~ nm 5 ty se ae % oe =o = = AR a -- Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman. ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- Weather Report Clear tonight, milder with ario and Durham Counties. VOL. 26--NO. 298 " 10c Single Copy S5¢ Per Week Home Delivery CHRISTMAS SPIRIT, EVERLASTING the With the brilliance of mil- lions of Christmas lights, the frenzy of last minute shopping and the emphasis on gift giving it becomes increasingly difficult, every year, to find the deep signi- ficant roots of Christmas. It becomes easy, almost a 1967 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash some snow Sunday afternoon. : Low tonight, 22; high tomor- ; row, 32. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, THIRTY-SIX PAGES UAW Vote 'Approval Indicated DETROIT (AP) -- Early re- turns indicate 380,000 United Auto Workers union members will approve a three-year con- tract with General Motors by a substantial margin. A spot check by The Associat- ed Press shows most locals won't vote until next week. Local UAW officials were re- porting margins as high as six to one. UAW and GM _ negotiators agreed on the new contract Dec. 15. It is similar to contracts signed earlier at Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Corp. Terms include an increase in wages and fringe benefits of slightly more than $1 over three years This U,S clude a provision for Canadian- American parity of wage scales. $20 Million CALGARY (CP) -- The Al- bertan says a 14-man Russian today for Ottawa. 'As a prerequisite to the deal, | the newspaper says | "Mannix, as prime contrac- | tors, will be instrumental in lin- marked down by the Russians | as suitable for their needs in the Ryumen oilfields of Siberia. | "Calgary personnel will travel! to the Soviet Union to supervise} installation of Canadian) ; oe made automated oil well equip-) ritual in itself, ment and gathering systems."' pate in the to partici- superficial way year after year. One child who has been blessed are given a special church service 'and dress in an contract does not in-} Russian Deal trade \delegation concluded a \contradt, 'believed to be in ex- cess $20,000,000." with the |Mannix Corp. before leaving insisted upon by the Russians, a} jcomplete news blackout had to! be observed by the city firm,"! ing up at this end "Russians| The newspaper says the Rus- > SAIGON (AP) -- With holiday truce periods only hours away,|observed by the ground fighting in the Vietnam] U.S sputtered almost fo a halt! at 6 p.m. Sunday (5 a.m. ES WIND-BLOWN PRESIDENT e--at Cam Ranch Bay | Viet Fighting Spuiiers As Holiday Truce Nears | | | fruce, to be 475.000 or so troops in Vietnam, begins| TT) announced 24-hour U.S. Troops In Vietnam Told Efforts Not In Vain Viet Peace Drama To Unfold In Rome AP) President! yous around-the-world flight headed today for an made by a president while in of- Pope Paul, in- fice, They said several, includ: said, after tell-/ing Ulysses §. Grant, have tra- men in Viet-|velled around the world but not nam: 'What you have done. will while In office. not have be n in vain." in Rome, a~Vatican spokes- inson told the troops at the! man indicated the president was 1 Bay base, "the coming but declined to say the n, now, 1N' visit was a certainty, you have seen to FEAR DEMONSTRATIONS d i,ven if they 10w the pre plans, ected to be reluctant iid, he wan { are. exr ersonally to the Italian authorities to ted States is pur-;announce them in advance. for irse in Vietnam, The fe it might prompt demon- pontiff issued a fresh call Fr n by the Communist day for the United States to sus-ip the second biggest politi- pend bombing of North Vietn: c rty in Italy and. largest for ihe Communists' "to}Com ist party in the West. ive a sign of serious will for ern world. eace,"' The # : 3 Communist of Johnson's planned' paper 1 "d d isit to the Pope came from|by Johnson would be en ' oth Italian and U.S, govern-|tolerable provocation." ment source in Rome. Both A Unita ¢ 4 : . however, said the nita front-page editor although the says "'such a vis party news nita says a visit to Italv In lal it could not but arrival was 1eduled it we ways possible Johnson might!be considered as an intolerable ihande his elaine seta lange his plans at the iast w provocation and a defiance of mer SET TO DEMONSTRATE _ The American embassy and towards Johnson and his p the Vatican have £0'NZ cies," ahead with plans. on the a: 1 that the Johnson visit nd Italian Communists 1 to stage anti-Ameri a can demonstrations. The been It says Johnson holds main responsibility for the nam war. Pope is scheduled An-inf at a great majori- ty of the Italian pedple nourish Olie tha Viet to yrmed source in Madrid|>roadcast his traditional Christ- said Johnson's plane would re-|/MaS message on a world radio 1 IST, fuel and he would spend tonight|ook-up at 4 p.m, EST. | there on his way home, jbegan as a trip to mem rites in Australia for P |Minister Harold E. Holt, vy bustling harbor on new o;most secure U.S. At Cam Ranh Bay--site of a the me!