Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Dec 1967, p. 32

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weeks. The court was told the/Dawson were each fined $25 girl had gone with the ac-jand costs or 10 days in jail on cused with her own consent. |the charge of being intoxicated , in a public place. LIQUOR CASES Sentenced on liquor viola- TRAFFIC CASES tions were Douglas Short, 19.) 'Russell Stewart was placed fined $50 and costs or 10 days'on a 12-month suspended sen- in jail on the charge of drink-\tence on the charge of failing ing while under 21 years of|to remain at the scene of an |36--Legal __|38--Coming Events TENDER LIONS BINGO FOR THE CONSTRUCTION | Sees | TONIGHT AWA, ONTARIO." ogee Early Bird Game 7:45 34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 13, 1967 | | BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Scarborough Man Given Three-Year Jail Sentence Insurance For Some " LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. 7 130--Automobiles for Sale WELLMAN | RAMBLER | DEMONSTRATION SALE Call between 5 and 7 p.m, | % 1968 AMERICAN .. $2,244 | SEALED TENDERS, addressed JACKPOT lage; Brian James Cir, 18, of|accident. Jerry Abramcauk was "Ontario drivers may get 82 PARK ROAD N. 3 1968 JAVELIN .. $2,743 etc 52 and 58 ; . ' Whitby, fined $50 and costs or! fined $50 and costs or 10 days six- or eight-per-cent redu 1968 REBEL $2,561 sarin, 517 Park Road South, WHITBY -- Pleading guilty|current on the . delinquency, Evidence showed a 14-year- ne n y: e. it-pe 728-867 | ' Oshawa, Ontario, will be re- ON bo Unetiee hres aan chiaree old. Pickering Township girl 0 days in jail on the chargelin jail for driving while his in automobile insurance ra + sueminb CSC a wok 1968 AMBASSADOR | ceived until 3:00 p.m, local F MUST GO eat Le ite pa cloth. Clothing valued at $2,930 was left home in September and of drinking while under 21 jicence was under suspension, 1968 but at least two clas aes Se ee 7 ma a a ioe Bus | K d § jin Care at Brooklin, breaking taken from Marshal Men's lived with Strickland in a Scar- Years of age. All pleaded guilty to the Grivers face significa Two fk OMS unfurnished, main. floor. | Pglplertly only : . | Maleate December ig eal os Sts. 7 ond 7, ne aegis | nad entering and theft from a and Boys' Wear store at Brook: borough apartment for two Both Thomas Delorey and J.!charges. ghrp sie aaa eiselesarct Dla raansate ull factory warranty all cars 'or construction of Par- - i ° siting Highway T SRE RP ce a meetin we gl ig dod Mae vervice, "Rest.| have under 1000 miles. oisse Assomption de Notre Every Wednesday eer 's wear ators ie seer reek we "4 suet wi ¢ Wane PRRAAWVse at [os hai aurant on premises. Queens Hotel, 67/ $100. DOWN Dame Church and Parish Jubilee Pavilion: iat, : ap re : evap cer aa pocageryer yg Sr hace eet oe Simece N. ____ | delivers with our Bank of Holl, Oshawa, Ontario All proceeds to charity ver e in Metro Toronto and con : e rary rate structure r rs, gi ee Nova Scotia -- Scotia Plan ated ond sea ieosiens | See Tuesday Ad fibutine to juvenile delinquen ' i fj d if f mended recently to insu i S| ] taine contractors on , ; a tine cotkn | Smcmcinasoliered by ony rw osit of $9¢ | PLAN TO ATTEND ey Robert B. Strickland, 20, 0 ok Here's where to fin gifs Tor everyone . . . rear of Cauda' suggests 723-3907 anytime after 3:30 p.m. | cor dealer in Oshawa. | financing offered by any new | deposit of $50.00 from the Office of Allward & Gouin- SPECIAL BINGO Scarborough, was sentenced decreases for the over--25, ong on gee Rig el po lg lock, Architects, 245 Daven- DEC. 20th a total of three years in per ween Fisd, aetidentdres diver weekly. Telephone 723-6508. WELLMAN port Road, Toronto 5, On- Drow for 