Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Dec 1967, p. 35

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ated lower earnings, to 243- and Fraser 1 to 18. 1 Hydrocarbons ad: to 25, Shell %4 to 33% co % to 26 oils fell 2.12 points on 920.49. Dome Pete 13%, to 52%, Scurry: i, to 4444 and Hud- Oil, Canadian Gridoit tain Development \q 544, 1314 and 10, re- n Export Gas declined ) 7.45, United Canso 35 5.05 and Husky % to d Oil gained 11 cents base metals, High- and Hudson Bay Min- ed 1 point each to 1344 ranisle picked up %4 to roup index slipped 23 -- DONALD DUCK LI'L ABNER ities DOLLARS- THREE, FOUR,| "WILL YOU TAKE A CHECK FIVE, RIGHT, pearance a5 IM AHEAD FIVE CHIPS, PA 3 WHAT'S WRONG YOU FAINTED / IeToe THOUGHT T-THE -CH-CH-CHIPS WERE WORTH A P-P-PENNY/ Lucky you! IN THAT CASE I CAN PAY YOU IN ??-YO! QUIT YORE JOB A-GUARDIN' TH' VALLEY, DILLY ? TO GIT THAT JOB YO'GOTTA BE EITHER VERY SMART OR VERY RICH--AN, FRAN ny DILLY--YO'HAINT NEITHER /! MINI-SUB. BUZ SAWYER i RETURNS 'TO THE "FISHING BOAT? / SURE LOOKS THAT WAY, MA'AM! I FOUND THIS SPEAR-| * GUN WITH RUSSIAN MARKINGS... AND BUZ'S SONAR... AND Buz'S KNIFE? T KNOW IT'S HIS BECAUSE HE CARRIED A RANDALL MADE KNIFE. THEN HEAD FOR KEY WEST, FULL SPEED! WEVE GOT TO GET A REPORT 10 WASHINGTON, © Kine Features Syndicate, Inc, (967, LEAD-SLUG OH, NO....NOT A TE JANE ARDEN SHERIFF... THIS 1% ] THE BOUNTY _A, HUNTER? N \NOTHIN' ELSE, | | BAUER! y= AS GAUGE SHOTGUN...) SHERIFF. cf ae La i -- <9 [\ " \ ny ONE THING MORE, SHERIFF... YOU GOT TO WRITE ON THIS WARRANT THAT THIS FELLOW 15 JOE FINCH AN' THAT I HAVE SACKED His SAVPLEW..THEN SIGN ITSOL CAN SEND IT TO PEL RIO; CAN WORRY ABOUT MY Hf Fa HUSBAND. HE'S LATE 4 a! SECRET AGENT X9 ney Wee FOSTER? Oe: 7 YOU VALUE Your {<: Sf HUSBAND WILL SAY A FEW WORDS CONVINCE YOU WE MEAN BUSINESS! WE HAVE REDHOT BUYS FOR THE COLD WINTER SEASON ON '68 PONTIACS @ TREMENDOUS SAVINGS @ G.M.A.C. FINANCING The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. 266 KING ST. W. 723-4634 WIDE CHOICE OF MODELS REVEILLE, LET'S SBE HOW get you age/ 4WAG STALLING. ACTUALLY, 1 CAN'T OPBLL *CAT," TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buffale 9: PM. Channel 3--Barrie iy ¢ and. She Channel 4--Buffaio | Bi 10:00 P M Channel 6--Toronto 4--Dundee and the Cul In-Law | 4--Diek Van Dyke 24--Hollywood 12 NOON 12-3--News, Weather, 7--How's Your Mother- || Squares Channel 7--Buftalo ~| hane Channel 8--Rochester Channel Toronto 2-4--Andy Williams 10:10 P.M, {1 -Merv. Griffin 10 P, Sports H--Little People 9--Terente Teday | 7--Money Movie | Luncheon Date | 4--News, Weather, Channel 11---Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough | | 12-11-9-6-7-6-4-3-2--News WEDNESDAY avanine | Weelte, Spat £00 PM, li--Here &--Mr. Ed p 16:38 P.M. 9--Sports Hot Seat Vs P.M. Sports 2-4--Jeopardy 12:10 P.M, ie Vi--Plerre Berton 11:28 PL | $-Super Heroe mM, 12:80 P. MM, | 11--Photo Finish h | +-Viewpoint | 1:75 Pm. | &--Eye Guess CASH ONLY 4--Perry Mason | 6--News, weamer 3-612--Zorro morrow | | 1: PM, es : i | #-Mery @rittin 12--Flintstones | Suerte 12:45. PM. V--Phyllis Diller Prsexyo tee eer 3-4.612--Guiding Light Truth or Conse- | 1:38 PM. ah 1:00 P.M, | &Untouchabies TOMIie \ | 11:48 PLM, . Ale Deugias Dialing For Dellars | Virginia @raham | 7--Fugitive | 6 Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 3--Movie 1: PLM, --Lot"s Make @ Deal | 46--As The World Turns 1--Hot Line 9--Perry's Probe Movie 11:48 PLM, 12--Mevie 12.18 A.M, i le 12:38 A.M, 1l--Mark Saber Sports | S--Hew's Business | 9) 7--Movie } 6--Gilligans Island | 4--News, Sports, | Weather THURSDAY | 2:00 PLM. He and she 8:00 AM. | 7--Newlywed Game 6:30 PLM, N--Schnitzel House | 46--Love Is @ Many 12---FB) 4--Gaptain Kangaree Splendored Thing 1--He and She | 98--Days of Our Lived 8-4-9--News, Weather, 2:30 PLM. Sports 4--News $-8--Huntley-Brinkiey 7:00 P.M. 11--Walt Disney's World 9--Flintstones 8--Quest for Adventure 6--Day It Is 4-Its & Small World 2--Daktar 2--News, Weather, Sports 7:20° P.M, 5.0 AM. 9--University ef the Alr | 8:55 A.M. | 12--Celendar 7--Dialing Fer Deliars | 11--Perry Mason Virginia Graham 9--People in Cenfilet 7--Dream Girl | 6--Ceronation Street 4--House Party 2-8--Doctors 3:60 P.M. 9--Magistrate's 3--Good Morning 7--General Hospital | 2--Pat Boone | 4--Te Tell The Truth 9:30 AM 36-12--Take 30 9--Cartoon Pia 2-8--Another World 3:25 P.M. | 9:08 A.M, 2-11--Ed Allen Time $--Remper Reem 8--Pastor's Study | 6--Meta 4--Contact 3-6-11-12--Ontario §$ 7--News, Weather, | 4--Leve of Life 4--News Sports 10:00 A.M, 2:8 PLM, 7: PLM, N--Movie 1). Hawkeye 9--Invaders §--Uncle Bobby 9--It's Your Jove 7--Commander Tom 7--Movie 8-2--Snap Judgment $12--Mothers-In-Law | 3-4-12--Canadian Schools | 3-4-#-12--Edge ef Night 4--Lost in Space 4--Candid Camera 2-8--You Don't Say 2-48--Virginian | 10:38 A.M, 708 PLM, 1:00 PM. | 7--Family Game 11--Movie | 3-612--Mission Impossible | 1}--Super Heroes | 9-1 Love Lucy | @--Match Game 4--Secret Sterm 4--Beverly Hillbililes 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 2-8--Concentration Wak Dieney P: World Rights Reserved ake P.M. 11:00 A.M, 3-6-12--Bonnie Prudden FIO OY 9--Tugboat Annie | 2--Mike Douglas 4--Beveriy Hillbillies 7--Temptation | 4:30 PLM. 4--Andy Griffith | 11--It's About Time 3-6--Mr. Dressup | 9--Mevie | 2-8--Personality | &--Leave It to Beaver * 4--Truth or Conse- quences 3-6-12--Barney Boomer 9:00 PLM, 7--Desperate Hours 4--Green Acres 3-612-- 20 Million $ . Questions |'11---Marriage Confidential 2-8--Kraft Music Hall | 9--Mr. and Mrs, CROSSWORD 2.Brotherof 26. 1, Rascal Seth 28, 6. Matter: 3. Viper tive vote law .Pine Tree 30, East 9. Stevedore state: abbr, Indies 10, Insect . Lever litter: ACROSS 3-4-6-12--Search for To --~ | and loud crying HUBERT AHEM! MY DIET ALLOWS ME A SMALL SNACK BEFORE RETIRING=- Sy (2 wi" | YOUR HEALTH Psychiatrist Urged For Child Problems By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: I have alcian, or, as I suggested above, a problem that frightens me. Itichild psychiatrist should be concerns my 24-year-old son.|guiding you. He can't sleep, J don't mean in- somnia. He is very tired andiwords, that eventually his casts falls asleep easily only to wakejand operations and trips to the evefy few minutes with a shriek/hospital with be a thing of the past. A:child so young can't un- I can't find out the problem|derstand that. You need some by questioning him. expert help in finding ways to He is an only child and has imply this to him. And the soon- been subjected to hospital stays, er the better. Such a burden of pain and surgery. (Five times/fear can leave lasting problems You can't tell the little boy, in| to date for surgical procedures for him unless he can be given| ] THE OSHAWA TIMES, 