20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wodnedey, Bomber 27,1967 OUR ECONOMY | Revenues Up, snzaee eneatt Satisfactory Yule Trade _ Profits Down OTTAWA (CP, -- Total oper- ! a a at i if ; | f r, i 1 ; t Off t 1 e jating revenues for 23 yer wv <= wt BE WE > cn oe A a a te ~ ---- ' SO Ss e railways moved up in Septem- j ac hin ber but net profits were oe 5 . aes SRE SALAS SOL Goa SUES ae Le CE : a : : of Statis- TODAY'S STOCKS | By WARREN BALDWIN | Canadians entered 1967 in a, budget that he will seek to re- pe conan eaves (=) | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT OTTAWA -- Again the jingle) slightly softer position than they|strain both labor and manage- Goslikas evequas' toullad a voncnih dan Sins IALS of Santa's sleigh bells hasjentered 1966. Business confi-|ment in wage demands and orn a Sale 87 per cent wo Distributed by CP INDUSTR mingled nicely with the jingle'dence was not as strong, re- settlements so that wages will a HLT, spe Hert e merits WW ounty orien rocket $ Stock Seles High Low ghag Pt rf @o,e Md of cash registers. Early reports flected in a forecast decline in| again have some relationship to from September of 190 a r--Oed lot, xd--Exdividend, xr--Ex 4g ged hie ge aehs orel n om etition its indicate a satisfactory Christ- new spending on plant andthe amount that the wage earn- But operating Sec ak g Se Ea ree een: Acklanen 1 mas trade which should offset/equipment. By mid-year busi-|er is producing, Finance Minis-|!0.7 per cent to $120.73 643, from previous boar closing sa $87 10 a slight slackening of Canadianjness plans for capital spending ter Sharp is now planning his|!eaving net profit of $8,566,134 \ spending on food, clothing, cars had changed and a moderate| campaign. It is new ground and compared with $9,906,499 in Sep- * ° . ( anadian Food Industr jand other durable goods as the increase was looked for which, politically dangerous ground to| tember last year. v4 year-end approached. in fact, is being realized. tread and Mr. Pearson's an-| Partly because of Expo 67, MINES 16:4 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge a) : i Acme Ges 100 17 1717 +1 ' te : : ; : ' In the past year it will be! Few would have predicted nounced retirement could delay! passenger traffic totalled 2,- pene. ny od ~ 0 ~ +4 yy. TORONTO (CP) ~-- Canadian) During these same years Can-jpay the world's highest prices found that individual Canadians 166,000 housing starts in 1967) it. 355,000 for the 23 lines, up 24.9 Am Larder 1000 32 22 32 --1 food processors are in trouble ada's production of cannedifor tomatoes and in return have|between them spent something|after the poor showing of 1966 The number of unemployed in *"" nian by ey Ang Ruyn 500 98 9 98 +3 because of increasing competi-/peaches dropped to 39,400,000 the least protection from im- over $37 billion on all goods and but this is about what will be Canada is now about 4.3 per| Per cent from the previous year Argosy tion from abroad, spokesmen pounds from 50,600,000 pounds. | ports services they consumed or) realized and there are prospects cent of the Canadian labor 247.4 per cent from August, Armore i ' prosp' n ia aegate Arcadia for the Canadian industry say Australia can export competi- MESTIC THREAT about seven per cent more than for improvement in 