25, 14-15 Ib, tur- |tentiary when he ang ne : LARGE FURNISHED room for rent] tario. kevs . Tuesday before Magistt Dir . peo meeting dealt ite jaeere Vos RAMBLER Tenders for Mechanical and ----H. M, Jermyn. : changes being introduced ; FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING -- room Electrical trades to be de- | COLONY TOURS He was sentenced fo aviniz _ category classificatio with all utilities, close to north G.M 728- 3-735] | posited with the Oshowa Bid entbane sc years on the Rrooklin ©} ware drivers, for which it is ext tie str ----+3-- | pepseery De Oe LL ORIGA TOUR (an on consecutive oF ee sg slare Nati pga rates will be anno' NISHED ROOM Scarborough charge: one ver . Sou conta ban es priv NICOLS MOTORS Ltd. WEDNESDAY, yee ereeran \comcerrent on the Torente ST OF She ems, valued at | "Included in the major ch 2466 a Your headquarters for December..27, 1967 Ail Aecaondations ichange and six months car. they! Of RIM, was recovered are: --The under -- 25 dau 28--Room and Board 57_COLBORNE EAST, room and board, Close gentieman to share, single beds. fo north Genera! Motors. American ---- Rebel Ambassador.---Javelin WHITBY --- 668-3331 > Good Lowest or aay tender not ne- cessarily accepted A. G. BARNES, PARTNER ALLWARD & GOUINLOCK 1, JOSEPH KYC, of 340 Marland Avenue, @ 14 Meals Included @ Side Tours Included COLONY TOUR OSHAWA 576-0246 Que. Government Debates * GIFT SPOTTER driving her father's car wil a higher rate, roughly com ble to that paid by her counterpart for several j Until. now the addition o ROOM AND BOARD, centlemen, pt. 404, Oshawa, will not be responsible Ben" Gonos" ooh," Tolephone Helen, ya tan a sheen: Diack for any debts contracted In my name, by SOCIAL BINGO ea Options. 14,000. miles, $2,975, 7289338." |" \967,"wahout my written' consent teel Indust daughter as a driver had h ROOM or room and meals for one gentle |i961 PONTIAC, four-door, six-cylinder, |Signed, Joseph Kyc. ST. HEDWIG'S | inancin affect on the father's pret man. Ample parking. 81 Park Road S./ automatic, radio, in gi condition. | = sererrott eH | Auditorium | rate. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, Telephone 725-1940. 38--Coming Events. 411 Olive Avenue | Ze, tthe tuckalor 'bau lunches packed. 6 day week. Parking. "65 CHEVROLET Impala two door hard- ~~ THURS. DEC. 14 By DAVE BAZAY naces and fabri- Bast 3 PERE IELEL EE EEE EE Soar etd a ' wee Telephone 725-9843, top, automatic, fully equipped. Tele- : : . would furnish | Gifts for the Home Litertuinment and 29 will pay more, LARGE warm _ room, meals, Phone 942-3412, SUNNYSIDE 7:30 P.M QUEBEC (CP) -- The Qi ebec with heavy industry to : | viously he had reverted t nce nck macig, Com 10 OH TAT CAMARO, 307 moly aloe |. Prizes, Rereshmeritn. | Umon Nationale: government set'as a role af sttraction for REHETLE jeeerneeee -regular category at age 25 ROOM AND BOARD or housekeeping |e¢ Telephone 723-7632 after 4:30 p.m. | | is tinkering with the idea of -- secondary industries : MAKE A DATE TO _ man will continu room, furnished. Parking for two cars. 1964 PONTIAC Laurentian. Excellent establishing a_ state-financed It would create well-paid GIFTS YOU'LL ADORE VISIT : Clese' bus stop, and downtown. Telephone condition, $1,200. "Telephone 668.8647 2 [ ) S e [ DEATHS steel indusiry to toughen up steady jobs, helping Quebec to as: TEES a i siti the Quebec economy. correct chronic unemploy- ON EVERY FLOOR GEORGIAN Apply 185 Simcoe N., upstairs, Apart- wishes. Reduced prices on all cars im- ARMOUR - Russell Lorne Steel may at fact ne ine ment arising from too neavy. ew ur S ment $0 a _| mediately, effective till December _20,| At Hillsdale Manor on Wednesday Oe-| Priority project in what Pre- reliance on seasonal