Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Dec 1967, p. 8

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8. THE OSHAWA: TIMES, Saturday, December 23, 1967 RN PAPAS SS SSS SSS s ass NIsize For Unto Us. Ja. Born. This. Day. a A Sa PI DBisiwivisivivivisia % MIVVOVEOVRVSVVSsIVVwsvVvswe wVvssT PM. "A VISITOR FOR CHRISTMAS" i a AA One of the finest Christmas Films. WORSHIP and the WORD THIS SERVICE IS DESIGNED AND PLANNED WITH YOUR Havers Theew -- rm Drewsing of Right Christmas" fe "Of M th mality. Abortion in such cases STRANGE SWINGERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NEWS om peo gepr paeden ef 7 Li would be directed toward pre- ; :P)--Strange| The world's largest telescope, FR BIBLE LE SSON | Threat 0 1 e 0 er vention of breakdown of the LONDON (CP iB said b able of sighting a TRUTH . sresloind mother's health. |noises will be coming from the |said to be cap i: F Ab ti | 'i eerie basement Chamber of/candle flame at 15,500 miles, 1s SEEKERS n asis or Or 10n | pe Diet WAS: rena ned Dy 8) d. Tussaud's |under construction at Lenin- 1a { 4 O lteam of 24 persons, composed of|Horrors in Madame Id d ' eigrad. I flector measures Shou rea ven es ore ly pl g thods bishops, clergy, laymen and! waxworks soon. Those brave jgra' ts reflec ( OTTAWA -- Abortion can bejtion of family planning metho P 4 d will 1236. 22 inches. " ; d , \justified only when there isjand urges the government to,women, both. married and UN-\enough to venture down Christen om \serious threat to the mother's give priority to these sections of)married. The committee, aD-| rng the whole place turned into ; ut an ld Testa ment life or health, the Anglican the Code. pointed by Most Rev. Howard| a discotheque for one night only § ANGLICAN i Astray = e Church of Canada says in a The brief states that preven-|H. Clark, primate of the Ie fox a party being held by some 4 By Robert Roberts ae | on the brief presented to the standing|tion of unwanted pregnancies by represented. a wide range Of|in¢iyential London Swingers. CHURCH OF y Robert e Falling as it does S t MSEY vill heal the hurts and wounds| Two additional facts we amnion on health and wel-|contraceptive means is to be professions, q This enlightening 462 page day before Christmas, this Sun- r aoe a H Pkt ait ain ad upon the righteous by/should not forget in pondering pis i preferred to other alternatives. eee ere rete rere. ae Siac a | i 4 ST. PETER ¥ book may be borrowed ot day will be oie hed ge hel &The 0 ( ends * j "a Micak's hecy, are that no 3 y i A { the Public Librory or pur- es in all churches in the God's m that He would he pow A ange 25 from the ae ie Hoi in Bethlehem! The church, while stating that A w idespreaa. age of aie A Chinese Nationalist intelli- § Hillsda [:] A E Cedar bd Thomas gts Ry tbe Pu lie Lier v8 Be: services en ee ser 0 prepare Whe n the - satoee Herod (or mast 1800 vears: and it cannot agree with either the/ily life education, including fam. gence source reported Foreign 4 Wesle an 4 y e eel Dave" Book Supity, Mid: number of churches Christmas we fda ene? peg boar "thers had gi cm born ajthere is not.a Jewish.family ex-\"abortion on demand" or "ab-jily planning, must accompany|yjijnicter Chen Yi of Communist M4 y Aw 8 » land Bank Building, 47-49 Family Services will be held @ Walidanne t ans gen-|saying there had bee ome. thelistent in the world today with|solute prohibition" camops,jany change in the Criminal jChina lost 44 pounds as a result § ia th dist a ¥ CHRISTMAS EVE && Rye Lane, London, S.E. 95, in the morning, followed late 3 , se who would bec me was/an unbroken genealogical rec- makes proposals which depart|Code dealing with contracep-|or a strain brought on by Red % emoal Re BY Enslond. o ike sieciak ty quacial ecrv-| © ha J Jew ire Bacher brody ts descent from from its long-standing tradition tion, it says. 'Guard harassment. Vd Hillsdale Public School & wy 7:00 P.M EVENSONG onda Cy , ; k the advent of| Will s ; gather all his} ord HS esc hoe Oshawa Blvd. & THE CHRISTMAS STORY ft, Hard Cover... price 12 ices to mar a il ie € i and s seri eee togeth-! King in opposition to abortion. In cases of alleged rape or PRC NETNHOOTS ¥ Alinister Rev. Wolter Jewell A a A & shillings. For further inform- Christmas. 'il ferc al nded of them where! In Isaiah 9 we have one of the} The brief states that termina- incest, it should be the effect ¢ ; ay 305 Rossland Rood Eost F 11:30 P.M.--THE MIDNIGHT ¥ ation, write Box 121, Osh- be a aa : hs ; of one the child should be born, Their sreatest Messianical prophecies|tion of pregnancy may a a@/upon the mother's total health ¥ ST. PAUL S$ Fs 4 ra pe XM A " EUCHARIST p 4 awa Post Office. St Peter's Anglican me ~~ ~ lanswer was uote the prophet |" : eta.|justifiable consideration when|rather than the circumstances Ag : . ay a Y o gre Bo ta ta Ea bigs igh ate 0 be found in in the Ol be Lig circumstances contribute to the/of the conception which pro- & PRESBYTERIAN ay SUNDAY SCHOOL A -- The season at the Anglican mi 2 ined veare before; ment 3 entre PaSSASC impairment of a mother's vides a valid ground for ending ¥ oe ee Ay 11:0 5 Church of St. Peter will be| we : bola ll : "Cy clea imp this Person health, reducing her ability to}the pregnancy, the brief says y asian oe id 3 PUBLIC A oncuin ay celebrated with evensong andj cp, chi 'el » come aled to the care for her family. It does not It also suggests therd apeutic § 9:30 A.M.--Church School a é "A Christmas ik G O S PE | H A LL the Christmas Story at / p.m.| anc Go RENE ioe eat recognize overcrowding, insani- abortions be considered by a Package" AY ahd a Midnight kucharist at Chi te' ' sa hy ary ods ; ay tary housing and malnutrition as hospital. committee when diag- ¥11:00 A.M.--'Worship We, a ag 40 NASSAU STREET 11,30 p.m. on Sunday. ser Hf \ id bis : ¢} man or an exa jd le ustifiable causes for abortion. nosis can indicate there is sub- The Savior 4 7:00 P.M, R 4 i ou 1 > ' sre as-i° 7] = ' ita iC n divine Person ure "We assert the general in-/stantial risk of foetal abnor Carols by Candle "Return from Fi y SUNDAY Communion Services z ve ; Mossiz . 1 be In that cribed titles belonging only 0) iq)anility of the foetus and de- ete REN light. Christmas" &Y ne ' : Jens: Bi is levitas Remat reall be ee ae a oo ee ae ae Se cIerE ee Ps btbegpionkt Rp 9:00 AM.--THE LORD'S SUPPER the congregation of: Chiat! der é neo --and| He would be h n-AMONE velop," it states. "we lay the Hime ok Christina a y ia the: Paronaos & #7 11:00 AM,--FAMILY BIBLE HOUR AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Memorial Anglican Church will|be 6 acl be more n man. He burden of proof to the con ion ris ian ey EVERYONE WELCOME | if ! ' have Holy Communion at 8) mir tb man.