24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 27, 1967 Pay Christmas Bills With Times "Action" Classified Ads -- Fast Results Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY [Carpentry _ Accountonts GORDON R. DAY, | Cortivied aural 205" BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Serv peckg ye beekkeerng, service, "12 € tered Accountants bankruptcy, $7) Oshawa. 728 Simcoe Street Pi TMANN, Chartered Accoun JOSEPH GU Stree! REMODELLING rec work and kitchen cupboards, Eric Behm 17 Bond Sos cLANcY's counting Complete bookkeen' service. 178 coe Street N72! Res Bluep inting ting and photostatic Building Trades NEED MORE ROOM ? ? HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alterotions Sent on Rooms Call us JAMES ALLEN & SONS 725-6126 "Quclity is. whet @RICK AND BLOCK Work rs. M. Lafontaine Const repe 95 FERRANO PAVING ness. Guaranteed Ww 17 Bond Str Street East, ROOFING, hot 'ar "and grave repeirs, large and sma jobs -- Roofing and truction, 725-69 ALU TYPES iding repairs aavestroughina Gord May, Whitby masonry. 668-7 fle You're reading ith CLASSIFIED RATESS WORD ADS Cash 1 additional words t tione! words 131 ¥ eoch tive insertions of 24 words tiene! words 24¢ ench yeor nsertion of 24 words Se each Cherge--19 per cent additisne! charee| if not poid within & doys Methed ef eounting -- words count os 24 words initial, figure er abbreviation counts oF phone number counts two BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.50 per insertion with 28 cents odd! tional charge if not paid within 8 days IN MEMORIAMS $2.50 for the first 28 words ond 6c ica: atl eoch thereofter plus 13¢ per verse; 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 8 doys CARDS OF THANKS $2.50 for the first eoch therenfter with 25¢ charge if not paid within & days COMING EVENTS $2.28 per. inch (display); (Were Ads) AUCTION SAI $2.38 PER NCH PER INSERTION DEADLINES WORD ADS 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND $ am. DAY OF PUBLICATION IN _MEMORIAMS and CARD OF THANKS 4 pm. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 4 pm. day orger--10 1 eclumn- 2 umnes er TIONS AND ONE "AR PURLICATION cor "DA Ary advertisement elled before publicotion will be eharoed: one do sox MBEP PENTALS $1.0 MENTS THAN IN WRITING NOT VERTISEMENT PRICE CHARGE NOR BEYOND FOR A_ SINGLE SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS the right t IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Cell Classified Direcy 723-3492 INDEX TO Clee ORTIONS ' ne Equipment ond Barter les for Sole Rooms for Room and Boord =e AND CO., Char Licensed Trustees North Service 178 Sim ' we build in and genera ctlen 725 Fhingies and H Roofing flrepiaces PER MONTH The cost of this od daily for one Too smo! to be noticed? 3 consecu insertions of 24 words, 3.24; add & consecu 5.76; add Less thon 24] Buen word 35 words and 7c additione $2.00 fer the first 20 words and 6 each thereotter| previous; 2 eo a.m, day previous} NOT BE ONSILE FOR ERRORS "IN ADVER SUBMITTED OTHERWISE FOR MORE THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD contained therein omawe Sree! Quality Camnantry GENERAL REPAIRS Home .Improvement Serving Oshowe for Many Years 725-857 balance on the declining No arranging fees -- Open mortaage C.A.C. REALTY LTD OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1691 _MORTGAG SES rit mbrlaedbs ananeut ona purchosed. Open without no- tice or bonus Second mortgages orror /ARTZ 26\4 King Street Eost Oshawa: Ont 123-4697 Telephone MORTGAGE LOANS once Present mortgage eee 2---Personal [vision Wess" SO TRIO Tee EGGS "DAISY FRESH" dally -- White |. First and second mortgage | scasd~ wapaiag io" Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. Pick ave h to aluminum and ed up, delivered at store or home. | Es ELECTROLYSIS wood windows and aluminum screens ops vation See ie "ps VS | PAE : 723-4641 vaedun Sepang