oan Time | F +1 grt en, Bravenned : : : cnememsrans reer : | had s q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, ticsiabin 13, 1967 19 ew acto = in the London plant using an av-| | 1 ntonded N ry-Built House [2222 COUNTY LINES Moving Day For Ouimet | that half Canada's population TROT (AP) -- Aner | Folds Into Neat Package tld back along the core area] Scout Jamoree Films Shown 'Ends 33-Year CBC Career ler span ieaes Mayor Ryprg this was the scatter- which contains the kitchen and | ing of Canada's small popula- ditional year in which tp --- LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- A fac-|Thursday by Mel Sutherland § as--complete with ili OTTAWA (CP) -- Joseph Al-;the team he headed has done a tion over a huge geographical e- ec eS ay $60,000,000 in loans that | tory-built house that folds into a!General manager of Sutherairc oo oe At 2\st Auxiliary Banquet Fede Ouimet moves out of the! ¢ abba , outstanding job of moving Can-|8Tea and the complication of aj | re to come due Dec, 31 the neat package for travelling is|Ltd., which began assembling cupboards and all fixtures. | KEDRON (TC) -- A featurejunfolded in song. In the after- CBC president's office today, | ada into po te eg | national system having to nage eet is Herc pe sd Mayor n's officials said Th ds j being marketed by a London the homes two months ago. The side walls then fold down|of the Christmas banquet giv-|noon. Children up to the age) giving up what has been de-| 'There is no other television|@t¢ both in English and French|™ ee ickerson Thursday was ) uracay, builder who claims @ "break-| The homes, which Mr. Suther-Jon to the floors on two sides,/en by the mothers' auxiliary ofjof eight years were entertained|scribed as the second hottest organization in the world that|/anguages. bis ected for a two-year term, toy D. Chapin Jr., am through in building techniques." |land plans to produce at theJand the floors in turn fold UuP/the 21st Scout and Cub Grouplat a Christmas Party, in the|seat in Canada. jProduces the volume of televi-| Despite these difficulties, M Peony 0 Aiea ne Doan rd chairman, and William y. The project was announcedirate of two a week later nextbagainst the core. [was the showing of films by|church. Older children attend-| He ends a 33-year career with|sion programming that we do in| gman Rae Poe eet one of five opponents. uimet said, the CBC has pro-| Unofficial final s tandings sane aaa poe 4 : ( 1 the jth } 4 the 59-year-old|quced programs of generally| gave Mr. Dickerson 3,939 et extension had been granted e Doh k! ? ? Bt, |shem of the Scout Jamboree] A White Gift Service will be) with a feeling of deep Personal | electrical engineer said in an in-| high quality that can hold theirlto Mr. King's 3.767 f the 24 banks which loaneg ' MAK HERS , |they attended in Idaho last sum-/held this Sunday morning andj satisfaction. |terview. __lown against those of any other| 'The othes apes cats were Roy money to AMC a year re 5 F #|mer. tiene ogpage on gare Poised begidotsh ierd He pointed out that the United| country and has produced them|Ballantyne, Jack Bolton, Dr. : in the afternoon in the christ-| that have brewed up a States ~yer i i i- "McInty: Clarence money 19 AMC a ye a paiceaes. pabnees | P around the|States had a six-year head start\in sufficient volume to consti |Grant McIntyre and Clarence 000,000 and were to haye ; bh mn paid back at the end of 4 ian education hall at 'Maple|CBC, the retiring president feels'on the CBC in television and'tute a true national servi / F KEDRON (TC) -- The Unit-|Grove United Church _---- ila ee t May, but ANC won an ex. sion until Dec, 31. Pecan " ~ ed Church choirs presented the|Mr. and Mrs, A. E, Goodmur-| i ¢ ' y,\cantata 'The King in a Stable"|phy, Thessalon, are visiting rel- ; Donald Werry and Brian Den-jed a concert in the evening.|the publicly-owned corporation|two languages, PERF RE ARE LE AT OR ARE RA AR aA aD REE he oe tz tees yi Sunday night. The choirs werejatives in the Maple Grove -- directed by Mrs. Grant Hunter|Oshawa area..... Women of with Mrs. Ross Lee at the or-/the Maple Grove area catered SIF YOU MUST) : gan. Members of the Doubles|to about 200 attending the Osh-| Do ou hav } on picture you have ever 'seen! | | Does Your Present Car Need Replacing or Expensive Repairing ?? re: £3 sy |Club presented tableau nativity|awa District Sod Busters' Club CI 1RISTM é ee Ag |scenes as the Christmas storyibaaquet. ® AT nt UTA LCT a UUBHRG TL LLi TT : y uy? & Outbreak Of Flu Cuts from &, : utbr u Lu ) waaeae? London School Attendance | BRILLIANT GIFT IDEA ¢ %| LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Ab-|schools are also hard hit. Ab-| 7 | senteeism up to 50 per cent has/senteeism, occurring at a rate, Engagement Diamonds, Brid- 3 % hg| been reported in district)/of 20 to 30 per cent, was de-| , : ne EA as f |schools. Officials blame an out-|scribed by A. A. Gilroy, East| Many