Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Jan 1891, p. 2

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J v JAN 1891 Barrio Solid Bargains J Stephens Big Bargains S Boots a hoes Montgomery Meetings Mr Daniel Wanted Card of Thanks Mrs P York Society Jackson Notice J A Milne Cemetery of Thanks J Woodcock Card of Tnanks J Card of Thanks Card of J Robertson Seeds Ferry Sewing Wanted Mrs House to let Mrs Wilkin Ontario Wanted J Robertson Hi- She Sis UTS DP CROWS WITH j FRIDAY JAN Our Toronto Despatch to Bra did- will be for In oulo It swrtnl to bo meeting CUrica bj Koch York now held pn bench Mi Joba Clab here on lb nbecl of reciprocity Coral Attorney Bdfgrow in inch be for to him go tooth for the of net on whom IU fill Scott John over ejected Councillors elected in North Ward were J Alt Love and Qrennan Reeve R J Daley elected Sanders by majority Todd Johnson Arm strong and Rao elected 34 Lane Bell 63 Mortimer 60 Marls Goodwin Wright 9 In order to avoid tho expense of sax election contest Mr P resigned and Messrs Daley and drew lots last week leaving the council in this newly incor porated village elected by acclama tion as follows Reeve J W McDonald McLaughlin and A Reeve J Stokes elected over Norman by of a majority 3rd Deputy Lemon elected by elected by 146 maj A BLAST Meeting of Parliament Notwithstanding floating rumors to the contrary we are inclined to the notion that the Dominion Parliament will not bo summoned for the trans action of business till early in March next This conviction is strengthen ed from the fact that the opening of the regular session has not been ted By efflux of time the existing will expire early and as 1891 is census year by delay ing the session till March the returns of the population can be made up in time for a redistribution of seats bill to be passed the latter end of May or beginning of June Of course we make no pretensions to inspiration but judging from conspiring circum stances the above is quite within be range of probabilities Should this speculation prove true as a result of the passage of the redistribution bill the country may look with tolerable certainty for an early dissolution of parliament after the session is over The new constituencies to be created would to representation and this could not be legally secured till after a new election It is not improbable therefore that Sir John may appeal to the electorate in the early autumn of the current year or probably between haying and bar- vest A promise was made by the Government last session that new lists would be prepared this year in time for the next appeal to the conn- try This cacnot done till after the census will bare been taken but this work may be performed be tween Juno and September The foregoing program has been outlined by the Montreal Star followed with this observation that should it not be carried out a session would have to be held in the autumn which would be an expensive and incon venient alternative 97 roui In Holcoro it Hopkins SO 439 CourtiillOTI 74 42 41 67 NORTH For Rtixt No 1 No No 3 J S3 Thoa Scott lover T 49 Coumiltcn Draper ffmEul J 67 J Wanker CO 6 tad lis St Notwithstanding the inclement weather and icy of the Jut Friday evening the Popular Bank Sanday School a grand The house fall and everything pawed off North Well the elections over and there are sore feelings in more than one in consequence Charges sod counter charges are made and talk of protests but then it is only talk and I fear that in the issues where could made actions of neither side would bear investigation Reeve Scott is sustained in his posi tion but By a terribly reduced major ity a bare seven For deputy reeve Glover came out ahead by For councillors heads the poll closely followed by Draper The former is a new man in council work but appears to have the confidence of the people as canvass was short Mr Draper- has been tried and I am sincerely- glad that course has been upheld These two men have believe been elected on their merits and this is gratifying to all right thinking per sona The third man was in doubt for some time but Hamilton won by a large majority much abused system of per sonal canvassing left Ira Morton al most behind in thefraco as was feared but he has at least the knowledge that he maintained his manhood end also that he made fair show among so manyi Perhaps before another election cornea around he may not be the only one to a similar stand Holt Keawlek- Reeve Donald McDonald Deputy John Kay Councillors Baker and Mark ham Village Hall and a tie for reeve Tyrrell for reeve the Battle Monday was a lively day prob- the liveliest there has ever been since tho open voting was discontin ued This is quite evident from the rote cast which was the largest ever polled in this municipality yet with all the election was carried on In a very friendly manner There is no doubt but a little hitch in the nomination of Mr If Cane him the election His nomination was seconded by a nonresident ten ant