37 Wednesday, December 13, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER | (Top Record-Holder in Masters' | Individual Championship Play) North dealer, North-South vulnerable, Opening Jead--ten of elubs. A fine declarer constantly tries to give himself the best chance of making the contract. If he sees a 50 per cent jchance of success by playing jthe hand one way, he does not proceed with it until he has first examined other methods of play that might yield as much as a 60 per cent or higher jchance; and after finding this more promising line of play, he \looks still further for a method even more promising. | This search for the maximum possibility of success is a con- tinuous and ceaseless operation. Once the trait is fully develop- jed, there is little more a de- clarer can do to attain abso- lute perfection. Let's say you're declarer on this hand and East wins the liack of clubs with the queen jand returns the jack of hearts. You win with the king and, if 'you are inclined to follow the line of least resistance, you now take a spade finesse. When this loses to the king, West returns a heart and you eventually go |down one. A slightly better line of play would be to ruff a club at trick three because of the chance that East was dealt the doubleton A-Q. In that case, the king would become a trick on which jyou could later discard one of |your losers. | But when East follows low and this chance fails to ma- terialize, you ruff and lead the ace and another diamond. You jhope West was dealt the king, in which case the queen of dia- monds becomes established as your tenth trick. In the actual hand this effort is rewarded and you make the contract re- gardless of the subsequent de- fence. Note that if East has the king of diamonds you still have the' trump finesse to fall back on. Only after you have exhausted the other two possibilities do you attempt the trump finesse, NEWS IN BRIEF FUNERAL TAPE AMMANFORD, Wales (CP) -- Pastor Rees Evans surprised his flock preaching at his own funeral, The Carmarthen- shire Presbyterian minister re- corded his last sermon before he died at the age of 80 and lef instructions with his son, Christe mas, to play the 30-minute tape when he died, His last words were: "We shall meet again." | FORGOT PRIZE ENTRY PENARTH, Wales (CP) -« Ronald Chapman won the title of Amateur Photographer of the Year with a picture he didn't even remember taking. His photo came top out of 21,000 en- tries from 19 countries. It was the fourth time that he won~a prize with a picture he unex- pectediy found on a reel of film. SELLS STAMPS LONDON (CP) -- Lars Amundsen, 78-year-old son of the Norwegian polar explorer Ronald Amundsen, is selling his /famous father's stamp collec- tion worth more than $450,000 in London. The stamps, all issued before 1870, will be sold to raise money for a Norwegian lifeboat campaign. BELLS SOUND ALARM WIMBLEDON, England (CP) -- A string of warning bells hung across. a south London street to warn truck drivers of a low-level bridge has been re- alone.) Most of his life has been spent wearing large plaster casts on his legs as he was born a sense of security. |moved because it caused rather lthan prevented accidents, One MICKEY MOUSE Dear Dr, Molner: For the last|tryck tore the bells from their . Peop] var. 1 ziemauick syn ed with a compound clubfoot condi- year, since I began dyeing