Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Dec 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, December 19, 1967 SIMPLIFY FAMILY CHRISTMAS $HOPPING & $AVINGS WITH WANT ADS! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday | |13--Articles for Rent to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. 18--Mole Help Wanted | Tobles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glosses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 | ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred Peop Rite-s---Believe it aad | BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Accountants a Rug - Upholstery Service 5--Trailers o3 boop Oshawa Tenis Ciub "tor "bor BOB CLANCY'S A net: s is, parties, weddings. Bar, chen, Compiete Dookkeesing, service, 'he sh sim-| Quality Carseat PROFESSIONAL ee, Bs FOR SAL, sngie jnorene. 7227s. coe Street N., 725-0397. Res. 723-7605 ry RUG CLEANING _ [itis brakes ze. |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walt GORDON R. DAY, | Certified General GENERAL. REPAIRS ce aa eeu, ae See ers, reducing machines, sick room Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop) Home Improvement Specialists " She tires, different sizes Y seins BE ve plies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644. ping _Contre, 725-9953 | Serving Oshawa ond District 2 Dey Service 2295, 7 B JOSEPH GUTMANN. Chartered Account. for Mony Years Free Pick-Up ond Delivery - : | 14--Business Opportunities | 7 Bond Ste#t) Honest and Dependable Service | A 6--Marine Equipment Phone 725-8576 or 623-3411 | ngus-Graydon | fae WILDE RENTAL "eg YOUR OWN REMODELLING recreation rooms, trim ~ YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND_CO., Char- wove and kitchen copboeres. Eric Ben RE- eee SALES & SERVICE ts, Licensed Trustees in|* Simcoe Street North, Py @ Wide se cen of Fabrics | Dentistry e 5 Ga ranteed Bi ae DR. G_ ROBERT BROWN, Dental Sur- BREAKS THE BOSS ueprinting |geon, 172 King Stree! E. Oshawa. Tele-| -- @ budget terms--Free PRICE BARRIER | | say oe Simcoe' 8 and erin ssssandielaatb Work from your own home coe' Street North. 723-466 | besa Sse See not Bl. Dressmoking ' . : ease ond on, Ree Building Trades Seer ty es TE lcaee eS N___| SALE NOW ON ae ete tyes CHESTERFIE ig NEED MORE ROOM ? ?? EXPERT -DRERSMAKIN wa ee SNOW silinice SNOWMDER GAS Ltt eter bouton Wer Gien yng * * * lwedding gowns anc heed pieces. 725/10 order SNOW PRINCE SNOWMOBILES piceld 1592) ell Canadian monufactured HOME = Street P. List Sole oe product orto ne snr redsonatie rae RE-UPHOLSTERY Y by experts. Estab | 9 $695 $625 CARAT $$ done at ri " rkmansh ne LU . 4 IMPROVEMENTS & en nev Lain Orie Why ed ree Eman, cst tere wet] 19 le. 955 BGG | CBEACOW seen we' || contact MRS. MAC tresses re-built f eiec,. tions -- Alterations Gardening and Supplies _Qshawe Upnoistering ect Avenue.) 99 : Pig ytd A FISH FOND Pe ie isteata se Recreation Rooms pestle x anit extension Call us "l : 44 Sales and Service 20 elec. 1075 925 We toe NS 1 Monday night 7 to 9, T 1 onday nig , Tues- JAMES ALLEN & SONS This & That JaCUUM and parser fess aTi| DIABLO ROUGE SNOWMOBILES! "LIKE A COW Be a a doy Sem t0.9 Bin, Wad- "'Ouelit Aint , | WILD BIRD MIX Teck" Lees, pick up and 'oelivery. Sak 2 F ae. 835 Seagal id eal la 'Quality is whet we build in WILD BIRD SCRATCH 6956. elec 95 935 -_ = { FEED SUNFLOWER GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wri inger SNOWMOBILE TRAILER ; een BRICK AND BLOCK work "end gerers!! JUMBO SUNFLOWER washers and ranges. Free eatin Sen TA. Eee ee! ee BEAUTY PARLOR 3756 POLE BIRD FEEDERS - : pe : a ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE.. HANGING BIRD FEEDERS Septic Service ces NOW SKI-DOO $4,500 for a. completely Get your driveway paved by experts) ICE SALT List $39.95 Sole $29.95 equipped modern beauty par- 20c so. ft, al) work guaranteed for) com, cuioy SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv. ALSO SIX SERVICE BAYS SALES -- SERVICE lor with six dryers, low rent, three veers. 