Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Dec 1967, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 15, 1967 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell Associate Sports Editor the season due, the school is all ready to go into operation and the instructors have their navy blue jackets, with red ALL IN STYLE -- strictly in style -- Oshawa Generals are copying the theatres, church groups and bowling leagues, by introducing some and white stripes on the "added attractions" in addi- sleeves, all ready for tion to selling hockey. Now easy identification. Johnny other than acquiring some Nicholls, director of the Blue Bird Ski School, is a quali- fied Canadian Ski Instructor and he and his staff are ready to take on all grades of "'students", whether young beginners, older beginners or those who have skied two or three seasons, but would like to polish up their techniques, There's rates for single les- sons, term lessons, for juniors and even a family budget fee. Incidentally, it is intended to make Wednesday afternoons extra vocal support for the Generals, there's no dire need to "push" tonight's game at Maple Leaf Gardens. But Sun- day night's game here, when London Nationals visit the Generals, that's a different breed of cat. General man- ager Matt Leyden announced yesterday afternoon that 'Sun- day night's game at the Civic Auditorium will be something of a "turkey trot". It presents an excellent chance for some lucky Junior hockey fan to '"'ladies' day" for the ski jnight at the Civic Auditorium | see a good game and get his school. So, if you gave skis {when Oshawa Crushmen host WLT F A.Pts Christmas dinner for free. for a Christmas present last |the Cobourg Cougars. |Peterb'r'gh 9 4 183 61 19) season, you can give' ski Oshawa and Cobourg § are| Oshawa 8 4 082 57 16 'TIS THE SEASON and the school tickets this year -- (presently tied for second place| Cobourg 75 23277 © 16 Generals have elected to join: with a choice of snow plow, |in league standings but Oshawa | Kingston €: 4-275 3. 14 it rather, than fight it. In stem christie, slalom, the |has two games 'in hand' over| Belleville 0 13 152100 1 order to induce fans to post- whole bit the Cougars. pone their Christmas present wrapping on Sunday night, they have introduced a Christ- mas bonus attraction to Sun- day's hockey game. There'll be 20 handsome, big tom-size turkeys given away as spe- cial "door prizes' at Civic Auditorium on Sunday night. So there it is, you can not only see Oshawa Generals take two points from London Nationals (that's what you said, wasn't it Matt?) but you also have a good chance of winning your Christmas dinner, absolutely free. ANYONE FOR "'Ringette"? It's a new game, on skates, that is being offered by the Oshawa Recreation Depart- ment, with the co-operation and support of the Neighbor- hood Associations Sports Committee. Ringette is a new winter team sport, for girls, and it's played on_ skates. It's similar to "floor hockey" but not nearly as rugged as the ice surface provides more freedom of movement and be- ing on skates also greatly minimizes the opportunities for solid body-checking. Per- sonally, we think figure skat- ing is a wonderful sport for the girls, but other than that and the Friday night skating | we think they have | OSHAWA SKI CLUB mem- bers and the ski enthusiasts around these parts who are anxious to attend classes at the Blue Bird Ski School, parties, would like to see that snow no business being out on the flurry we're getting, just as ice, after the age of 12. we write about this, turn into Please -- don't phone, write your objections on a Christ- mas card! a veritable blizzard and they'd be quite happy. With SPORTSCOPE MEL-RONS WHIP NEWCASTLE, CLIMB INTO SECOND SPOT By CLIFF GORDON WHITBY -- Whitby Mel-Rons last night staged a fine third period rally, as they scored four unanswered goals to down the Newcastle Woodmen 7-4 in Lakeshore Intermediate Hock- ey, played here at the Whitby Arena. The win moves the Mel-Rons into a second-place tie with the idle Uxbridge Black Hawks, each with 13 points, one point with 11 points followed by New- castle and Port Perry with eight while Keswick is