Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1967, p. 5

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TTT TET IX OF 10 LIVING OPINION part, for the adults (65%) done more to '%) than men 4 gone hi i) women (6 ernment, y other region ts. Quebec is ritizens in On- sve done jou think hich =the le Female b 62% 18 20 Ae rio West b 69% 18 13 5 100% eee tives lians tail beacon on 0 the $42,000,000 Centre in Otta- Man., residents 4§7 by burning es to celebrate their centennial he lions of centen- vere stamped on m $1 bills to the ightened boule- the land. was the symbol that some con- the look-alike id on Israel's nks during the yar. ckvork proces- visitors ticked nadians them- d so enthusias- 'lines and trains it to carry the ouths who have red centennial 64 included 100 ren brought to jummer in one ir first glimpse s walked for- ekwards to orses and cov- pedalled bicy- ed canoes, even hairs. 10 couldn't trav- ial was brought e Confederation ht caravans of ig historic dis- Pan-American innipeg to the otest at St. nadians compet- and challenged. majestic bal- nployed in one prairie skies, ish Columbians ir navigational orized bathtubs, UNTAINS 5 named un- in the Yukon 'incés and can- d 3,500 miler to Montreal in the voyageur d 50,000,000 ad- le pace for the unprecedented 70,000 people Parliament Hill rk the anniver- ada's travelling ig from Don New York Phil- drew overflow ady established 'al government icipation in the of this com- ording to a re- to it by its ex- lization would ster Pepin and sr MacEachen 1e social aspect requires ener- ion of the cén- 18 the thoughts of sters, this obli- _ mean the fed- it must acquire phant" of Syd- 'thing indicates ty of the mem- n's cabinet do intervention to dangerous th would force to the help of es. -- Hector ) & SELLS & CO. Ss amilton slgary incouver Great Britain orld 728-7527 FATAL TRIP TO WHITBY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, December 9, 1967 § 1867 NEWSPAPER STORY Woman Died After Being Found Half Frozen A woman died from exposure {n Whitby on Dec. 18, 1867 be- cause no one would give her shelter. A horseman traced _ foot tracks from a bundle he saw in the snow to a woman who was nearly frozen and on her way to Whitby. The Oshawa Vindicator, a forerunner of The Times, says the rider could not help her because "'she was 80 benumbed." He notified a man called "'Con- stable Campbell" when he reached Whitby and the officer set out at once to find the dis- tressed woman. She was speechless when he found her and as they were not far from a hotel named Gads- by's - the constable tried to get her a room in the inn. LANDLADY REFUSED The landlady refused to allow the woman to enter the hotel because "she was colored," says The Vindicator. "The constable, instead of compelling the heart- less landlady to keep her," said the editor of The Vindicator, "procurred a cutter, put the half dead creature in it and he and. an assistant dragged her in it for two hours through the piercing cold of that bitter night about the street of Whitby, seek- ing to obtain some place of shelter." It was nearly midnight and about six hours after the rider had found the woman in the snow, before officials found a room, They called for the doctor but by this time the woman was "almost frozen solid," said the paper. "He tried every rem- ~ but she died before morn- g. The Vindicator called it an "utter absence of common sense and Christian charity" and the paper questioned that such an incident could occur "'in our civ- ilization."" "In the centre of a town, a human being, and that a wom- an, freezes to death because no one would take her in." HOME SEARCH A later report in The Vindi- cator says the woman's name was Johnson and that she had lived east-of-Oshawa near the lakeshore before moving ues Whitby. She