MY|mounting and a driver was in- 12, Tropical . Enclose 31, Bound- ell all the mer- _ plant less Ale|T IN tion. He's in plaster now hair, I have been getting Spree |jured when they smashed his : 32, Under: a He is handsome, intelligent, on my scalp. They either itch or) windshield efore he had to CES Bap aT u ey ag a | pada llc SURE agg prefix large for tis age and fine dur-|are sore, Is this serious in any| vened in many Lo py 3 15. Bird's bealke 34, One Yesterday's Answer jing the daytime, though he is|way? Is there any way, other| F f Anda lot 17. Tidy showing 43, Spreads high strung. Can you recom-|than to stop dyeing my hair, to} QUEENIE own. And a lo 18, Swab promise grass to mend something for us?--Mrs.|get rid of the sores?--Mrs. F.G. ee 20. Small 35, Eye dry A.G.T. is infec:| stream . Proffer cosmetic 46, Newt If he were my child, poor lit- Pcie osgreetiggidolindiagr stipe lve ag ga " Meadov iiRoofing" 51,Fath tle fellow, I would consult 8\ uct the irritation of the. scalp ; 4 point Meadow 4, Roofing Ot, ator ot child psychiatrist. As T've 50 eee ee ran ot nee infos reased produc- a lied "7 | often tried to make clear in this tion hair might be lost, too, e jobs and more : 27.Beam. GZ y > 2 meee column, psychiatry an | You apparently are sensitive y ; ] i ML for patients with a severe men-i+, +14 ave and should stop using all of us. q ¢ i : . --Y 10 tal illness, It is for ie gent sona After the scalp clears, you i # ) [al : \\i g Z F 1, any sort of emotional problem)". 4, whi i <a: 5 s 30. Obligations a hase . |may find some other dye which aily newspaper. CAN. 1345 ' | 33, Tl k with which they can't cope. won't bother you. Before using neta : 36. Ahead HAS THE JITTERS any dye, a skin patch test f'us on the job. 37, Praise 39. Card game 40. German emperor 42, Except 44, Millihenry; At 21% the little chap wouldn't should be done to detetmine have the vocabulary to tell you whether you have a sensitivity what is bothering him, but with|to the chemicals. all the misery, all the hospitali-) zation, all the business of being) Dear Dr, Molner; In your ar- it off, the away from home and not under-|ticles on herniated discs, I was in edly cag rg bat standing why, it is not surpris-/Surprised that you didn't men- i ing that he has the jitters, jtion a laminectomy as a very 47, Stairway I would guess, in fact would|effective cure for the trouble--| _ ns assume, that after so much hap-| .N. c GREET ALL THE PEOPLE AH! THERE '4 Syl Yours you ARE! 49, Building pening to him in his 30 months} I didn't see much to be gained addition 50. Tributary on earth, he wakes up at night/by using that technical term, fearing whatever may be going|which is merely one form of spi- geon to select the one which will be most helpful.in the individual case. 52. Dutch commune 53. Skirt armor DOWN Soak to happen to him next. nal surgery which helps some P I an reluctant to try to sug-|types of cases. It involves re-| Note to Mrs. J.H.: Don't apo- gest anything you can do forjmoval of part of a vertebra/logize and don't feel bad about him by yourself (excetp comfort/when it is exerting undue pres-|anything. Readers have a per- him by yourself (except comfort/sure. There, are several tech-/fect right to write as bluntly as secure), Either your pediatri-'niques, and 'it is up to the sur-Ithey choose.

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