Opens sing e premiers' Confedera- Tomorrow conference ks ago in Toronto. ick of adequate housing onable cost in the na- ities will be the main pation of the conference. genda also includes pol- nd transportation prob- nd the question of the ; that inter-government tion must take to deal yan development. U ARE NOW TAKING TIVE ONCE, TWICE or EE TIMES A WEEK you sHouLp Buy MR TODAM axative Tablet with the ENTLE DIFFERENCE ntle-acting Nt... Nature's ! There is no letdown, no rtable after-feeling. Nt is .getable laxative. For over , Nt has been giving folks . effective relief overnight, seit M tonight... | tomorrow alright! Helps you feel better «+ and look better! , CHOCOLATE COATED + JUNIORS Epub Ree el ONO RS HRT so | Firat Lady "Kt | Dainty case. Three | diamonds. 17 jewels. 95 | Faceted erystal. . in yellow specsy; In white sseo7w. $72.95 MS. DIT ELLERS oe St. South BER Ist Hid DOESNT FIND THEM, O2 THEIR MINT-SilB, eee > f HAMon BUT HERES BUDS 0% ¢ SONAR. STRANGE!..6 BON AND A SPEARGUN t ux hope | it mn | enterto uavana Harber, OH, YES, NO-AS A He PAID IT OFF! pace THOLD A MATTER THERE'S A MORTGAG Ws MR. Rete) Wis susinese> \ TCCY hci ag | [see ¥% if. PROBABLY Hers /! SEND \ . TO BEG FOR jf HIM aa i MORE TIME TO/(IN, SiR. 44 PAY IT E : =\ -- = ' 3 on =) x f z =: f | i z ps { a a | - | T. PETE FLINT, PROPELLED BY A SPARE SDV, "|i GOES IN SEARCH OF BUZ AND RED... | dp a ~ ° | ~~ YOU CAN TRY ON THOSE j= PANTS IN THAT. | -- DRESSING ROOM, ) | IMR, BUMSTEAD j-s : | i | Pe (=) \| B | = co | ba A) Hi =] 1 i } led | NS sera A ®/ --AN' WHILE TIED TO FOUR WAKE UP DEA! MARI ? RIP 7, INFOORIATED MULES, AH-olcH! ) Yo'IS MINE. ~AN! TH INCREDIBLE! i HE PRONOUNCES THIS DOOMED WHAT IS EVEN SO HE'S SAFE// 27-DOLLAR | \ YOKUM BOY, AN' THIS FILTHY J/ SADDER--AH IS - GUT MOST ADEPT AT WEDDING 4 CORNPONESTWIN ==" 4 3 YOR'N!! YO'KIN THUNDERS ¢ MAN AN-cRo4n" WIFE JZ /( -uSH" KISS MES" on the missile TOITS fy: He conference. cumax- 1 S LI'L ABNER SECRET AGENT X9 INTRODUCE... TosHu! BUT MOST ADEPT AT KARATE! NOW, IF YOU CAN GET YOUR WIFE TO CO-OPER- ATE WITH US, ANOTHER SUCH DEMONSTRATION WON'T BE NECESSARY. THATS HIM, SHERIFF! HE SHOT JO! FINCH WITH TAAL THAT prac HOWEVER, SHOULD THERE BE OPPOSITION, TOSHU | WILL PEFORM ff AGAIN } @ TREMENDOUS SAVINGS @ G.M.A.C, FINANCING Discover Canada's newest outd oor sport - Go Wide-Iracking Pontiac WE HAVE REDHOT BUYS FOR THE COLD WINTER SEASON ON '68 PONTIACS The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. WIDE CHOICE OF MODELS HENRY JULIET JONES sonaree Syedicatn. Inc, 1967, World tghes toemrved q THE TROUBLE WITH ALARM me Sacmee=| CLOCKS 19-- THEY MAY WAKE YOU UP ON TIME, BUT THEY COP OUT IN THE GETTING- AS EVE RACES FOR HER BUS, SHE HAS THE UNCOMFORTABLE FEELING THAT SHE 1S BEING STARED AT... YOU-TO- WORK -ON-TIME DEPARTMENT! SEE YOU LATER, SKEETS/ HI, MINNIE = 2/M PICKING UP MORTY AT SCHOOL} : UM GOING "TO THE LIBRARY. MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER THIS IS LIKE OLD TIMES! VM WHEN I BABY-SIT WITH A LIVELY ONE LIKE LITTLE LEROY..,, I DID MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY... THE WEEK AFTER HALLOWEEN ! .» THEY WERE ALL UP BEFORE I DID NG ¢ 6--Rocket Robin Hood 4--Perry Mason aentneie 12--Flintstones 7--News é--Let's Go Lands and Seas 6:00 P.M, 12--News, Weather, ports Si 1--Pierre Berten 8--How's Business 7--Movie oe Morning World jews, Weather, Sports 6:30 PLM, 12--Ironside 1i--Rat Patrol 4--News 3-6-9--News, Weather, rts Po 24--News Bad 7: .M, 1l--Celebrity Billiards 9--Second Hundred ears &--True Adventure $--Day It Is 4--Honeymooners 3--Accidental