|, yn those who wish to ex # Mp ipaperee tage et EDEMA ¥ 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE a.m, and 11,30 p.m. tomorrow. | Mei I } ' : sh that right on the ground "Reformed Church ee Meee q Speaker --- MR. J. BOOKER, of Ottawa, Ont. Holy Communion will also be| The dt c » the t occur -hundreds of years late: wav is in conflict with another ef a bet ee se fas ypoetostooahe ay Wed. 7:45 P.M, = Bible Study and Prayer Meeting dispensed at 8 and 10 a.m.,|tun He ¢ ) can only be Divine revelation le wou ng a greater claim to JOD Adeiside Ave € ry RCH; 4 EARTY WELCOME TO ALL Christmas Day. love y a E t the time of Christ's peg ition." M Oe CHRI AY AH : i ¢ rst ¢ b ces: were, and tT The brief says there is urgent t Minister : ' ad 2 mmm Sh Choir Cantata Lord t prophe need to amend Criminal Code }} Rey. D. N. Habermehl, M.Th., i ¥ Straat BD mrmemerey | i t ted as clauses dealing 'with the dis- & ------ -------- 7 & Mary and Hillcroft Streets { 5 The choir of Calvary Bap-|q,, he I A Foc rod and u pensing of means and informa- 7 10:00 AM y ? SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 -- Advent IV 'A Y THE SALVATION ARMY ae tee West te Angell ee € 24 a tic aie ORNING WORSHI RS 4 , _ 1 f v e eryone|10n 0 : EEE EE! i AORNIDE ba : é u : 00 A.M HOLY COMMUNION 4 Came" at the 7 p.m. service Hoje 0 : § u , AY Nursery Care Provided AY 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M.--CHURCH SCHOOLS 8 f . pp deeaileetas ir i ST. LUKE'S ae 00 P.M & 11:00 A.M MORNING PRAYER ay By idly bee ceed ' sta ay EVENING SERVICE ay N Care at 11:00 a.m. Service A y ajor an rs, John Woo . - owe ( ; PRESBYTERIAN 4) EVENING 25th 4 & 7:00 PM--SERVICE CANCELLED a : --_------ Candlelight Service r lied to go tp Bethle-| \ er--Rev, Tom Geir if WM Service ay CHRISTMAS EVE A ¥ SUNDAY MEETINGS A agg gy ? > TA ace o AVC 2 § iw RES. ; ' : SAS i; M Ret. Churchtt & 30 P.M;--HOLY COMMUNION ; iad services at ert Street Uni nas Had Mary conceived earlier, § £ ae! AM A , , - Pgodal--- | 11:30 F cuales DAY i {Guest Speakers from Toronto, Colonel and Mrs, George Higgins ed Church will be the Christ refe we k . = '. j 4 "ula Jes would have been born in ¥ { i¢ zs nye ' eat Roe : ' Ml " mas Eve Candlelight Service a fact] Neeareth and carried to Bethle- ¥ fea me thee a mn ggh AB B00 AM--HOLY COMMUNION Ay 9:30 AM.--"GOSPEL TRUTH" ee ee t Mig th her ry's arms. Had " te Mi : t, 19 \ ed 4 A 11 p.m. Malachi! conceived later, they would ¥ Ss SER'ICE ESDAY----10:00.A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION A% 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School and Bible Class coe ;./ have been to Bethlehem and re a ngley, M.A 7 MP BMMD. Ie MMMM MRE Bi 8 A . : ' enaper oF Mé os ed, and Jesus would have § mf ie pa Salata ata tid teitaretdr a? thardra' ae? a 11:00 AM.--'FAMILY HOUR HARMONY ROAD ds ""* 'been born in Nazareth 1 aba iande the Sun o a KNDLELIGHT' 4 . nie "a wicca: t gr ng = 4 GRACE » OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 4:00 P.M.