M ssesceceess 30 | cosneoeeese 10 0 te. Marie .. 20 28 asing «.. 5 River . CO oe OLOGICAL MIXUP' JERICTO (CP) -- For- vice officials here say a h antlers is "quite rare," least two have been shot ters in New Brunswick I. A forest service van said only one doe bout 10,000 grows horns, i it was a "biological in the animal's sex hor- 'isimas Trees 7 5 ¢ yy YD'S ERAL DRE } Hwy. e East thawe EN 7 DAYS A WEEK etroennternaarenreeminommen ir 7 ia es x eg ee a id sincere Christmas hank them for their and all, health end one Will OPEN 20th and R 27th. uary Ist. 1968 $. Martin Pres. HOR he 90! high snow! w looks. From !-DOO '68 is st comfortable wield. lealer today. citing models ectric-start). i price tag you lowest in the nce plan, you now... and st snowfield 55-3291 ee) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 15, 1967 3 Faint, Fulsome Praise | PARLIAMENT AT A GLANCE | By THE CANADIAN PRESS aa brief to the Commons health | H 1 T. lks bd committee that abortion is | Sharp Ra ed Shar l ousing a or ] er THURSDAY, Dec. 14, 1967 justified in cases where there | s ' ed er Prime Minister Pearson an- is a serious threat to the Termed 'Sill OTTAWA (cP) -- Px . nounced his intention to ae -- life or health. I nf 3 Y ; E') -- Prime Min- Sen as soon as a successor can be @ government gave notice | ? sod pt sbprind received both 4 rr Bae chosen by a leadership con- of patent and trade marks | h itt e an S Detence |Robaris Thursday described ihe and fulsome praise follow- ' vention, probably in April. legislation, reported to be federal-provincial housing con- ing his Thursday announcement He announced the retire- aimed at lessening protection | OTTAWA (CP) -- The opposi-jdebate on the bill proposing|which the rich guy also gets be- ference this week in Ottawa as ment plan at a press confer- of the drug industry. tion rapped Finance Minister] widening of the grounds for di-|cause his first $100 is not taxed "2 Silly conference." ae gnc as Liberal party ler and prime minister next ence and said he will remain Sharp's knuckles Thursday for|vorce and, possibly the new/either under thi "But we have year. { MP for Algoma East until the FRIDAY, Dec. 15 reaching for the workingman's| broadcasting act. : lin addition Fed hag ile federal-provincial poet ages A cabinet colleague, Finance next election. The Commons meets at beer, bread and smokes. |,ythe big news in Ottawa/emption on anything over $600| YOU can't win them all," he said Minister Sharp, a possible suc- The Senate gave final pas- 11 a.m. to debate divorce and |_ As David Lewis (NDP--York| Thursday was Prime Minister|which he would have had to following the weekly cabinet cessor, liked the way Mr. Pear- sage to the government bill broadcasting legislation. The ep put it, Mr, Sharp's budg-| Pearson's sudden announcement pay. meeting. "I cannot see that this son handled it. * '| limiting capital punishment. Senate is adjourned until Dec. |¢t "means more slack in the|that he plans to resign as soon "What nons this i one meant very much. I did not "It is typical that he leaves as * The Anglican Church said in 19. | belly of the working man." Jas a convention can select al mater 1 aicatea ee B. Waat near anything I did not know The opposition further ac-| successor, probably in April. le ae inset syslog before."' he entered Politics, as a gentle- man who knows exactly what he is doing." Mr. Sharp also echoed the feelings of many when he added that Mr. Pearson's contributions to Party and country will come into clearer focus now?that he jcused Mr. Shanp, during Com-| The Senate passed a govern | just, Mr. Robarts said the $400,- }mons debate on housekeeping} ment bill restricting the death| rat 1s unfair, it is anti-social. | 999.999 figure given by the con- Tres ey ncover -- aay A a i boaaity for murder to killers of|' yy. Latihert a thet Uh ference as needed for honcin~ in June 1 and Nov. ets, of] policemen and prison guards for), Y"* rt warned that the|/Ontario next year represents planning to jettison the Carter/a five-year trial period. The Hill eecenes cost of liquor and) money from all irons ate royal commission taxation re-| approved by the Senate 40 to 27. er may lead to an upswing in|ing the federal government and e } * ", z, " : . | I | i l e I rT ] Rin port and budgeting to create un-|now requires royal assent be.