BOWLING NEWS GLENHOLME SCHOOL SCORES Robert Pearson was our highest scorer s week for. Glenholme School. We ere sud; of you, Robert! enior Boys: Randy McArthur hn Bisschop 160, Carlo DeJong nn Wilson 185, Bobby Henning bert Pearson 260, David O'Boyle n Swayne 160, Jotn Martinelll 120. ynley Welsh 200 and Billy Nichols 230, senior Girls: Karen O'Boyle 190, Chris+ e La Rush 130, Glynis Gard 125, Lor» ine Marshall 115 and Helen Renaud 90. intermediate Class: Mary Polacok 194, nmie Brown 110, Susan Lazin 113, eddy Johnston 110, Ross Kane 105, chael Polityka 120, Wanda Mather , Joe Holkema 176, Terry Clark 180, bbie Bartlett 145 and Dennis Bolvin . 165, 210, 185, 170 WIRE AND HARNESS Jigh Triples: Bruce Henderson 752, nna Walker 696, Jack Johnston 693, yen Moreau 669, Jim Ferris 668, Slim I 663, Syd Stone 658, Flo Johnston 651, id Robinson 640 and Bob Clark 635. digh Singles: Art Brown 256, eliette 255, Joyce Smith 255, chance 253, Bill Harding 248, Ison 246, 223, Roger Demers 243, R pinson 242, Cyril Weeks 241, 215 a ck Laverty 240. ream Standing: Lucky Strikes 2% los 29, Gay Six 20, Head Pins 19, Alley ts 18, Flyers 18, Jesters 17, Hi Balls Pin Pickers 14 and Twiggies 11. LADIES MAJOR A digh Triples: Joan Jackson 811 (266, )); Helen Trott 776 (320); Jackie Bod- 770 (290, 265); Ev Redpath 789 (261, (); Doreen Goch 757 (285, 279); Mavis yior 753 (317, 268); Diana Charuk 730 6); Marg Vice 723 (284); Marilyn chards 720 (369)3 Loraine Murphy 718 2, 251); Isobelle King 710 (266); Ol- » Frise 691 Janet Peel 678 (260); Mary obel 672 (275); Joyce Bell 671 (302); adeline Reeson 666, Dorothy Sykes 663 3) and Laura McKinley 653 (287). Team Standings: Crawfords, Ins 17, yden MacDonald 16, Horwich Jewel- "s 16, Scugog Cleaners 14, Nu Way 9 14 Strouds 13, Cross Canada Pav- 3 12 and Young Moderns 10. Rich PILLAR MOUNTED A.1,700-year-old pillar of gyptian granite, believed to ve formed part of a colon- ide in a Roman Gallery, has en mounted in front of Toron- 's new city hall. NOW, YOU DON REALLY BEL THAT, EVE) TOSSED MILLION ve -I WISHEO FOR TEN COLLARS ! LI'L ABNER BUT NOBODY "SON T'OTHER IN WASHINGTON ) HAND, EVERY HAS EVER, PREZY-DUNT / HEARD OF ! OU LT Ni DON'T GET ME ONE IN DOG- PATCH HAS/' || CHAP--BUT YOU'RE NOT NATIONALLY ee WRONG/! YOU'RE | BE-SOON' ANICE LITTLE. ! THE OSHAWA TIMES, TELL ME, DR. VON SPITZ, WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR SUB AND YOUR MISSILE & BUZ SAWYER I SEIZED A SUBMARINE, ESCAPED WITH SOME V-3 ROCKETS, AT THE END OF WORLD WARII, COLLECTED A GROUP OF OUR]; ROCKET SCIENTISTS, AND WE FOR 22 YEARS WE HAVE BEEN HIDDEN IN A SECRET SUBMARINE PEN IN LATIN AMERICA... WORKING.,.BIDING OUR TIME...NOW AT LAST TH <7 THE TIME IS RIPE! Fridoy, December 22, 1967 21 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER |(Top Record-Holder in Masters' | Individual Championship Play) BIDDING QUIZ You are South, both sides vul- nerable, The bidding has been: West North East | le Pass 1¢ What would you bid now with South ? ROY BELL..WANTED FOR prmer HOLD UP,,..5EVEN HUNDR DOLLARS... DEAD OR ALIVE sone JANE ARDEN i442 ne, -~ A a JONES. HE/LL BE RUNNIN' UNDER A DIFFERENT BRAND.,.6MITH..OR 22 OR SOMETHIN, MIGHT BE JUST OME HARD TO FIND. .0 each of the following five hands? 1. @KI94 YAQIS A963 BS 2. @K75 YAQ Q92 HKI843 3. 58642 YQ @AK4 &Q852 4. @AQ5 YAIZ OKI6 &QI92 5. @KQ653 YQ87642 GAZ h-- bi SAN ANTONIO... DO YOU THINK IT WILL SNOT LIKELY, SNOW FOR CHRISTMAZ | JAN LAREDO? 