a" ma se Lili ois Come " = se be lbrushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 9420712, DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock 2-331 | aft [Framing Vacum Service, Main sree, Skea oP promoly. Marawil Fur Farm, | eo a) ee A licen WiCe BRANCH REALTY offering second mort oc ¥ p sth, ee TYPEWRITER STANDARD Portable -- | ace: Telephone 725-4210 anytime 1Otr hone Genosho ote $40; Eelectric ty: riter $85; cash reg 1 1 P. i pene'. tmoey | : f Lebel : --Pets and Livestock |FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, saie| On these days for appoint- |ister, adding machine $20; duplicator Radtdcles lagreements purchased and sold nnick nie $45. 723-4434 GERMAN Shepherds. Reg'd. pups. Pro ee ee eee |EQNTINENTAL BEDS tron $2095, imel-lTEP BL in ane are. Vasah aattie jEas 72. i e. le CITY-WIDE COVERAGE at low cost Is|necittg ry Pricer all sizés, headboards | cin." Cory-J Ranch Kennels, 655-4662. |Money to Loon NEED CASH to pevalbe areal veer bill buy thet new car, bo ave! Ve feature second mortgage ent. Also first Specialists ond District and Dependable Service 6 or 623-3411 reation rooms, trim __{Rug - - Upholstery Servic _|s Trailers HOLIDAY | | Free Pick-Up and Delivery Truck Campers | | Just Arrived 1968 Models | Angus-Graydon V4 TON FRONT DINETTE 728-6254 ¥2 Ai! SIDE DINETTE PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Doy Service Rings Believe ft or Not/ mas as the gift for the home. 576-2370. | @ Torsion bar adjustment | | | We you a better tower extra, | USED TELEVISIONS, _ for less. money. |$29. and up. Buy, sell, rent and service. | BRAKE SPECIAL |19 Prince Street. 723-9241 BUY AND SELL. Good used furniture, Most populor cars First appliances, antiques, skates, guns, 723 Ve Quality Royoline, 4 wheels, ° |9241. 19 Prince St |RECONDITIONED TV towers and |rotors (trade-ins), 40, $0, and 60-foot SUPPLY LTD. 14.88 TAUNTON RD. E Plus $2.00 per wheel |structures. All in excellent condition Uaet baat ek Rien) (labor coat) |Oshawa TV Supply Litd., 723-8131. |MOTORS, _ transmission, and body pan- 723-8131 723-8132 Inels. An L9-O 1S ything in used auto parts. WHEEL BALANCE Wayne Auto Wreckers, Call 725-4920. en seed SPECIAL M100 HAMMOND ORGAN. Like new. ney ; T 5 TELEVISION -- RADIO Including weights per wheel, | rreehene 5762619 |BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture [and appliances, One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simeoe South, 723.3271. | lOSHAWA'S. newatt "Sawin DentTe, lew | | each 24 Hour Service SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END. WORK ot belong ols le a HOLMES COMPARABLE PRICES eaten Tieshone CBSE. i Prince St | ELECTRONICS UNIROYAL © |s-Menat Bester | 17 Park Rood South | TV RENTALS TOWERS CENTRES | PHONE 668-5679 Ae Oe App eS | | H DOMINION TIRE STORE | |SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Phone 725-6511 | Fast,T.V. Service - . Mclntosh DOMINION SNOWMOBILES | 3 manufactures | pid fee St) | - TELEVISION rom $695. | $2 Per Bushel [sion open socio am. 29m tT ; | daily, six-day week including Sunday | Bik Iba BAe boa ent ane eo iles Apply Mr. Campbell, Hotel Genosha. % é f roilers . up WAITRESS required for cocktail lounge Troiler hitches made and in- | |Must be attractive, between the ages of | \ | |21-35, Full or part-time work. Apply Mr. | Ta Me Rentals stalled Sis ce A [ G O M A iCampbell, Hotel Genosha, No phone| JEW SETS Snow tires $12.95 up \calls, please. : | Cars -- Trailers -- Snow- RELIABLE babysitter wanted In my mobiles wanted, | Rent a Ski-Doo by the Hour | FALCON J RE and APPLIANCES | 5 SIMCOE SOUTH | 723-0011 ORCHARDS Ltd. Thickson Rd. N. or day, 80 acres to play on, | MacDonald Texaco | ; Saat KING ST. E ; Seclit tenia ima mace | Onan te 10 > 576-1250 Whitby hawa T ipply Limited, Taun-! Road East, just east of Ritson Road att. structure, JA----Eggs & Poultry TV TOWER SPECIAc --- with