723-0281. SNOW SHOVELS fen on, calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chesinat é ee TEN NEW RENTAL MACHINES! ond located only 25 mile: wid lg St ae SRS ml Site CONCENTR TE ae Ga FOR FASTER SERVICE 140 acres of good ills from Oshowa in Unbridos tions. New or repair, 942-6342. af- N ONCENTRA Surveyors ! cr i Tere! -- c 7 e : BRITTANIA MALT EXTRACT pyors We ola Qe Sach reshments .1968 S crea. Call Ted Mendyk, 728- mate Rek| AMARYILIS BULBS BONEVAN AND "FLEISCHMANN, "Or-| for Rent by Day or Week. cry $695, Try "ay nae agg : | 1 prints. tT Ontario. Street Ha. 115° Bad 2 GUIDE REALTY LTD --ginmin| WATER SOFT SALT Mi, ONTARTO LAND Surv en gent Wee on sod gravel, nett] PURITY DOG MEAL on tree we cee! WILDE RENTAL Ser gc ar ruction. 725-6937 | COMPLETE PET SUPPLIES e. ee Sal : 728-1203. na ALL TYPES building repairs. Roofing,| TV_R ales and Service AUTO WRECKING Business. Well es- 'chimneys, _ eavestroughing fireplaces, | --Radio Repairs Bee ~ CUSTOMIZED I DRAPES tablished three - bay garage with pit, masonry. Gord May, Whitby, 668-2774 -- 3S Du E. garage licence, wrecking licence, car SERVICE WH SAVINGS UP TO 50% it lheence, ace tend | mon or : - : , barn, modern se, Darlington LIMITED TIME ONLY Township, trucks and wrecking stock Cooper-Smith = co. FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying age "eg eager lial glade . ; COLOR or : 668-3226 B M&C Only $85,000, terms. Write Box 38, Bow: j 16 Celine St BLACK and WHITE ES oa AKE SPEC IAL |manville, Ont : | 723-2312 723-1139 | FOR THE BEST CAL Most populor cars First DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES IMMEDIATE SALE, excellent smell ae Aes sa dg UNITED Quelity Royaline, 4 wheels, | 723-7827 tore. Selling for the best 'cash offer. sh bt 2) Weide, 130 ortgages qT: R. (). RENT-ALL $14. 88 74 Celine Bond Street West, Oshawa, at Simcoe ch; 3 consecu-| 4 TELEVISION Pp FIREWOOD, lary; wind harewees (oe 3.24; oddi-| | us $2.00 per wheel map eech, wh r isk 1" We s § censece-| estab None and MARINE faker cost) maple, beccre nite Biren etc, 12" 15___Employment Wanted ds. 5.76; i- E Oshowa end Areo's Largest TV TOWER SPECIAL -- BA. sr . dr vessogopahasston a coal me Interest iagne Sik Volumé Snowmobile: Doster Wee ali channel antenna, $50 A sructure, igh os lll for preach sfehen nor! 0 t / te ™ . v deliver, 576- if not poid within 8 days Borrow Monthly P. nnum A rosa Ise RTE Method ef counting -- Less thon 24) ¢j eek cris rm gee TV TOWER & SKI-DOO : Including weights per wheel, + --iarkat Sake Basket SWITCHEOARD P. A AASES see re or ' . 0 (Werld's t Hin ist | jepho 8 Gets cutie 2800 3423-15 728-5143 ee ty -- one werd; phone number counts two} 4,000 S007. 13.5 2 ¢ SHOCKS, MUFFLERS | |MOVING? -- Call Cormier' : pint | 7,500 88.63 12 Carier Bond ond: Division SALES & SERVICE phen WORK oct | | abi A rates Mi ead i joo 'see ah BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- H 1968 Models from MPARABLE PRICES e S truck. Telephone 728-2882 eae tar JANITOR WORK WANTED. 