primary | 1276 Shades to Choose From Motor Hotel ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman,|then closing for Holiday Season. Ted cember 13, 1967, Russell Lorne Armour,' mier Daniel Johnson has de- jndustry | @ Fine foods served in a parking space, television _privileges,| Campin Motors, Oshawa son of Laure and the: late Frank Ar: : Bs eee antanaty stry. | Visit our new showroom for complete decorating service ie ¢ lunches packed, shift workers welcomed. | = Sg SER REG REE | mour. In his 6lst year, Resting at| Scribed as "'a very intensive But it was risky, costly and 2 delightful festive atmos- Telephone 668-5287 31--Compact Cars for Sale| Necintosh - Anderson Funeral Home, 152, campaign of economic and complicated. Studies started Carpeting for the living room, bedrooms and halls. A gift your phere. or 0 | King Street Eas}. Service in the chaps!! commercial development." in 1961 were continued. The whole family will enpoy, FREE ESTIMATES AND EXPERT @ Top-flight entertainment 30--Automobiles for Sale ZOLTAN and NICK'S TWO $250.00 on Friday December 15, at Reverend John P. Romerii officiating Mr. Johnson Jaunched this project's size was increased to you're sure to enjoy, INSTALLATION. @ Be sure to book your LONDON (AP) -- The Interment Union Cemetery. campaign Oct. 31 when he lone. ontmien, and : : Your Authorized Dat 7 : : nai, SOUT tons hun economies ah , ; active member countries o 0. K. i psn ee JACKPOTS : BARKER, Violet named financier Marcel Fari- the cost soared to $350,000,000. A N G US R A Y D pebble and New Year's London gold pool have a, e Oshawa General Hospital on Tues-| bault of Montreal as cabinet Mr. Filion envisaged a Sid- - reservations now 1 t rh gold Repoi as 54 d 56 day, December 12, 1967, Violet Sheard, iser to lead "ial ec ' : THE GEORGIAN on new plans to curb gol USED CARS | epoir ond Service an beloved wile of the late Wiltrid Borker| adviser to lead a special eco- hee capable of competing in 428 KING ST. W 728-6254 : ing, The Times reports. eo .* Peggy. cm Lr aciial oh Oshawa Cor rey Nor le the ¢ ie international markets, saying: : : oe. The newspaper says the s db 4 And Nov. he premier an- "Wwe will play the game of fe thy (Mi G P. tt) of Osh : A 1966 Chevrolet, Bel Air se- | 728-0051 $500 00 Peter of Brookiin and Bob of Pickering nounced that Quebec is COD: bigtime "competition or we patons senchek, ngfooene dan, V-8 automatic radio, . | IAT 600, good running condition, : Beach, dear sister of Edwin Sheard, sidering purchase of certain won't exist." s Ss white walls and discs. Beau- [$100. Telephone 725-0488. In 52 nos. or less {Resting 'at the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Steel fabricating installations The former publisher whose A GIFT CERTIFICATE on ward os de tiful 2 tone blue with white '62 CHEVY II convertibie, automatic six, | Brooklin. Service in the chapel on Thurs- day, December 14, at 2 p.m. Interment owned by Dominion Steel and Lid. of Sydney, haymaker editorials in Le De- "Have Yourself ings in gold credit and bids top. Licence J83232: good condition, snow tires, extras, Tele- : Coal Corp. : . is ia Sase? Oiauiila Gh Ges jPhone 723-1027. |. «$25 consolation prize pahdlecnelecsiucld LM abnacaas N.S. 'ts ve geek ag hl FROM mitted on behalf of other smobile sedan | 3 DIEHL, A ' a x § f . i hydramatic transmission, ra- |33--Automobiles Wanted $10 per line both At St. Michael's, Hospital, Toronto en Sidbec, the state-owned spoke out in a speech at Mont- OSHAWA CABLE TV peda pe Pig 2 ag 7's dio er brokes ond steer- | (4 AJA NT' wae Wednesday, December 13, 1967, Norman company set up in 1964 to es- real in April, 1966 to apply direct to the U.S. t a an ol Gas ond | CARS WANTED | games Diehi, in his Sard year, beloved husband) tablish an integrated steel Folde ic A Merry Merry ury. wheel discs. Immaculate Buying A New Car? | $150 jackpot Paul Shackelton (Gale Mary), and Nor.