Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Dec 1967, p. 32

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+ 134 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 1967 BRIDGE B. JAY BECKER (Top meee Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) DO YOU TAKE ME FOR A FOOLE YOUR ' FRIEND EVEN HAS "ULS.NAVY* TATTOOED ON HiS ARM. YOU ARE A SPY OF THE NAVY OR GA... TELL AT DID You THINK OF MN SLE I BUMPED INTO A SUNKEN TREASURE! $0 GLAD YOU COULD JOIN ME.-TIM DOKTOR FELIX YON SPITZ. COMPLIMENTS OF DER CAPTAIN, Bee SIR. HE REQUESTS YOUR COMPANY FOR DINNER, West dealer. Neither side vulnerable. DONALD DUCK BUZ SAWYER NORTH ~ @Q74 WAZ @AQ4 &A10978 EAST 4652 9KQ8742 83 $92 4385 SOUTH Il WELL, ANYBODY' WILL TELL YOU ( YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO FEED A COLD NEXT TOWN WHO I% WO SEVEN HUNDRED.....ALZO DEAD OR ALIVE 0m, NEY THIZ,,.. USIN' TEN GAUGE 4 xr1i09 83 ALL RIGHT,...T'LL SIGN EY SLUGS ON A MAN... DANGEV WARRANT. ak 91095 @KI10765 &Q62 The bidding: West North East 26 3h Pass 386 Pass 36@ Pass 5 Opening lead-- jack of hearts. Most: players find it difficult to execute a squeeze. Actually, it is not the execution of the squeeze itself that is difficult, but rather the recognition of the situation that makes the squeeze possible. To execute a squeeze, all you do is cash a winner at the critical moment, whereupon the squeeze executes itself. But difficult as it is for de- clarer to recognize the compo- nents of a squeeze, it is even more difficult for the defenders to anticipate a squeeze and take the steps necessary to prevent its execution. For an example of this, con- sider the accompanying hand from the match between France and the United States in 1960. South got to five diamonds after West had opened with a weak two bid. Declarer won the heart lead with the ace and played a spade to the king, taken with the ace. West returned a heart to the queen, and it was at this point that East fell from grace by leading at spade to the queen, WIDE CHOICE OF MODELS A South discarded a Declarer led a trump to the BLONDIE JANE ARDEN Souts GASP! HIS SOLUSHUN ef WHATMUSTID0 TO MEANS NOBODY'S B. SAVE NY HUSBAND? GOTTA PAY ' NONE/? fe. NUmbed by Chang's © chilling pnone call, me Susan follows his; instructions... HOPE THIS ISN'T AFILM YOU'VE SEEN! WHY, NOTHING! SIMPLY ACCEPT ALITTLE GIFT FROM US! LI'L ABNER SECRET AGENT X9 SORRY YOU READERS CAN'T SEE DILLY'S SOLUTIONS, BUT IF I TURNED THEM AROUND ABNER COULD! Gan. Cas OULDIN'T i Cop-- Discover Canadas newest outdoor sport - Go Wide-Iracking Pontiac WE HAVE REDHOT BUYS FOR THE COLD WINTER SEASON ON '68 PONTIACS @ TREMENDOUS SAVINGS The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. @ G.M.A.C. FINANCING 266 KING ST. W. 723-4634 jack, bee at heart with the ace, and played four rounds of Hie Ne bpp ie JUST FOLLOW NUBBIN AROUND a diamonds to produce this posi rarest) | (erat aes | | ne me roars TELEVISION LOG HUBERT ik GAYB.+. WATCH WHAT HE DOES.++ /) |i North mR E Z Chanrel 2--Buffalo 10:00 9--Mr. and Mrs. ; h ne bs Channel 3--Barrie 12-Dean vin tn 8-2--Hellyweod Squares DO YOU HEAR x é makin" ; x i teen sae W=The Merv Griffin Show | 7--How's Your Mother. i HES UPSTAIRS, West Bast baa A Fi Channel 6--Toronto 7--Good Compan Dick : MECNE PAINTING THE 43 Immaterial / 2 2 'Oot pany 4--Dick Van Dyke . fa 3 ; Channel 7--Bottalo & Their Roots are Deep af see, HOLLERING? / FLOOR IN THE aks r= i Channel &--Rochester 2a" Dean" Marti tite | 12 News, Weather, at (SS WHERES BACK BEDROOM - South Channel 9--Toronto 5 ottled § ace : UBERT? 