1968. force. To check the rise in pallial The Food Processors Associa- tively because its government DOMES IC THRE! T : they spent in 1966 but that only Viewed at this point the com-; Prices, particularly in the serv.! ATM ane i Brou! Reet tion says such aids to foreign/giyes processors promotion), Processors also fear that re-\half of that renreconted amyl: : \ Caimor 1B exporters a¢-<nesnHeS=s eer ee ennceus 7 i =] Camtio : Bs 4 ¢ Tung tax incentiy ; Oo € Dyno foreign gove com- po Gia ° sors ents; [--) Cent Pat diffic ™ | Chestrvile ' try a Chime 6 Eh Coch Will 2 Gi Comb : Met H the partl- - ; * IA gh debit 25% Asso and ¢ Marben i SEE «data 4 * indus , irpue CPR 300 p 200 $ 6 A yretoail 500 roti fit f will ¢ Red as ee Roun cent ob Fields 2 DEidona Pr labor Denison +, impor Sul appa Enteks canne -- * vear, 10 ipa the ec Goldray 1300 > 7 Gortarm 900 quant Zz Gredore 1000 'a " \ Grendroy 1000 42 4) 41 + * j oa r : 2 11% aM adoring 7 7 20 1 a? Distl Seag 400 $39% 3998 20% + Is '" e i' « Hastings 998 175 170 171 +3 Dofasco 26 $187 187% 18% hs . High-B : Doco $8 8 Ba * € OL a ot+% wd 20 CHOOSE FROM ihe 4 Cc. Repub) ul orp 7 [Cort='standard-t * $12,300 4 peuipcuuncie tate raat 2 Canadi ; , 1, Ministe o it a Fi D 7 ISCO the 1! | i 250,000, 5 ae i ports w fs cat 3 Ind Accept * 's reachea V oe +10 Iniand Gas ave rps vty bed 4 th Palin availab: @ TREMI © G.M./ Int Util p Intor Pipe * Int Pipe w 100 $10' 10% 10% , q Intpr Steel 400 425 425 425 tivity in i] Inv Grp A 300 $84 8% 6&%+ % lowing . ITL Ind 260 $174 174 17% 7 a : James Stl 2100 375 370 370 1967, is i r Jefferson 00 $5812 581 S84 + % mentum tl 3 3% 4% Jockey C 1500 0 - & me PAIR OF Volume 1 shares corn Thursday a Peerless 0 6" ° Pine Point 4 47 7 va| Levy Placer 70) ob Co A Que Chib 3 863) «+14 ob Co B Q Mattgm! 1 112: +:2 | Maclean H . Quemont 790 790 MB Ltd ul aa Rayrock ? Reaves v Oi Rio Algom 1% 33% 33% marinero 7) Rio Alo cw 25 $15 9 Mass-Fe hee Rix Atha 250 16' 164 16% Met Stores 309 TORO} ane 2 St Fabien 500 19% 192 1912+ %! Milt Brick 250 $5% 5% 5% Day act = San Anton 2000 15 15 15 +214) Mon Food 300 $108 10% 10% + Wi croak py Satellite 1000 32 32 32 +1 | Moore 1235 $2914 214 294 Stock Ex Sherritt 400 435 430 430 +8 + Morse A 154 $19 9 | vestors, I Sil Miller = 1100 37) ot} Morse B 210 $17'4 mas. sta Sisco 1000 460 455 460 Mrphy Pr 75 $30%4 ma Mi Steep R 2500 565 560 540 +8 | Nat Trust 225 $18 market Sullivan 212 370 370 370 Neon 800 14 + . Teck Corp 260 485 485 485 + | Noranda 2375 $50%% y| Tuesday Texmont 1900 7 7 7 +1 380 $11% Ilia 1i%-- vw of trading Thom L 90 37 37 «37 50 $2734 2734 27% lday, the U Bufedn 970 4 4 47 +3 ay, , . Un Cmstk 5000 14 14 14 +2 noon for t Un Keno 240 700 700 700 --25 x : Upp Can 1000 148 148 148 + 3 Price ¢ Willroy 00 90 9 9 fractional, Win-Eld 3000 2 12 2 +" a Wr Harg 790 155 155 155 the biggest yale Lead 1000 2% 2% 26 ing 2.69 pe k Bear 7200 390 380 35 +5 Fie ae rials were 'enmac 4400-27 28+ t Golds rose i metals .36 aan = fad OILS, GAS +¢ -- § Scurry-Rz . ern oils ere } 1% to 4914 / +4 idee : C C ane ; In Ch a FIRST EXTRA you ig 2 Distribut MONTREA PAIR SAVE Fs EE hard tN a aed oe 0 295 2S 25 +10 Crump, chai 4 . A ah age | tg dian Pacific ECONOMY dg his vear-end All tyl Ss a a treasury shares Seles fe 1! @.m.; $91,000 : that total vo Ss e RANGE bad =| Ge arn re FOREIGN