--"SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE" BAPTIST CHURCH i aus es A Nave } PARR MAM MBE '" : with all musical sections taking part Harmony Road $. ot Taylor Ave. ' 'g t KNOX A i Yara 4 Branch Of Toronto Spiritualist Temple a Baptist Convention of Ont. & Que. 1 tic A vrig Tee a aad Ce AA SY the 00 A a ay i Pastor: REV. E. M. McGRATH Wednesday 8:00 P.M.--Prayer and Bible Study Rev. E. K. Smith, B.A., B.th. " diene : 4 a: LUTHERAN . : ' Wishing: YOU ALL A BLESSED CHRISTMAS - a as the € € e St, N. &4 Blocks K iu H ' Evangel | Church -- Canada NEW | PREMISES a 7 9:45 A.M.--Church School ng ligh tt Bret - ze Syn : K Fm maeen ar Classes for all Phy earth. the sun of 3 e 'burn A i arev ay Pentecostal Church : PAR K RO OAD HIGH NAY 40) Masonie Temple ' - CHRISTMAS SUND was € ea drawer a4 9:45 AM. Church Scho F 374 Forewell Ave pee HONE 7 dj ae "THE CHRIST OF TODAY'S ey : ai 4 ' Re 4 Ai Vi ; 91 CENTRE ST. ot METCAL § ROSSLA ND ROAD 11:00 A.M i a if Bikes' 3) hema a? -- : tits a -- Lees ALBERT STREET GOSPEL HALL Nursery care provided FREE METHODIST "The Poverty of God" --- ' By ag 4:00 PM. -- FAMILY VESPER & ry ICES ; ay 2:30 P ccibaline and Spirit Gistting ot 150 Albert St., Oshawa RS 3]: ee fags or: Rapist some 7as-i2008 ig Z:00. P.M a SUNDOY: SERY > § M4 i ay -- intent -- ie Services. Nursery Provided ' 00 eg Rs Presentation of White Gifts # 9:45 A.M.--Sunday school, Youth = & SUNDAY SERVICES Speakers--REV. OJI and MRS. REID 4 ey eee ee Wednaiey 7°50 pants' Sila Study, beep Christmas Music Fond Adult Bible Clowes, 8 Y : ¥ ORDER OF MEETINGS ena Fraver, p : : ®% Come And Worship With Us & 11:00! A Worship, y 9:45 AM, &¥ 7:00 P.M.--Divine Service and Spirit Greeting SUNDAY -- DECEMBER 24th A welcome awaits you at Harmony 27:00 P.A N RBA MI AMARA MB ME : i 4 ; gy i ; : a The pg SUNDAY SCHOOL =~ FRIDAY 8 P.M.--Open Circle in Blue Light 'oon ads g iz Wed. 8 P ré BY ULSTER See Se 4 7. : : : ts 4 7 :00 A.M, B velopment a ; ey R ae 4 . Meqing Gnd. tevelep AY Remembering the Lord bene H i prs 4 MORNING WORSHIP ALL ARE WELCOME RY ee MAES RIEL CMO EE : ROR AMMAN MMMM MMR LE Fo. ae, Dimi mi DERM PRN PADRE a i 12:00 P.M. = REORGANIZED CHURCH® inte CCM REE, prea eee Sunday School -- Adult Bible Class bask a tts bade r: 55 Ai PASTOR & ji ; At, oF JESUS CHRIST * | "teog, | hse Studay FAITH The (Christian and 7:00 P.M. Broadcast > s PER aa | 9:05 '. rar 3 et . Day Service i ee . Gospel DAILY " POF LATTER DAY nie S=ROCKWOODE Ai! 1 Sanco Nong cate OE Lateran Church Missionary Alliance . Mon. to Set. 4 ' wes & $i 10:30-11:00P.M dibs , : Taste, 1) 1 ee ee 9:30 - 10:00 4 t~ Ay & Ri : . : Ne nir (Eastern Canada Synod) 459 Bond Street East, Oshawa . i ' a.m. iy CKLB 4 4! The Rel, Vacry Biches ALL ARE HEARTILY WELCOME ( TEMPI & ii ' Pastor -- 725-2755 Rev. Richard J, Barker, Minister J 5:30 A oR! E AWA . pm. A Bi i AB ee -- SUNDAY -- : -- | wie a ] SIMCOE STREET : at 5 ctl 5 ; Hea A hl oe his wom MASONIC 9:45 AM, ses School _ 4 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 1350 RADIO ' A Ril TEMPLE BLOE. ¢ 1:00 A.M.--"SEEKING and FINDING 4 poet fee y eceive tree & "gt RCE YD eS oy 91 Centre St 4 245 Simcoe St. S j endar & é ie alia latin in Daina tela ine nn tial tine tedenieed! Ht oA a 7:00 P.M.