Classified Ads. Phane (Onetnird off. Factory outlet. ee 'br an adewrtter: |TV's RECONDITIONED from $39 and BEAUTIFUL se up, all sets fully guaranteed. TRIO Tele-|for training, talkin a Motorbi kes vision, corner Bond-Division, 728-5]43, Broad, 114 Elgin East. : Sean FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free, PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE--Clip- trouble-free winter if. you,Ping all breeds, poodies our specialty Free pick-up and delivery; boarding and what you get 492 now os < s ¢ ] s mm ¥ Hisar 4 Apply P. Guaranteed confidential, private funds, Ca 23-46 e Purchase from Western Oil Compan: cadet aut IDEAS oie tie OMPANY: taining. Doberman Pingchers and Ger | | ™ man Shepherd puppies for sale. Dachurst |LOANS UP TO $7,000 consolidate | FOR THE CYCLIST FURNITURE -- Three rooms of neW Kennels, 655-3881. [bills. Private money, 2nd mortgages. | : 3 furniture, Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' No obligation, 28-919! or 725-14? | Home Furnishing, 424 Simcoe South WELSH CORGI puppies, lovely compan- helmets @ oves @ jackets TYPEWRITER. carl = gions for adults and children. Reserve . . a Ide indsh 7 adding machines, cash ip, 452 Loring 728-9888. Plumbing and Heating face shields @ windshields registers, new, used, sales, service, all/noy 27 Horne ed acacia ests é goggles @ leather pants makes. Call your Royal dealer. 77-3664, AQUARIUMS repaired, custom built, otorcocies--tro 3 original new and some old style for sale Dh rahine Diccounk M es from $350 USED TIRES, most all Sizes. B. F. Good: 795.7647 u g 1 u | z ich, 88 King Street West. 725-454 any Gah Bil ba serine } | 'S , " ' groom, a al ree jeritiz 149 Brock St. North | AB'S CYCLE SHOP 21" TELEVISION in excellent condition. equ pment, Introductory: offer $5. Eve., 114 Stevenson Rd. S$ | Telephone 728-1742 WHITBY -- 668-6601 | a eae ane uF | --_ -660 | 728-7780 HEAVY DUTY electric stove, in good PUPPIES AND TRAINED DOGS, tiny : | s condition. Telephone 623-2771 toys and larger breeds, $35-$100, de- Direct to y plumbing sup- | NORDMENDE GLOBETRAVELLER ra.|livered. 1-985-2645. plies Everything in. the . leeth 15 bands on mor power On BRITTANY SPANIEL, female, register- kt re. 209 1 |DAILY attery marine internation?! ed, $40 or best offer. Telephone 576-0247 pine line. 20%. off al LY NEWSPAPER READERS |short wave bands $270 new, sell $200. 723- : us supplies | An average 300 mililon coples of 8,000 4396. DOG TRAINING CLASSES, sponsored dally newspapers are sold throughout by the .Oshawa Obedience Association. | ig om & 9 om the world on any given weekday PARTY DRESSES, suits, automatic | inquiries invited tor classes starting Jan That's why. Its smart 1 business to ad washing machine, projector, percolator, vary 1968. For further information c v4 hd us all fabrics for draperies and bedspreads, teleph-ne- 723-9708 SATURDAY 9 am. to 5 5.m OSED WEDNES ALL TYPES repairs and new and mate rates, Estimates free, mii. 4 remode easonabie|at low cost, just dial 723-3494, 4, Foley, Section pine household artic'es many other excelier fe Telephone 723. 4402 es raucees SKATES, new and used, hockey equip. | ent and sticks at. bargain prices. | Cyele Contre, 204 Bond $1, E, 125-6344, condition RESULTS? Use Times Action Want Ads. Ing) \offer before 000 subscriber ). __|dinner or babysitting. reconditioned, |Ev® or @ |17--Female Help Wanted lation, 12 midnight to 6 a.m., night of January 31 to morn- ing of February Ist. | RELIABLE WOMAN to babysit for two little girls and do light housekeeping; live In, private room. Telephone 728-0467 home in Forest Glen Heights area, five day week, hours'8 to 5, 723-9985 for all other departments Open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. For New Year's Comptometer Operators Required for inventory calcu- | CONTACT OFFICE OVERLOAD CO: LTD, 725-7973 TIMES Classified ACTION ADS for RESULTS Telephone 723-3492 723-3474 18--<Malp Help Wanted HOW TO MAKE MORE MONEY IN '68' 1 need a full or part time man to help meet the demand for a much needed service for motorists. Pleasant, digni- fied, good paying work. No experience necessary but a cor is. For full information contact Norman Yakeley, 208 St. Peter St., Whitby, phone 668-5259. PRODUCTION Bowmanville, Oshawa. 