Family 2--News, Weather, Sports 7:30 P.M, 11--Braithwalte 9--Lucille Ball 2-8--Monkees 7--Cowboy in Africa 4--National Geographic 3-6--Don Messer 8:00 P.M, iMovie 9--Bewitched 3-6-12--Danny Thomas 2-8--Nancy Sinatra 8:30 P.M, 9--Family Aftair 7--Rat Patrol 4--Lucille Ball 9:00 PLM, 9%~--Country Music Hall 8--Danny Thomas 7--Felony Squad 4--Andy. Griffith 2---Movie | 2-3-4-6-7-8-9-11-12 $--Truth or Consequences | | %--Dialing Fer | #-2--Cencentration Weather, Sports 11.10 PLM, | 1l--Plerre Berton 1.20 P.Naee™ Viewpoint 11:25 P.M, é--News weather, and Sports 11:38 PLM. T--Mevie 4--Movie 2-8--Johnny Carsen 135 PLM, 3--Dragnet 1 1)--Hot Line | %--Perry's Probe | 6-Movie 11.45 FM, 12--Movie | 12:30 A.M. | 11---Mark Saber | TUESDAY | 8:00 A.M, 1--Schnitzel_ House 4--Captain Kangaree : M §: »M. %--University of the Air 6:55 A.M. Virginia G 4: 200 A.M. 12--Ed Allen Time 1i--Ed Allen Time %--Romper Reem &--Crossfire | 3--Good Morning 2--Pat Boone 9:30 A.M. 9--Meta 3-6-11-12--Ontario Schools 4--Love of Life 708 A.M, 11--Movie | 9--Uncle Bobby | 3-612--Canadian Schools 130 A.M, 7--Family Game 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant CROSSWORD 4+--News | 7--Meney Mevie 6--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, Sports 12.10 P.M. 3--Super Heroes 12:8 P.M, 11--Photo -Finish 4--Eye Guess 4-4-6-12--Search for Te- morrow Merv Griffin 12:45 P.M, 3-4-6-12Guiding Light 1:00 PLM, 12--Movie 1l--Mike Douglas 9--Mevie &--Dialing for @eliars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive 4--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers ake a Deal P.M, 7--Newlywed, Game 6-4--Love Is A Many Splendored Thing | #8--Days ef Our Lives 2:30 P.M. 12--Calendar 1--P | ~Perry Mason 9--Poople in Confliet 7--Dream G' irl n Street 3:00 PLM. | %~Magistrate's Court $-2--Another Werld 7--General Hospital @ Tell The Truth 4 3-6-12--Take 0 3:25 P.M, | 9--It's Yeur Move | 7--Commander Tem | 3-4-612--Edge ef Night | 28---Yeu Den't Say AOROSS 46, Dutch 21. Beiges 1, Simba painter ~ 23, Exclude ff and 47. Scepters 25. Swiss Cougar DOWN river 6. Tibetan 1.Boundary = 9g. 'rum. is prieats 2, Silly "blers . Shore 3. Bulgi )i recess 4, ate ne 27. Parapet IS|O}A\ 12, Worship 5, Delayed Be Shey LBISIE IN] 13.Mediter- 6, Ancient ay ranean language th island 7. Beverage ' Batardsy's Anower 14, Rips 8. Land Clyde 15. Mi Clai si 30. Male tina. oe sib- oT, Fragrant . patana Jericho ling: wood 18, Wager 9.Unpaid debt abbr, 39, Bearing 19, Tellurium: 10-Six-line -- 33, Pul- 41. Pose aym. stanzas grim Gynt's 20. Flat service 17. Audience settler mother 22.G.Russell 20.Remains 34.Blanched 43. Turkish ; pen name undecided 35.Chasm title 3, Mi gaat Y je 7s 1* 7 Ts ]9 Jo 24, Wagon Ys 26. Exalted L Y 28, Lawn < YO 29, Fat : 30. B LAs indistinct '|S ae YZA"® 31.P " 4 Les of'to fs 7720 ai" 77yee 32, Namesakes LA Li of ZY Y 23 Y 24 [25 FDR's Z Li 4 mother , cl ba WY 34, Father 4 36. Resort ae Gia WGN 38, Spanish ai 4 Li article By Y ee te Y ele 39. Queen of A 7, Ld Fairies ee ae "yy" 40. Menu item 40 ai 7, Ye 42, Merrily Oval 44, Appearing 4 asif eaten = WY kag 45. S-shaped mold- oe WY al ings re Turns 266 KING ST. W. 723-4634 THI 16 MY GREATEST | WELL oe THIS 16 THE THRO Spy et) i 28% )]| TELEVISION LOG HUBERT CONTROL HE HAD A CHANCE BEEN RAINED OUT// i WEATHER / 10 TRY IT \ Channel 2--Buttao | 34612--Front Page Chal: | 11:0 AM. paprey ee a =n OUT YET... M nel 4--Burfate ees, 12--Romper Room -- AND THEN WE HAVE UNCLE FRED, A : 31 | Shanpetcigacrerente qatar Perea | ha AUNT JANE, COUSIN BILL, AUNT o E Channel 7--Buffalo | 7--Peyton Place 7--Temptation