|South China Sea and one of the bases in South {has been given up for drowned, | Vietnam~-the president told 2.- was turning into an around-the-/500 fighting men they are world flight. i dis char, U.S. responsibilities in Washington sources betfeve Scta ewith blood and sweat and this would be the first contin-|bravery." This Christmas Forseen Testing Time For America ne i with an everlasting angel costume. Since com- | gjans will 'tie up loose ends of me Le * ' 2 POPeeUaerle 0, CIN tee spirit" is Natalie Marmara, ing to Ganada Natalie has |negotiations in Ottawa with] (oday and U.S. fighting men re- Air raids kept up, meanwhile I's not the shortest: routelnam, He can harass, he can ter tive season without ever : . al a ihe . ceived a surprise Christmas) 4 g at suspected artilleryiback to the White House," hejrorize, he can inflict casualties, 6, 218 Celina St. She continued to celebrate in (electrical companies visited a iming a IS 1 ; ; Shee ieuhett . Jee RP One ae saan ; : season visitor--President John- he iis \_/told them. "but, because it is al-|while taking far greater losses asking '"'why", without ever ned the traditional way month ago" before returning positions and supply lines north | i cA born on Dec. 25 in Malta la? sd © son - f the U.S : utr most Christmas and because;himself, But he cannot win, You listening to the words of the (Oshawa Times Colorphoto | home x east of the marine outpost ergeats he } th! hav: that," Christmas carols which are where children who share by Joseph Serge) | - i Flying up from Australia.' at Con Thien, the hizh-altitade,|™yY spirit sua he here with have seen to that, : . ; she wad (act iis > atte riz > 56 a | anyway ad to come." sung in the same hypnotic their birthdate with Christ where he attended memorial) eight-engine B-52s returned to ee ah 2 eer have ae oht|TEST OF WILLS - Chief Lauds Greek Amnesty Given | TIMES RETURNS | Ukraine Reds | Political Prisoners ATHENS (AP) -- The Greek military dictatorship granted amnesty today to 2,600 political opponents it jailed since seizing power in a coup last April 21 and announced a. referendum next April 21 on a proposed new constitution. There was no indication, how- ever, when the regime would authorize elections, a possible sticking point in its negotiations to bring exiled King Constantine back to his throne after his at- tempted counter coup Dec. 13 ended in fiasco. In granting the amnesty, the regime went be- yond other conditions set by the king. Premier los, who made the. announce George Papadopou- | Peace Force On Cyprus | Extended Three Months UNITED NATIONS (CP) -- After two weeks of haggling, the United Nations Security Council has agreed on a resolution | aimed at keeping peace on Cy- prus by extending the life of the, UN peace-keeping force there for three more months. But members warned that long-range problems plaguing} the troubled Mediterranean is-| land still must be settled. : The resolution, adopted unani-/ mously Friday by the 15-country council, called on Greece, Tur- key and Cyprus to show the "ut- most moderation and restraint) and to refrain from any act that} might aggravate the situation."'| It called on the three dispu-| tants to avail themselve promptly of the "good offices') offered by Secretary-General Thant. WOULD ACT Thant told the council he would act at once to make ar-| rangements with the countries | contributing troops to permit| 8 Members of the staff of |Party chief, who speaks with a The Times wish one and all heavy Ukrainian accent, today a Merry Christmas hailed the achievements of the The Times will not be pub Ukraine in the 50 years since lished. on Monday. Regular (ON BOXING DAY iu!" et | ments, said 'elections will take|Theodorakis, place at a point when the aims|music for who wrote the Zorba the Greek. there, of the revolution and the risks) Many of the original 6,000 were oa resumes on Box- | Addressing a rally in Kiev, of communism have been released earlier on signing 1 Day. Brezhnev also made oblique excluded." pledges to avoid political activi- The draft constitution, which ty. is reported to provide for a) Papandreou had' been await- treferences to Ukrainian nation- alism Heart Device ie strong executive. branch and/ing trial on charges of treason. Communist policy of "the} limitations on the powers of the|He allegedly belonged to Aspida lvlear-cut internationalist _ posi-| monarchy, would go before the | shield, a leftist military organi- tion of class and Greek voters no later than Sept. zation accused of plotting the A Success the socialist ideology of equal-| 15, Papadopoulos said, if "tech-|overthrow of the monarchy and) LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A ity, friendship and fraternity of nical reasons" rule out the April/Greece's transformation into a team of surgeons has successful- the peoples." 