searched for @ home in Whitby for eight weeks before finding accommodation in the home of a Whitby bar- ber, The Vindicator says. She left the town a short time afterwards and stayed in an In- dian camp four miles from Osh- awa. When she disappeared she was not heard of until she was found nearly frozen. Town council set up a special committee to investigate the _circumstances of her death. Clarem Girl, 16, In Accident WHITBY (Staff) -- A 16-year- old Claremont girl was killed Friday evening when she was struck by a car while walk- ing along County Road Num- ber 5, 12 miles northwest of Whitby, with her mother. Ellen Detering was killed when she was struck by a 1964 auto driven by Ross William Heron, 47, of Pickering Town- ship. The accident occurred on the County Road a mile west of Claremont. The girl's mother, Margaret Detering, 55, was also struck by the auto but received minor injuries which did not require ont Dies The accident occurred at 5:10 p.m. and, according to the in- vestigating officer, Constable Angus Way, road conditions| were good put it was dark. The} girl and her mother were wear- ing dark clothing when struck Iby the auto. 19th FATALITY Miss Detering was the 19th) | | | | Seven other accidents, all of} a minor nature, occurred in the! detachment's territory Friday| night and early Saturday morn-} hospitalization. ling. | WHITBY / AJAX PERSONALS St. John the Evangelist travelling bridge and euchre hostesses for the month of November were: Bridge, Mrs. Don Sullivan, Mrs. Olga Otten- brite, Mrs. G. Lynde, Mrs. James Mackey, Mrs. J. Good- win, Mrs. Frank Canzi, Mrs. William Holley, Mrs. G. Kac- zenowski, Mrs. Rena Butts, Mrs. El Finan, Mrs. T. Holley and Miss Marjorie Newton. Euchre: Mrs. Helen Greenfield, Mrs, Gloria St. Pierre, Mrs. Fran Ottenbrite, Mrs. P. Heitz- ner, Miss A. Barrett, Mrs. Mary Amel] and Mrs. Dora Verstogen. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women's Association annual Christmas dinner will be held Dec. 11 at the church Sunday school starting at 6:30 pri. In charge of arrangements are members of groups 2 and 4. The president of the associa- tion, Mrs. Warren Mowat, will be assisted by Mrs. Thomas Brown. Mrs. Donald Butts of Group $ will conduct the wor- ship service. St. Mark's United Church white gift services will be held Sunday when the Sunday school and the congregation will wor- ship together at the 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. services. St. Mark's United Church CGIT Christmas vesper candle- lighting ceremony will be held Sunday at 7:30 p.m, The entire congregation and friends are Church Group Ships Clothes WHITBY (Staff) -- It was re- ported at the general meeting of St. Mark's United Church Women; that 1,140 pounds of; good used clothing was sent last month to the Overseas Relief. "Keeping Christmas," read by the president Mrs. M. A. Price opened the meeting. The book on the history of St. Mark's United Church com- piled by Mrs. C. E. Broughton and Miss Florence Heard is now . P. B. Tane, introduced the speaker Neil Murkar, chair- man of the board of stewards, who explained that the work steward means (keeper), who] ~ looks after the property and affairs of another. Stewardship, said' Mr. Murkar, means we should offer to God our time, talents and money. The next United Church Wo- men annual meeting will be. held Jan. 9 at 6:30 p.m. start- cordially invited to share in} this meaningful service of wor-| ship and dedication. The Jun- ior choir will provide the music. | All Saints' Anglican Church] Afternoon Guild Christmas| meeting will be held Tuesday) in the form of a Christmas) party, The Ivory Round Dancing} held Monday at the Earl E.| Fairman school. In charge of| the evening are Mr. and Mrs.