5 $695.00 man with experience and references based on ao 15-year term Interest rete is colculoted on the declining balance. { No arranging fees -- Open mortgage. UNIROYAL Fgh Mg Mg IC CENTRES Mclntosh \ces $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents oddi- tione! chorge if not paid within 8 doys. The above examples are \ JORIAMS } the first 25 words end 6c/ fter plus 13¢ per line of/ dditional chorge if not poid within 6 doys TV. TOWERS. | seam Use our convienent "BUILT IN OSHAWA" payment pion AT OUR OWN PLANT ACCESSORIES time TYPING DONE in ; pick up and deliver work. WIH teke dicte- phone dictations. Telephone 728-1576 PLANT SECURITY { Voconcies exist for the newly created position of security guards for a modern factory with good working conditions in the Oshawa area. Candi- dates will be responsible for physical security and fire- fighting. They should be med- ically fit, have hod experience in either plont security, police force, or fire departments. | Candidates up to 50 years of age will be considered, and | epplicants must be bondable. | Send resume to Box M78293 Oshowa Times. | WELL ESTABLISHED Oshawa | Branch Office for large Not- ional firm desires to contact | a local man, 25 to 35 yeors | old, for | SALES POSITION Sales experience desirable but not necessary. salary with opportunity for advance- ment. Group benefits include | hospitalization, life insurance ond pension. All inquires in | strictest confidence. Write to Box 77800, Oshawa Times, } giving quolifications. MANAGER Required to take over Real Estate office in Whitby. For a confidential interview call ' L. G. Corson, PRESIDENT Guide Realty Limited 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 | SALES | | CARPET INSTALLER We require the services of on experienced (preferred) car- pet installer. If you are in- terested in this permonent | position, apply in person at | our Midtown Crescent ware- | house ond cleaning plant. Angus-Graydon Corpet t Company Limited | WAITERS required for cocktail lounge.| Reliable Full or part-time work. Apply Mr. a bell, please. 19--Maele or Female Help Wanted We need 5 top notch Genosha Hotel. No 20--Real Estate for Sale GEORGE Sullivan Real Estate Broker 218 DUNDAS ST. E, ON HWY. NO. 2 WHITBY, OINTARIO WHITBY -- 668-8826 TORONTO -- 364-6622 t \ South west Whitby, side split design with 3 bedrooms, « sewing room lus a den, finished rec. roam and extra powder room, fireplace in living room, attached gar- ege, sunken -garden with fish pond, loads of shrubs, surrounding the 89' x 140' lot, only $28,000. UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY Here in this clean wel! kept 9 room frame 'home in Whit by extra aportment already for that extra inc <2 you hove longed fir. Don't wait, call to inspect now, LOOK AT 2 YR. OLD BRICK In excellent condition throu- ghout the 5 spacious rooms, electric range and TV tower included, has: a 64%4% mort- goge thot carries for only $126. P.I.T., located in Whitby closes to public school, Call to see BODAY, LUXURIOUS ST. LAWRENCE ST., WHITBY Comes In and See These 4 badroom iuxur y homes. Colonial 2 storey plus side-splits and bungalows 3 beths, sepanate dining rooms, fireplace large kitchen, at- tached garages and built in on area where you con be proud to ell home. We are exclusive Agent for the Robert W. McEwan Ltd, Homes of distinction. INVESTMENT PROPERTY 20--Reol Estate Estate for ' GUID| REALTY LTC REALTOR 16 Simcoe St. 723-528) FULL PRICE $11,00C 1 @ Three bedroom, frame home located nea eral Motors south plant home is in real good cor Hot water heating, T.V. living room, dining room piece bath, Not too many erties available at this pj e ONLY $12,500.0( 11 @ Retirement home shopping centre, with 2 rooms, living room and kitchen. Home in exceller dition and as an extra nice fireplace in the living @ FORCED SALE Il @ 3 bedroom brick | low with a large living ro master sized bedrooms, sized lot, situated in a residential East end area. Only $17,000. full price. e BACK SPLIT LEVE! 1V @ This exceptionall) built home