21 date. ; socialist state outside the North/ly inserted an electronic device. Brezhnev, travelled to Kiev) bare amnesty hee ean ay Atlantic Treaty Organization. to maintain the normal heart-| Thursday to take part in the ini- e remnants of 6, political) sak : ¥ beat of 101-year-old Hugh Cham- tial stages of the celebration, personalities arrested in the FORGET THE PAST bers Steward. which: culminates Monday with colonels' coup, including An- ; The government in its efforts' Atterward the Ireland-born,|the observance of the 50th anni- dreas Papandreou, son of for- !9 secure the best possible con- creat erannte %i aci versary of the Ukraine Soviet PORE Fa . * ditions toward restoring unity of 2f¢@t Standfather looked past $e mer-premier George Papan i ing unity Ol vis surgeons--who used a new-| Republic dreou, -and composer Mikis the Greek people has decided to ie davela NBA ABAri Ravine ; Premier Alexei Kosygin and ; -------- | forget the past and grant amnes- : pectivaenens feo President Nikolai Podgorny, a ty to all," Papadopoulos. 'All nique---and spotted his nurses. Ukrainig b 4 s gees . p "Too a rainian by both birth and ori {those involved in the Aspida Iss one of the ladies for gin. stayed in' Moscow and it jcase will be amnestied." me?" he said with a smile after was not known if thes foo would ta : "aladca [the 144 hours of surgery Friday:| Yo [Ot Rnown 1 tney too wou Papadopoulos said the release z 3 i ° ~'|99 to Kiev of the prisoners would begin im-| Surgeons said Steward, born) The Ukraine, the first of the| imediately. The amnesty does|S¢Pt. 9, 1866, in Dromore, Ire-| territories of the former Tsarist} jnot affect persons held on crimi-|!and, is one of the oldest per-empire to follow the Russians in| ; |nal charges and those jailed by S0ns on record to benefit from! proclaiming Soviet rule, the force to remain on Cyprus./other regimes for Communist the new technique. He was re-|traditionally a breeding grounds Its mandate, in effect since/activity. ported in satisfactory condition.|foy nationalism throughout its March, 1964, would | have ex-| The regime's move came as| The electronic device is/history. | pired next Tuesday. Canada has) pressure from abroad increased known as a Pacemaker and is about 900 men in the force. Canadian Ambassador George | stance. Ignatieff, at the centre of the} days of c@hsultations, said the resolution brought '"'great credit to all concerned" in drafting it.) He added: "Looking to the future and conscious of the fact that in re-| cent weeks an outbreak of hos-) tilities in the eastern Mediter the working | was) Armed bands of nationalists! 'compact. HIS LAST CHRISTMAS |the country as late as 1947, | services for Prime Harold FE visited U.S with U.S. troops at combined forces base at Ranh Bay in South Vietnam He told the soldiers: enemy cannot win, .., You Minister! {he demilitarized Holt, the president! second straight day despite the|You something more than just pilots in Thailand) threat of surface-to-air missiles.|the old man himself... and then spent nearly two hours 'The he secure|three missiles at Cam! day Bolshevik rule was established| hours before the hour the Viet While flying zone for the North Vietnamese bombers night. but the b escaped, the U.S. "The | said, have seen to that." The command reported two , P PN pie BOR ca EAI Then the president took off for Davy fis nter-bombe rs were sho an undisclosed destination--144%4| down by ground fire Friday missions over North! Cong said it would begin a Vietnam and both pilots are three-day truce. missing, The Viet Cong declared they) The two _ fighter-bombers would stop fighting at 1 a.m.) brought to 769 the announced Sunday (noon today EST). The number of U.S.. plane. losses He said this was opposed by; South Vietnamese government'siover North Vietnam | McCarthy Seeks Air Time | For Rebuttal To President \ WASHINGTON (AP) -- buffed by the major networks, Senator Eugene J. McCarthy is asking the U.S. government to Re-| continued, 'whether the FCC is going to permit a 'president who is obviously a candidate for re- election to use the powerful net ensure he gets radio and televi-| work TV and radio facilities sion time to answer. statements without a right of response by by President Johnson other announced candidates." The Minnesota De mocrat,| Clark said the FCC should ei who says he'll challenge John- ther order the networks to give son in several Democratic pres-| McCarthy equal time or hold a idential primaries i. xt year.) hearing on the issue asked Friday that the Federal! Johnson was interviewed by Communications Commission| correspondents from all three! order NBC, CBS and ABC to provide him air time, His FCC appeal came shortly) prime jafter ABC and NBC, following! ~ an earlier stand by CBS, reject- time to answer President John- son's televised assertion Tues- day that the Minnesotan was working with Senator Robert F. Kennedy (Dem.