--ALLIANCE YOUTH FELLOWSHIP 1 j CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS PLAY , iy CHRISTIAN 'SCIENCE! | DAY. Re # : 64 COLBORNE $T, EAST h SERVICE a ; A Nursery Is Available At All Services . : fe) 4 of 4 YJ Pe cnn dae he Bi ChUe BRChaa Selentia Un 11:00 AM. By WEDNESDAY 7:45 P.M, -- PRAYER SERVICE REV. h The Mothe -- The Christ § ; i B aseire RY a Y "Where You Are Always Welcome" Ad ROW Se aa, Bt AM MMEMBIMP MMMM MBM PMD. k! SUNDAY ae & LTV VUVVVTVVVVVVVvVvYV SUNDAY SERVICE ~ 11:00 A.M, '? : a> King Street Pentecostal Church CHRIST ages A ing Street Pentecostal Chure i . & { y A les testimonies) 8 P.M, 4 611 KING ST. W. One block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre 4 READING ER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. i Phones: Church 728-5371 REV. $. D. FELTMATE -- Pastor Parsonage 728-6662 4 ' i fi ae ge , q GREAT FAMILY : Ex Holidays) BK "4 * rs y ail SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICES j CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE LEU 4 SIMCOE ST, CHOIR PRESENTS . MMe MigiKieiere zie terme: Tod Tied a aaa da Gi s : 4 Ree: ' "| LOVE TO TELL THE STORY" i avs : { @ SPECIAL FAMILY-NIGHT SERVICE ; The Christmas Story Song and Messa d is in ssoge ° 4 00 @ CAROL-SING by Candle-Light. RCE ERR ¢ : 'g Palowshin OF ves = 4 Aiss It. unit afl S alist Chureh of 4 @ Special CHRISTMAS MUSIC --Plan To Be With Us For This Service, He , @ New CHRISTMAS FILM 'EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evangeline & Phillip. Murray Pastor REV. ERNEST WINTER 0 P.M HEALING AND ME 7:00 P.M IVINE SER MR. and MRS. ROBERT SMERAGE "MR. GEORGE BATEMAN 11:00 A.M. DMMB AMBRMABRRAMVAADAWBMAMHAMMRRwR VV VV VW wwe wv st Med ss ee : rue A GUEST SPEAKER sda. 10:00 A.M. Sunday School with Adult Classes bon All Walcorre REV. W. ete --10:00 AM.-- 10 AM. fe RICHMOND 1:00 A.M. Pastor's Christmas 'Message. 3 -- DBR? PDR DMMB R MBB LM BBM AB BP MMM : Bein Walt : ne 9 ¥ SUNDAY SCHOOL Christmas Day f SU 6 EC hte o yt E THB EEE EME GNC GUS ES NS ENS SS tL gs 4 COME WITH YOUR Special. One. Hour Fami Wie ' " es AE. ; i "MIRACLE OF MIRACLES" | DECEMBER 31 7:00 P.M. * Gospel Service. i FAMILY TO SUNDAY SCHOOL Serene Sr here cue stare 7 UNITED apes & 7:00 P.M J % Water Boptismal Service. %--CLASSES FOR ALL Oshawa, Meet" ci "friend Moke ' 4 M. i] : M, y new friends at this Annual Chris Pes ED | SUNDAY SCHOOL ki CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE y * Fellowship Hour with Refresments, 'ie BIBLE OUR TEXTBOOK | mes Service. : 2 : FE a y - FOTE S | 11:00 A.M s * LATEST -- SOUND -- COLOR y 10:30 P.M, * Watch-Night Service, ipa ital at < bien ey F ENTECOSTAL | |ORNING WORSHIP * GOSPEL FILM ak promise Box, Anewal Combined: and Evangelistic BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 4 | PM K "A VISITOR FOR CHRISTMAS : Sheela alan: ¥ a V1: Sas STORY!" CHURCH | LISTIC ] 10 A.M.--CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR y feet % WATCH NIGHT SERVICE THE CHRIS A 4 * Gospel Film. # 7:00 P.M. Weer bikie sud. on & ' an -- dhe: RDPB Be om i ; " ING OF GLORY" i ep ed Ri Next Sunday -- 8 P.M. spe je ne Peeps §6&° BYNG AVE. WEST OF SIMCOE ST.N OSHAWA'S FRIENDLY FAMILY FULL-GOSPEL CHURCH % d Wed. 7:45 P.M. For Tro tation Call 723-6325 4 FRED C. SPRING PASTOR eg % WARM & CORDIAL CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO ALL Bible Study and Prayer i RES RB es NEMA E SA BS EE 2 , Sin Mn hn Ly hh, Mr, hr, Mire, Mi Min, Mr, Mr, Mr, Mr, Mrs, hats:

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