ca ~ Channel 8--Rochester 4--America 4--Andy Griffith =| Channel t¥--Hemilten Mite a nape vu ne | 3 M. b Channel 12--Peterborough : UL ad tig --Marriage 2 MONDAY EVENING eat ay Pavel he 10 PM, | ars, bal add " 7- oni Your Mother- eto ete his | ree PM. 24-Hiollywoed Squares titre 9--Canada_101 4--Diek Van" Dyke Shew Mr, Ed | pee" 3-12--Ni Weathi 7--Flintstones 10 2M. fe i ie THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 11, 1967 19 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters Individual Championship Play) FAMOUS HANDS North dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH } OQI743 95 ty -- #KQJ1092 EAST ee 410852 AKQI1083 64 AKQ1084 o1953 a 863 SOUTH AK96 WEST kt eew 4 v 7 a an 2 754 The bidding: North East South Wes! Pass Pass 16 Dble 46 Pass Pass 59 5@ Pass Pass 69 Passe Pass Dble Redbile Pass Pass 64 7 Pass Pass 76 Dble Opening lead -- king of dia monds When I asked Osward Jacoby for a hand, he came up with this humdinger. The deal oc- curred in a rubber bridge game in St. Louis many years ago. |Jacoby was South. The action |started tamely enough when he bid a spade West was gazing at a cold grand slam in his own hand, but whether he adopted the best jstrategy by making a takeout |double, or whether his later bids |were tactically sound, is surely jopen to question The one bid West made to which I would take exception was his redouble of six hearts. \Here he tipped his mitt unne- cessarily. Thirteen - trick hands are scarcer than hen's teeth, land it's better to tread deli- cately with them. Jacoby got scared of his dou- \ble and ran to six spades when jhe learned he had made a mis- take, When west now bid seven jhearts, which North passed, Jacoby concluded that West had 113 red ones. Accordingly, he bid jseven spades -- as a sacrifice, | But again he was mistaken. jt turned out to be no sacrifice, |He made the grand slam! | The play was spectacular. Ja- coby ruffed the diamond lead \(an unlucky choice) in dummy |with the queen, led the three of spades, and when: East played the deuce, finessed the six! He then trumped a diamond low in dummy .and finessed ithe nine of spades. He next ruffed another dia- mond with dummy's last trump, the jack, came back to his hand with a club, and drew East's remaining trumps with the A-K, discarding two hearts from dummy. Dummy's clubs took the rest of the tricks, and West was @ sadder but wiser man when the amazing result was scored, Note that if dummy ruffs the opening lead with the three de-,, clarer goes down against proper defense. SPORT BRIEFS U.S, BOWLER WINS PARIS (CP-AP) -- Jack Con- naughton of the United States overcame a first-frame split Thursday and went on to defeat Kazuo Hayashi of Japan 195-172 for the third international mase ters bowling championship. Hayashi finished second, fole YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: I am 49 and have not menstruated for a lit- tle over a year. Can you tell me if I can become pregnant?-- Mrs. W. T. : And similar letters from women who are 48, 51, 52, 56, 47 and you name the age. The question of pregnancy after about 45 is a bugbear to many women, and they want somebody--namely me, a good deal of the time--to give them a positive answer. It isn't solely a question of deal to do with it. There are authentic cases of women from 50 to 52 bearing healthy babies, but it doesn't happen often. There have been other cases in which women were not sure of their age. Birth records were lost or. destroyed. There have been still other cases in which women, claiming to be past 50, have admitted on careful