bringing up the rear, with three points, on one win and a tie. Mel-Rons got off to a very slow start in last night's en- counter as they looked well off their usual hard skating game. They fell behind 3-1 at the end of the first and trailed 4-3 going into the final frame but they must have taken to heart some of coach Al MacDonald's words behind the front-running Little Britain entry. The latter have a game in hand over both Whit- by and Uxbridge. Sunderland is in fourth spot of wisdom. WHITBY PERKS UP 'Oshawa Crushmen Face Battle For Second Spot Eastern Ontario Junior 'B'|of Peterborough for third spot Hockey League takes place to-/ STANDINGS Crushmen and Cougars have! © CRUSHMEN SCORING '| split their two encounters so far |\this year, Oshawa taking the| Mike Keenan 11 14 25 lfirst 9-2 and Cougars the sec-'Gary Bradley 10 14 24 ond 6-5 in Cobourg. | Bill: Prentice 710 17 John Gray of Cobourg seems | Ron Webb 8 to be running away with scoring|Terry O'Reilly 4 {honors in the league as he has| Ric Knowles 6 a 10-point advantage over the| Frank Sawyer 8 second place scorer, Gord Kelly,| Wayne Blanchard 2 also of Cobourg. Gray has 37|Pete McNamee 1 |points on 23 goals and 14 assists | Scott Seagrist 7 | while Kelly has 20 goals and 17| Doug Whiting 1 | assists. Henry Novak 4 Mike Keenan is Oshawa's top|John Nestic 3 scorer with 25 is}Tom Wilton 0 SNNBNSODMU ROS ) | | | points and 'VOTING ENDS WEDNESDAY, | "ATHLETE OF YEAR' POLL With the exception of Gay- lord Powless, the majority of | Ontario and Durham county athletes receiving votes are those engaged in "'individual" | Oshawa Times Athlete - of- the Year contest is entering its final week and voters are requested to send in their ballots as quickly as possi- Jim Higgs, Johnny Ryan, | Battle for second place in the|currently tied with Jim Grady) p In the third and final period, Oshawa coach brand (right) chooses Ivan Boldirev as his unlucky vic- | ble to allow for speedy tab- sports, as opposed to team | | ulation sports. However, there are | ----_--_------ | The contest closes Dec, 20 exceptions such as Ed Aru, TODAY HOCKEY OHA Junior 'B' Lakeshore LEAGUE: Cobourg Cougars vs Oshawa Crushmen; at Civ- ic Auditorium, 8:00 p.m OHA Junior 'A' League: Oshawa Generals ys Toronto a' Maple Leaf Gardens, 8:00 p.m. Oshawa NHL Mite League: at Civic Auditorium, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. OHA Junior 'B' Metro Lea- gue: Whitby Lasco Steelers vs Markham Seal-0-Wax; at Markham Arena, 8:00 p.m. Lakeshore Novice League: Ajax at Uxbridge, 6:30 p.m. and Pickering at Port Perry, Perry Flyers at Newcastle, 8:00 p.m. Oshawa Protestant League: at Civic Auditorium, 7:00 a.m, to 12:00 noon OMHA Novice League: Red Wings vs Maple. Leafs at \12:00 noon and Canadiens vs \Bruins, at 1:00 p.m.; both }games at Civic Auditorium. OMHA Exhibition Game: [Oshawa Pee Wee All-Stars; at | /Civic Auditorium, 4:15 p.m. | Lakeshore Novice League: {Port Perry at Markham, 11:00 a.m. Lakeshore ee Wee League: {Brooklin at Markham, 12:30 |P m, and Pickering at Whitby, 14:45 p.m. and any ballots received af | ter that date will not be re- corded. o Don Fleming and Bev Boys, | not necessarily in this order. Voters are asked to fill three names on the ballot in pear : Cay Lumber' while Oshawa| order of preference and send field; Don Jackson, figure Quality Fuels nipped. Duplate to the Oshawa Times Skating; Doris Joll, 5-pins; |6-4 in other Oshawa Minor them | sports department. Any athlete in Ontario or Janice Godfrey, paraplegic |tion at the Children's Arena Durham counties or a play- field events; Ernie McPhee |last night. er on a team that represents and Bernie Guindon, boxing; Phil Gay with two, Gary} these counties is eligible, As Harold Norville, weightlifting; |Hood, Dwight Partridge and many ballots as desired may be sent in John Hayes, harness racing; "Ric" Sheridan, skeet shoot- ing and others. }rounded out Merv Marshall, and Pete Landers. Andy Boychuk, Ross High' in the standings to Individual sports activities | date are Gaylord Powless, 4.4 votes comi in as Pam Miller, John Maracle, ina ani dari ote : p McLaughlin, horse- | Jack Shearer track and | Lakeshore Bantam League? 