| Plant, was authorized to begin CABINET SPLIT . «. the gift that keeps on giving Uy The aim of the new meas throughout. Red with gold Sell your used cor to Ted" | jackp man Lloyd, brother of Mrs. A. Rack negotiations with Dosco. "It is once again the famous ' " is to protect official mont interior trim. Licence K13853. Talk "Cash" to the New | $20 per line COT a ity iadgerers Ac, . Mr. Johnson has subsequent- dilemma of guns or butter," @ 11 Channels Christmas gold reserves from specul pee ae beve_ | Car Dealer and "Save". | drew, all of West Moncton, Ontario, | ly indicated that the province he told the Montreal Chamber ; pressures during the perio meet nae wey cen | ASSAM MOTORS, | $80 full card Tt i a ee nea eerie there wil be # Periget Rotaption convalescence of he intr ith | | i - es. re \ row Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street S sn X- § i r ' Yale. Hipage: Coens \SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Ccan| $000 regular games West for service in the chapel on Fri.) clude Dosco's properties in more spending on schools, @ No Antenna b devaluation of the pound. cick: ee eh ri and' metals $20 Mount Lawn Cemetery Ontario. erage ah geo -- ag 9 yy The ne ge otag 1965 Pontiac Strato Chief | bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. | per game s : ance, it's guns there will be OSHAWA : the Unit tates, Britain, | pe alg och big! ol = lg ag a 40 in 17 ns" Aint and Pcxaring Genera Ho| "Utne 'beemier 'Has. also. said 2S¢2e! mill whose dimensions planning your Germany, Italy, Switzer transmission, radio, sharp in |No > re Pte cfcy Bee $ in nos. or less pital on Wednesday, December 13, 1967, 2 Shae , will reflect the accent to be The Netherlands and Bel; dork harauotes Liesece oe R | $iso si [Cainecine . Elorence, Morrison, at * poop 7 ready ae cin placed on economic develop- HOLIDAY --amounts to a massive bol K12957 3 Automobile Rebel SG special games |the late Harry' Kendall, dear mother of| ste cat ry i c ith he ment.' ne ing of the U.S. dollar, whic Gees « 4----Automobile Repair | f |Sadie (Mrs. J. Howley) and Florence| Project at the start with hopes Mr. Lesage, irritated by the exchangeable for gold at $3 1964 Chevrolet Cooches, $50 door prizes |(Mrs. Wilson Bartlett), both of Aiax.| of attracting private capital qq d id LTD. to choose from. One auto- | |Henry deceased, loving grandmother of] tater on a L cies "a amid a provin- 600 KING ST. E 723-5278 DINNERS ounce. } 7 e dehildren, tw nm : cia >ctio ¢ ign, send ss place ond ie age ae BABY | Farly: Bird tcame:st 7245 p.m, [children Mrs Kendal is "egling at Me: So the Quebec steel project, pledged that Quebse would trom the gold post last oun é acre Cuneta! ene, ingston| shelved by the former Liberal anu - Each of the seven ce: 1963 Chevy II, 2 door hard YOUR CAR | Admission $1.00 |Road West, Pickering. Funeral service | |Saturday, December 16, at 9.30 a.m. to} on Thursday, December 14, at pm.) Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Osh- Reverend H government in a "guns or but- vieres, mill initially expected to cost get its steel mill. But it became evident the Two months after the Union Nationale's June election THIS YEAR GIVE THE GIFT elegant gifts AJAX 942-5580 '~ banks participating will ope OTTAWA (CP) -- Enfo top, 6 automatic with radio, St. | Bernadette's Church, Alax, for re-| tor'? decision, seems back on esage cabinet was split on bans in their own gold wiite walls, discs; etc. Color y | gy." Francis de Sales 'Cemetery, Pleker-| the government priority list the issue. Later