THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 22, 1967 7 4 Bilingual Si jh entoattenatinriod kT Gloomy Christmas Faces | : a 18 ie 'was no reason for the bil- erection of 12 bilingual signs in Doctor Stranded In Honolulu | Placed On Streets |ingual signs unless they could the municipality. . 2 . diet. AES Rp er es "i sa ft d throughout the prov- N 88 "ana- P { ) M ( : | TORONTO (CP) -- An experi-|be éerecte CARPETS SOLD 'a. preagt ge Bs : bl arents f Issing irl ment with French-English traf.|ince. In 1965 total sales of all types pore to help relieve a shortage! : fic signs in North York borough| A similar test four years ago of carpets and rugs in Britain tors is j | 'P) -- lings to began Monday when seven bilin-|in suburban Scarborough failed amounted to 110,900,000 square of doctors is stranded in Honolu-| KILBRIDE, Ont. (CP) -- The] Mrs. Schuett still cing signs were erected at|when residents protested the' yards. INCREASE MISLEADING Gross Nati 1 Product Ri In Thi 1ses n ird Quarter jlu with a broken neck and no|Christmas tree is in its place|hope her daughter will be found rp Fi tersdictiéns dsaardseaune LEE ne 3 |way of returning home, it was|but the season will not be full ofjalive. : : s. : | OTTAWA (CP) -- The gross|000,000,000 at annual rates in theland cosmetics 1.7 per cent.|learned here Wednesday. ithe usual happiness and glitter) 'There's nothing new,' she) Mayor James Service di-| 7 = eS = oe = = = = annual rate of $61,900,000,000, investment in plant and equip-|per cent | The couple has been waiting| 'Meanwhile, life goes on for i I UEL OIL ioe Dorninion Bureau of Statis- ment declined $$00,000,000. Ex. Services continued to experi.|'0 Canada in 1957 from Malayaeg: nearly nine months for some|the couple and their two other|the experiment. cs reported today, yes Pg ee we a perjthird quarter and business in-/Household appliances, radios) Dr.' William Holland, 41-year-\for Mr. and Mrs. Miltonjsaid. "All we can do is hope and/rected the test but declined quarter to an ventories rose $700,000,000. Butjand television sets rose by .6 old anesthetist who immigrated|Schuett. pray. comment Wednesday night | ports were down in comparison ence substantial price increases|and practised in Kitchener,|word on the whereabouts of|children. _Con. Gordon Hurlburt, a traf: The increase was misleading,|to imports and government ex-/and the tabs for education, med-|broke his neck in a diving acci-|their 10-year-old daughter Mar-| "We'll have to make sure it's fic committee member, said | AUTOMATIC, WEATHER CONTROLLED DELIVERY s however, because prices during penditures declined $600,000,000.|ical care and rents all went up|dent at a Honolulu beach and {s/ianne, a happy Christmas for our two , the quarter rose almost one per FARM INCOME DOWN |more than one per cent. |paralysed from the neck down.) "We finally put the Christmas|sons," Mrs. Schuett said. 'Life FREE PEPSI 40 years e xperience--budget plan cent. In -real terms, Canada's Taher lnc OWN Recently married in Singa-\tree up last night," Mrs.|must go on for them." = COAL AND oa output of goods and services de- ncome increased by| jpore, he and his wife were re-|Schuett said today. "We kept) q EPI'S M LA GHLI clined from the second quarter. |two per cent for the second con-| Sou Kitchen jturning to Canada for a visit/postponing it, hoping that Mar-| FIRE TOLL RIGH | e C SUPPLIES LTD. & DBS said "weakening forces'secutive quarter. Net corporate) p when the accident occurred. Out|ianne would be home to help US) yy. tobe had a total of 634 1ZZ of expansion" gave way to a of funds, he found he could not/but.. . ." |, seanito * : ; profits made a small gain, but | hi d pause during July, August and , D U d ¥ forest fires this year compared, f : | return to Canada on a commer-| The Grade'4 girl disappeared! | September. ete CG FRE Laer own under cial flight because he is al April 27 after getting into a pdb Pokey supeiliddi ond ss Looking ahead to the probable) Although consumer expendi-| NELSON, Nz. (cp) --|stretcher case and requires spe-}small foreign car driven by a -- GNP for the whole year, DBS|tures were up $800,000,000, two- cial care. jman in his mid-40s. Marianne forecast an increase of 6.4 to 6.6|thirds of the increase represent-| Prompted by reports of unem-| | 4 pee Oey ed price changes averaging 1.4/ployment in the city for the first|yeother tn ie Coke ested be Publl scnost--408" po Seven thousand children were placed in new homes this year | by the adoption services of Ontario. That is a record number, 110 King W., Oshawa 723-3481 Simeoe St. S$. -- 728-0192 | [REPRE REESE @ Rosslynn Rd. W, -- 723-0241 ; t de shifted from a second- i projection of about seven per, '*@% ; f for the disabled i . cent, made in his Nov. 30 budg-\Warter surplus of $344,000,000 ig operate a soup kitchen/foundation for the disabled in|car pools to transport their chil This would be somewhat less Per cent. \time for many years, the Salva-|fied Betty McMurray, executive away. We hope to do better in 1968. . ini , Th : i | than Finance Minister Sharp's), The merchandise balance on). yim. here announced itidirector of the rehabilitation) Parents now have orgamized Here are a few of the boys and girls available for adoption. to a deficit of $424,000,000, for an hour daily-at noon. The|Toronto. Mrs McMurray isidren to school in this commu- et