of White ( Brick MUST be sold transferred. Large living Hollywood kitchen, double less sink, exhaust fan and 3 good sized bedrooms, ed garage, fenced in reor 3 months old. All work ha done for those who don' the idea of a new home sure won't regret inspectir one, for only $22,900. ¢ N.H.A, Resale e NEAR ORILLIA -- 149 ACRE FARM V @ One thousand pounc contract, surge milkers, 5 ized barn cleaner, large 9 farm house, 2 barns anc shed. 135 workable acre miles from Oshawa. Ju: Hwy, No. 12. For full po ars, call tonight. e OLIVE AVENUE VI @ Older 4 bedroom 25' x 14' living room, tw chens. Clean condition, cle schools, church, bus se single garage. Must be Only. $19,000. e FULL PRICE $13,900 Vil @ and you can be the owner of a 2 bedroom » home containing a bec modern kitchen, a bright room, 3 piece bathroom situated in the residential crea an a secluded lot | has good garden soil. TI on excellent retirement | Just let us show yiu this -- this is all we ask you you will be quick to purch« e LOT FOR SALE VIII @ Good residential lo x 134', Close to King | East. Good quality | eround, Call us for more. iculars. \ e GRANDVIEW GARDE RD F TH We give yo better tow - CARDS OF THANKS C.A.C. REALTY LTD. ale satire: er heve a large stock The New Home of 17--Female Help Wanted OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE i as ° ts, Goggles, Sleighs, DOMINION TIRE STORE | $$$ $19,700. 7 é€ | , Trailers and Thermal Ski- 17 Pork Roed South | aiesmen Wh 728-1691 : s CAR itby, Ash St. area, 3 We h 3 bi sath Doo Clothing, Ideal for Christ- Phone 725-6511 | | HOSTESSES 1X @ We hove a ec COMING EVENT ° s one 725-65 | | or W. epartmentys, cll have separate i $238 per inch (display); $2.00 for the| Ve s Gifts | AT A&W omen ' 7 pa rh bungalow in one of Osh ce oo iit ecete] ~~ NAORTGAGES | -- _SUPPLYLTD Sarria coo ervonces,iater ond both. int resdeni iti piri ole a JPPLY LT 555 KING ST. E. rn ley wo), ful A [ G @) M A ARE V.1.P.s to odd to our present stoff in sor facilities, hot water large divided kitchen, Bi ON SALE separ, | First mortgages arranged ond lg ee AT WILSON ponebie. Bowmanville. 623 Our bright ond pleasent teem ogriculture product business. Peal throughout, eng china cabinet, double sta PER INCH PER INSERTION | onigergo Open without no- 723.8131 "723 81 39 Oven "Til 9:00 2M | TEEN CLOTHING: 'boy's = 3 f coe Wodienies aia vicy se ; vi te --_ Sor necienery. Dis ee The heey cn steel rae bovely rec ice or Mus. - -8'3. kg : . . ' resses, wais: ste i st willing to make # room wi very attractive WORD ADS -- Second mortgages orrenged ey 7 ey Sater bk newly } ORCHARDS Ltd. prion Beant: od fe short moter trips and con- | type builcling in good eondi- and o notural fireplace. f : ' ed, sant. end. they : . tion, exclissive fisting, shown 4 pm. DAY -- pier 6 P.M. Seturdey ---- i tect ruro! people. O y @ Using, drive and carport. Phone purchased. Current in- N vacuum cleaners er ' hove flexible working hour: j yo seria ih : h Lost AND FOU | terest rote 1 f. TELEVISION -- RAD being chosen by. more people this Christ. Thickson Rd. N. 7 rt unifomn it 3. Number of customer writ- By Sopeienmant 2% for an appointment to Insp ote %. Open hel 728 5565 f top poy, smart uniforms (p am. DAY OF 1D UUBLICATION | yearly without notice: or | i - mas as the gift for the home. 576-2370. _ vided by us!!). And they work ten leods supplied | e bonus. " | 24 Hour Service SEES ON UseD TELEVISIONS, reconditioned, Whitby with the nicest pe the 4. Average eorning between | LUMBER YARD -- $29, and up. Buy, sell, rent and service See : $8,000. ond $10,000 UT | M. F. SWARTZ | SNOW CRUISERS 9 Prince Street 24) ONTARIO NO. 1 WINTER poteices ce WOTId -- Our Customers venhy