| moonshine operations. This in|private lenders. He said the | | employment. fore it can be proclaimed law. |'U' raised enforcement costs| province has ass urance of gy cg combo o : : Mr. Sharp denied the Carter) Among those urging M leds cut into aby additional/enough federal government , son's political oppo- _ MONTREAL (CP) -- A huge|pounds of heroin, Bail was re- allegation. As for deliberately|Sharp in the Commons not to/'¢Venves derived from the tax| money to proceed with its pro- nents could not bring them- linternational narcotics smug-| fused. creating unemployment, as|ditch the Carter report was increase grams. selves to be as kind as Mr. a gling operation has been uncov-| The Canadian government's|harged by Mr. Lewis, he re-|Marcel Lambert (PC--Edmon-| SS een ag pee some praised faint- REAL CAQUETTE JOHN DIEFENBAKER ered with the arrest of nine Let bend counsel for the Montreal|Plied: ton West) who said he has been| y, they did not generally damn.| , , . 'One Of The Greatest' oS adds to coutonion' renege =. _-- " 0 ee = ~~ court) tn ds eee hick deg blag ey: get the minister to F an f |pounds of heroin in Canada and/ Thursday the ring is determined!" wi which has de-|refer the Carter report to a spe- | Tanti hee ta 'ite a ne : the United States. to get supplies into the North liberately tried to do this, and | cial joint committee of the Sen- wie" wieder me of Macken-|sion "cannot but add to confu-| Officials said Thursday the|AMerican market and through|'hat is the government of the|ate and House of Commons be-| bats ts fall, praiecs Naha cs) aie ve ; 5 |sion and uncertainty in the Ca- high-grade heroin worth an esti-| Montreal at almost any cost. United Kingdom. |fore the government commits it-| son as a man who "worked an go," he a sacl air per lg ig ; mated $45,000,000 on the illicit) RCMP said nearly 200 pounds! Despite the rough ride from| Self to a white paper." cerely in the best interest of his) Creditiste Lead -- OF DEVOTION __ drug market was destined for|f heroin have been seized in|the opposition, the budget reso-| | Mr. Sharp denied that he has rites Hyd Picks' if s Y he er Real The for mer Conservative New York distribution from| Montreal in the last year. jlutions were approved and their/@ver said the government. in-| The former No i -aouette thought the 70-year-old)prime minister and Opposition| South America and France. | Arrested Wetlnesday at Mont-|subject matter referred to the) 'ends to ditch the Carter report " ormer Nova Scotia pre-/former diplomat was "one of|leader--Mr. Pearson's arch-ri- Six persons were arrested in|"¢a! International Airport were) Standing committee on finance,| Mr. Sharp's Nov. 30 budget mier paid tribute to the prime/the greatest or the greatest"|val in the Commons for the last! Montreal, two in New York City| Giuseppe Kuartona, 39, Andrea|trade and econonomic affairs, | unveiled a five-per-cent surtax| minister as a diplomat, prime/factor in improving understand-|10 years--said he did not always| and one in Boston "Y|Settenbre, 43, Giuseppe Sarago,| The Commons today resumes)i" incomes and 10-per-cent in- minister and 'a very pleasant|ing and respect between French|agree with Mr. Pearson's poli-| ,. ,_|42, and Gennaro Siniscalchi, 44,| | crease in the sales tax on beer, man to deal with." and English Canadians in his|cies. But "I am not unmindful|,,.W®, Corsicans arrested in/ajj Italian residents of Buenos| | spirits and cigarettes, | Mr. Lewis took strongeet ex- NDP Leader Douglas found|time