wno been placed in wrong part of tbe list on account of an error in the assessment roll It left room for a legal quibble but Mr Woodcock to stand by Irllot box if they would not challenge tho vote of any person who was en tered list This was agreed to but it raised tbe possible vote from about to that being the total of ballon cast for the reove- sbjp as follows jo the Georges one of which was blank Andrews two of which were blanks Pat ricks one of which was a blank There were over votes polled be fore oclock and they could not be recorded by the Deputy returning Officers in the two wards where there was an extra ballot for The result of the ballot box was as follows Per Woodcock ti Cats fi St alrao In fit Andrews Ward fir ballots for the were spoiled either by voting for more candidates than three or by marking two crosses opposite one name In Patricks Ward one ballot was spotted by voting for four candidates Council tor therefore stands Mayor Jackson J Woodcock Deputy Georges Belfry and If Pretty Andrews T J John Eves and Brown Patricks HI IIU TO WRITS of North Norfolk Mr ftpproechiDg for A ntlGtxu from Lioduy date of fltb that Mr for of Victoria died tilt after a The cue with the Mr Coil eat of In Local an tried the the return of Mr baring again till Bat trial tare contradiction Ibt World theory in regard of opinion do op to Satordaj at rate had been them in regard to regret ire death ofWm- Weld founder editor of the of Oot On ho fell into at Me and He bora in England Id end a eon of Ren Weld rector Kent DtiiMd a wife and who the path of the CuidlaaPreu There considerable excitement hero oyer the election- Johnnie got there There was a email crowd at the echool Wednesday of last week Mr Kay was elected trualea Mr Eraatue a cow through choking on a turnip Mr J and wife spent New Years at Sirs fathers in Oar doing a rushing bnsipead at present Mr Arnold faaagiven np teach ing here and intends taking an Arts course in Toronto University Sir is taking as teacher a5 Mr is going on jury on morning Mr EL bouse caught fire last week bat the fire was for tunately extinguished before damage was done Mr is con6oed to his through a sore leg Miss Howard of visiting a few day a at Mr J as A Tmvies Sam got of it Christmas day and concluded thst to best policy Joe Mom arise and make thy- self known On Friday evening a number of tho members and friends of Method here paid a Daring the evening a complimentary and appropriate address accompanied by a presentation made to Mr Large was read by Mr Isaac sod Mr made the presen tation The present comprised a for and mitts Mr Largo made a feeling and appropriate reply to the address The Tea Meeting in connection with the Christian on New Years eve was a decided success proceeds clear of all amounted to about Rev Mr is his holidays at Father Cornells The Methodist School expect to hold services the and inst There is a growing inter est in this school The average at tendance last year was Mrs of vil lage is very sick also Mr is quite sick with the mumps Trie recent Election was very sharply contested We understand that some even spent the Sabbath Day electioneering We will reserve any farther news Oo tho election until another trees The dinner and entertainment in connection with the Christian here held on Now Years Eve was a grand success over being real ized Long before the time appoint ed people were gathered at the hall and their appetites being they were escorted to beautiful church which had been no nicely re paired Here they were entertained by the Newmarket Choir till about clock when the chnreh was packed to overflowing On motion of Mr Edward Esq Brougham voted to Elder of Newmarket was ttie first speaker and he referred with much pleasure to the fire years of his pastorate with this church Bell of Roachs Point spoke of the christian anion and his address was very much appreciated John Rich ardson Esq exWarden of and Reeve of greatly amused the audience and will not soon be forgotten Mr of Sntton spoke about the election Rev Air Large of a few words about chnreh and social union and tying the official knot Elder T of Sharon was the last speaker and he closed his excel lent remarks on union by a pan on certain bachelors The speak ing was interspersed with splendid by the Newmarket Choir and a solo by Mrs entitled The fire bells are ringing which was well rendered The nana vote of thanka were moved by Messrs Neil Morton Silas and Elder Shoolts and the meeting closed by the benediction Kttleby The Municipal election has created more than usual interest in this vicin ity for some time past York District Division of tho of met in hall here on and farther partic ulars will be given next week Oh Saturday evening last while Mr cock waa attending the Division his horse got loose and wandered away into an adjoining field where it was found with a brok en leg A team and sleigh was im mediately procured and the animal conveyed to Mr stable where it is being treated The cemetery is