728-4922. south central and without experience. Ontario, advertising and leads with Enquire about |this exciting business now. Lots of help, Escalating com mission schedule ensures high earnings. For contidential interview call Jim Lam bert now, J, J. Lambert Ltd. Donway West, Don Mills 447-858 Estate Board. NEED EXTRA MONEY? sales work, 725-1885 Multi-Clean Janitorial Supply. Real Estate Phone Member of the Toronto Real ~ Part-time between 5-7 p.m 20--Real Estate for Sale CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simcoe St. North RALPH SCHOFIELD Manager If you are looking for a modern bungalow at a bar- gain price you have found it here.. Better still your pur- chase can be financed with a vers low interest mortgage if you qualify. This is a once in a lifetime real bargain be- | cause the house carries for only $119.00. monthly, with only $3,600.00 down, Don't delay, call today. Three - bedroom brick bun- galow tastefully decorated, and in immaculate condition, Steps away from all schools, bus and shopping. INCOME HOUSE Modern three - bedroom brick bungalow with attached gar age - Basement apartment has two hedrooms Large Hollywood kitchen has built in oven and stove, Asking $17,900.00 $2,500.00 DOWN -- _ FOUR BEDROOMS Central location --- Roomy and moderately priced, this seven - room brick home is in real good condition, - Should bring a quick sale, Call immediately tor more de- tails. LIST WITH 723-5221 - 9:00 to 5:30 AFTER HOURS (NO TOLL. CHARGE) Saturday to 12:00 p.m Harvey Hogan 655-3663 [bungalow on Park Road. A Nice sized Tom Houston 668-4416 eee room re kitchen, full basement, Allon Thompson 728-2870 |Eusy pavniente ane coer intend: Ralph Schofield 576-1680 |Guide Realty Limited 723-5286, TRY YOUR downpayment on this 3 37 ACRES OF planted forest. Mostly bedroom one and a hsif storey home pres ana wh pines ready to be lum-|!t's newly decorated and close to Ritson aby 20 minutes from Oshawa. Only $7,/Road School with good terms, Call 723-5286 Guide|ser this ¢ Realty Limited, ASKING $18,200.00 -- NORTH WEST OSHAWA | OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST PLEASE CALL MORE FOR YOUR MONEY 20--Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshawa and District For Over 31 Years 723-2265 EXECUTIVE HOME This style bungalow is located in our prestigeous north west area on a_ large __ professionally landscaped lot and has an attoched 2 car garage. The excellent floor plan separates the 3 comfortable bedrooms from the living area, which consists of a large living room with fireplace, dining room, ond spacious kitchen with built-in stove and oven. For entertaining a huge down- room with: built-in beautiful ranch stoirs rec bar. Call for your appoint- ment to inspect. NORTH-WEST IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Spacious six room bungalow with attached garage in a choice location. 3 lovely bed- rooms two bathrooms, re- creation room with fireplace, wall to wall broadioom in the charming living room, large kitchen with plenty of | | | cupboards, just to mention a few of the excellent fea- tures in this quality built home. Call for details. work 75 2 Saas eee selec spite Base Standard model sleeps 4, 3 - AN OPTICAL ILLUSION, IT FOREMAN Dentistry Cianihin "Guarartesd as " ey" hydro, 12 VANISHES FROM TIME TO TIME . aati tastes V and gas lights, lifting | sea 6 erent BROWM, . Denial pur Pape REN a jocks, stainless steel sink, Required for Trim manufac- esl ~ water tank ond pump, 75 |b. turing plant in sewing room. ~ - s yeors experience ice box, | propane tank, cur- Suinionamn education grade 12 Dressmoking T RNITURE CENTRE tains on all windows. Eiaaulvalant experience, Ex- ee EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING, also 90 Simcoe St. Nor 34 ton models have all the ce mt salary, eaomony, bald Pups chi ltran's Patterns i b enefits. elephone 42- ay cashaeert: Redcerable rales. 