'Ajax at Lindsay, 4:30 p.m. Lakeshore Midget League: 8:00 p.m. Lakeshore Bantam League: Pickering at Uxbridge, 7:30 p.m. Whitby at Bowmanville, 7:00 Lakeshore Juvenile League: {p.m. Brovklin at Uxbridge, 9:00 |~ CERIN p.m. and Oshawa ys. Peter- CATCHER BRINGS SUIT borough Church; at Civic SEATTLE, Wash: (AP) -- Arena, 9:00 p.m. Mickey Vernon, manager of | Vancouver Mounties of the Pa- SATURDAY \cific Coast League, has been! HOCKEY \dismissed as a defendant in the|Y2" Collegiate :last night. -- : MONTREAL (CP) -- Roger|would remind people that "an OHA Intermediate League: | $75,000 damage suit brought by) Hawks led 37-30 at half time) Officials Jim Brady and) Poitras, co - owner and mana-|athlete is only on the field two| SUPPLIES Whitby Mel-Rons at Sunder- {catcher Merritt Ranew of the and added 49 more in the second Lionel Kelly handed out eight ger of Rosemont Bombers of the|or more hours, after which he} 1405 KING land, 8:00 p.m. and Port |Seattle Angels half while Oakwood could net personal and two technical fouls| Metropolitan Junior A Hockey|becomes a: black man again| East of Town Line Ee siarote - only 35 second half points. to the winners while Grads) League, was suspended for life| subject to the same discrimina-| PHONE 728-9421 A fine 22-point performance|picked up 11 personal fouls. |Saturday by the Quebec Ama-|tion other black men must live || HOURS: Mon. to Fri. 7:30 te She Oshawa Times ATHLETE-OF-THE-YEAR (Contest Closes Dec. 20, 1967) My First Gholee = 6.46 ie a My Second Choice ...........:. pitas My Third Choice ieee ee RETURN TO THE OSHAWA TIMES SIGNED seeee Hee SEU EE SUES Pry PA HOCKEY EQUIPMENT ! LENE, SEE 444 a a DBM MAMMA Try Stan's For The Best Prices In Oshawa y rg SKATES ; EQUIPMENT y By... By... @ BAUER @ SAMSON @ CCM @ COOPER-WEEKS @ WINNWELL @ CCM @ DAOUST @ GOALIE PADS RENTED Use your old skates es © Trade- Y Wide Selection Of Team In Sweoters 7 * ¥ Skate Sharpening WHILE YOU WAIT y Students 35c¢ Adults 50c OSHAWA'S LARGEST SKATE EXCHANGE STAN'S iene 223 KING ST. WEST 723-3301 -- 723-3224 Sharpening and Oshawa Hawks Defeat Banks' Victory Hockey Association bantam ac- Randy Weatherup with singles |Sandy Dukitsch and Jim N jish replied for the losers. | Negr Mike Cawker and Mike Omel-| the locals played well but not nearly as well as they are capable. The defence looked very weak up to this point and Campbell in goal for the Mel- Rons did not appear as sharp as we have seen him. Lynn Middleton, who would have to be one of the best skaters in the league, if not the best, just has not got untracked as yet and this has caused great concern in the local camp. This big fellow can skate. He can stickhandle and shoot but he just doesn't seem to be able to put the puck in the net. Per- haps he is trying too hard or on Ike Hilde- trals' THIS IS THE WAY IT'S tim to demonstrate to Gen- the proper way to throw a body check. players the other hand, he may -not be getting 'really up' for the games. He has the potential of being the best player in the league if he starts to show his true form. Lloyd Seymour and Ronnie Moore each scored a pair of goals for Whitby, with aces to Gord Platt, Aimie Rousseau and Mike Gray. John Vesters picked up a.trio of assists, good enough to win him the Carling's "player of the game" award. Dane Rogerson, a hard-work- ing centre for the losers, was the pick of their team as he scored two goals but appeared to tire badly in the third period as the Woodmen, like many teams who have played in Whit- by this year, have come to town with a makeshift lineup. Newcastle did have ten men for the start of the game and gained one more as the first period was. half-way finished. It is capers like this that make it hard for the local team to get the fans really worked up and it is high time the Ontario Hock- ey Association took steps to curb such offenders. Steve Burns and Mel Steven- son added the other goals for the losers, st HNN A potted three the scoring for} NEW YORK |U.S. civil rights movement lead- ers, Dr. Martin Luther King and . ~|Floyd McKissick said Thursday ss |they support a boycott of next} year's Olympic Games by} American Negro athletes. They also called for the re- moval of American Avery| Brundage