it would be THAT KEEPS ON GIVING! ! PARTIES bet sues die chocolate brown. Licence Save TIME and TROUBLE | Ever Thursda ing. The rosary will be recited at the; again. e 4 th aecias ee ets. 393725. with your cor. Sit and relax » y lfuneral home on. Friday evening at 8.30 The tiberals 'nanchen atid a Moutier'" abendine Each of the seven cer while it undergoes on up-to- | fd ies for a Quebec-owned steel on educat health ara eal. THE OSHAWA TIMES banks participating will ope 1962 Envoy sedan with ro- 1 | RED BARN VAN DUFFELEN, Simon industry in 10k. Ridhe n fon, nea in the bans in their own gold 1 dio In fine condition | date test by Electronic Ana- Suddenly at his. residence, 607 Kent| industry in . Sidbec was fare, ; Phone the Circulation Dept. 723-3474 CAROUSEL kets according to their throughout. An ideal second lyzer. A complete, modern | Street, "Whitby, : en: Monday, Decernper set up in 1964 under the presi- Mr. Filion resigned as pres- | wake pt. % rules and conventions, cor. Licence K15239. testing of all your car's fune- | Buses leaving four corners at fisher on Corral Weve deer | psig Sect lh pagn of Sidbec 2 May, 1966, | Times says. | father of Mrs. J. Speksnyder (Helena), : to become president of Marine |¢; A ' 7 7:00 d 7:30 Naat | P Het INNS Since Sansa wits | gals tr repelr werk later, | Chitdran undar 16 not admit. \tm Sia wii St an emer] Devel Taurine Li of Biel, Gus (au TOES Ee petty lash os ¢ pin. Licence eee Oe eee 4 and Neil of Waterloo; also survived by Land was acquired at Be- We was replaced by Jean-Paul Bankruptcy Don't miss the opportunity. {__ted nine grandchildren; in his 62nd year.| cancour, across the St. Law- Gignac, a Hydro-Quebec exec- SPARKLE WITH K11039. | Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral f T CHRI A OSHAWA 723-5271 Chapel> Whitby, for service in the Chapel| Tence River from Trois-Ri- ytive, HRISTMAS Enforcement OSHAWA as a site for a steel Make your appointment now with | ROY NICHOLS JAYCEES SUZANNE ment of bankruptcy law is a Minister the Hes-| TRANSMISSION clink, If, desired, contributions. to the| 225,000,000. -- victory, Premier Johnson said MOTORS LTD. | eecice Sean, Meihore aromaneee TPL pee hier eg ae ereed the new government was not for the home HAIRSTYLING Rib UsAns, res times acnon" Gis: pected to reach "a level n COURTICE Tuesday. m ,fopes of = maitres yet in position to say yes. or Beedle attained before" as a resul 728. eye chez nous," the election slo- no to Sidbec. When you decorate your tree Hair pieces sold or set. closer federal-provincial lia 25-6206 116 BOND ST. W. STAFFORD gan former premier Jean Le- ¥ 5 i! ith 5 JOHN ST. W Gifts for E being pioneered in Quebec, J BOWMANVILLE BROTHERS LTD. sage used in 1962 to win a NEW STUDY MADE Ors css Seen Gon Sar 725-4541 li Mite ie istrar-General Turner | 623-2556 | 'ac thorized: Deblava mandate for state takeover of With about $5,000,000 all ring today FRED STONE Rack Ge AGES Hats, | ready spent on the project, : ae one CHRISTMAS .. . An agreement which will rooklin -- E | uebecers wou "mas- Mr. . § urther A Only $10 Down r filerko ts aoe mo FAMILY MONUMENTS ters in their own home" by studies. The Dosco operation | You deserve to buy the best FESTIVE SEASON Is the Time sought with other provinces | utomotive e Pp i. 8-3552 d d h d To Give The Finest the prosecution of all adm on the car of your choice, oe | $18 Dundos oh oi 668-35 processing Quebec ore info became the object of an | ond canhave a wide variety, Depend on @ Pierced Earrings trative or criminal offer wits inst 4B ironthe. tere REBUILT ENGINES Admission 50c ______ Whitby Ont. _| Quebec steel at a Quebec mill eight-month study, which con- | 'hosing from: Motor City Cab @ Watches under the