Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Dec 1967, p. 33

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9:25 p.m. Saturday rom 4:30 p.m, Sunday" co yo uous from 2:00 p.m ontin. ' water. There will be no pres- program will prove to be a | THE OSHAWA TIMES, b Sota. 2 December 23, 1967 33 Seen aay Only q S P E [ I A L SWIM CLASSES sure or deadline for testing popular one Sass cle open RE 500. Dat, Feat? nd a refreshing sauna bath A similar class is being shown continuous from a WORKER will be available. planned for those not affected NOW % Dp p.m. : ; F i i is ft Fi ' ee Kitty Lanier, the creative | the special attraction for New FOR PLANT SHI 1 NOPE SR le nee Sy Sane work as, | PLAYING ys' ' Ny human dynamo of many tal- | Year's Eve, J It' LY 2 FREE PE ents, is in her second week Due to the large number of When the shifts change | Ss d elite at the Spruce Villa Hotel, CAROUSEL INN (Oshawa) people in the Oshawa area each two weeks, the two | EPI'S Whitby. The Metro Stompers, under | involved in shift work at the cern compa bie wiih ogee She presents a colorful act, | the direction of Jim McHarg, | various plants, the Oshawa tors will switc ays an IZZA ably Bp aoacroned by create will be the featured attrac- | Recreation Department Aqua- times. Thus people will not | Lonnie Woods and Dave | tion for the New Year's eve | tic Program has added spe- _ pees? when they | iri - dance at the Carousel Inn, | cial classes to its winter change shifts. Si -- A Rossiynn a, -- ee uly a ie Pag eaten Poet Oshawa -- they will open an | swimming instruction. These These classes will be 50. Kay Marks, the Detroit | extended engagement the fol- classes are strictly for shift minutes in length and the --S=--~_ dancer, has joined the group. | lowing day at the Carousel i workers and are keyed to numbers will be limited to She does ballet, modern and | Inn, Ajax. change with the shifts, in- approximately 20 veople. 1b ming. W. will present The Mini | tion to hold the spotlight in | Maids ~ four attractive sing } SHOWN WEEKDAYS AT 7:20 . 9:25 a Harry's Hideaway, the down-| ers -- for a second week | SAT. AT 5:20 - 7:28 - 9:35 oO DEON ff stairs lounge next week. It | starting Monday night. The : SUN. AT 2:00 ~ 3:55 - 5:50 - 9:48 725- 5833 a will be the Jacks and Jills, | colorful performers present |B 4 | one of the most versatile mu- | standard numbers with | 3, 1967 Pa exotic numbers Next week Audley Williams and the VIPs return to the Spruce for an extended en- gagement as the house band. With their bounce and spirit, the VIPs will lead the gala New Year's eve dinner dance celebration. HOTEL GENOSHA General - Manager Robert Campbell of the Hotel Gen- osha will have a special six- piece Rock N'Roll combina- sical groups to play the Hide- | | ly | which is one of their special- | | ties. The six-piece troupe recent- scored big hits at the Park Plaza and Ports of Call, Toronto, and at Expo "67, where they performed for three weeks. They present a | wide variety of music from | Rock N' Roll to Dixieland, CENTRAL HOTEL The Gold Rush Lounge of the Central Hotel on King St. | clever variations. | / STAGE DOOR LOUNGE | CAROUSEL BOUND structors and all. For example, Class A will | take place for two weeks on Wednesday evenings at 9:00 p.m. At the same time, Class B will be on Tuesday morn- ings at 11:00 a.m, (verve enay eS 7 They will be a "Stroke im- provement" type class where | one may swim in a limited | group, with an_ instructor | available who is qualified to assist him or her to learn or improve their skill in the eH) A wi HELL BENT SAR EATNER | Greetings to All Our Friends from , When she goes West... the West goes chicken! A UNIVERSAL PICTURE / TECHNICOLOR® away. Tommy Danton will cLean Esso Fuel © continue his uninterrupted Shirley Harmer will open AUvvensAL Picture TECHNICOLOR® uel Oil run of 11 weeks as the fea- The Stage Door Lounge of | a singing engagement at MAR son Motors tured performer in the Star- | the hotel will present The the Carousel Inn, Oshawa, NOW PLAYING | lite Room. There will also be | Shamrocks, two talented | me Sey a M Nategee 4 i starting next January 22, sei anager an exotic dancer. ; male musicians and Irene |-- REL ASE ieee 4 1967 ' | Kaye, a dancer who has, the management announced |., : Ba Ws is Wi : By D. O'Conell 4 "Ts ia ee h | been well received on the! this week. The former | ae pili PHONG 723-2845 and Staff {i ngston trio has | cocktail circuit for her intri- | cin tp , 's Cor- |# ys jramme a solid, built-in following at | cate renditions of difficult sry sok seminars. a CHRISTMAS SPECIAL caoae the Blue Horse Lounge of the | dance routines. ners' -- as she was known Ge ili Hotel Lancaster, thanks. to | : | professionally for so many pean aiilings their opening-week perform- | CADILLAC HOTEL | years -- last appeared