as prime minister of the fact that he has given|New York Thursday were prac-| qj ith | | ) ster. s given|,:~ Aires. They were charged with Mr. Pearson to be the "most) John Diefenbaker, deposed as|many years of devoted and dis- tically home free after allegedly| ijiegally importing heroin into| @arson ception to the provision that the| pleasant" of the four prime|Conservative leader earlier this|tinguished service to his coun-\°2"ting 26 pounds of heroin in|Canada. surtax will have an exemption| ministers with whom he has'year, said Mr, Pearson's deci- try. the false bottom of a valise} Carmine Rousso, 43, arrested a jon the first $100 of taxable in-| = Saas ------------| Premier Bennett of British from Marseilles, France, to in his hotel room, was charged Pen sion }come and a ceiling of $600. This} . ' Columbia thought the pending|New York by way of Paris and| with illegal possession of heroin te A ig a ge | uebec Pre er Pro 1S@S win leadership change along rie U.S, federal agents|Vincenzo Caputo, 42, who also| joxemption at the bottom meant) ml m with the previous Conservative |$41 'i The two described them-| had an Italian passport, was} OTTAWA (CP) ~ When Les-| 7 °o "8 GE A wills the 990) ex: switch would produce strong, /S¢lves as couriers for the ring. | picked up Tuesday at the air-iter Pearson leaves Parliament| or 39 000") geet ge gece | | 00, or more 'will mean} clear-cut federal policies. The six men arrested by|port and charged with illegally|he will automatically qualify for| anywhere f $100 to $400 - yw. rom 0 or = Robert Nixon, the Ontario. RCMP in Montreal--five were|importing heroin. ql i Assistance To Prosecutor Liberal leader, said Mr. Pear-|picked up Wednesday and one Potion eald the ring's courltinalt a yeas ins MORE, son had. brought a new political/Tuesday--were ordered to ap-|riers carried heroin in belts| The 70-year-old prime mnie "You do not achieve equity by MONTREAL (CP) -- Premier] Mr. Johnson added that Mu- atmosphere to Canada and had|pear for. preliminary hearing around their waists, in false bot-| ter announced Thursday he willl removing $5. at the bottom, Daniel Johnson has promised|nicipal Affairs Minister Robert|Strengthened political involve- Dec. 20 on drug charges result-|toms of suitcases and in the! step down as soon as the Liber-\\------_-- Quebec government assistance] Lussiér also is eager to help in|ment. , : ing from the seizure of about 75|fake bottom of a trunk. al party elects his successor | to a lawyer who is pressing cor-|the case. Gil Molgat, Manitoba's Liber-| --------|probably in April. He added ruption charges against the] The provincial cabinet studied|a peg felt ae Pearson S jthat he will remain as MP for| mayor of suburban St. Michel. |the affair Thursday, two days|Would go down in history as one) t V t A | Algoma Ea 1 i Mayor Maurice Bergeron now|after more than 1,000 persons/0f the great prime ministers. -- ena e 0 e pproves lion but att hat tas Gate" sal | is undergoing preliminary hear-| demonstrated in front of St. Mi-| "In some years' time, consid- | 'There is an automatic aniaiont of $16,666 for former prime min-| isters when they leave Parlia- ing and Mr. Johnson expressed | chel's city hall, breaking win-jering the legislation peodiced | . interest in the developments fol-|dows and calling for the resig-|the troubled times and the mi-| ew eat enalt Bill lowing Thursday's testimony. _| nation of the mayor and council. |nority rennet, ie br be a! tient. In addition, any MP hy Claude Viens, former secre-| The citizens demonstrated|surprising recor ," he said. | "i : hina: ceived throes A : tary of the St. Michel Policetafter they could not get into the) Premier Johnson of Quebec) OTTAWA (CP) -- A taped He said the argument that/jiaments puatines ta aaceel| Brotherhood, told the hearing}council meeting which was|praised Mr. Pearson as "a man ment bill limiting the death pen-|hanging is a deterrent neces- for a $3,000 coon which was continuing today that! being held despite the recent ar-|who agrees to disagree and that|alty passed the Senate by a vote|sary for protection of society|- rato he had sent a cheque for $2,700/rest of the mayor and several)is the first step of the dialogue.