quiz- zing that they were younger than they said--possibly the one circumstance in which women seem to be tempted to fib about their age in that direction! As women approach 50, fertili- ty is reduced, so pregnancy is unlikely. After 50, chance of conception is negligible (al- though not impossible). MAY BECOME PREGNANT Rather than trying to judge by age alone, the better way is to be guided by cessation of menstrual periods. Since some, although not many, women still mensturate at the age of 50 or 52, there may be some chance, although small, that they can become pregnant. But it is likewise generally ac- cepted that when menstruation has ceased, when there has not been a period for a year, preg- Chance Of Pregnancy Slight After Fifty By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD No one can say that it is im-|2° 05 : possible, because some rare and sone ew | falls 33 over the extraordinary exceptions anight/? i eee age, although age has a good| occur, but I don't know that it think, is the most positive frequent question. Dear Dr. Molner: All my re- cords show that I have brown eyes but about two months ago blue. What would cause a per-| son's eyes to change color?--| L.G. Changing eye color is not common but it can occur. The cause usually is a type of iritis (the iris of the eye being affect- ed). I suggest that you have a detailed examination by an eye specialist. Dear Dr. Molner: [ notice that doctors are still recom- mending buttermilk to people who are concerned about being overweight, intimating that there is almost the same num- ber of calories as in skim milk, therefore better than whole milk. I had understood other- wise.--Mrs. C. R. According to my figures, both skim milk and buttermilk con- tain a trace of fat and about 90 calories per cul; a cup of whole milk has about nine grams of fat and 160 calories. Hence but- termilk or skim' milk is prefera- ble to whole milk for a calorie- counter. Note to P.C.: Pressure inside the eye can vary but 20 is re- garded as the upper limit of normal, After that, one suspects glaucoma. Your reading, at the upper limit, led to the warning of "borderline glaucoma." Your medication brought the pressure down, and it stayed down even nancy is so unlikely as to be -- beyond expectation. after medication was stopped. Thus you have reason to be 6 lowed in order by Lino Braghie- ri of Italy ahd Rene Ferrie of France. TEXAN GRABS LEAD LAFAYETTE, La. (AP) -- Jack Montgomery tamed the Oakbourne Country Club course Thursday with an eight-under- par 64 and grabbed the first- round lead in the $35,000 Cajun Classic golf tournament, The 26-year-old Texan had eight bir- FOOTBALL 'STRIKE' OFF has ever happened. And that, I) NORFOLK, Va. (AP) -- After a closed-door meeting which answer that can be given to this|Jasted nearly two hours,. Norfolk {Neptunes ended their strike \threat Thursday night and re- | turned to planning for the Conti- Inental Football League's east- Jern championship playoff with I noticed that they are mostly|Orland here Sunday. ® PRESIDENT GOES ON MEXICO CITY (AP) -- War- ren Giles was re-elected presi- {dent of the National League Thursday for a one-year term at his own request, terminating in 1969. His current contract will jexpire next year. The extension lof. Giles' contract will give him |the longest term of office in Na- tional League history, 19 years. QUEENIE "How about a little less blah- " blah-blah, and a little more rah-rah-rah?" thankful--but glaucoma can be treacherous, so if I were you, I would have the pressure checked at, say, six-month in- tervals.