1. Double. The only bids worth considering are: pass, one heart, one spade, and double. With 15 high-card points and attractive distribution, a j\pass should be ruled out. You can't afford to sit around and |wait with such hands | But instead of trying to guess SECRET AGENT X9 SUSAN, PHIL! I THOUGHT YOUR HUSBAND WAS YOU WOULD BE CHECKING NOT DELAYED ON A LAST-MINUTE SECURITY BUSINESS TRIP... DETAILS... qi | [VELEARNED THAT MUCH! I THINK YOU \ 1 AM DOING, | | CAN TELL ME | THE REST! | whether to overcall with a heart or a spade, either of which | might turn out to be an unlucky choice, it is better to double and let partner choose the suit, Partner is thus alerted that you NO! THEY'LL KILLHA/ THEY'LL }) KILL HIM! SUSAN, YOUVE IF. CHARLES ISIN have at least an opening bid TROUBLE, I and support for both major CAN HELP: suit 8. 2. Pass. Again we have 15 points, but this time a pass is preferable to a double because the hand does not lend itself to a forced response from partner. West's club bid significantly reduces the value of our hand, particularly because the K-J of clubs may prove worthless if West has the A-Q. Any action FREE PEPSI EPI'S IZZA Simeoe St. $. -- 728-0192 Rosslynn Rd, W. -- 723-0247 a Y) CODE y 1, 1968, aces stries under fandards, lete indusgrial the industrial vith industry, © causes and cation. 3 It undertakings 2 2 and to some advantage of r the Canada TS. @ G.M.A.C, FINA @ TREMENDOUS SAVINGS NCING rt- Go Wide 'Tracking Pontiac |: WE HAVE REDHOT BUYS FOR THE COLD WINTER SEASON ON '68 PONTIACS The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. 266 KING ST. W. other than a pass would be dan- gerous Pass. It would be risky to ally based more on trick-taking values than on_high-card values. If partner is weak in spades, we are subject to a severe penalty, since there are very few winners we can point to if the spade bid gets doubled. Safety is the prime considera- tion, 4. One notrump. With 18 high-card points, some kind of action is clearly in order, and WIDE CHOICE OF MODELS NUBBIN ! TST Wedd che veered * £ © King Festwes Syrdnain «tf MUST BE, INTERESTING: ' a eee i a MUFFLERS INSTALLED WH ey 'To INJURY WHEN YOU | , SUFFER ON AN EMPTY JULIET JONES 'YOU'RE ADPING INSULT STOMACH! I'M TREATING < THAT'S HIM~ 'THAT'S RANGE PROBABLY FLITTED OFF TO PARTS UNKNOWN AND RIGHT ABOUT 5 Now Is-- MICKEY MOUSE iy d HELPING OUT WITH HER WASHING - GRANDMA DON'T EAT THE CRUMBS IN THE COOKIE JAR." THEY'RE FOR MY OTHER LITTLE FRIENDS... ee 12-22 GiAe MUGGS AND SKEETER WELL ,I FIGURE K GUY OUGHT TGIVE OL' SANTA ALL THE HELP HE CAN... Channel 2--Buffale F 9:00 PLM, ] 10: A.M, Channel 3~Barrie | Leoiiay e | jicHebey Time | 6é--Movie | §--Batfink a 4--Butfale | 4--Movie | 6--Cousin Bill Channel 6--Toronte \* Movie | 4--Space Ghost Channel 7--Buffalo | 2:9 PM. | 3--Popeye ps | : M. 8-2--Samson and Gollat Channel &--Rochester 11--Dragnet 7--Journey Ih Channel 9%--Toronto 7--Will Sonnett Channel 11--Hamilton 2--Accidental Family 11:00 A.M, Channel 12--Peterborough | &2--Birdman 9 10:08 P.M, | 9--Spider Man i--Mery. Griffin 7~--King Kong FRIDAY EVENING a hag Apanryiecgene ge | 4--Moby Dic 5:00 PM. 2--NBC News Special 3--Super Heroes 12--Recky and His | Friends | 11:00 PLM. 11:30 A.M, 11--Daisies | 2-3-4-6-7-8-11-12--News, 11--Meta 4--Mr. Ed Weather, Sports ar fi 7--Flintstones --George of ine Jungle pee 11.18 P.M. #--Skipper Sam d-Perry - Mason 1i--Plerre Berton | 4--Superman " Aquaman evie : | Mov nee ie P.M. 3--Littlest Hobe 5:0 P.M, eres | 2--Ant-Squirrel 12--Flintstones 11:88 PLM, V--Accidental Family 4--News, Weather 12 NOON $--Truth or Conse- Sports TRA ences 9--Movie " 8 PLM, | '7--Beatlos ne 6--Daktarl | 3--News Tonight | N35 PM 2-4--Top Cat Sperta 12:38 PLM, 11--Pierre Berton 2 es -- 1--Outdoors Unlimited &--Hoew's Business? 1M vik | 4~You and Your 7--Movie 9--Perry's Probe Family 4--Sports Magazine 11:45 PAM, Western Jamboree 4--News, Weather, | &Mevie 1-4--Coo!l McCool | 12:18 AM. ee | 1:00 PLM. 100 PLM. | Saher | 11--Gadabout Gaddle 12--Road West ecéuper Six 1--Petticoat Junction | J--Christmas Pl 9-6-3--News, Weather Thirteen Sperts SATURDAY goby he ide had 4-News 3-6-12--Mrystical Trail #4--Huntley-Brinkiey 0:00 A.M. sia Latta News | 11--Schnitze!