Bankruptcy Act pay ot OVERHAUL AND "FLOWERS to he sold on a Quebec market --_tinues. @ CARPETS For Fast, Courteous @ Diamond Rings federal hands. Morl Ik | | vi Gia ck tlinatig eet hey hs @ DRAPES af OIBUR SRY IRE py ty, The Province of Quebec orley Stalker ----AorTomatic | Two Jackpots | by Locke's ee, thon: @ CORLON ee GIFT IDEAS Criininal Code related 10 b MOTORS TRANSMISSION | 52 and 57 | appropriate funeral tributes | OBITUARIES | --Hot-sheet and cold-sheet @ TORGINOL NEED A CARP plan po + Code rela 0 bi : CENTRE | | rolling mills at Contrecoeur, ® CERAMICS "Nobody knew who was 197 King West 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728- ONE MUST GO : 728-6555 | | where it also operates a com- 725-3541 GA L B R A | T H eponsiine' tor which offenc 723:6329 <= 72328311 9299. Tianunissions: ore Our OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MRS. VIOLET BARKER bination rod-and-bar mill. Is the number to remember J Mr. Turner said in an intervi -- Only Business--Repairs, Ad- ' The death occurred, Dec. 12,) | --Montreal Works, which in- over the HOLIDAY SEASON E W E L L E R S Mr. Turner added that ' justments; Exchanges, All | 500 | at the Oshawa General Hospi-| clude a bar mill, pipe mill, SHEWRING UNITED TAXI! AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA body was prosecuting crim GUS B OWN work guaranteed | IN 50 NOS OR LESS | IN MEMORIAM tal, following a lengthy sick-| wire mill, fastener plant to * BROS. LTD. 143 KING EAST AJAX --~ 942-0407 bankruptcies," even whe MOTORS JIMITED $< 3 25 | ness, of Mrs. Violet Barker of make nuts, bolts and the like he a there was evidence, under RR 3, Oshawa 35--Lost and Found $200 SOATEY Ie lien emery of aur (RPO. SHO wan in ber 67th | a. posi eet to re- | FLOOR AND WALL COVERINGS are scare jurisdictional muddle that TRA P OR DOWN. To LOST -- Gold wrist watch, 18K, "Astro , ldear father and grandfather, Clifford year. Scrap (0 steel, ¢ P | , existed. Pick pid: for "cand Cleon ISaSe ne ek areca In announced Nos Knees. whe pasted away Oecomber] | A native of Yateshite, fag) tence ores at Lesale, beietechied SATURDAY NIGHTS ELMER'S However, new arrangemé Cars, liens paid. TERMS Division Street, four corners area. Re $95. Consolotion Pri 119) Re hook of lite there are mem- land, who was the former Vio-| & fabricating plant for build- 26 GIBBONS STREET at " ; with Quebec clearly outli Ward, Call 725-8614 sills ie | _ories let Sheard, the deceased came| ing materials. Motor City Bowling The Christmas Store responsibilities. Phone 728- 7375 Or 728- 7376 LOST -- Friday night, grey and white $10. per line both games Of the happy days we knew And recorded in love are the blessings, to Canada about 50 years ago In Ontario, Dosco has the Etobicoke Works in Toronto with Gifts Galore' "'When more than one, Bowling's MANY LIVE TODAY "47 IMPALA, sliver grey, black vinyl top female cat, near Central Park Blvd. : : i trim, V-8, automatic, power steering, North. Reward. Telephone 723-5376 Of a wonderful dad like you. and lived in Toronto for a me) es " | fun 1" radio, Cost $4,000, asking $2,875. 12,000 THREE COLOR BEAGLE No " 2276, lost $175. Jackpot aad ma iy remembered. 'soy by day, before moving to Brooklin. She} where it operates a_ wire- DISTINCTIVE 78 RICHMOND W. Got gift problems ? Drop into Of all the people who h miles. 655-3666 after 5 Be Thursday -near Bloor and Simcoe Street. ¢90 per line. $75. full card | No er lives to share was a member of St. Thomas) 2'awing plant and Canadian 723-3212 Elmer's Bargain House and ver lived in the United St 6) STUDEBAKER, cruiser, V-8 engine, $5 reward. 