106 CHESTERFIELDS onions oko PLUS j 4160 or send resume to pel ygensse reutyied. Ft mates, See our mate Chrysler Spring-Trim Limited > ssmaKINO rial ¢ Toilet, heater, 'stove with 37 aay eee bY eaaba 5) oven, fan over stove, double | . jackenzie Ave., Ajax. drapes. M xe opnousrene . eaae gas bottles, propane fridge | EXPERT DRESSMAKING, alterations 2A i RE PP Shade BUY NOW AT WINTER | as Wiaded Genk Sh Weed. places shed 20 years. Workmanship _guarary PRICES f GOOD MAN OVER 40 sit tresses re-built, furnitue refinished. EASY TERMS AVAILABLE BARON ANTON ULRICH Fey) | For short trips surrounding DRESSMAKING, designing, alterations. Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue, yon HOLZHAUSEN (1754-1832) LAWRENCE B. MASSEY Oshawo.. Man we want is professionally done at reasonable rates | oFCartlisie, professio Big Bb steric | belf My MW worth up. to $14,000 in year, Neve bd . | WILDE RENTAL | be elegy Wy ly FISHING AT BROADKILL BEACH, DEL, plus regular cash bonus. Air Sales and Service | HOOKED A SEA GULL AND A Gardening and Supplies - | | FRANKFURT ON THE MAIN, GERMANY SHARK ON THE SAME CAST | mail P. R. Dickerson, Pres, VACUUM and polisher repairs, a | SERVICE | Sretnnin, ban, 1907, World ghee | Southwestern Petroleum Corp., "Thi R Th 'a ack Lees, pick up and delivery. 728 & SALES | ou" i ven pO OND, 4956 : | 14) : M4 F exas IS a GUARANTEED REPAIR. to. ail wringe 4 ie SO Ont. |8--Articles for Sole |12--Articles Wanted ITALIAN SPEAKING salesman" wanted| washers bed tances eatirnates. - to sell and service Electrolux product Fa F and Appliances. 723-0011 SKI DOO G00D USED FURNITURE wanted. ete Apply 23 Prince Street, #5 pm. Tele - - aa jphone 723-4163 | . . . . F | Septic Service 6--Marine Equipment SALES -- SERVICE abdul ives Mamie WAITERS required for cocktail lounge = cen -- . Full or part-time work. Apply Mr. Camp. SEPTIC TANKS 'cleaned. Prompt serv. CHRIS CRAFT | TEN NeW RENTAL MACHINES | 13 "Articles" for Rent ie Gune ae ee a, st y. 668-2563 | SALES and SERVICE Seer mee ea Tables. Ch L Dish oo I | refreshments .1968 Ski-Doo's ables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- | MAINTENANCE MAN required 'immed- |Surveyors McVay fibreglass sail boots, only $695. Try before you es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coftee Jiatety at Genosha Hotel. Apply in person, ONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On| Ciestliner, Peterborough ond | buy. 1 mile north of Kirby, Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal iets ada laa be Wal dad cise" Cantata blae Northeraft runabouts. Evin | Hwy. 115, Book your Christ- Wear, Men's Formals, White |19--Male and Female prints fario Street. 725-5632 | rude outboard motors. | ras party now at Ontario Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. | Help Wanted H ONTARIO. LAND Surveyor. Oshawa Yachthaven | ports, Orono 983-5444 -- ; OXINIA BULBS "s eine A Pee a eee et 723-8186 Oshawa 728-1203. SARGEANT'S RENTALS GLOXIN Ll 463 Rit Rd 7: Tv Saaic Re ao "STARCRAFT" orew Traveller boats, CUSTOMIZED DRAPES eee Si Lporese 80 dead i i Evinrude motors. Open seven days ? Fifty te h : PONE _____lweek, Marine. Storage ond 'Supply tid,| SAVINGS UP TO 50% |peosle: Gsnuwe 'Tenne 'cluster cee ES TV SERVICE Brooklin 655-3641. ee LIMITED TIME ONLY eat, cpacsiees, WaediNas. Bar, kitchen, c S th } COLOR or |7--Swap and Barter M&C WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk- CLERKS 1 a WwW |SKI-DOO, tilt tra 7 tial SRY ers, reducing machines, sick room sup- mee