_ House | 1:0 PLM. 7:00 PLM, 9--Cartoon Playhouse 11--Wrestling 1--Tarzan S--Davey and Goliath &--Super President 9--Otf to See the Wirard = 7--Spider Man 4--NFL--Pre-Game 8--American West 4--Captain Kangaree 2:0 PM é--Day It Is 2--Clutch Carge ST ys re 4--Peeple Are Funny 3:30 A.M, Larne RL. Water 3--Voyage Three Stooges ah sit cae manere t--News, Weather | 7--Rocketship 7 SA NeI ODA Sperts | 2--Hercules 2--Greatest Show 7:20 P.M. * 9:00 A.M, 2.0 P.M, 7--News, Weather, Sport | 1]--Hawkeye 11--Moment ef Truth 7:30 PLM. 4--Santa C 7--Film Feature 7--Of to See the Wizard | 2--Mr. 3:00 P. 6-12--Rat Patrol : 2---Checkmate 4--Christmas Ballet 9--Meta 3:0 PM, 2-8--Tarzan 4--Herculoids T.BA 1 1t- Spotlignt $:0@ PLM. 3 8--Adventures in Paradise l1--My Three Sons 2--Dick Tracy 4:00 P.M, 9--Movie 10:00 A.M, 11--Little People 3-6-12--Get Smart | Meet ly | royhtier Four as icRun For Your Lite #--Flintstenes SoNredins 8--Movie 7--Popeye, Gumby 4:30 PLM. 2--Star Trek é--New Generation 11--Dennis the Menace 7--Hondo 4--Shazzan 9--Wide World of Sports 3-6-12--Tommy Hunter } &--Sinbad Jr. 8-- Wagon Train ACROSS DOWN 13. Spou' 1. Clothes 1, Hardy 15. seo 5. Happen heroine 17. Halt 10. Radiate 2, Leave out ems 11, Propeller 3. Beaded 20. Assis- 12, '---- lizard tant Marner" 4. Mad rush 21. Mellows 14, Notched 5, Siberian 22. Hermits Rete 16, Certain gulf 23. Clubs post office 6. Sales. 24. Candy employees person 26. Waxed 18, Father of 7.Autos . 28.Knock Yesterday's Answer | Marduk 8. Celery-like « 30, Mockery 35. Color 19, Coral plant 32, Layer 37. Moslem 20, Skill 9. Sets aside 33, Amazon name 21, _-- for future cetacean 40. Thoron: gen use 34, Seines i 24, Dwell ads 25. Sultan's 1 72 |S 14 S je |7 fe [9 pe decree % g VA Apple i) drink 7 Y Y 27. Man's 5 g pists Y 28, Intermis- 16 17 6 a9 sion WUD 4, . Type i 20 measures WM: ZG 30. Card ar [22 [23 Vee game 81. Nickel: sea yee sym, V4 $2, Diminish- a 28 ing ML gradually |?? 30 7, 36. Step YA /} 38. Railroad va Oo 33 [34 [35 car 39. Choose % bad ZA 41, Quote Vi, 42. Warning 39 40 44 signal 'LA "A 43, Not Cie cay diffienlt 12-22 } need the chief problem is whether to double or bid a notrump. The notrump overcall draws a bet- ter picture of the hand. It shows 16 to 18 points, balance |distribution and all-around jstrength. A double would imply \distributional values, which we lack. We are highly unlikely to |make a game, but the part score is worth fighting for. 5. One spade. The plan here is to bid both suits in regular order, even though the hearts \are greater in length, It is true 'that a double might locate the proper trump suit more quickly, /but there is a decided danger lof West's bidding over the double with North lacking the values for a voluntary bid With two long suits, you are lgenerally better off to bid them both yourself rather than double for a takeout. There is too much chance that you may wind up losing valuable bidding space, HUBERT NO,I'M NOT GOING To CLEAN MY ROOM! I'M GOING OUT TO PLAY Ns WITH _BINNY THEY SURE GET A \_/ ponT THEY! LOT OF MILEAGE OUT AN? IT GETS OF THAT SANTA CLAUS /EARLIER EVERY YEAR! 