almost fenced and woold completed had there not been ad much delay early in the season SEWINGWANTED THEaixStnljnied is prepared to do all a plain ftid Tillering it folly tod CIIA8 DOW80M NOTICE boot of ficcoanU now On mi of Mutt JANUARY 20th to not Mrs was taken ill on Sabbath last and necessitated calling in medical aid next morning but learn she is recovering Mr Lemuel Lewis is seriously ill and on Monday grave hopes of bis recovery were entertained Mr Walton Poet Master here again able to visit the office occasion ally in Oysters are In season here other places our candi dates for Municipal honors might take the hint The next regular meeting of the North York Farmers Club is to take plaoe in the Temperance Hall here on Saturday the 17th when Mr A B Haines of Whitchurch will read a paper on Vhafc I know about farm ing and Dr of Horse We hope the will turn oat largely and vote for the Club to coma again A Brass Band has been organ at Beaton A set of new ments were purchased which arrived the other Mr of baa been engaged teacher Am I l data by Joint Cub J A- MILNE NEWMARKET CEMETERY GO TUB of Co- will o hold in COUNCIL CHAMBER ox Monday EreDlpXTt Election of of Chair o taken at a oclock aharp A fall lot holders qacjtod frill SALE OF Glassware JC Which we are clearing out at cost and below cost We are giving up this department to make more room for Boots Shoes This offers a good chance for you to lay in a stock for the next year to come SfxralAr North York Society hereby ttirLa Hat Of above held In Coancil WEDNESDAY aal lVl At oclock for OF lion floeraand other recaption and Report Election of Of A general A ineetlDSf of Board will to The Barrie Stock of Dry Goods Silks Mantle Clothing now going on where you will find a lot ot goods marked at prices very greatly in your favor and below what they cost us A Children Pitchers ft8beHl3ehejjts TO LET Apply St or to MRS bald lhP Orde j iHldni of Board OR 161 JACKSON SeoTtcaa dcfiVrdnd At le about hundred am led a h Gorbsm ANTED Sale Sharon Jaq will kvilaof eta lot IS d Con of loan it papers pleased lo tost with- Ibe cbog Id be of comes the lost the of lbs is not lo be This will not to empIojsVs tut to the Urn a large extent will a thing of new will seek con- Joet lbs great oyer bo ezeiciies cootrol la loch as to to tbs people hate risbie fltPtl til growth of lbs trie- So Afuffatjs two oar people wbUb their the other they to pat their moot to will their ability to ni sei battens his on of the when we pfobablfat of to ws stalled of lbs method lion The hi if I show befog la of sod lbs each will grisllj in- of lbs Under sapeftfiloo of Mr of pteeldtot of lbs Bell Coeoptny their hire a of of Ontario the wotk of Mr Biker while to Mr the Toronto his beta lo a great doe lbs Improve sunt a this Dd Now Years come and gone also Nomination and Election and our village has settled down to its- usual routine The dinner at the Meet ing House was well attended and the freewill offering most generous Enjoyment was apparent among The social in connection with the of England was well atten ded on New Years eve Tho pro gram consisted chiefly of musical selections which were famished with two exceptions by local talent Master Allan of and Miss Cora I assist ed and their efforts were highly ap preciated Mr of Trinity College occupied chair and gave the best of satisfaction Job Hughes who has been at Tecs- water for titno past is home on Jesse and If Kibcly spent holidays at Owen and Mr and Mrs Jane Toronto polled their votes last Monday Miss Emily WIHson entertained a of her friends last Friday night An enjoyable lima was spent of St Church Presented Mr J Graham- with a Hymnal and Book of Chants on Christmas Day Mr Harry of Toronto spent New Years with Sharon friends A sleigh load from our village at tended Concert at ML Albert last Thursday are are seven who the Koch treatment in Montreal General hospital satisfactorily and two of them who are suffering from are showing decided signs of improve ment -V- Great Bargains I IK FOR CASH LEADING FURNITURE Undertaking House A Largo Block to UNDERTAKING DEPL a Block of Ac well a the Hum Undertaking a Specialty to at All sad for IKS anil li9 from aVoiUD for price- r OFFICE f The Novelty Manufacturing Go tins a few has TOUT council board Any on the s A CASH AND ONE PRICE which I held I had to that will held at General COUNCIL CHAUBER on SOU At for riecllon of Director and bualoi t Piled f r CARD OF THANKS thoToitfBiblp Of King to rota for accorded me dec Log tho direction I thlok not farditao lboajtirpg for attend nomination giro their siana to tie people and to elect br ballot who are most com- to fill iho for I I hereby con vey to my tnc4ro thanks for Itn very you will try during year to lift township so as lo maintain you hare reposed Id mo i j M P Meetings MB- Jf tAkc pupils for to on PIino and Ontan at North of Model School on pi Tilt will reopen On Wednesday Jan SIGNRED BOOT I AM GETTING READY FOB MR Ml my thunka to you cntatd you the at