Sir We an | RITSON ROAD SO! 2614 King Street East | HOLMES Y AND SELL. Good used ;|livered or apply 14 Rockclitfe Street, 'f you think you can quolify apells ems Md tg ae X @ Located on a large aes Oihows. Get | A ter OME chow chanaes rigues, skates, guns. Telephone 723 os on A&W Cor Hostess si y ond ove proven | V UABLE LOT mercial lot, 295 feet deep. evious Telephone 723-4697 | ELECTRONICS still avoiloble Se Pee ry P Call 728-5731 5 yo | LUABLE LO located -- has many po: avoilob [RECONDITIONED TV towers ana 2AEGSS oultry 5. Apply Monday end Tues- | BYRON ST. SOUTH ities. Call us for more p rotors (trade-ins), 40, $0, and 60-foot gs -- dey night 7:00 - 9:00 ' | j alse structures. A EGGS "DAISY FRESH" cally -- whi meee UU DI. This 80 x 140 lot #or $6,000 | ¥ OF PUBLICATION o MORTGAGE LOANS TV RENTALS Oshawa TV Supply Lt Heng ad rgb san, Piae| or Tuesday morning 9:00- | end build yourself € home. vee e mery ancelled or ast mod $ --- Serer tel AE _\ed up, deliver t 11:3 i oe cher ged datos @ Re-finonce Present TOWERS Bees A ae ob dbs ae sen ga pala "maypah ¥ pan. ee ee | EXPERIENCED Wameuhy me 9:00 | ORONO SNOW - PRINC f ing in us ont ay mornin : mortgoge. ' gee NCE fe. Srvmning fe vied arts. 10---Farmer's Column STENOG Tee ok o 9:0) XI @ We'd like to show you NUMBER RENTALS. $1.00 @ Pay el! your bills HONE 668-5679 J. ORDE MARINE LTD. |SKATES: new end used, =|DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock OGRAPHER / ranch-styled bungalow sit be mode te @ Make home improvements {__ is pei * [ment and sticks at b 5. picked Up Promptly. Margwill Fur Farm,| PART TIM Peas on.a large lot in a rural su e pipe your business Seca PERK ma PORT PERRY 985-235) Cycle Centre, 204 Bond S$ ee Pian tel pellet Hampton 263- E r. Honk ision near Orono, 20 mi @ Fost courteous servic SE LY 250 ae s = peel hela stan h ebb bBo © fn e ki see SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 ___open Sunday BUY AND SELL -- (Boe pe Mint ba blll i Hise taka GENOSHA HOTEL Ancthee buy this week for from Oshawa. The kitchen A. ROSEN Fast T.V. Servic Furniture, 444 Simcoe 11--Pets and d Livestock shnrihned aad coarse the lagge family thot wonts mahogany cupboards has F ember nt ort rok seis bd ry ee ew CHEERS SENET $a are ge eir own hom IK oft spoce for family n M Ont. M Brok., ENCE CHRIS CRAFT TYPEWRITER, siancarc GERMAN Shephergs, R phone. Hours ie he aticnged to get their own home, This ftable space for famil Assoc. 725-0532 or Week DOMINION SALES end SERVICE 835.7 electric typewriter $9 ma-|fessional training, 'Doane Se" hg on hiring. Apply in wr ceo $100 WEEKL more; full, 8 roora brick, 2 storey older The windows above the d ends and exenings 728-5623 y fibregh i} t ces. Pinto. Show mare. Tex: | stat Ad a acies, men, Fuller territories, home with 2 baths, situoted stainless steel sink affor egiass sail boots, -|Shirts. C exes saddie. Stating age, experience ond Bowmanville, Oshewe. 7: i TELEVISION stliner, Peterborough ond DINETTE SET, bronze tone, brown, s._Cozy-J Ranch Kennels, 655-4662! telephone number to G n shews. 728-4922. close to high and separate view of the large terraced REGULATIONS croft runaboutey Eine' {9804 condition; aise oll paintings, Iang-/FOX TERRIER, male, 2/4 years old, b NEED EXTRA MONEY? Part-time} school, going for $14,000, yard. These is ample « THE OSHAWA TIMES With, NOT Bt C i ll Yea 728-5154_9 a.m 9pm tboerd motors. phone. smote oo froted. $35, Felsphane "Brook wissare. BOX 78346 Multi-cleon Jor erie! tat line spoce in each of the 3 RESPONSILE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- onsolidate all your debts into ------ ELE Oshewo Yachthove: ao sitios sola ' 6 oe ---- ro The L-shaped | TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE! one low' monthly 03 bt Be n OSHAWA'S newest sewing cent PUREBRED FEMALE Dachshund, wih| Oshiown Times MAN AND WIFE to do cleaning, eve. rooms. Ls THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE o i 3-6 86 overhead, biggest discount e papers, six months complete! nings and weekends. State age and ex- room and dining room are THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD. First, second end th 7. Veo Renta als CSTARCRAFT™ GREW Trevi boviclpinn oe 9 house 'trained, $35 or best offer" Tele. a perience, Apply Box 78307, Oshawa for entertaining. There is F VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND THE) goges erranged yy hour NEN rug Open seven days aioe St. _ phone 725-1282 WACTRELL Saka dor Gockiall lech Gok of room in the unfinished ' PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN-| servic clud s . 'orege and Suppl 'Tia' VACUUM REPAIRS, all maces ONE RE ach puppy | Mus' call lounge ( SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS Co ce, including weekends, _FA LCON il brushes, etc. Pick-up, a ve i ooking af at Christ- ays, Al ee ee ae 20--Real Estate for Sale NEAR GO STATION a far ' rves the right te R. W. LAHAY & ASSOC. _ Picerns. Service, Main |mas, Registered. Telephone 728-5089. |Camibell, Genosha Hotel. No Cane! ot Pickering meat 5 room reation room and workshor inet U a ONE PURE WHITE Semoyed, yi/cals: plewe. frame with large lot, Fitted SAD NOR? WILLOWDALE, ONT SPRUCE AND SCOTCH PINE trees,|living room and kitchen & Reais goes eh Ceiaem Tele AABN ATER WANTED for toor Ehir| / broadloom and good decora- RITSON RO 223. LLOWDAL 233.8797 sprayed and delivered, 98c. up, Free Drive or telephone 722-7490 YOUNG "Su0oTkT oR FALE Few. jdren, tive in. Telephone after 4, 942 tions throughout makes this XIl @ 4 bedroom brick +t ae eee plumb purch: psy -- AL Tele. = ) av TOWER SPECIAL up: toilets, Ney fetta ESTATE SALE 5, hari n | phone 30 or spply. 326 Linden|CAPABLE WOMAN to core ---- a bo Bla at $12,000, Rea all ron ae ct ye oe IMMEDIATE MONEY [350 Oshawa TV. Supply, Limites ai, Chinn, Hillside and for" "seob. Medium dark tate schoolers, some housekeeping. Liven, lig Aiea es only $13,900. Let us sh EDI fe eer eh aereny. Linites, , 720-7288 Pig AB ge pic ge CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! St. Bernard/ [yess dey week. Telephone Hampton 263- Real Estate Ltd. Olive F 576-3637 only $13,900. Let us shov First ond second mortgage | 8 Ari 1 sf be Se 1 Alipeatsa 150. 725-4520. up, female, nine weeks old. Reason- 2S oe ive Ferguson B this home tonight. cick Can Mane |1--Women's Colume cles for Sale geri --|able price. Telephone 576-0749, Ibe "aosy in ber to work on salad 728 7576 Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 e ay end a GIVE AWAY P 1, ly in per: to Gi ha Hot et IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Kosteniuk, Griffin Real Es- ~ SNOWMOBILES haired. Te AY PUPPIES. WM Laie Marlow Hancock 723-0288 SOUTH-EAST AREA TIMES ACTION WANT AD tete Limited BEAUTY !S A DUTY 3 monies wi : BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready |BABYSITTER WANTED, COLLEGE HILL: Five room Geonge Abramoff 723-4871 XII1_@ A lovely house in Coll Clossified Direct | 2 OS Te eee 6 lweekly, cashlerd, edders, Wedes. terme 1% training, felking strain, Apply piper week, Thickgon Ro. ares brick bungalow with bose- Dave Johnsoi 668-8826 preferred area with paved x 942-3310 Moke Mom H from ve , adders, trades, terms.|nroag iia Elgin Eas *|proximately January x . of Ks 33.3492 e e ° + |rentais, service. Bi) Hamilton, Recien t) gin East. it "necessary." Telephone 736. (Ment partment. Excellent Gondon Whit 668-6337 and carport. Large panellec pe anca-PEELFY SE Christmas G Tent and Snowmobiles | 1-985-7160. : PROFESSIONAL DOG si SERVIC ) fephone 728- condition thru-out. Full ask- Vivi H 'i . 