'Ice Cream Man | Bit Inspector TORONTO (CP) -- An Ice cream vendor who opened a 17- stitch wound by biting the lip of a licensing inspector had his li- cence suspended Wednesday for seven months "He took hold of my lower lip with his teeth, punching and scratching me and making ter- rible growling noises all the time," said the inspector, Ken- neth LeSeur, in describing the attack eight months ago by Larry Koutsoulianos, 32 The vendor earlier was fined $200 and jailed' 10 days for as- j sault causing bodily harm in the ..Dear Dr. Moner: After an ex-alertness and energy, feels 80/case. amination a doctor put me on/much better that he stops the| Mr. LeSueur said he ap- thyroid and said I would need it/pills. After a variable length Of|proached the vendor following the rest of my life. After sever- time he returns to his doctor) complaints he was selling school al months, and after cutting the with the same old symptoms/children short portions of ice dosage, he took me off the thy-| again. cream. roid medicine because my blood Why? Because the thyroid|/-- : "ee pressure was high. pills supply what the gland is 450 KILLED Six months later another doc- ot producing. Foreign Minister Pierre Har- tor said I was fine and didn't, Then, without the pills, the slug-|me] told Parliament 450 Bel- thyroid. In six more'gish thyroid gland gradually)gians have been killed in The months I again felt tired and/causes you to slip back below!Congzo since that old Belgian gained so much weight, and | normal, And the fatigue andj¢o]ony became independent was listless, so I went back to other symptoms return, |seven years ago. the first doctor. He said I need-! It will save disappointment if) ~ sa anete er QUEENIE Needs Stimulation By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ed thyroid' and started me on people with thyroid trouble keep two grains a day, but said it these two points in mind. You would have to be regulated, but can '"'coast along' comfortably | I would have to take it all the for a while after the medication is stopped. To arrive at the dos- | age which keeps you exactly ° balance" requires some regula- tion of the amount, and that takes time time. I am concerned as to which to believe. Both are good M.D.s-- Mrs. H. I would find it in my mind to believe both of them--at the particular time of the respective examinations. Establishing the correct dos- age of thyroid quite often re- quires gradual adjustment. It isn't like filling the gas tank of your car, with a gauge to show when it is full. Neither does thyroid medica- tion lose its effect instantly|Should this be considered seri-| when you stop taking it, 'ous? WHAT COULD BE THE One cannot say positively that CAUSE? -- Mrs. R. D, you will need throid pills all This is not unusual in older} your life-- but I'll say this: In|persons. The spots could be my experience, the person. who|bruises from minor injuries. needs such medication usually) There could be increased fragili-| needs it indefinitely. ty of the capillaries (small * blood vessels). Another possibi- TROUBLE RETURNS lity is a disturbance in your Your thyroid gland was notipjood clotting mechanism--e-|.. . sufficiently active. The medicéificiency of platelets, calcium, or|Pey Opportunities. tion brought you up to normal.|Vitamin C. -- ; y Then you stopped. After some) J] wouldn't be unduly iia MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOL months your old trouble re-/but your doctor may want 0/519 Bloor st. W.,. Toronto, Dept. OT turned. order certain blood tests to de- This is not at all unusual. Ajtermine whether a blood condi-|° ots Dear Dr. Moiner: | am 74 and} in the last eight months spots! have appeared on my arms and; hands about the size of the nail! on my ring finger. They appear} to be ruptures of very small) blood vessels under the skin.| There is no external bleeding. After about the third day they face and eventually disappear. | friend. I'm beginning to un- why she's stayed single all these years." JUST FOR GLAMOUR ? ) Troin sional career you Travel mour ond Big For free bro- Branches in lished over 40 patient is restored to his former! tion is involved.