725-6667. _ e aad porte! But in our hearts you are always Anolican Church. Brooklin and| Pridge at Walkerville, near ACCESSORIES . see the large setection of gifts abit Bh Nar Paget bts: ig 4-door, snow tires, completely winterized, Lost -- Lady's watch, sentimental' - 20 Regular $20. Games pay there eae i fey ; | Windsor, where it operates for the whole famil nearly half -- 200,000,000 -- radio, new engine, 4,000 mile warranty. |vaiye, engraved on back "E. Y. Christ Lovingly' remembered by Lorraine, WaS formerly active in the) ,'. J and GIFTS - Y alive today. Best cash offer -- this week only! 728-\vcac" qoqs" Lost in the vicinity, of double in 17 Nos. or less | molly, Grorge, Bev, Bill and grandchild: women's work of the church. bridge-building plant. Preieen Holiday Food Aid eras eae ec 1608. owritown Oshawa. Reward. 7259271, _ Five $30. Games ren, David, Gary, Carolyn, Shick and" Dedeceaced by her husband,| _ D0SCo indicated it intends to FOR THE HOME ELMER'S OSI IASI IIIA I 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne, convertible, Lost -- Man's gold wedding band. In, : y Wilfred Barker, in 1960, Mrs.| continue operations of these @ BEDSPREADS * Srakie Telephone OoeirT tors pane Cape tans reward. Telephone Chris) Early Bird Game 7:45 p.m. /sMELKO -- In loving memory of ovr /Barker is survived by two} iStallations despite its with. | @ LAMPS TURKEYS 253 BI pe Celebrate = faa hs ft jp infant son Kevin, who passed away De 5 i | aca i ag EXTRA PRIZES --_|eiettng' on Pens" Gevahters, Mra Js king (Pog) Sawa! Pom is steel mill a | @ SICTURES | GEESE Lag + Mow Your's Ev : |_ eras tn fare" bigom on earn. BY) and Mrs. George ye ead 1968. The Nova Scotia govern. | @ ETC. DUCKS x E 1960 CHEVROLET So IWavs. remenoeced OY Oe ; De oe eae ment is to keep the Sydney All Bud : "RThe Goyest Party Ever at . automatic, $160, 1965 Dodge, automatic ther, Darren and Debbie. three sons, Frank of Toronto,| : Bis) Raga Prices. to Suit resi CAPONS MARTY'S RECORD BA x will take trade on Dodge. Telephone 725 TIMES Every Thursday Pet Brookli a Bebo mill operating for at least one CUSTOMCRAFT : ' R x 6 3402 |STELMACH tn loving memory of a| Peter of Brooklin an 0b Of] year, to April 30, 1969 Roasting' Chickens for th (\] ---- dear husband and father Alex Stelmach Pickering Beach. ? . aoe =e * "TOP " + 6) FALCON WAGON, $250, '67 aa ot the Decembe 9 No official price figure has FURNITURE S IN "POPS + Viton panel, $295, trade either: for dump Classified | hab erent aecerabnire rein Also surviving are a brother.) peep dlecinael. but ; Sidbee ¥ Also Smoked Turkeys music to suit all tostes * 5G truck or sell. Telephone 668-8180. | Sahiles Pavilion | And secret tears still fa, Edwin Sheard, Salisbury, Rho-| source indicated Quebec 1188 SIMCOE S. ond barbecued turkeys SPECIAL: All Four xe 'shawa 1964 COMET, V-8, 4way, positraction | 5 eT I ane 2p oe desia; 17 grandchildren and 24) thi i 4 728-7271 upon order MONKEY'S Albi % Telephone 668-8554 ACTION | |t Necpon wt syne Katee thinks it can buy the whole EU INS 20 lio AA ums % diehla EEN EEE SD | , great-grandchildren. | Dosco Shebang i i 35% SIMCOE NORTH Hod DODGE 'coach, moter end body. In BUSES LEAVING | al ck ag® ALI con Swnleer The funeral service will be} ince for al i hs ee hg el LiTZ POULTRY 723-0731 Telephone 728-1773 ADS | FOUR CORNERS AT | Sheer up and carry on held at the Robinson Funeral) $100,000, 000. " jept. for rent ad In The Tim 117 BLOOR E 0 se 5 CHEVROLET Super Sport, V-8 aule | | Each time | see your picture, {Chapel, Brooklin, at 2 .p.m.,|--------_____ Te . SHAWA FLYING CLUB matic, vinyl roof, bucket seats, 1968 | 7:00 ond 7:15 P.M. | You seem to smile and say ; ; | 723-4722 For the S| tre tb aoe : Don' y ly sl Dec. 14, Interment will be in 2 : r the Special Person on your forth, Whitby. 