TRADING een of mY Armor 22000 18 " ar 900 400 add uy | recore per U "Censo 2000 519 $10 0 i mp Can Bs Ps ei re . pared with 57 and patterns. = It was, he s: White Rhodesia Watches #3" It was also | policies and p Tragic War In Vietnam successful $10° At these prices samt 1495 4.00 19.95 = THENI GOT | FIRST TRICY you can afford to give yourself (AP) e nt November of r is much on the Salish ence shares b r white Rhodesian eed 4 pros- cific Investmer sé Some see them. perous merica. This d his move } rarope selves f ig the same enemy Swimming pools crowded. tion to the inv a new, wa as the United States--only in @ yore races, lawn bowls and |Velop.nent sid MICKEY MOUSE different of the world sant d ickel games are well at- | Canadian Pacii il in toda | The is as clear aE ' iR ' Proceeds fro a y f ; tende mer n ne sritish defined on the Zambesi as it is 'end and would be used : Deputy Prime shows are poy television uity investment , , Wrathall said in a fare. African servants effi- iented enterpr we J cient] serve cocktsils--"'sun- Nance further e +. | Hy ' The Zambesi River is Hhane. downers'---in the laie afternoon Wholly stale " sia's : Panier s within the a's border independent / and the tribal turmoi] in Black 'i Be hin the Black Africa ) the view Of | Africa seems fat away nvestment gro mz whites in Salisbury, a - - During 196 frontier against forces of chaos } diary comp: and com ism Steel Ingots spent about OPEN A OSHAWA vo Ci here Rhodesians ta ae . 36 KING EAST TWO = insist hey te yrs. that e aaa alte raya sams tect Drop Slightly tie' CHARGE ACCOUNT nae ae sii SHOPPING CENTRE : rT aeedesin ged in the| OTTAWA (CP) -- Steel ingot erating efficiene @ NO DOWN PAYMENT ore To 9144 Tender ont Foy | LOC "laa " same battle in Africa as Amer-|Production in the week ended ica, Australia and New Zealand| Dec. 23 totallec 185,265 tons IN are fighting in Asia,' Wrathall| down 1.4 per cent from 187,856 : SPIRED said. tons in the preceding week, the. LONDON (AP) NECESSARY gaining control. It has been|unusually low because of the' War, died Monda : frying. without notable success, strike at Algoma Steel, Sir Richard. was connie QYUVUAK CRISPS 2:5:33¢ | THis WEEK to t rime Minister Ian) The production index, based inspiring Britons to grow more me omparable figures for the Smith's government throughion the average weekly output food thats kvards to Other manufacturers: Ford . . . 1957-59 of 96.108 in helt: qin WaCWyends (Ol car ay 139: 37.437 All Prices in this Ad guaranteed through Saturday, December 30th, 1967 Rhodesian officials detjared|Dominion Bureau of Statistics Haddon, retired + : independence from. Britain Noy. | Said Tuesday nvented the slogz HEY, GRANDMA! WHO ll 1965. Britain ruled out Production in the comparable ory "during he GAVE JUNIOR THIS SILLY military force as a means of re- week of 1966 was 119.441 tons pie Mea on eae CIF Fo cosas? economic sanctions. No nation) during tons ye s Sees 2: 37,43 has given diplomatic recogni-jequalling 100, was 193 in the Counter the German blockade to Chivcler Corp. 44,564: | 36-790. tion to the breakaway colony. | current week, 195 a week ear-| Void starvation. He was knight |31,408; American Motors 7,229: | SEE -- Few signs of warfare can be|lier and 124 a year ago. jed in 1951, 17,564; 5,591, J hy 4] 7 MUGGS AND SKEETER