Mrs W Oimf been con fined to the Is again able to be out MIhh fcas returned alter spending a week at They say took sudden drop over on the line one day re cently Whats the Snowball cor respondent up or turned Mr Donald Morrison of writes that the family are all pretty well Newmarket peo ple are interested in their wel fare Mr and Mrs Howard Mor ton and Miss Marion of Weston visited at the home of his moth er Mrs Neil Morton Joseph St last Sunday Caldwell was home from Montreal for the weekend expecting It to he the last lime prior to leaving for the Old Country Mr Garnet Kirhy who was home for the holidays loft on Monday for Kingston University where he expects to remain till midsumrner and Mrs J Simp son of Toronto spent New Years Day with Mr- and Mrs Cornell also Miss fteba Simpson who re mained over Sunday Miss Lister and her from are spending tho New Year holidays with Man ager of the Hank of Toronto Mr A M Lister St Mr and Mrs KJackson and little MIkk also the Misses of Toronto together with Mr and Mrs Jan of Aurora spent Now Years Day at Miss Lcpard of Union St who has neon confined to her hod for the past two years had he company of her two Mrs and her daughter Elsie- and Miss Ada of Toroilo over New Years Mrs Jan Pitt of Bar River formerly of Newmarket writos The cruel war has made many sad homes in the year Only out of that loft tho Boo with the first contingent and our hoy is among the seven Wo all pray for victory soon Mr Jos McNeil and wife who run Men Summer Resort at Jacksons Point In town Friday on home from Pennsylvania spent the holidays most do- with and friends The Cradle At Kettlcby on Dec 24th to Mr and Mrs a son Newmarket on Dec to Mr and Mrs John Fletcher a TheAIUr RoseBrady At the Manse on Dec by Rev A Hamilton Frank Rose to Mra Mary Qrady all of North In 1oronto on January 1st by Dr Graham Mr Roy youngest son of Mr and Mrs Albert Storks Queen St East to Miss Hazel Stewart young est daughter of Dr and Mrs Stewart both of Toronto On Jan 5th by Elder I at Ins residence Prospect Ave Mr Henry Harris to Miss Alice Johnson all of Newmarket Tomb Boyd In Newmarket on Jan Ruth Helen twin daughter of Mr and Mrs A Lot St Newmarket aged mos i Ferguson At Dec T K Ferguson in his year Ingram In Newmarket on Jan James Ingram in his year funeral took place yester day Service at his late residence Huron St West at oclock and Interment in Newmarket Cemo- Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT Agent for Camera and Photo Chocolates Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phone No Store Phone No EFFI The Nations Need t Does your health for efficiency you it Are you giving of your best physically and mentally to your country to your business and to your home Or you Buffering from some chronic condition that seems hopeless to overcome Are you aware that the greatest Science of drugieas healing is at your door and waiting to as to its merits Ask honestly why you are not effi cient and then why you have not investigated the merits of Chiropractic the greatest of the century Come and Test it for Yourself TREATMENTS Specialty including Violet Roy High Frequency and Currents ABSOLUTELY no case taken unless help can be given TELEPHONE for appointment or call at the office of r Evan Lewis a OSTEOPATH Church Street WestAt Holland Landing Dec si George sou of Mr Washington West in his- year i j j I 1 You wdl thit tt ex cuses you wouldnt sat isfy Mr and Mrs Hall Pros pect had the pleasure of all their for tho Now Year holiday Included Mr Mich Mr and Mrs Oliver and of Mr Walter- Hall apd fanilly of Cedar Vallay Onl and Oral at homo Tucker Newmarket on Jan 1st Elijah son of Mr Tucker in his yr Newmarket Jan Caroline- Amelia of Mrs Hikes aged years on Saturday at In Cemetery At Toronto on Jan Margaret widow of Frank on Friday morning to St Johns Newmarket NEWMARKET i I i I r v- I 8 A J ROADHQU8E Wain St North All Orders WHILE THEYvUWT BALANCE OF CARLOAD No Government Standard v TERIW8 I Phono4k j

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