as head of the Inter-| national Olympic Committee. | ener on | An organizer of the boycott) Banks Flooring while E. Mault,| .aid Brundage has shown him- €M-| self to be anti-Semitic and anti- (AP) -- Shearer Leads 'King Supports Boycott At Next Olympic Games shoes; Ron Richards, skiing; |80als in leading Banks Floor-| ing to a 7-3 victory over Ernie Two | sion."" JQUALITY | | DONE, GUYS Generals were in practice yesterday for two weekend encounters. Oshawa plays head of the Olympic commis- Now Open UTILITIES gro. Dr. King, Nobel Peace Prize Oakwood Grads 86-65 Basketball Association mediate game played at Done-'eight, Solish six and Dubinsky| five also in a losing cause, by Al Fleming led Hawks, Gary|~ Van Derkyr and Gary Cuff fol- lowed closely with 17 and 15 re- Midgets Defeat 5 vely, Stewart O'Bri con-} ': " biel" sight, sp h n Gratis Richmond Hill is! hooped seven points, Tom Oli- nyk and Jim Ellaschuk six each while Bob Booth rounded out the|in pacing Oshawa 'Alnor' Mid- winners scoring with five points.|gets to a 8-4 victory over Rich- Two players chalked up 16 mond Hill in an exhibition mid- Jedemee a See ocney eae played at the |Children's Arena last night. NAMED PRESIDENT Mark Blanchard added two NEW YORK (AP) -- Joe|goals for the winners, Jim An- Goldstein, director of public re-|drews, Scott Wilson and Dusty lations at Roosevelt Raceway,|Lynd contributed singles also was elected president of thejin a winning cause. Harness Racing Publicists Asso-| Two goals by Hal Murphy led ciation of the U.S. Friday at the|the losers, while Chris Amos group's annual meeting land Jim Ball tallied singles. Don Hudgin fired three goals| lette fired two goals each for|,; Quality Fuels while Don Wilson| Winer and head of the Southern and Mike Holmes contributed! ence said he and the confer- singles, Two goals by Charles Ran- GABOR TOTH # GEORGE BILISSIS We at G & G BARBERSHOP take this opportunity to invite you to our salon for expert hairstyling. Men ina hurry appreciate the fact that there is no waiting here. So come in today and look your best for the holidays, you won't be disappointed. G:G) BARBERSHOP 680 HORTOP ST. 576-1210 | Open Till 9 p.m. Monday te Friday -- Seturdey 8 te 6 p.m. \teur Hockey Association. in." The only rye to have when you only have time for one. SS. G oO L Dp ts T R I Pp E YN ER SUSPENDED jence view a boycott as "a pro- : test and a struggle against rac- dall led the losers, Craig Col-| ; init A Oshawa Hawks trimmed Oak-jpoints each for the losers, Ash\yvin and David Dwyer tallied| scree ranting to'eliaitnate what} wood Grads 86-65 in an Ontario|jand McKinney taking the hon-|singles. H x Inter-|ors,-McCabe added 14, Grant)----------- MANAG McKissick, A No smooth whisky selling at any price delivers as much rich rye flavour as Adams Gold Stripe. Leadership Confer- national \of the Congress of Racial Equali- jty, said he hopes a_ boycott LTD. WHOLESALE @ HEATING director @ PLUMBING @ ELECTRICAL @ INDUSTRIAL . to Fri, 7:30 to 5 p.m. Civie Auditorium. (Oshawa Times Photo) Toronto Marlies tonight in Toronto and the London Na- tionals Sunday night at the The game was fast and clean- ly-played, with only one major penalty, that to playing coach Ken Ruttan of the losers for high sticking Brian Fletcher in the opening period. Fletcher took four stitches for the ill- doing of the rugged rearguard from Newcastle. Next action for coach Mac- Donald and his Mel-Rons will be on Saturday night, when they will tangle with Sunder- land up in Sunderland. Next Thursday night at the Whitby Arena, the Uxbridge Black Hawks complete with Art Rennick, will be the visitors. rE Peterborough Nips Bowmanville 6-5 Peterborough edged Bowman- |ville 6-5 last night in a Lake- - |shore Juvenile game played in Peterborough. Bowmanville scorers were |Kim Rodgers with two and Don Forsey, John Oiler and Brian Peters with singles. Bill' Donaldson scored four goals to lead Peterborough while Paul Sage and Ivan Young scor- jed one each. SKIROULE SNOWMOBILE For comfort and speed | try the SKIROULE Snowmobile y 17 H.P., 20 H.P., 30 H.P. twin See this Canadian made snow- > mobile at Art Flieler SUPERTEST 668-3954 Ya mile east of Ajex Blinker light