|0f 40 to 27 Thursday and is ex-jhas been used 'down through : |... Mr. Pearson had this very| pected to get royal assent some-|the centuries and by Stalin to new work contract wiéh the sub-| accepted money to facilitate the. Premier Thatcher. of Saske Tiduek ot MCommions, HeRAGE |--New Brunswick), a physician NI urban municipality. entry of men into the police chewan, frequently at odds with| Hou 'death peauite een pings supporter of the bill, said [ Mr. Johnson said the provin-| force and that he sought and re-/the federal government al-| pre seh : ' | ial § . t is prepared to|ceived money on two occasions |though he's in the same party, killers of policemen or prison) modern medical science can do sci? tawear carded Ge lsaid: guards for a five-year trial pe-| more than the death penalty to ECI B | S ° At Oshawa Discount House NO ° Open Daily 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. WHERE assist lawyer Gerard Beaudry/for his assent to a favorable|said he knew the resignation Bitminate the vicloie abe fron! ° one For Extra Savings Opportunities ELSE! i shiaaesintnsiaialiacieninbemaeinaaie mail who is acting as a private pros-|working agreement with the)was coming. He would not try FLO Sat. I P.M. Special Reserve Now For NEW YEAR'S DAY DINNER 2 sittings, 4 and 6 p.m. Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST, WEST PHONE 725-2611 | 'One of the finest Canadian whiskies this country has ever tasted'-by citsey's | eS to Mayor Bergeron. other civic officials. on) \P' n 4 by He said an canine was sent) Mayor Bergeron is' facing|great quality." The Union Na-|time next week, before Parlia-| justify all the atrocities he com- in the fall of 1965 while the|charges of municipal corruption|tionale leader hoped his succes-|ment adjourns Dec. 22 for| mitted. | Christmas. | Senator Fred A. McGrand (L brotherhood was negotiating alarising from allegations that he sor would have this quality. kat-| The bill, passed earlier by the! e Senate gave third readi i ecutor in the case. brotherhood. _____ |to sueceed Mr. Pearson. Wigend gg =, . -- ating gered pa ae e PREDECESSOR PLEASED _|shortly after the recorded vote|aiiminate witchecuft. but max Fe s! Louis St.' Laurent, Liberallof 40 to 27 was taken on second| (a ide peg Peta rf Algerian President Tales sir -rrie(iom git seadnt, sivratie ac cn ant nie ee g /1957, felt it was a wise decision. | Opponents of the bill in thle omia ce, 4 work in the grey | 'It would permit the new leader} upper house did not yield with-| 7° the psychopath. - jto acquaint himself with the sit-}out one final effort to alter its Direct Control 0 rmy vation cig " ont siento. provisions. couute piste ge PAINTED A PICTURE 4eonard (Red) Kelly, the Na-| Leader Jacques Flynn sought to] «+ ij tional Hockey League coach|amend the bill to make 21 fi iS oye igo Reecag cilics | ALGIERS (Reuters) -- Presi-) The untwsneement came four|who formerly sat as a Liberal/years' imprisonment mandatory|('S' and last say i dent Houari Boumedienne today|days after »# of the biggest 00. ME: said he ran for the Liberals|for murder, without possibility] Weaver. It hangs in my hall-- took direct control of the Alge-| litical shakeups in Algeria since/because of his personal admira-|of parole, and to reduce the/the dark part," Boumedienne ousted the regime|tion for the prime minister. Mr.|trial period to three years. rian Army in the face of an ; | ve # ie indiscipline"' ted|of Ahmed Ben Bella in June,| Pearson was "a great man' for/These proposals were beaten on | ach at Meese ce Canada. | voice votes. | GUARANTY Sat. 10 A.M. Special yi ible elements, Al-|1965. ecu | i nd Elephant a Maki ogy hey 1 DANGER Mr. Pearson's wife, Maryon,| Senator M. Gratfan O'Leary| aenoking Donkey * Pp t by Boumed- COUNTRY IN DANG -warded| ¥25 relieved about the decision.