speech. Thi ith 6h aces in prices|S0UP Was there 'all right onjtrying to find a way to get Dr. |nity 14 miles north of Hamilton. ally adjusted, stood at $61,- , 987 {customer came. habilitation training and care. 600,000,000 in the second quarter|juey<" % 1967 and centred on} Soy r00,000 008 ae BNE ee cent highér on a seasonally ad-| Scarecrows rarely frighten) Dr. Charles F. Richter, seis-| OPTOMETRIST 7, 100,000,000, justed basis, due mainly to in-\crows and, for many, the ap- mologist at California Institute] 1412 King St, East sumer demand and residential|fresh fruits and vegetables ply a tipoff that a free lunch is|small earthquakes hit southern q con structi on grew by $1,-! Clothing was up 1.3 per centlavailable. |California annually. ! The annual GNP rate, season-| was jess than in either previous opening day, but not a single|Holland back to Canada for re-| 60,300.000,000 i $ A, E. JOHNSON, 0.D, and $60,300,000,000 in the first! 'The cost of food was 2.5 per NOT FRIGHTENED EARTH UPSET The DBS analysis said con-|creases in beef, dairy products,| pearance of a scarecrow is sim- of Technology, estimates 200 Small earthquakes int #6u 723-2721 KEN is an amusing little lad of a year and BETTY is 8 pleasant friendly little girl and a half of Anglo-Saxon and German stock. He loves attention and refuses to be ignored, attracting your Interest in cute, comical ways. He is playful and active, in good health and developing normally, Ken Is of sturdy build with brown eyes and hair. His little mind is active and he is observant and interested in everything about him in this big, big world Parents will be kept busy keeping up with Ken. IVAN is 8 bonny little fellow, 3 years old, of Anglo-Saxon and Czechoslovakian background, He is @ big boy with blond hair, blue eyes and a fair complexion. Ivan knows that legs are for running and climbing, two of his favourite activities. His rocking horse he rides with zest. Music of all kinds appeals to him and he pretends to play his piano with gusto, Sociability is his middle name and he enjoys playing with other children and loves attention. This young man needs Protestant parents who will provide him with a loving atmosphere in which to develop at his own speed. MADGE Is as pretty as a picture and only 2 years and 2 months old. She has beautiful dark eyes, curly eyelashes, olive skin and softly curling black hair. Madge is fine boned and nicely pro- portioned. She is a healthy child and has been robust since birth with a happy disposition. She loves musi¢ and dancing and gets along well with other children. A dear little Roman Catholic girl of West Indian heritage, very hugable and loving for the right couple who wish her to become their daughter. just 2 years old. She is of slight build with grey eyes, blonde hair and fair complexion, Betty is a quiet, placid child and somewhat withdrawn with older people but lively with other children. Her background is Anglo-Saxon and Polish. One of her grey eyes Is slightly higher than the other, but this is a cosmetie rather than @ physical handicap. Betty Is easy te manage, an appealing child who needs parents and a permanent home, HOWARD, who is a year and @ helt, appears to be quite # bright and alert young Roman Catholic lad with the cute habit of puckering up his nose when he laughs. He is mischievous, comical and lovable. Howie gets along well with ether children and shows himself to have an even temper, sharing his toys and is not too demanding as far as individual attention Is concerned. His colouring Is tanned and he has clear, masculine features. A very healthy, strong boy needing parents to share his promising future. TEDDY is 14 months old and has been walking since 11 months of age. He is a big, hand- some boy with lovely clear dark complexion, enormous brown eyes and soft brown curls on top of his head and at the nape of his neck. He Is a rather solemn fellow, but his smile is really worth waiting for. Bright and active, he is e good baby, eats and sleeps well and plays happily by himself'in his play- pen. Protestant, of Anglo-Saxon and Negro back- ground, Teddy needs parents who can value his heritage ag they can his contented, endearing ways. Many other girls and boys-- older and younger-- still need a good home and loving parents. If you wish to adopt a child, apply to | your Children's Aid Society The peaceful calm of the land wearing a blanket of fresh snow gives great and simple dignity to His house. As Christians everywhere proudly celebrate the Birth of the Saviour, we take pause to offer a prayer of thanks for the good and wondrous teachings bestowed upon us through Him. May your holiday be filled with true joy and peace... one a salle PB gcinis _ big porate 21 a old DEPARTMENT Snag who steals your heart on sight with his AN D FAMILY SE E big friendly smile. He has large black, expressive eyes, | BERT DALE -- MANAGER AND STAFF OF healthy but has a family history of diabetes. He ie: PROVINCE OF ONTARIO bright and engaging and has an exceptionally attrac- tive personality. A football player of the future, Larry PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO will bring joy to Roman Catholic parents. : HONOURABLE JOHN YAREMKO, QC, Minister JAMES S. BAND Deputy Minister Photos courtesy Toronto Telegram ZIEBART AUTO TRUCK RUSTPROOFING OSHAWA PROVINCE OF OPPORTUNITY pl 660 DRAKE STREET