mi Bl Or ee nie [RU Ree Ti rates Came te Ai DRY Ore TOS alia" plies, Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644 THE BEST CALL Buick LeSabre, sleeping box and boat 1 * p | O |trailers, everything in plumbing. supplies 74 Celina 5--Employment | Wanted '. er = ina St at cut. rates, pressure systems, sump a equire locally for Inven- 722 2312 723-1139 se rey r pumps, etc. H. Chinn, Hillside and Park tale fas lnwee? ore Sin el TOP : . vad TELEVISION South 723-7088 or 728 7288 : yee a HER) fe) COUNTEY. GROUP tory. work on January 31,10 |Mort ages R FANER SHARPE esc: 283 MOTORS {rom $100. and up. N and a°s = TV RE cRTION fae pal Articles for Sale _Jand "used: auto. ports: "Rebuilt starters s Ss p.m. to 9 a.m. Work will in- | V E and generators, 1175 Nelson St., 725-2162. esires New .Year's engoge- SECOND MORTGAGE | Your Own | NOW [ELMER will buy or sell your furniture! ment. Reasonable rates. volve a physical count of mer- § jan 1d app ances on commission. Free ikon TV TOWER | six service BAYS Beet i eee| TNO 723-0086 praneine, Ne Sapetiance: 0: a ry, mix ha , Rote 728-5] FOR FASTER SERVICE --|maple, beech, "white biren, atc... 12" cessary. Minimum age 18. Penis 5143 16" delivered, 728-6852. JLOVING CARE for pre-school children, ' 16% Corner Bond and Division | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL we aur, ARLE AND BRCHANOE Co wee | contact 25 15 | ee a oe LNs Ee ROPE, Rive City Trading "Port Store, 446 Simcoe SWITCHBOARD secant ist desl 4,00 ' 13.5 | | mouth, Pontioc. We correct |Street South, 723-1671 position on PB X oerd.. elietienpa OFFICE OVERLOAD 7,500 88.63 12 | | wheel alignment, inspect and |TYPEWRITERS, no money down, a ltyost and" Telex opersior. 'Telephone CO. LTD - | iG V. TOWERS | correct caster and camber weekly, cashiers, adders. trades, terms,|723-9276. : ' he ohove examples are | | ' lrentals, service. Bill Hamilton, Ragian,/ MOVING? -- Call i R based on @ 15-year term | ie aN Os iy | sllan teen and toe-out to [eal able rates. 'ea ae hear ath 725-7973 tiie gai ie caret | B oh Os HAWA correct cond ya $7.95 |FILTER QUEEN vacuum Cleaners are|!Tuck. Telephone 728-2882 dies WEAKLY GF ore, fill, partaine) erest ra s calculate AT UR OWN PLANT arts extra if required. being chosen by more people this Chr | WOMAN WILL do cleaning, dishes, serve |iadies, men, Fuller territories, Whitby, : meet _|OUR FAST growing rural properties de-) |partment requires eager men and women! | throughout HARMONY VILLAGE Beautiful 4 bedroom split level - only 3 years old and just loaded with extras such as a notural stone fireplace in the 20 ft. recreation room, large broadloomed living room, separate dining room with sliding doors to patio, two bathrooms Beautiful grounds with plenty of shrubs and large birch trees. Ask- ing $26,900. Must be seen to be appreciated. NEAR EASTDALE COLLEGIATE in'the popular East End, this nearly new 3 bedroom brick bungolow is a delight to show Huge living room, dining area, hollywood kitchen with built-in stove ond oven, 4 pc both with vanity. Attached Garage. Listed at $24,900. BEAU VALLEY |4 bedroom --- 2. storey | | homes --- nearing comple- | | tion. All homes have 3 bath | rooms -- Garages -- com- | | pletely decorated ---- fully | sodded lots. Priced from $28,980.00 For full particulars call 723-2265 George Twaites 723-2008 Mike Belmonte 576-1908 Harry Taras 728-9817 Mel Dale 623-5638 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Marg Holl 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Member of the O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST & SELL M.L.S. | MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West, Oshawa JORN-F. DeWith REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3111 25 ACRES with modernized, 8 roomed home. 3 barns. 