} (PC--Ontario) said he is against} C tt D S ensers sa at oer tie "radio did | 5 iad See te tee et taty She said her husband will a capital punishment but he op-| 2 igare e I p ienne, re : : © the heads : "more time now with his family, posed the bill because it retains) : For the kids bikes. Si not specify who ee areas and. the commanders Of|ijciuding the grandchildren. |the death penalty in certain| All Types of TNS Mereity erin late ene fete et lenghe + Fhe Mies Pines. sire or. seal moter, sounds, pp gee darts cha he special units in the 79,0%0men| Senator Keith Davey of Toron-| cases. bicicus Moaded FOR PRICE ¢ COMPARE 6.95 Save taken place within the| Ce) nee a scnte have ee pent can, trom bls a0 | BUYING OR SELLING SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE 1.99 saint tration since early Nov-| Irresponsible elements havelas the party s national organi- Safet Problems? sikahelia Aseasiegs nae : e | committed an act of indiscipline|zer, was "deeply saddened"' by y When you list with ESI ENA SEE EERE SS SSL SIRE IESE AE Z ' ; a ai . .|the resignation. | * | as Ra R EOS oe per pepe entean fe paeeta "Although we failed to gr Call J. Feltis GUARANTY CASES OF Se mie te ae West 2 ry} . i "a parliamentary majority for nr | lohnn es Jur Verdict As a result, I have decided t0|him he still managed to become a. | mi Real Estate Dept. CANNED POP BATH SET Ch k y J Ww assume direct command of thejone of the greatest Canadian SY LEAGUE | lati 728-1653 erokee or Jane Wes M 1 hter acaansen cess ean eames verve aut* vou avouneTt BRANDS BEAUTY TRAY The moveable cowboys as seen on TV. ans aug ae COMPARE 2.98 | 99 COMPARE 1.50 99° COMPARE 5.95 3 97 e FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE e FOR PRICE SAKE TORONTO (CP) -- A Su: preme Court jury Thursday found Robert David Beatty, 17, | of Richmond Hill, Ont., guilty of} manslaughter in the death of} Taivo Kapsi Aug. 27. Beatty, originally charge qd) with non-capital murder, will be) sentenced by Mr. Justice Don- ald Morand Jan. 12 Mr. Kapsi, an associate pro- fessor of architecture at the University of Toronto, was found dead at his Lake Wilcox cottage. PHILIPS Major Matt Mason POLAROID GOGGLES ELECTRIC KNIVES WITH MOON SUIT and SPACE SLED. For skiing and Ski-doo-ing. FOR PRICE 18 etal COMPARE 6.50 5 48 COMPARE 10.00 1 88 e FOR PRICE SAKE e FOR PRICE SAKE ® SAKE ry . B= : . = | Ayoat RECOM Western Felt Hats Time Tunnel Game GUMBY Wire edge retains brim shape as you Spin to win. os re sits, stands. As adver- like it. : COMPARE 5.98 3 HE COMPARE 1.49 | ] ] COMPARE 98e 88° e FOR PRICE SAKE ® FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE Cheese Flavored Toasted Snacks Lil Beaver Toys N Trucks Men's Pile Lined Winter WINDBREAKER JACKETS | d 434% | eee een) | ee te | Pree eas or nylon poplin, Both with snug worm pile vertised on COMPARE 25.00 12.88 FOR PRICE 39° SAVE 334%4% FOR PRICE SAKE SAKE OPEN DAILY 11:30 to 2:00 P.M. and 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. AND EVERY SUNDAY 4:30 to 8:00 P.M. With Bar Facilities. Make Your Reservation Now. Phone 723-4641 SAVINGS | ACCOUNTS | re) PERSONAL 4% jt | PERSONAL §f LOANS CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION St. N., Oshawe 19 Simeoy gs22i | Sat. 5 P.M. Special Sat. 7 P.M. Special Timex Electric Wrist Watches Listerine Toothpaste ato 22 e8 pope 'et Oshawa Discount House Make Your Reservations Now For Your .. % CHRISTMAS DINNER PHONE te NEW YEAR'S EVE DINNER te NEW YEAR'S DAY DINNER 723-4641 RESERVE NOW FOR OUR GALA... St. W., Bowmenville | ane 623-2527 | OPEN | % ee ee ee ee one BOFEeT we towre The tek 1038 KING ST. W. at GARRARD RD. i.2r%, n The Piccadilly and Rib Room SATURDAYS @ POUNTAINHEAD 'OF SERVICE |