5 =z Channel 11--Hamilton 7--Second Hundred eraronte Neasy i ; : ids $9 6 Channel 12--Peterborough anes PM, 2S topardy e N The five of diamonds lead -7-6-3-4-2---News U ef )) Dy 4 THURSDAY EVENING bial yay hee Weather > » oy ny yy a Seccuatad ta" te 1 5:00 P.M, Pierre. wperton" .10 P.M, 4 y: squeeze. ' 12--Campus Quiz 11:0 P. sur "Heroes : - " 4 . \ | ja-14 SW. Ee. : 'Viewpoint 12:30 P.M. Had East realized early -- stone M, a i 7 " i Ppa ad é--News, eee Sports ea Pls ' / ' op og erp ps bese THIS IS THE PAPER HANGER! entle Ben 11:38 t--Merv. Griffin g) 0 a squeeze. +] | 4--Perry Mason 7--Movie 12-6-4-3--Search for : he would have returned a club [TELL YOUR MOTHER I WON' 3--Trailmaster 4--Movie Tomorrow f ' j i BE ABLE TO DO YOUR HOLISE! ae Bak, tecJonnny. Carson E <>) at trick four instead of a spade. FOR ANOTHER MONTH --- 12--Flintstones | 11:35 P.M. BP Lh M hoar : : That would have destroyed a Fe ta esas griffin 12-6-4-3--Guiding Light i ' i &2--Truth or Consequences | 1100 EM. te_moviit PM 5 Mere yr ¢ ig ne re 9 be- { jis 11--Movie --Movie ? ween the South hand and dum- 20F Lends and Seas | %--Perrys' Probe tS on lg i on be ey eee my, and ended. all possibilities bs oneal i same titts eM ce is fer atara | 13 og a4 ret bl of a squeeze. It would have been . re irginia Graham Da} illi = pele Berton mah elt pres UL Tee ilies : & the 'lling blow. i= ae Rl aaa cone = FRIDAY Ge seeks 2 6--Rango jovie = P 100 A.M. 1:38 PM. Tale cine tos uci eg House Faced The werd. curne i rogr eSS 6:3 PLM. aptain a gq --Premi 00 H eoueretioe scanty oy "the Ale Toten "Seime "ee i Catches Up ews 6:55 A.M, ove's @ Many Splen- 2 1-4-9--News, . | dored Th H y ana Sper Weather, ? rhehis fer Doltare, 150i of hl Lives i WEST VANCOUVER, B.C. & ye Gate FREEZE OUT H --That Girl wih NP 'Mas le : er- LET'S GO IN THERE. Hada deal 6 souk ys Stoey s--Peowle ince conte mit of Horseshoe Bay. : asia ture | «contact s-House Party The squatter's cottage in & 7 ee, it Is Good Morning S-Seronation Street which Jim' has lived for more 2 NEW HIP WAY OF = [F*} . '3_That Girl +-Pat_ Boone | eee P.M, than 20 years, is to be demol- i | MAKING DATES, x (MNES ON ee 2-News, Weather, Sports |, snes? AM | s_magistrate's suit YOUR HEALTH ished to make way for a wider a SS PASS: ee = ; 'News, Weather, | 341-12-- Ontario rath gl Pas Appa ye i British Colum- Ss é 7:38 PLM, |, _, Schools 0 _ |bia Ferry Authority's Horseshoe = ql Pcie ae mee | Wi Walki pd vg ey i atman | 11--Mowvie 1-H. ke' f " 4 3B i 6--Accidental Family | 9 Uncle. Bobby dls Yeur Move | orous a In Highways Minist i . ar} q 3--N.Y.P.D #2--Snap Judgment 7--Commander Tom euvaye 2 er Phil Gag He e] 24--Daniel Boone | <--Candia Camera 3-4-6-12--Edge ef Night . > pb add a aie have been -- it rye | 10:38 A.M. 24--You Don't Say S C ] rying to locate Jim and, when =] 4 2oFiving Nun |#2-concenratian enn e peer Is ircu ation they do, will advise him that his ° 9--I"'s pert | _4--Beverly Hillbillies eer, Lucy home on the hillside, overlook- Rasta: 9 | 36 i oe papi belied By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD : ing " bay, will be moved to a 28--Bob Hope 3-6-12--Bonnle Prudden Dear Dr. Molner: I am 58 and Py era ean. : 12--Romper R. . : Tam 58 andjin my mouth my Dad yells)" ., A Zsa 9-Dean Marin [3 Tugboat Annie paige yh bc) have varicose veins. I wear sup-labout "calories." 1 have tried|, rtey tell me he's an indivi. WAVZ | Now YOU CAN : a ee F--Temptation: agiligan's Minend porting hosiery which helps. Ijabout six diets but they don't dualist who wants to work and | V te0tasax ») | GET THAT { OR A gral "| 3-6-12-1 Mon From UNCLE 4-Andy Griffith ieee it to Beaver | Would also like to take a walk|work. What can I do?--0.W remain independent," said Mr. YA nhs a Co ast a" aie VTS : ae 7--Peyton Place" | ape AM, 4--Truth er Censejevery day, but do not know! Yelling won't do any good-- Fs gear We like people. Uke : ae | Ys I laces | | \| | 24#--Dragner Ti--Martlage "Confidential | 34-12-Sarney Boomer ee ae yore benefit orjeyen though it's true that too hm? and well take care. ot | Y } : i Bars. 5G. many calories is what made you) w- ' aes a S | : | i CROSSWORD Walking--and the muscular|so fat. Ask Dad to take pa to Pst opal pth bigeye) to 7 oO i 2| | tL activity--promotes circulation; |your doctor; let him prescribe althan a year ago aha ness x = | | : £ af a Gonciide 95 Heels sada it will benefit rather|diet rete be enough to keepinelow his were bought by the 4 j 3 1. one Sit. * an harm your varicose veins.|you healthy but not add any Ps | | 5 3 Sere 5 pel Hag The supportive hose is a helpful|more fat. If you agree to eat Say. government and moved iy 10, Think 6. Ex- 26. Gas- goed : What is on the diet--and nothing) Bulidozers began nudanns at } 11. Peel hausted tro- ou will note that there is ajelse!