401 Highway location, Priced to sell, BLACKSTOCK: 3. bedroom home. Electrically heated with 4-pc. bath. Nicely decorated. Asking $13,800. Terms. Call: George VanDyk 623-7437, ORONO: 100 acres farm with large barn. 7 roomed home. Priced to sell. Call George VanDyk 623-7437. 6 ACRES with home. Large stream. at $10,500.00. Terms. 10 ACRES neor Rice Lake, with lovely 7 roomed home. 2. bédroom Priced All modern conveniences. Ask- ing $16,000. Call Harry Coutts, 725-2649. 35 ACRES partly workable, portly wooded. On 401 High- way. Asking $12,500. Terms. 65 ACRES with good build- ings. Lovely stream in front of buildings. Call George Van- Dyk 623-7437. 100 ACRES: Orono crea with 7. roomed home. Large barn. Priced to sell. Call George VanDyk 623-7437, BUYING or SELLING Contact HAROLD SEGAL Business 725-3557 Residence 725-1772 J. B. McMullan & Co. LOW DOWN payment considered on this Only $12,500. Come and home for Dollar Value, 723- 20--Real Estate for Sale GEORGE Sullivan Real Estate Broker 218 DUNDAS ST. E. ON HWY. NO. 2 WHITBY, ONTARIO WHITBY -- 668-8826 TORONTO -- 364-6622 OPEN HOUSE | ST. LAWRENCE ST,, WHITBY Come in and See These 4 bedroom luxury |homes. Colonial 2 storey | plus side-splits and bunga- |lows 3 baths, separate din- {ing rooms, fireplace, large kitchen, attached garage and built in an orea where }you can be proud to call home. |We are exclusive Agent for the Robert W. McEwan Ltd | Homes EXECUTIVE COUNTRY HOME Five bedroom split level sit- ting on a well: treed acre of land, with stream, just east of Oshawa. A few extras in- clude broadloom throughout 2 baths, double garage and rec, room with fireplace, ex ceptional value at only $29,- 700. Only $12,500 and you will be the proud owner of a cute little home in Oshawa with beautiful trees, living room, sweet little kitchen. Don't hesitate. Call now. SEE FOR YOURSELF This lovely 3 bedroom brick, electrically heated, custom built home with many extras such as a beautiful built in china cabinet and book case, built in stove and oven, many extras worth looking at. So don't delay. Call today, 6% ACRES This wooded lot is only 114 miles north: of Hwy. No, 2 in Ajax. Terms arranged, Marlow Hancock 723-0288 George Abramoff 723-4871 Olive Ferguson 576-3637 Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 Dave Johnson 668-8826 Gordon White 668-6337 Vivian Halligan 942-0296 D. Vickers 576-2476 Joey Richardson 728-7997 George Sullivan 668-6226 WINTER SPECIALS ---Highway frontage. 2000', 60 acres, 33 clear, sandy loom, corner lot, barn, garage, 10-room brick house with 5 bedrooms, gravel on prop., reduced to $22,750. ~--Highway frontage. 2000', plus 60 ocres bush, backed up by. paved road, reduced to $12,400. ACREAGE 100 acres, 50 clear, crop land; hiproof barn, drive shed. $14,600. Contact JOHN SCHAAFSMA, Lindsay 324- 9250. RETREAT PROPERTY 100 acres, spring fed dug pond on soon to be paved roads to Kawarthas. Ideal for ski-doo trails. $3,000 down. HOME LINDSAY 2-storey brick on approx. 1 acre, 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs, living, dining, kit- chen, full basement, oil fur- nace, workshop to hold 4 cars, 10 minutes from downtown Lindsay. $15,500. Contact BILL & CAROLE THOMP- SON, Oakwood 36R11. cash 181 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto 12, Ont W. 0. MARTIN" REALTOR 728-5103 NEWCASTLE -- Scenic coun- try sized landscaped lot com- plete with brand new 5 room bungalow. Oil heated, many extros.. Asking $16,900. Make your offer. now ! COUNTRY PROPERTY -- Farms -- Enquire today. Regi- Farms----Enquire today, Regis- tered lots from 3 up to 50 acres from $5,300. Forms up to 200 acres competitively priced. Phone or drop in and discuss your needs. We'll be alad to help. DOWNTOWN ~-- 2 brick, 3 bedrooms, garage, close to everything. Only $13,900. Good value. Make us an offer! storey sted? Be the first one to see It "le (ce! Charlie Rankine now at 728-7576, Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. VERY ATTRACTIVE three very close