people are driving unsafe or uncertain automobiles because they are payment ol Sets of the finest quality gf 8: NE Kent school inspector, as very strapped -- there just isn't enough money coming in to enable them to take on any The outbreak is centred main-| high. "x \ly in the southern sector of| J. G. Griffith, Chatham direc- =. | western Ontario. tor of education, in a spot check #; Orford Township central) Thursday said absenteeism is school at Highgate was closed! not abnormal. if | Thursday because 99 pupils out} He did note, however, that a Jof about 400 and four teachers|large number of teachers have were ill. The school was closed| been stricken with the "bug."' DUSTANG * Written By TOM ROWE hm OR Free Insranace with each purchase 2 i? | by order of the school board. In Sarnia, high school absen-| sor By EASTMANCOLOR » ; yal dy dtd f| In Oxford County, Blenheim|teeism has more than doubled : a" Tiles yy ig | Township schools are the hard-|its normal rate and now stands AO y y lest hit with some classes report-/at between seven and eight per ing 50 per cent attendance. | cent yf | Other county schools are experi-| Petrolia and Watford report -iencing absenteeism at a rate of| pupils' absence at about 23 per M | about 20 per cent. Icent, hitting a peak 28 per cent | No unusual rate of absen-| at Watford district high school. one for your lovely lady, more obligations. A Trent Ambassador credit manager car often solve the problem. In many cases you can upgrade your transportation by consolidation of present loans, lowering of interest rates, seasonal payment plans, dropping of maintenance bills and a reduction in your monthly cash outflow. Eb arb er ere ere re rh Ps Trent Ambassador is in business to sell new and used cars but they know that the money is borrowed somewhere for 87% of all automobile sales. SHOW TIMES WEEKDAYS Reven: Once Only et 8.36 Secrets et 7.03 ond 10:15 ATURDAY Secrets of 6:23 end 9:35 Many years of accounting and sales experience qualify Weldon Brown and Kevin Chip- man as expert credit managers. There is absolutely no obligation and naturally all dis- cussions are completely confidential i e .| F : ; Raven et 4:45 and 7:38 Nf | stock public Paget ae dag lsktatiieiee cevcute tent: No matter whether you need major auto repairs, would like a guaranteed used car or de- ~ ~ 2 DESCRIBED AS HIGH |to 10 per cent. sire a brand new Ambassador, Rebel, Javelin, American, Sunbeam or Rover your credit EASE NOTE if | East Kent County public|. Stratford and Perty County problem is solvable at Trent. special Mo Metinees Dee. 16 & 17 : school officials report the situa- Snow Queen -- All Seats S0¢ tion to be normal. Simply consult any of the courteous sales staff and indicate your car preference -- then ask to speak to the Credit Manager. REMEMBER- TRENT AMBASSADOR sells for Less than Toronto Dealers TRENT AUTO SALES LID. KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE LANSDOWNE STREET, PETERBOROUGH Rambler -- American -- Rebel -- Ambassador -- Javelin "NOBODY UNDERSELLS TRENT" CHRISTMAS BONUS - 100 GALS. OF GASOLINE absolutely free with every new and used car purchased from Trent -- Peterbor- ough or Bowmanville -- Dec. 9 - 16. | | | HEATRE RISING PROBLEM e | MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -- Fidel ONE 725-5833 Castro has a doughy problem) | rising before him: Cuba's bak-/ eries are turning out low-quality | alalalalatalalatatall bread. Havana radio said a new) inspection program will be stari.| ed and employees will be taught} the "technology of the bread" and maintenance and ° equip- Gi ment. | | | noun "S BEST-LOVED TALEud? THE HEART! 7 SEVS | DIXON'S HEAT WITH OIL OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS HEATRE PHONE 725-5833 nannnaanannnnannnnil MAKE THIS CHRISTMAS THE - MOST COLORFUL EVER WITH A NEW COLOR TELEVISION FROM CHERNEY'S! DEAL GIFT 'S PLAYERS LE TICKETS nous testes coast to Coa ARTS TODAY! ) STAKES! 201th Century-Fox presents SUPERB RCA COLOR RCA Victor's "Mark Ill' color chassis delivers 25,000 volts, assuring you of superb color recep- tion -- performance equa! to that of models cost- ing much, much more. RCA "New Vista' tuner assures all-channe!l color reception. Rectangular URN - LEE |. COBB- ILA GOLAN RCA "Hi-Lite"' color tube with rare earth phosphor HARD MULHARE oc so gives stability . . . automatic chrome lg te FERS ed BN STARR Sacha by ORE, olor i ity the way you want it. Ri "Color LOR by DE LUXE © CINEMASCOPE color intensity the way y Purifier" is automatic --- cancels any magnetism that might cause picture impurities. Come see it tonight! Most programs are in color! SHOWN DAILY AT: 2:10 ~ 5:50 - 9:40 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT TRADE AND PAY 25" GOLOR TV a mighty Made To Sell For $860.00 ! ~ Now ! Save rg sociable ale. €Cherney's ' | OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 P.M. FREE ee AT SIDE OF STORE i _t > -- = & eR