942-0296 reation room. Built-in' s offering second mort: Troilers $1 up |USED 21" TELEVISION. |- r mai eing ail breeds, poodles our if a ian Halligan - gazes. Telephone 725-4210 anytime. BARBARA'S On 4, Mailers $129. ur Coates Toeen very 000d |E rae pickup and Gelvery: besrting ord |SENIOR | POSITION tor experienced ing price only $18,500 BOL 9 fr nars oven and fan in modern kit X TO | RRS} ANO SECOND | siler ches made ond ine |= -_ Veleph _ltraining. Dobermen Pinechers end) Ger.(cerktypit. in inse Reoly! BIL DIN . Vickers 6- Reasonable down payment. serapnants Gerchcee? bat Gale ricaaee | 725-9572 stolled |SyeREO Wir rer oi ayer ah radic man Shepherd puppies for sale. Dachurs istating qualifications to PO Box "433, ots aa hed Hampton, Joey Richardson 728-7997 price $21,500. To inspect CATIONS a aenewe 21 King Street * Snow tires $12.98 t lbied Tel lage one ype | heones. Se ee x lot close to shop- R tonight Best. 72793 5 CELINA ST. nS Traite "i anc alchens sin : POODLE x r ay --.----| ping and schools. Good val George Sullivan 668-6226 : a as 7232, i ae Cors -- Trailers --- Snow- |CONTINENTAL BEDS from at-| reasonably oe one: 1 Male Help Wanted | nea 500 erase rhe - t ANT ob onted ; $4,500. i ra Money te Loan 2--Personal Rent o SeLRe by the: Hea: [enetene ete Eaeiary otek radia ee 50 ACRES: C. XIV pg late tS i ne Ski-Doo by ou ict hb thet WELSH CORGI puppies iy compan- : Corner location, Imeoe otree NEED CASH iis, r do F em r Ps ' ' buy frat new car,'boat, travel expemaes| --- ELECTROLYSIS or doy, 80 ecres te siey.en RUE bey Gay si'watey. Seeeriee a time Gee Progressive north-east of Hampton, just NEWCASTLE Well located, very good < We feature second mortgages of 12 per Mac Donald ae jHome Furnishing, 424 Simcoe South dlc aba Rial STEEL MILL 5 miles north of Bowmanville. tion, new furniture. Own cont. Alte first sarectaaaes bie, 723-464] €xaco! TYPEWRITERS, Sadie wschiccs, "cams AQUARIUMS" repeired. | custom Bui Colt Chorlie Ronkine now at "20 M leaving the country. Liste ~ a cs. Ca 4631) RPE KING ST. E iregisters, new, 'used, sales ail 17252647 te eee requires | 728-7576 for more informa- INUTE DRIVE only $7,500. for a quick sc . were Open to 10 -- 576-1250 makes. Call your Royal oe Se aoa meas ee Gee tion. e i Painting and Decorating hh. hd liate GRAN Se "su ment. Intraauctory her 48 Eve. id ss gtalon Lo oe he TO GM. REVENUE PROPERT z ™ Af ' ay lo a : 'i : [PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, in| |'Oth. Phone Genosha Hotel [choose from, lowest prices ee ae Free pick-up and/ delivery. PUPPIES AND TRAINED es with CA. of equivalent back- | A DREAM HOME XV @ This brick front, 2 s } terior and exterior. Free estimates. and) on these doys for oppoint- 19243. 19 Prince St LARGE SIZE Thistie baby ca a lievs and Seroee Ln ee ped ground for q_ responsible for the rural enthusiast fom- Three bedroom, all brick building is in immaculate c 'ow prices, Telephone 728-2834 ment SERTA NYLA-FOAM box springs and ey as pee jon, hardly used vered. 