to King St Only $3500 down, Realty Limited. FOR RESULTS Times Action Classified Ads 5286 - Guide Realty Limited, 723-3492 2-BEDROOM BUNGALOW H. Keith Ltd., Realtor BEAT THE housing crises: Buy this six room white frame home with a low jdownpayment and monthly payments at only $60.00 at 7 per cent mortgage. Feat uring new .bathroom, garage and larg _|lot. Only minutes from Oshawa. Inter. bedroom brick bungalow, hollywood kitchen, dovu- ble stainless steel sink. double car drive, on Wilson Rd. less than $19,000 For full particulars call 723-5286 Guide Real Estate for Sale UIDE REALTY LTD. REALTOR 6 Simcoe St. S 723-5281 BEAUTIFUL CLAPBOARI BUNGALOW on a quiet street. E stop at the door.~Cozy fi lace in the living room, t Eoecoms plus a dining roo Just the spot for an older cous thot hove time for the lov: Jorge lot Don't let the pr of $12 500 fool you, it is c inly hard to find this ty " inspect, call of home. TO night oMMERCIAL PROPERT I, @ Downtown Oshawa Lorge commercial corner pr ently used os o garage Exc jent potential. For full parti lars, coll mee NH.A RESALE i @ Three bedroc m ba split that carries for $92. interest, principal and to monthly. Owner has been tra ferred, Call for full partic ars ® CHARLES STREET IV. @ 5 room living quart on main floor with self-conto ed apartment upstairs, La shop attached to home, pr used for business. Dou ently t extra large corner garage, 110' x. 115', for more infor ation, call tonight. e LOOKING FOR AN ORCHARD Vv. @ 10 acres--920 yor various apple trees, located miles from Oshawa on an oF rood. Small investment « little work in your spare tir will bring those extra $$$ \ con always use. Don't miss Call today. e CENTRALLY LOCATEL Vi @ 2. storey. brick hor close to shopping, schoo churches and bus service. Si ated on a large lot. There o new paved drive and separ garage. Don't miss the char to see this one. «& VARIETY STORE Vil. @ Overhead is low h and profits steadily increas in this small business. Fixtu ore all included even an conditioner. Living quarters | comfortable with spacious 1 bedrooms, Have your own b iness this Winter. Call tonig : . MAKE AN APPOINTMEN Vill. @ to see this 5 ro older home, nice back ya fenced, in a good neighbo hood, close to North G Plont, bus, shopping, scho¥ churches, home is very cle To be shown by appointm only e BUILDERS * SPECULATO! * DEVELOPERS IX. @ Choice 200 feet fro age, commercial lot on H No. 2, East Oshawa. This s of lot is hard to come by ¢ is suited for almost any | terprize. Land values ore ing up, so call us now. e COMMERCIAL PROPERT X. @ 33,000 sq. ft. vac zoned commercial, fre lond, age on 2: main streets ¢ secondary street. Located central part of Oshawa cellent location for commerc professional, high rise op ment development. Call tonic We will be pleased to furr you with all the particulars. e EAST OSHAWA Xl. @ 12 yeor old, 3 \ room brick bungalow, on quiet street. Located betw Ritson and Wilson Roads home is well built and kep! good condition. Well lo scaped and worth looking i Please coll for more port lors e BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROO HOME XI1, @ with a back-split. 7 home has an attached garc dining area, electric hea! and is less than 2 years It carries at 614% inte To inspect, coll tonigl rate. APPLE. HILL XII. @ Lovely 3 ~~bedrc bungalow, separate dining ro beautiful kitchen, recrea room .finished except for Built-in bar. 614% morfge To inspect, call tonight. Oshawa Office: Jack Graham Ernest Mueller Jean Peacock Vernon B. Corson Evelyn Cassel Joe Drapak Steven Englert Marilyn Fitzgerald Morris Fogel Léon Manitius Grace Thomas Ted Mendyk Hilda Mooney Roy Flintoff Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Richard A, Young e WHITBY OFFICE Kathryn Armstrong 723-1! Doreen Aston 728-9: Len Bissell 725-2( Jean Hedge 728-4: GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South 723-5281