6586888" bad eg hiss for | ( lL Wencanesrcenein sameey. | Groveside Cemetery. Rev. J. T.. NEW APPOINTMENT |Gifts for Her Christmas list, give him or her THE Children: under 16 Not Admitted! Lovingly remembered and sadly mis- ' CORNWALL Ont. (CP) --| a fil f $10 DOWN delivers 1962 Mercury Mon d by wife Anne and family. Pryce, rector of St. Thomas 4 | ying gift certificate for as ferey V-8 automatic with radio. Bob RESULTS ond Returning after Bingo paints J -- Church, will conduct. the Paul J. Vale has been appointed P. TURKEYS low as $5, Hobbs Motors, 146 Brock North, Whitby =| LASTING TRIBUTE. © uy ' assistant public relations officer epbidbbed hd @ Private and Commercial SPRU 668-6889 d dignit | service, | her heart with a! a ERS HADASSAH | For permanence and dignity for Ontario Hydro's eastern re-| - - tech cut flowers, plonts CAPONS Flying Training i' or ardiop, 3 we sugges " an D7 axiras, Telephone T8554" anvtine, Teleph | RUMMAGE. SALE MOUNT LAWN TUNER OLCOF. Seino Heol cis ie tee | Metdl arrencements Ore a peta nge "ees Mal i xiras. Telephone 725-5342 anytime. | pnone | MEMORIAL. PARK MICHAEL J. GULKA jat Hydro's head office in Toron- FRANK HOAG '0 Municipal Airport $10 DOWN delivers '62 Falcon station| j THURS. DEC. 14 BRONZE MEMORIALS Mass for Michael Gulka,|to, will be based here and will Jordon Florists Rossland Rd. West 728-1626 rl Excellent ag Nig BE) 723-349? | r 9:30 am For courteous advice please |who' died Dec. 9, at his resi-jbe in charge of public relations Oshawa: " 725-6837 a SARE Finice oa a | 144 KING ST. E | visit the Pork Office. ldence, 640 Gorvale Crescent, in|at the R. H. Saunders generat- 728-9443 DRUM CITY sats any Hees Ged eiaan "condition, | f HW other d ' : good scletine, lovely new | 723-2633 this 48th year, was sung in St.|ing station. | - TORONTO $550 or best offer. Telephone 723-5596 or all other departments | upholstery remnants | [Gregory's Roman Catholic EXPO STILL DRAWS \Trees and Tri ; as Be nal ibd Leda Rs ahd rhs bd a 4 s rim IKE et RAN OLE Nien wh Tee 723-3474 4 |Church at 10 a.m., Dec. 12. | MONTREAL (CP) -- In 10) » aes. 250 DRUMS SET WHITBY ae agg asa mae hep SOCIAL BINGO - (CARD OF THANKS The mass was sung by the|days 50,000 people streamed | cyiyyy, ; cneose from, All makes H AER hl HEL on ER DR EO S johns Hall |Rt. Rev, Monsignor P aul|through Montreal's downtown|Gn iirscet ork, South et Hillside, Fresh Phone 668-3311 new oe ie 'é2 IMPALA | convertible, "bucket sets: Qnern Monday - Friday | Pesaleld ol die |GANAM -- 1 wish to express sincere|Dwyer: Interment was in/Cinema Bonaventure where the/ Sprayed and delivered. 728-7288, 723-7088. For details on Gift Packs eg OTE Phage! RESERVATIONS pl rsseleg ' an lo ephone 8-00 to 5:00 Corner Simcoe and Bloor thanks to friends, neighbors and rela- Resurrection Cemetery. drawing card was a program of SHRISTMAS TREES, pNo 1 Spruce, of SELECT APPLES £ e ie ives for their ki ressions of § . ; ' ' " ine trees, plantation grown, Fs ns 1958 METEOR iwo door, imitation hard seid bea tg ait Wed., Dec. 13 Ban WGrHe Gi, chanel. Mer pacernty ol The pallbearers mere Jake/films on Expo. Montrealers 501 a" ates Free delivery, 309, RED WING ORCHARDS FULL TIME SALESMAN, esse a 668-3386 fop, six cylinder, standard. Motor in ex- a loving wife. Also many thanks to Rev-/ Reuter, William Adam, Gordon|were able to see films they Bloor St; E. 723-228). 3492 today. ig ie ee et a Saturday 8 P.M grend J. C Higginson and Mclntesh-/ Elliott, Jack Strank, John Mc-|missed or just wanted to see in r ret e. xy a ony } 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. | Lunch served Everyone welcome [2727 FU"*"2! 21°" vainm paham,/Mullen and Vincent' Mena. |again--absolutely free, " A &. < ry q re = pore " poe .

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