--I imagine that Dad will]+, i fee dS 1 | 12. Disembarks 7, Slack pod vast difference between walking|agree not to say anything about ails bey bed Spey shadow of Jim's = = 13. Strain 8, Anger 27. Fate and merely standing. calories. You have to make up ety © A : a home. 15. Metallic 9. Belonging 28. Reser- While the blood pressure ori-|Your mind to lose weight and to| rch eng the double the back | rock toan _ voir ginating in the heart's action is|Change your eating habits. Fail- Sear we one ger sig ei 16.0% tor 'Kelnian 90.6on- REMEMBER [fe msi force "cougar wih sx dts implies yout prby. Waning danger, | WZ / TuusT CAME I DIDN/T HAVE ANY | [How 'BOUT THAT. I »., OF COURSE I HAVEN'T HAD 18 one dy Sorat rece Testerday's Anate | 0l00d to circulate, movement of haven't tried very hard with} <.; : ne ¢ ue a a - wer . "s K! GRaNOMA le | | CATES S| INT aes cece | | Cael 10, Beam cutee Bie é pilose RA a aay ji cols the eotabe Bleue eS ea h de 20.Meantime 17,Halfems 33. Peel 40. Wit ¥ pee sttle| 5, father died there. The bed | N 'a SS <t 23, John 21, Building 34. Fabric i of massage effect. This is one of} Dear Dr. Molner: My littlelon which he died-is still there \ tt 4 i . Sason additions like ah the several arp sig why daily ibe a had kidney infec-icovered with a blanket. 3 : 3 2 24, Cord 22, Narrow velvet 41. Girl's exercise is good for us. : ions. The doctor said little girls! "Two words is a conversation 2 « ' 25. Claw in. 35. Projecting nickname But merely standing stil] is|Should not use bubbles in their for Jim," says Horseshoe Bay 5 Ss z 28, Genre let ends of 43, Excla- not exercise in the sense that|bath becaus- the "bubble stuff' restaurateur Joe Troll. "And 4 a ' 29 ia mel 23. Simpleton churches mation walking is, and ed ret ge be? 338 cause infections. Why?--lyou're lucky to get that. We sel- ; { 7 varicose veins shou! Raa | Leach Ae _ {dom see him. Perha i z Sine 4, 30. Sloths ee ee be ye ee ] avoid standing motionless, If it ia don't think bubble bath is/comes down to go 4 "the tte, 4 fa | apn cig 5 an Y is necessary to stand up for ' e guilty factor in urinary in-|and you're lucky to get a 'good a & ' . Mine yy, Y many hours, as, for one exam-|fections. It is true, of course,!morning' out of him." é Ra " sd = We ie ple, standing at a counter in ajthat little girls are readily sub- i aang yy, store, the leg muscles should be|sect to urinary infections, but | ey Tas abe a wily Wits kept as active as reasonably|the risk is rather that the bath QUEENIE : alles Ys 3 Y, possible. Moving just a few|Water itself can be contami- Seem 3 icy, BUBBA..TLL eIVE YoU : ' 9 V77)20 21 len steps this way and that is, to|/mated with germs. In such in- BBA... 2 39. West Indian : A MINT ABOUT WHAT TM GING Will. YOU snake god y some extent, an equivalent of|Stances, showers are better. : fo] TELL ME, 42. Merits Z 23 rer walking. Flexing the muscles, i be balgobeaticon Ad sped 44, Christmas UU Ye moving the feet, even wiggling] Note to Worried: Maybe it's : ia song 2s lee yy the toes means that there is|"just a rash," but under the cir- : ) oo . 45. German 4 ty movement in the leg muscles}cumstances obviously it may be 4 ik river 29 Wm WGZG and it helps. syphilis. You're old enough to wu iia 46, Greek 4 Ly Lae I'm not what you would call|go to the doctor by yourself. 1 letters 31 bd Ye an exercise hound but I dojYes, the doctor is required to =] {! 47. Backs of 17 7 a ae strongly endorse activity. It}report the case but your name a tf necks Uy, Y, needn't be particularly stren-|will be kept confidential. Re- i oihibad 39 40. [41 V7) 4e (43 uous, but an effort to get some|porting is 'necessary both to G2 is 1, Tint Ob, daily activity--and walking is|give some idea of the preva- ? oa 2. Armadillo 44a Yum excellent--is good for all of us. |lence of the disease, and to pro- S 3. Resembling tect others who may have been certain a Y 47 Dear Dr. Molner: I am 12%4/exposed. If you get treatment} ° ie = cone-bearing V/7) V1 and 5 feet 7 and weigh 190|now, there is no reason why you trees: var. | pounds. Every time I put food|should not have children later,

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