--N.Y.) in a quest for the nomination. Brother Offers Gift Of Life 220% |allied in an effort to oust John- son Both McCarthy and Kennedy nean was only narrowly| Rosemary Kavelman, 18, of Ken is expected to live only agree because she. refused to | The networks said McCarthy averted, Canada fully supports); Oshawa, will receive the a few weeks. Two major oper- admit his chances were over. |isn't entitled to equal time the view expressed by the sec-| greatest gift of all this Christ- ations have failed to arrest She has been waiting for |under laws governing broad- retary-general that 'neither the} mas from her dying brother the cancer. His doctors say" several months for a kidney | casting because Johnson is not parties nor the Security Council! --the gift of a normal life. there is a good chance his kid- transplant but no suitable ja declared candidate for re-elec- 'can afford to allow the Situation) Ken Kavelman, 26, ill with ney will prove not to be can- '-organ had been located. | tion, regarding Cyprus to stumble|lung cancer, will give one of his cerous. Since 1965, surgeons at To- | Saying Johnson won't run | | for it to take a more democratic|about the size of a woman's|roamed the western regions of|eqd McCarthy's request for equal ' } networks, and all three carried! the pre-taped, hour-long show ir it time. Aircraft Missi a WINNIPEG (CP) -- An RCAF Dakota left here at mid night Friday for a six-hour shift to start a search for a single-en gined plane missing in north- western Ontario, 4 The Maule Rocket, with four occupants, disappeared on a 45- mile flight from Ear Falls northeast to Uchi Lake. An RCAF spokesman said the "a fact which|plane might have run into snow | takeoff from miles northeast showers after its Ear Falls, 175 from crisis to deeper crisis andjkidneys to Rosemary, a victim "1 decided to try to help ronto Western have per- 'next year denies from danger to_ graverjof a kidney disease--uremia. * Rosemary when doctors told formed 15 kidney transplants. |every American child know danger.' " | She spends two days a week me my case was hopeless sev- Two recipients died. In a |said Blair Clark, McCarthy's Sharply divergent resolutions| undergoing dialysis on a kid- eral months ago," Ken said. third, the kidney failed and |campaign manager, in the ap-|of here "But I never discussed it with her until recently." Rosemary was reluctant to had been offered by Turkey and| ney machine at Toronto West- the Greek-Cypriot government) ern Hospital to take impuri- of Archbishop Makarios, ties from her blood, was removed. That patient is waiting. for another trans- | plant, peal to the FC¢ "The people of the country The missing aircraft is owned by Stan's Flying Service of Ear | have the right to know," Clark! Falls. | fired| tangible Vednes- people feel in you back home." command brought "the assurance of what vou have fought to achieve: The|through enemy cannot win now in Viet-lfreedom."' some|"comes a time for testing f pridejour country." "This time it is a test of wi symbol of the The president added that he the steady hand to see a grave challenge NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Christmas Spirit Flees Bethlehem BETHLEHEM (AP) This Jordanian town where Christ was born waited dismally today for Christmas with the feeling the Israelis may have choked the yule spirit with red tape, It was captured by Israel in the June war, Chatham Families Return Home This Christmas, he said, or Whether we have the vision and us to CHATHAM (CP) -- About 17 families returned to their homes today as the waters of the rain + swollen Indian River receded following Friday's flash flood, City crews . dumped tons of sand and salt on streets and rural roads ire dropped to 28 degrees from a high of danger of icy roads, as the 58 F Toe Blake Fined Extra $20 temper riday, creating a MONTREAL (CP) -- Clarence Camphell, National Hock. ey League president, today slapped an additional $200 fine on Montreal coach Toe Blake as a ult of his actions in same at Boston Dec. 13. The $200 fine was ime posed because Blake continued to coach his Montreal Cas nadiens from a few rows back of their bench after he had been ejected from the game before the start of the second period. ... In THE TIMES Today... Generals Lose--P. 12 Christmas Lights--P, 15 Whitby Cubs--P. 5 -16 5 Ann Landers Ajax News: Churches--8, 9 City Clossified---25 to 30 Comic 25 Editorial--4 Obituaries Sports---12, 13 News--15 Televisior 3 Theatres----32 Weathér--2 % Id of 1" iy ut ui