oo 7 ww GTPASE PTT CHE TC CECT REVO TTS COSC CTT TARE CECE CECT CCT TTC CC TT TOC TTT TT Tr Ty innamon, sugar and which have been mixed. » CHILD GUID ANCE to him. He likes to listen to the)Phonics." On the market are/doing something we are sure he THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 1967 25 e a jelly roll, cut off in words which rhyme. He also|many other booklets which/should not do and we give him a pieces, lay in a well 's jlikes to hear short poems read|apply the same principles tojtap on his fundament, but he|whack hard enough to deter| SMOKERS WARNED pan, with cut side Pictures Rh T h \to him. teaching and learning phonics. |doesn't stop, are we justified in/him. Taps which gradually grow; Among older men who are ad- ost, Let rise 15 min., Uy ymes eac Before school and much later, STION: giving him a harder whack? harder tend only to irritate the\dicted to smoking cigarettes, op with milk, sprinkle |he likes to have us help him cut ANSWERING QUE: NS A.--Perhaps we are but WI youngster and may reach thelone out of every 300 develops He sugar and cinnamon level of barbarity. 'lung cancer, ce in a hot oven (400 anny ane $e rner KE ESTIMATED Inited Nations estimates P. Sch 1] . lout pictures from old magazines} Q.--If a child, 2, 3 or 4, is!would be wiser to make the first re- 00 Child Letters ie things which rhyme, as bat, hat, rat. At first, we just put to-| waa } Feast, PL Pol Pale } 7 ie By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD jginning sounds are all alike.|gether the pictures and have When the grandparents andjLater he sees the likeness of let-/him say their names together. great-grandparents of today's|ters beginning each of these He observes that they sound Pimtiaiaieiaian -- BY © Z | ahi of PN ; i int the name | | i lat 5 children were in school, they/Words. After considerable prac-|alike. Later, we prin a world population now. is were taught phonics in harditice at this fun, he learns rac: lah each picture under it. Then . by two per cent a year, the child sees the likeness of : ways. For example, when they|"early all the consonants sound th ds which rhyme. Even ' jattacked the word "cat", they|'he same as the name of the let-|these words which thyme. : F |said aloud "Kuh-ah-tuh," For|tet itself. As you can see, this|before school, a youngster may Re fi \"rat," it was "ur-ah-tuh;" for|fact is a strong reason for hay-|like to say one or several words) y % a) \"mat", it was "mu-ah-tah"'? __|ing the pre-school child learn at tor cance ee nd tat | Mistletoe Se | When some mothers today try|P!ay, as with alphabet blocks, 'tall wall '} 'i ito help children at home, they| the names of the 28 letters, "jhe May add "tall-wall, fall." and Holly af |may have them sound out each' PICTURES HELP |FUN WITH PHONICS | ug leiced Or group of letters in a} As the child is guided in cut-, Following these -- interesting] # % | wor rd their parents or Grand \ding out pictures beginning with/activities, he may be ready to} w paren s did. : _ |the same sound, from old maga-|learn the short and long sounds) = Owever, most who teachizines, and putting them to-|made by each of the sounds in| 'fi ' Phonics today help children to|zether, he grows more and|short words, as can, cap; cane,| % jsee and hear like sounds in)more familiar with these begin-|cape. He does not try to make| for CHRISTMAS vi Seaniiity Gtie of ae eben sounds. ale the name of|the separate sounds of each let- : Tae : pre ictures Ol each picture is printed under it,|/ter but he gets their sounds in Especially Lovely x objects familiar to the child,|the child connects the beginning|the familiar words. 1.50 10.00 12.50 15,00 er ened geo ges Pipe like/sound with the beginning letter} One of the children's maga- an! sounds, w e word naming|of the word naming each thing|zines runs regularly a page of| gy \this thing near the picture--box,| pictured, {picture words in groups of} BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS & book, bowl, for example. | Long before entering school|words which have like sounds.