"se eer ewewnee -" -e eer et ee ew ee 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, December 14, 1967 ANN LANDERS Praise For 'Parents' Who Gave Her Love Dear Ann Landers: i'm aiThe surgery you describe has steady reader who was adopted helped many woman. I was at birth. For the 50th time I've aware of the procedure and I been asked by a "friend" I'should have suggested it. My ever wonder who my real par- apologies to al] whose cups run- ents are. How can 1 get it neth over through their unthinking heads that I am living. with my rea Dear Ann Landers: The letter parents? from the teen-age boy who Is there some set rule that Signed himself P ure Cooker says parents must go through Was especially interesting to the motions of childbirt me Where does love come in' When our son Bob was 14 he mean no disrespect to my natu-)° e and said he didn't ral mother but I often tt to do about his "'ter- God for putting me into thel! per." Bob expressed home of the wonderful people ! If much in the same way who raised me. It was a luc boy who wrote. He de- break ncontrollable feel- I don't think I've sa nd confessed that very well, Ann, but I'v kicked the dog be wanting to say it for a long time ' e had been nasty KY. * for the opportunity gers Live Here : Dear No Stranger: What a-,) wonderful letter! It soun dag someone has don job of making and loved. Cheers for the family --No Stran- rs. Ann ecame a y husband kick the times when "see ervvsesnas Dix. who plavs eevee yevrye we ee ene Dh ea ee we bins in the little : as s 6 a nds he at ¢ rege US mes available then and you will need pre aalate oi picture at (A rephoto ¥ ca le o be at your best, both mes- ie sr Whaat th: Tie rs ; A me Odeon rneatre in 10 rom 1andon) tally and physically, to take ad- THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR FRIDAY Maintain a strictly down-to- earth attitude on Friday. Some adverse planetary aspects indi- cate delays and disappoint- ments in putting over new plans, so it would be best to stick to routine generally. Avoid making hasty decisions, too, or you may have to reverse your- self later. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Friday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that * within the next 12 months, your occupational and financial inter- ests should go very well. Job and (or) business matters will take an uptrend in mid-March, with further boosts in late April - and early May, in September and late November. Best cycles for fiscal interests: The latter half of next month, early May,! all of July, mid-September, {mid-October and next Decem- ; (ber. Personal relationships will be governed by generous influ- ilences for most of the year ahead, and social activities should be unusually -stimulating between next May and Septem- " per; also in November. Do not overtax yourself during the lat- jter month, however, since new rtunities siness an vantage of them. Best periods books on hand for addresses.'for romance: Late June, all of Family Assembly Line plenty of stamps and moist July (an all-around good month for Sagittarians) and late Sep- THE OSHAWA Oshawa Gi In The Ur Miss Christine 1 20, daughter of Mr. Walter Toporowski, § North, is a member 0 ed States Navy. Miss ski attended high sche awa and graduated { man Collegiate in W Joining the navy t world. is the tradition for becoming a memb force, and this is pz reason that Miss Topo came a WAVE. In ad is seeking an educatior leave for San Diego, in four days to begir deavor. She plans to | dental technician. Miss Toporowski | oath, September 21, | Michigan and she com; camp training at Ba Indiana During her training | she was chosen becau sponges, and a complete selec- : tember ] did the job of two mar . . ms tion of d colored ink ae lors a Polishes Off Christmas Cards Gi. ae & ger A child born on this day will le boy is 1 now, and when we asked ¢ break, plan an informal buffet be endowed with excellent literary ability and could be- achievements and pers be one of the WAVE to witness the signing dent L. B. Johnson « woman who was be fact that she was over-endowed (When 'the salesgirls saw, he 'coming, they used to sigh "TE _ e yi . oe "Good grief, here comes old hat he wanted for a housegift By ELEANOR ROSS so that' everyone can prepare table in the kitchen or make pia th eg ; guess what he asked for: The everyone, except per- his own lists. Make it seem less!neat piles of the cards, put come an outstandingly good i i y D-cup I f F Pea which allows a onfirmed them out of the way and bring |Short sory writer o attain the rank of ad n- of a chore; plan an intermission for a light supper or TV break She attended the s the East Room of t House and along with | sentatives from the / Force and Marine Co ed an honor guard in corridor. Tras" enamored by telling her barrel.