4 { council represents ahout local privincial and na- organizations. It is non an and has no religious af- on. alates (EST Custom and Ready Made RAPES e latest Shodes and ve 6 MO ale Goods & Draperies CPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 pping et Our Store" res. . Birks Gift kaged in gned ry be redeemea ony Birks store m Coast to Coot CENTRE EA. > eee tmeas"' WASHER to the whole family? puch more then just » time clone it saves be spent in so many ng @ Kitchen Aid -- tion . . . and let us for you? There are built-ins, portables, er-sink combinations 1 decor and fit your his year too ! rs by Hobart ,. see them here ances TD. 1. 725-5332 ois Group of mothers calling themselves Seven from the Sauerkraut on Heidleberg, str Ont., bash out their tunes an assortment of in- ruments that seems odd Sauerkraut Seven Swing With An Unusual Sound | HEIDELBERG, Ont, (CP) --, Most valuable player may be cats." Heidelberg's answer to the|Mrs. Andrew Moore. Her drum Mamas and the Papas is the|doubles as the group's instru- more often if their fans had Sauerkraut Seven. Mamas| ment storage case. It is actually their way. The Sauerkraut every one, they play an assort-a large cardboard box. Right|seven always play for fun, not ment of instruments unusual /side up it's for storage, upside for pay, but they've had to limit even in these days of the Ser-|down it's a drum. geant Pepper sound. Mrs. Moore has a foot pedal|time. The Seven were formed to en-|from a real drum attached to it tertain at a mother-and-daugh-land for variation in sound uses|oldtime ter dinner at the Heidelberg Lu- theran Church and were named in an impromptu by their emcee and pastor. Viola. Ziegler, one of three) Mrs. grandmothers plays the glasses. Her nine-/Schlueter a toy trombone and a glass keyboard offers a full oc-|tambourine. The third grand- tave plus an F-sharp and B-fiat |mother, Mrs. Its pitch is controlled by the|step-dances when the weight of the glasses and the|calls for it. introduction in the group, |banj a small wooden pencil case and/tunes, with a sprinkling of cha- part of a cardboard tambourine.!chas and jigs. There's Some- GRANDMA DANCES Milton Sachs plays a o-ukelele and Mrs, Gordon Schlueter, also music water level in them, Mrs. Zieg-| The Seven's pianist is Mrs. ler uses two spoons as ham-|Leonard Smythe, who is also or- mers. \gani st for the Heidelberg and "If someone took a drink, you) Erbsville Lutheran Churches. can see we'd der, a versatile grandmother. sound a little Their violinist, Mrs. Howard laugh at us and we try not to| e flat," says Mrs. Harry Schnei-|Zinkann, has only recently|embarrass them too much." | begun to play again after a) 2 Mrs. Schneider plays the/number of years. cymbals, is equally handy with} "I maracas or a kazoo, and acts aSiyears ago, but the Seven's announcer. THE MAN'S HEART IS THROUGH OUR FRONT DOOR took a few lessons about 45 haven't done {anything since then. WAY TO A MEN'S WEAR LTD. Va LADIES .. . VISIT OUR GlFT BAR... @ Never Press Sport Shirts Styled and Imported by Black's Shirts by Forsythe and Hathaway [ isis | OSHAWA'S FOREMOST FINE CLOTHIER Sportswear by Jantzen Handsome TV Gowns Shoes by Slater Hats by Dobbs Gift Certificates Colognes by Jade East, Brut and Ceoser Sweaters by Gio Paoli, Tony Day, Jay Berma Cuff Link Sets styled by Black's Boy's Weor --- Complete Selection MEN'S WEAR LTD. ESTABLISHED 1924 SATURDAY 'TIL 6 P.M. OPEN EVERY NIGHT | With Energy And Education | By ROBERTA ROESCH ;question about women taking perceive | One of the questions I like to/full advantage of all their op- \field is: "Do women take ad- jvantage today of the good op- | portunities they have?" its many facets. 'This practical "expert" on advantage of. |girls and women is not only a "As we work with them, we | fications two sons. An adjunct associate : ! s : | Others have the feeling they can] Opportunity Knocks For Women| init ss men trousn meer of those who feel this way ac-|about working in occupational | tually come from a background|areas which have traditionally! jwhich would give them greater|been classified as flexibility than they can now | "In general,' Dr. Westervelt jdiscuss with authorities in the|portunities with both a 'yes' and| continued, "I'd be inclined to|that we need to encourage both a 'no,'" Dr. Westervelt told me.|say that many of today's| business and women to be more "Most of them, I find, want to| women who want to add some-|!Magindtive and flexible in Z add something to their lives./thing to their lives cannot for-;Scheduling the work hours and the 1960s. "Young citizens 21-22 The latest person I talked this| 'They want to feel they are using mulate specific goals for work | °PPortunities that could be han- inches long and weighing 8.8 question over with is Dr. Esther life 'well. But at the same time |outside of their homes, not only "ed by the nation's womanpow- pounds or more do not surprise |M. Westervelt, who is well qual-'many of them also have more because they are not quite sure &T- ified to discuss the subject in all/educational and vocational op-/about work opportunities but THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 12, 1967 17 work.' professor of education, Depart. | ment of Guidance and Student \Personnel Administration, | | Teachers College, at N.Y.'s Co-| lumbia University, Dr. Wester-| velt is also director of the New) York