1-85-2445 rete . | accounting position. This posi- | ily, in @ dream areo. Four bungalow with fireplace and thon and has just been cor | : - ha ne ENN mattress, 6° x $40.; baby's crib with 74 s Protas Bee tion offers exceptional growth | room bungalow with 4 ety renovated. Store in 4 Z PI RIDE TO DON MILLS ene Eglinton var "sk Bef ~ FIVE-YEAR-OLD Appaloosa --_geidin : P gro Lage piece bow window. Lo ore y wil ieee Oh ka a5 Wanted umbing and Heating arriving &_a.m. or GO train etic é covered metiress, « x. 2, GUITAR, Wetern Tike bee lee ¢ Palomino gelding three | possibilities | beth. Skidooing, skiing, hun- aaa a cong et presently on o 2 year | x : Pickering. Telephone 724-1375 or 723708). yar wig---GALKIRS compile --wITR| wirSone eateca addies and one cutter. Te | : | ting, fishing, swimming, don- ce ull price $17,000., There is o 2 bedroom apart 7-- Plumbing Discount oar -------- se Bs ee OS eres aa LAND desrov S58 A : ae Riese Applications will be kept con- cing or plain conservative liv- Only $2,000 down. Other on the main floor and a 2 3 149 Brock St. N -- 0 . Telephone 576-|high chairs $12.88, crib mattresses $7.88, 12--Articles Wonted fidential and should be sub- | ing. Low taxes, all conveni- home ond lots available. Coll room apartment upstairs. ae roc t orth 76. 'playpens $10. ny more terrific ber- ah nae deateal Na cite im mitted in writing to | ences yeor round. Bus serv- 987-4040. No hardwood floors, Full base 25--H | WHITBY 668-6601 283 MOTORS trom $100. end up, New |9#iMS. 20 Church. Street SOOD, USED FUPAITURE wanted, etc | ice to G.M. and schools. Over- Roms please with 1 piece bath and _ i | CHRISTMAS IDEAS and used aufo parts." Rebuilt siarters|SPECIAL BUYS on ficor covering, ee een sate -- Mr. A. S. VENN | looking Emily Provincial Park. _ |i-¥EAROLO, ~iunecheaman OT Iek completely fenced eck | and generators, 1175 Nelson St., 725-2) t ttern n : ontroll | ns "a \ z doy rt | ehrect 5 you, plumbing sup: | FOR THE CYCLIST [WASHING MACHINE, good condi lisc tae AO calea. i. elk coe EXTRA CHRISTMAS cash erty ier peut: tron cree Occ -liSaen Rittey ane wee Hyer oa All this on Oshowo's | plies. verything in Telephone 668-6977 Furniture, 20 id cles, bring | Penty June 4 erms or home is wel pe thoroughfare, ph tonig| | plumbing line, 20% "eff oi | helmets @ gloves @ jackets [ELECTRIC TRAIN, American Fire Bowmenvile, suction Barn LAKE ONT. trade. 728-6113 Eoaatiion ha lonenat ts ne ie aly ole el supplies @ windshields |will sell part or whole set. In good run-| FREE] Furnace cleaned, adjusied tre. wer, Auctioneerss, 721-1005 | 31 ATHOL STREET -- Lorge, brick|jomang, '""0- Call Guide Realty Limited. e leother ponts Sing condition. An Weel Chrisinine Gi. [Guaranteed trouble-free winter if CASH | FOR miscellaneous hovseho | STEEL CO: LTD, |home, in good repair. New ce, etc, | eres 12 p.m. -- 9 pm Motorcycles from $350. jephone 723-6798. _ |purchase from Western Oil Company. articles. phone 623-7276. jOniy $17,990. with low downpayment .| BEAUTIFUL th three-bedroom home with GUIDE REALT' SATURDAY 9 am. ts § |COKE COOLER Sen ok Four | 725-121 2 HOPKINS ST. §. ce be lard Johnston 77-1064, Schofieid'® back-split. This home has an attach- p.m S LE SHOP carriage, beige WE BUY, SELL AND D EXCHANGE 2 WHITBY vals Eaten? Serage, dining 'area, electric heating CLOSED WEDNESDAY > £YCL her tion. Tele-'furniture or any? ghave as WANT ne An BY, ON $2,500 DOWN will buy this is jess than two years old. 11 car LIMITED se net Prego igi Seve 4 Stevenson Rd. $ __ |i Teasing te tine WANT-ADS DON'T 2 ___|vatee, 2 storey trame_hom ; 4 Per cent interest rate. Call ee yest } e remose' |i treet th, 72 £3 delaide and Mary streets vi - Gc, 723-5286 mcor treet So 38--Coming Events ad used mnctes Rasegact 728. 7780 palace <n e COST -- THEY PAY jel: WIDE COVERAGE 1 low cost is taxes. Have @ look now by aor Wil. + 12 acres good soil, six-room 73, 58 = bem Good- with Classified Ads. Phone jierd Johnston, 728-1066, Schofield - Aker} rages house, barn, other build! i lad Estimates rich, & King Street West, 725-454, 723-3472 now for an ad-writer, | immited, R 2, Osawa. Asking $27,500, 725748. if s) | 39--Notices

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