--Problem Solyed about a survey made in your of. . Dear Solved: The barrel idea fice which revealed that , iS well worth imitating. Thank of 11 girls said they wou hate -er have too muc n too | Surveys don't help the wo the food to the converted work i s tables. Serve a one-dish' main HOUSEHOLD HINT To make t as easy and course, such as stew or casse- 4 two-hour soak in bleach/# simple as sible use paper role. It can be prepared ahead|water removes grime and # ; ware, so that nobody is bur-! of time, kept in t freezer in'ctains from rubber sink and! on dened with long hours of clean- the nested type paper contain-|<+ te , up detail after working on those ers. and, when needed, only has sls altel eran SEAR > -.BRASIED CELERY 2 bunch celery (medium size) an be a_ tedious whose bra straps cut into her Sica ; shoulders like knives because 2 tablespoons salad oi: when ¢ si parent lists f + Faget Ps they are carrying such a lord.1 cup consomme or bouillon ar. t Find out how many cards will|'° pe reheated. Frozen rolls andlideal for milk or other cold Following the signit Surveys don't help the unfo Wash celery and trim off most ues es res He qa be needed. See if everyone will peta ak Hed ean g Mou drinks. bill, a reception was 1 When everyone's through eat- the blue room wher tine met the President of the Jeaves. Cut in 5 inch use the same cards, or if J Y might even plan to make fresh nate girl who can't wear ng, you can throw the dirty,» ters or scoop neck dre or ers'. Heat sale fry- ants i vidual s a e pe hy ' at salad oul in fry- So. for most of us there's no wants individual one popcorn and hot chocolate as a'! ae : 4 i c ing Tics and is ca and cook celery until 3 ia avo at hone ne of Classmates. Dad for rewarding treat when the work dishes away. No arguing over Johnson and vice - | nicknames you couldn't prin ly browned, about 7 min- sinning vac canis He and associates, and so forth is all finished who's to do the dishes tonight, Hubert Humphrey. When the designated time so 'it's right back to polish off Miss Toporowski's your column. utes. Add 1 cup consomme or Why didn't you tell the'b woman who wrote that the su > per-blessed females can now t duty is three years only regret is she spending Christmas v family in Oshawa. vi resses d stamp- , illon and cook until celery Licoly\ Aes senente ota pais ate comes, clear the dining room HOT AND COLD that last batch of envelopes to just tender, about 15 min- cae Caras A ERE Ree at (able. If necessary, set up ad- Use plastic-coated ho drink! be stamped and sealed. 6 servings aang sides 9 "©" joining bridge tables so that ev- cups for the hot beverages, and P.S.: Don't forget to use zip a : has sufficient room. plates or bowls for the hot/codes to speed cards to their helped by surgery? The opera- -- ervone tion is not dangerous. The sur This year then, why Make sure to have a few phone stews. Wax-coated cups are! destinations. sian tle geon merely removes the ex- the chore into a busy far ac- seaneh iabeesee wots vaaeaatreeste op hao Reese Daiaet etd Nae cess fatty tissue and the woman j tivity? (The pain is less when it GETS MEDAI emerges with normal measure is divided.) This way you can VANCOUVER (CP) ments. s re family man Marianne Linnell So many problems are insolu _ out on first reported Vancou be, When one comes along on't be du- y pient of one of 20,000 « medals awarded by th government for "valua ice to the nation."' She i rector of a Vancouve . nial commission set five years ago. } n be solved, I should id be happy. to pass 'rd.--Been There Dear B. T.: You are right certain instances HOUSEHOLD HINT _ WIFE PR e lefto es ve.jever is made of ribbon pom-|ADVANCE ARRANGEMENT j se poms pinned to a styrofoam| Plan a specific time and day , ' base for this activity well in advance a | ! C) N Pores: "a ' é ee ' " by banales... (ye; Ay Ny 2 "gf Q @ Wish her pleasant dreams Give -+. on Christmas morning and ever after with a gift B erie by French Maid. Shown, "Young Love" an baby doll and mini gown romantically styled in nylon .@) with chiffon overlay and delicate lace shirring. Pink : 6 4 : or blue. Sizes S. M, L. 'sy : Gown 6.00 e avi Baby doll 7.00 In N WATCH BAND" KEEPS UPKEEP UP TO STAY! the christmas Gifts sure To please ARE AT Lpkeep Strapless Bandeau "ofl course you may charge it" by Exquisite Form 9 gee a : You pay only ioe me ss Ll gts rate is 6% fo outlined Q bbon wire JEWELLERS o'9 Make someo ; Ltt wht Yor Savings Cert Bank of Mon Also eveileble in Longline style OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SHOP TONIGHT & EVERY NIGHT TO 9 P.M, UNTIL CHRISTMAS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN DAILY TO 9 P.M. INCLUDING SATURDAY Division OF OTLEY DivERSiiEs ° nal FOUNDATIONS, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 PHONE 725-7373