nod la promote ilobf la power promote I am Ladles Gentleman four obedient It I off CARD of Andrew Ward Men ax you adncorely for tho LadUi and IbefftothaoL you for deocayou In mo by electing mo for tbo tenth as one of your rcpriin tlvoaat During I hare at council Of eTer for a void compliment io without all you a happy and 1- public LOCK It lsurgtl coding to be M work of facilitate Heating Of I ho building style all on of will then be beep In tho AND AM GIVING nowdcoksof being may bo entirely A to commercial and work for in And Junior Matt to lass Certificates eolation It da- tbo work for I J Jpj Tuesday Jan A Nil AT II MILlMHU filtfgr I fuel mo more Wljhini New Year I SI To J K or lo sad reprecaiAUTe of Thanks Co Sir for reel my Com- claim fo under Policy No ot my lata Jean ML thla to the total a premiums In ftailiatf claim paper ready I remain Your CouitaIa lown on the Mr J Colllaa of a ion- wlfo of laoy itarihot Mrs Orlllia was lo days in jail In do- of a fine for sailing to Indians While a ftU was in at Wort I on aw Years day a girl daotall sA lo skirts Her who dressed In bt max lo mined to her rescue and the were all qolcklr enveloped flamea gentlemen present did all to save the chil dren girls burned to and over twenty were Injured soma it Is feared Sutton The annual dinner la connection with ho MethodUt church was held on New Years day and notwith standing the state of the weather was a tided The tablet which were spread In a large store fa close proximity to the church Jookedyery nice and attended by many willing waitresses The menu consisted of good things In an almost variety turkey goose etc was very plentiful and very was taste fully After tea a raie treat In In church where Intellectual of the program was announced to take reeve of very ably presided The speakers present were Revs J of who delighted the audience with their stirring and eloquent addresses The speeches Interspersed with choice selections of by glee club Misses Foster and the Messrs Richardson A touchenjoyed treat was a recita tion glyen by Nettle Poster of Jemima Troubles never singly The following legal news appeared In Tuesdays Toronto pipers At too- Oforlhtr rcdemrtloo pistol Iff lo Unas salts for of tie t4fttir llb all tt j Mch lU 4 from him for pAtyt fifasoa Mr daughter or day His of Mr of a lUrrlBp ylt or Sir New Hi St rcildcuc of lb of Mr of Mr of North ConbsrrCROwcsOo trod lb ol brides MrcDts by Iter J Mr Arthur or Ann Crowft of I New Years bride near Zephyr iter Wllkleaoo Mr Prom ugbtarof John En the me Her If at Nawmjrkci THE BEST JCaiUiUd aad SEED ANNUAL FREE Q iljctu ud I It Brocks Wednesday J In All Classes of Goods WEDNESDAY Now is the time to take advantage Jan 14 SDBJECT4 Trade Question Chair taken at Town of m Tenders for Wood will received by CAED OF THANKS is ID Ml lute If ufaj of toMoMionltAintlU lUlntr of kefa couple Into a unlit Kill Moot reih Elector you tqcroowiv port e Aioo flection four at ho poll thank iho I do- of by Mil DrotnUrslban I did and onoorfipus nv feat at rracrty loir no My mono has Joed to to yle- I ear at tho always teen j are ai number If capacfty atltcova lean confer a JltoniMcnt with ffiL do to aoy person whither a mint or not dUpoaal again ladle for your to with you Happy New one for the honor to on aldoat Mr ased 33 years mot- Hamuli A J Mr John and of airs J years to J allow re pic WOODCOCK lie I7tti tiny of JTAutmry tor a tor Aafollowa 20 CORDS DRY HARDWOOD 20 KM LOCK ii Jo Imdcrlnu for curds No airily accepted order of Council el Clark Notice to Creditors retain IN of lit or nil of Elizabeth of the of ihc of York- or flftf ftro required on Monday day of rfliV To to ftbethHoflleaut4mfMu iimai full or Iho that on aod Hi ld iho 4 may whoro can alwaji get work ia far ho do Iholeadlox the belt is his work to much superior IN CANADA BRlTieH- UNITED no coast MANITOBA MX business and employs nono but skilled workmen their friends our collection of natural loryla well worth a Co made welcome TKCAU9B be iimlcrsUoda North of Iolelnpetalt MONEY TO LOAN Six percent on flrstclws farm by DAVID LLOYD Coromlulontr for CouvcfAoctr of Mar Quern and UontrCAl Id alio for ho Confcrtefaltoa Toronto Ortlce ami OR SALE for sale Vrwmnrk TftMflRAC WOOD IN THE TUBE DRY OR GREEN BY THE LOAD CORft APPLICATIONS op to by On Lot I In iho Sod Con of to ott BRUNTOrSI V- AQilUad of which the a All altS0ais PK1KTIHO Prices Reduced BOOT8 SHOES AT And Ad the aiwia or aty oy of whom ho ihtll haI av Iho of of alio that all Io to Mid to acuta swat a IhUtnddajr DANIEL hurl on point dlmpla hill for re turd- Arivr till STONE fcniACK old ton w J Be It fcMOVKD To on Water reel railway All kind of Very Very Cheap IS i BELOW J COST i t Mens Lycoming Snow Excluders reduced from 200 to 1 Mens Lycoming Buckle Arctics reduced from 190 to Every pair guaranteed dr money refunded They wont last long at those prices BRUNTS BROS We have also a large stock of Star Brand of Bacon and Hams

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