| Ay ; As the child names these pic-|the child may have heard nur-|It makes available an inexpen-| #) ae! ¢ s, he discovers that the be-'sery rhymes read over and over!sive handbook on "Fun With J > ee | A Specialty of Reed's % 5 6 «4.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 F: | 12,50 15,00 20.00 = | i } Nristmas ee ' | x S- BR i . £3 pemiae 2 | POTTED PLANTS CUT FLOWERS x | & . : OS @ CYCLAMEN @ CARNATIONS % hep? es What happier season fi @ AZALEAS @ ROSES i to announce your engagement? at ad lig @ SPRAY POMS a eee | @ MUMS ti Our fine cilection of | ih @ TOTEMS © GLADS i 7. Okt Va! i exquisite diamond engagement rings | | ° PERMANENT % : LS i .) awaits you. Come in soon, 'i a Al j 4 | Bans a sul tee is BOWL OF FLOWERS | DECORATIONS na | es wees. 50 Fancy Bow & Christmas Greens -- A Lovely Gift @ DOOR SWAGS & ie @ CENTREPIECES : s 10.00 15,00 20.00 | 8 ceNTRERI oe a | @ T.V. DECORATIONS % I | i @ OUTDOOR WREATHS " JUMBO KNIT CRAZE es RISTS § A tweed, a checkerboard, inch needles and _ four, ie 3 FLO y a cable stitch or stocking SIX, oF more -- of bine he ry stitch, multi - colored or pisgay Rr Arar edt dry of ae d : for the weekend? Knit it . & plain, pinafore or crew woursel!, Knit a matching iy DOWNTOWN OSH 728 7386 DRIVE-IN SHOP i neck, long or short sleeved sweater for your date in BX 28 Simcoe St. North AWA kg 163 Bloor West sx! the choice is yours with just one evening as this a ANS i the new "Jumbo" knit girl is doing, She is using | lee OVER FIFTY YEARS GROWING WITH OSHAWA" my craze sweeping Canada. "Jumbo" needles and Ca- | PRE REREREER NR ERE TET ED ET BY Bet eR EY BY BE IY BEE IN ED BEN APS et BPN EEN ETD ED REPRE EEE EES | Knit yourself a dress in nadiana pure virgin wool | : six to eight hours using %4- hand knitting yarn. BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED FRANKFURTER SPECIAL onions. Spread dough pieces 2 cups biscuit mix with mustard, add some onion 1 and catsup and frank. Roll and 1 Wb. frankfurters ; % pinch. edges around frank. 2 medium onions Brush thoroughly with melted . Catsup and mustard butter. Bake on well buttered ' Prepare rolled biscuit dough|bakitz sheet at 400 F. about & 20 Simcoe North, Oshawa according to directions on pack-/20 minutes or until dough is ail age. Roll out % inch thick, cut|well baked and franks cooked : in oblong pieces large enough|cooked thorough. Serve with OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. THE MONTH OF DECEMBER to fii around franks. Fryjsalad. Serves 6. by) « /4 for KG hristmas ' GIVE PRESTIGE Gifts Bé they lavish... & KS | i ; oS a : . OR modest..." " : St. Nick?s Gift Store |" new git idea | : co 'shirts that aways | gh GP Zee look pressed | = eo but never need ironing! You couldn't give him these shirts last year, because they weren't on the market. But now -- you can give your man handsome shirts that keep their fresh look, don't rumple or wrinkle, yet never need ironing. Just wash, dry, wear. Ask for Permanent Press shirts in the colors and collar styles that do | | | First, plan your gift list. » i Decide Just how much you want | ; to spend on each one. And stick to It, give or take a dollar | or two. To help you, we've Beautiful crystal decanter The fomous Roya! Doulton "Old for « very Ballon Seller 26.50 special person. a We hove « wide selection ef Royal Doulto figurines, your man proud ! $3.49 to *7.50 DU Ni N p § pe BURNS JEWELLERS open until 9 p.m. until Christmos Sat. until 6 -- 2 LOCATIONS -- 36 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE BOTH STORES OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. IN DECEMBER DANSK, Rosewood salad bow! 59.95 Magnificent silver plated Chafing $55 ond service set Dish. Troy Extra, , ' era ie ae were ee ee ae ee ee ee Ce wa eee se eee ee, ee eae ae ee ee