Guidance Center for! Women in Suffern, New York. | The centre, where I talked with her, is affiliated with near- by Rockland Community Col- lege and is the first state-sup- ported department of its kind \Its purpose is to help women of | levery age, aspiration and edu cational background to explore jtheir needs fo continuing edu- jcation or retraining for volun- teer or part-time or full-timé paid employment. Its profes- Jsionally trained staff offers free individual and group guid ance and counseling; vocational and educational testing at a moderate fee (when clients are able to pay for it); extensive li | brary facilities; group guidance worshops; and career informa- tion sessions. : POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE a drum which doubles as "From my personal observa- == the group's storage case tions in my work with women, I (CP Photo) would have to answer your S KopaAK INsTA- BE MATIC* 104 Color 2=>--"- Outfit makes a fine gift. even in an age of sitar variations, Instruments range from a_ nine-glass, tumbler offering a fulf : y Salle Si alah LS a eee octave plus an F-sharp, to Camera is instant-loading and is quick into action, just aim and shoot. Com- plete outfit, with everything you need to start taking color pictures, less than $25. 'We have the most fun when we're practising by ourselves.| ¢ ° When we get out on stage we're just a bunch of real nervous They would get out on stage their engagements because of Their repertoire ranges from favorites to current thing about a Home Town Band,} their first opening number, is their theme. They appear in centennial costume, and all the hats are authentic antiques. "Along with us," quips a} member. | What do their husbands, their| 16 children and 14 grand chil-| dren think of their musical ca-| reer? Mrs, Zinkann says, "They just} Kopak INsTAMATIC 304 Camera has electric eye exposure. Instant-loading with added automatic features for ease in picture-taking. Complete color outfit with camera, Kodacolor film, flashcube and bat- teries, Less than $66, NAVY RUM PALM BREEZE RUM WHITE GOLD RUM A Kodak Instamatic color outfit is a beautiful way to remember someone at Christmas, All Kodak Instamatic still cameras load instantly, take color slides, color snapshots or black-and-white snapshots and use pop-on flashcubes. Kodak Instamatic movie 'women's ments of 3.000 newborn Moscov- "Summing things up, I'd add showed why layettes were sell- "And, also, speaking from my !onger," Tass news agency said, portunities than they are taking also because they cannot objec- own experience, a tively appraise their own quali-|girls and women who want toiness to work hard. If they are i We find that when|take advantage of today's op-| married |Dr. but a Mrs. and she is the sense that some of them have a\they give any thought to their portunities need energy, educa- their mother of two daughters and/fear of where they will fit in.laspirations, they tend to think tion a that nd training and a willing-!must be for them." 1 BIG BABIES MOSCOW (AP) -- MéBsure- . ite babies in recent months ing poorly. The garments didn't fit the bigger Russian babies of doctors in maternity homes any and have children, husbands and families easy to load and easy to handle. Just one simple set- ting for perfect movies. Battery powered. Less than $48. Camera only, less than $40. super 8 movies. Quiet running and self-threading, the Kodak M50 movie projector gives you sharp screen movies and comes with a 200-foot take up reel. Less than $81. You can never have too much dependable Kodak film at Christmas. Be sure to have plenty for all the memories you'll want to keep, and for "special" stocking gifts. CD = = -- & cameras load instantly and take big, bright supef 8 movies. Prices are subject to change tothout notice *INSTAMATIC is a registered trademark in Canada of Canadian Kodak Co., Limited. Kopak INSTAMATIC M12 Movie Outfit including super 8 film and batteries. Palm-size camera, Kopak INSTAMA- Tic M50 Movie Projector. A compact, low priced projector designed to take full advantage of the 50% greater picture area of "This Year Give The Gift That Clicks" KODAK Available From These Local.Dealers EAT | OSHAWA IN | AVAILABLE AT KARN'S DRUGS "Your Camera Headquarters" 28 KING ST. EAST -- OSHAWA | 723-4621 AVAILABLE AT NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE Photography Is Our Only Business" 251 KING EAST, OSHAWA 728-1619 AVAILABLE AT MITCHELL'S 'TIL 9 P.M. |OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 102 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY, PHONE 668-8867 FOR RESERVATIONS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE DRUGS (Oshawa) LTD. 9 SIMCOE NORTH -- OSHAWA 723-3431 AVAILABLE AT JAMIESON'S DRUGS 241 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA 725-1169 |25 KING ST. E. CALL FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS AVAILABLE AT MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE ai mowcroret JURY & LOVELL '6%4 PRINCE ST. (North of King) | LIMITED "For Everything Photographic" WHITBY-OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE MITCHELL and WAITE OSHAWA 728-7395 Listen To 'Travel Topics' on CKQS-FM. Every Friday Evening from 8 P.M. till 9 P.M. | AVAILABLE AT K-MART ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 : Between Whitby and Oshawa A Division of S. S. Kresge Company Ltd.