here A f; ances. | The Neil Matthews Trio | at the Oshawa Home Show 4 Their performance is a | will take over the entertain. | in the Civic Auditorium in ' 5 APPEARING THIS WEEK IN THE... "must" for Country and | ment program in the Coro-| Sept., 1966. She has been Al The 0 NEILL COLLEGIATE \ 1 t beg music _ buffs who | net Room of the Cadillac | performing in supper clubs WITH a VINTAGE ROOM ong Homes make the Blue Horse their | Hotel for one week, starting | and on television in recent | ae. Kitty Bass, the | Monday night. The Inter- | months.cShe is pa ba LITTLE CAESAR eatured singer, gives strong |- national Playboys will con-| ter of Mr. an Mrs. | 19 7 Support to headliner Jack | clude their current engage-| W. H. J. Harmer of 493 and the CONSULS 6 Kingston (a personal friend | ment tonight. { Rossland Road West. of Hank Snow and Wilf Car- = Plus nada) Limited ter) who plays base guitar THE CYNICS eat and sings. Winston James is | . on lead guitar and _ sings. | i , ) y Novel- 5 Minto, Builder Kingston has more than #6 | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23rd Vocal, Instrumental, Top Comedy and many Nov i), 4 taurant, Whitby rig Sige Hoe ": stint Non Stop Entertainment . . . 8:30 P.M. i 11:30 P.M. ty Gimmicks. Enjoy this fast moving variety act ff \; E attraction. a9 | Tickets ot the door -- $1.5 tonight. Don't miss them f Records are the gifts they will really love you 'Vi F ; : | : y for . . . records to add to their collection. tice Equip. GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL | xkweekk* RM; 'You'll find all their favorite hits by all their FA The featured act in the | ' ) A favorite artists ot Marty's, Be sure and see yi Insurance Vintage Room of the Geor- | MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW FO! Marty's for the Biggest Selection. i fa gian Motor Hotel starting sf Transport Monday will be The Sky- | HE NEW YEAR S EVE "onstruction liners, the versatile musical | T Sy quartet which will play for | Dancing to JERRY MANN ORCHESTRA = supper dancers. Singer Jerry Mann will be motive Museum INTERNATIONAL BUFFET SUPPER NOVELTIES Vy EORGIAN SS NV RECORD CENTRE 351% Simeoe St. N, 723-0731 MINI- | MAIDS e Lumber A CHRISTMAS TREE | I A Christmas tree is jolly | 4 reen | I aw, 85 le @ Filled with lots of fun under Gals a Gals " Gals MOTOR HOTEL =NN \k. ng offer thelr wishes we' wake in the morning and! And Music Too? THORNTON SOUTH _---- | W ey see all toys Santa soars through the sky) A tree brings joy. ond CHAMPLAIN SHAMROCKS "Your Kind of Music" 94 9 --DALE RICHARDS, | KING ST 723-4693 : ie ' a " Age 7, OSHAWA Featuring Sela Grandview Public School. | DAZZLING DANCER | | ] Feneeeeercceenecncenercnmenmannennnceeey IRENE KAYE sae nen omempaceaerssaran D ANCE Reserve Now For Our... AY E R RY A E D DUNDAS ST Ob Tonight |; New Year's Eve Dance INDAS a : \ DANCING: 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. J ® ' i H ee iuoveees eect sacccccsccse ; Special Boxing Day pre ee 5 | : HOLIDAY SHOW! heey se ps sie apa enn "HSE See RGR a AC GMa ee 2. Licensed Premises -- Novelties -- Hats $90 00 : ( ei #{1\% Horns--etc. PER COUPLE.......... . WALT DISNEY S$) ¥ Or,. If. You're Interested in Staying '4 v7 Overnight Why Not Try Our... wonderful new af 4) NEW YEAR'S EVE OVERNIGHT PACKAGE featuring sl cartoon beens RUDY VELTRI |; |... ONLY $35.00 ? id his New cua c y Breakfast in Mornin ul 4 TORNADOS = |i seal dsrT tag meni i eat BODY sad SOUL NASHVILLE SOUND as | c Sincere Holiday Riroatings to you, H i our good friends and patrons... .» MARIE HARRISON Tying Pre Whitby Centennial Centre | aisenndegea | RED BARN MOTOR INN #] Tues. Dec. 26, 8:30-12 |] WILSON & LEE LID. | | EAST ON HWY. 401 -- INTERCH | "Oshawa's Friendliest y : | MUSIC STORE | i oul iv ee _ a a comets 1.25 Advance 1.50 at Door | ay Pee eG) Ontario's Largest Music Centre Sarin | ABS RTBARBDARHABBD salah | WN, | ' Inspired by the RUDYARD KIPLING | "Mowgli" Stories TECHNICOLOR® \ Sinatra a stony | ais } rganizations rome | 'andl : | : | | The Exciting Adventures of a Teen-Age Mountain Lion! | | } Ty 79E | t> WALT DISNEY'S It's Christmas! and we're glad f Ci WO We, for the chance to | the Lonesome sound off with warrmcst thanks to all Be. HE'S A Ci ide ; . PRIVATE EYE WHO TURNS our loyal customers, wit sereseeceseseasssossencsooss od ON FOR ALL THE RIGHT SCENES.../ an added 'note' 4 seer ee hi ae earemming adic Arata lb to have the merriest and best : ee Christmas ever! 4 REGERT | og A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE , "hbla he | ' pagccuegtepdeccessecccccsccsccesccces saug aes ae: 2 350 + Chae 3 ODEON fee - PHONE 723-2643 7:30 ae 9:30 Manager R. Kadoski and staff | DOORS OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY AT 3:00 P.M esse cai | 4 iA a

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