on Highway No. 2. Buy now end pay leter, Chain sow rental GASOLINE 39.9 By GRAHAM COX Canadian Press Staff Writer t should almost be enough for it Selby just to be back in ac- n with Philadelphia Flyers of e National Hockey League. n the last year he's had a But Thursday night, in his Dr. Harry Edwards, associate professor of sociology at Jose State College and head of a boycott committee, said Brund- age is "totally unacceptable | | San | cy Adams Gold Stripe Canadian Rye Whisky. THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTD, TORONTO, ADULTS 75¢ oD Auditorium OSHAWA Crushmen COBOURG Children under 14 accompanied by an adult admitted FREE HOCKEY TONIGHT AT THE Civic 8:00 P.M, CHILDREN 50¢ needs greasing. () hp. for only $1798 The Toyota Corolla has more horse g yota. ' sepower than any other car in its class. That means mo: But that's not all. oe "he $1798 includes all the "extras." Like the bi 3-speed heater, tilt-back front: seats, alternator, efit -barrelled carburetgr, padded and 4-speed syncro-mesh, You s per gallon and a car that never shield washer, double dash and sun visors, also get up to 40 mile All that for $1798*. Including the 60 horsepower. *¥.0.B. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver. Frei and local taxes, and whitewall tires | 'Toyota Corolla. BESTWAY MOTORS @ SALES @ SERVICE @ PARTS Dundas St. West @ Centre St. WHITBY, ONT. ight ae delivery, Provineial st NHL game since injuring shoulder Nov. 2. against innesota North Stars, Selby ored both Philadelphia goals a 2-2 tie with St. Louis Blues boost the Flyers into a first- Chicago Black Hawks ntinued their run at the East- in Division lead, moving into ond place, one point behind ton Bruins, with a 3-1 vic- ry over Detroit Red Wings. Tonight's action has Boston at| kland against the Seals, last the west, and Minnesota in s Angeles. 'FORTS OFFSET Frank St. Marseilles, in the rst period, and Gary Sabourin,| ; HOCKEY $' By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League Eastern Division ¢ WoL Fk AM I 15 7 4 93 71 34 } 87 82 33 I 82 58 31 77 30 12 11 77° «(75 28) 9 12 68 65 25 Western Division 12 9 5 59 58 29 1311 3 74 82 29 11 13. 3 72 80 25) 911 6 61 71 24) 816 3 54 616 5 53 Thursday's Results hicago 3 Detroit 1 | it. Louis 2 Philadelphia 2 Se Tonight's Games | oston at Oakland Cl innesota at Los Angeles 1G Ontario Junior A EB WLT F APtip 64 32| 66 30| 7, 58 30 66 29| ct 67 28|c 94 19] 9117; 67 106 141" 413 5 70 102 13) tlawa 119 2 39137 4|W Thursday's Results r Ottawa 2 Hamilton 5 Wi Kitchener 2 Peterborough 2 Tonight's Games Qu Ottawa at Niagara Falls Th Peterbourough at Kitchener {Tr Montreal at London 5 ) Oshawa at Toronto | Lonborg Signs For $5000 S 2 Rona 2 3 Niagara Falls 14 5 4101 itchener 14 4 2117 amilton 13 5 4101 6 6 913 1 84 712 3 62 612 2 Ro BOSTON (AP) -- "It only|St- took about a minute," said 24- Ha year-old Jim Lonborg as he|= walked out of Boston Red Sox|= office with a contract calling for} salary next season of about) $50,000. The slim, Stanford-educated G pitcher, who posted 22 regular ' eason victories for the Sox and hen won two more games in} he World Series, signed his 1968} 'ontract Thursday in amicable) G 'ashion, | Best estimate is that his sal-| ty is close to double that which} @ got last year. The raise for) he three-year veteran was) lermed "decent" by general) anager Dick O'Connell, who dded: "I hope the others are, lust as easy." Aging catcher Elston Howard, | ho joined the Sox in August nd was credited with settling lown a youthful pitching corps, igned his contract for a report- d $65,000. Do You Want . SNOWMOBILE | 16 H.P. 362 ¢.c. twin eylir Canada. -- Cruise - O - Motic Start --- Reverse gear control on di ~-- Key electric stort -- Visual fuel tank -- First quiet snowmobile exhaust o~ Automatics trensmission drive Only Snow Cruis Only Oshawa Ye Sells It... Plu ---- Parts and service ----~ Factory trained mechanics -- Bank financing --- Low d ---- Trade-ins wanted ~-- Good reconditioned used prices Place your order now to ensure deli mes Eve delivery to delight the Far OPEN MON. TO SAT. 9 OSHAWA YAC HARBOUR ROAD (off Simcoe St. S

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