| Ray Hutchinson. Members will) bring a box lunch, | Whitby Baptist Women's So-| ciety for Christian members will Adelaide House, Oshawa, at 6| p.m. A brief meeting will fol-| low at the church, presided by Mrs. Everett Pogson. Pickering Beach Firemen's of Mrs. James Leathen, Or- holding its Christmas meeting and bazaar Monday with Mrs. James Hosiner as general con- vener. She will be assisted by Mrs. Gerry . Roberts. Home bake table, Mrs. James Mc- Connell; candy table, Mrs. Bruce O'Brien; white elephant table, Mrs. R. B, Bennett. | Mrs. H. G. Westney will lead in the Christmas carol singing. Whitby Appealing) Bylaw Variance TORONTO (Special) -- An appeal by the Town of Whitby against a decision of the Whitby committee of adjustment will be heard by the Ontario Munici- pal Board Dec. 27 in the town council chambers. The town is appealing the) committee's granting of an ap- plication by Onurb Construction Limited for a bylaw variance to provide for a reduction in total lot area, the lot being 131 square feet short of the re- quired area to construct an 11- suite apartment building at 1455 Byron St. S., in Whitby. | person to die in a highway acci-| ; dent on roads patrolled by the) Whitby OPP detachment in 1967.) Club Christmas party will be! & Service| " Monday have; } their Christmas dinner at the! g Wive's Association meeting will) . be held Monday at the home, * chard Drive, Pickering Beach.| Ajax - Pickering General ' Hospital Women's Auxiliary is): INJURED PICKERING FIREMAN HOOKS RUG (Oshawa Times Photo) Hooking a rug could be a form of therapy, or a money raising project. It is both for Thomas Adams, 2993 Lakecrescent Dr., Pickering Beach, a volunteer fireman who was seriously injured sociation and Mrs. Edgar Kaiser, (standing) treasurer. Proceeds from the rug will 5 help to provide new fire- | fighting equipment needed | by the Pickering Beach vol- unteer firefighters. |MONDAY, DEC. 11 inight; Whitby | jExplorers; | Whitby Brass Band |Auxiliary; St. \terian Women |U nit 1 and 2; /Church Women Unit 7; ter IODE; St. _|Firemen's Wives' Pickering Beach; jing Hospital iliary; Ajax Ladies' |Hockey Association; | TUESDAY, DEC, 12 Pentecostal Church People's Christ workroom; St. Church Women Unit Women's * | Whitby Chapter + |the Eastern Star; * jothy's *|Women's Guild; Ajax, 'ling, Whitby Retarded |Association board {Ajax Red Cross; |Cub Pack; Pickering }Peelers TOPS |Ladies' Pipe Band. Missionary 3 \ Whitby St. |Mark's United Church Women House of Windsor Chap- | terian Women general meeting; Ajax Royal Timothy Canadian Legion Pipe Band. Ambassadors;| Red _ Al-Anon Family Group; Whitby Club; Co-Op Credit Union bank- Whittlers TOPS Club; Shrinking) jing night: Violets TOPS Club; Red Cross pral Brigade. Mark's \Saints Anglican Church noon Guild; Pentecostal Church! People's Band. ] 248 Order Ajax St. Tim-| St. Ist Pickering Club; Ajax '| WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13 John Ambulance; St. John Nursing Cadets; Sal- vation Army Prayer and Bible | WHITBY-AJAX CALENDAR -- {Women's Association; Co-Op Credit Union banking Royal Canadian Legion Branch) Baptist Church 322 Ladies' Auxiliary; Ladies') CGIT. Andrew's .Presby- Group 4; {Mark's United Church Women St, Mark's United Salvation Army Women's Home st, THURSDAY, DEC. 14 Whitby Baptist Church Unit 5; St. teague; St. John Ambulance Cadets; 5th Cubs and Scouts! Andrew's Presby- Mothers' Auxiliary, Whitby Garden Club; Board of Di- Association |rectors Whitby Co-Op Credit Ajax-Picker- Union; St. John's Anglican) Women's Aux Ausiltaty Church Ajax Church WMS; Ajax Happ: ing Shadows TOPS Club. Young FRIDAY, DEC. 15 Cross Senior C Salvation Arm United 10; All SATURDAY, DEC. 16 After-) Salvation Army Council; of/SUNDAY, DEC. 17 Picker-|tennial Voyageurs Children | - i Senior Citizens Friendship Club; | ist Whitby Scouts; |Aiax St. Paul's United Chureh Parish Helpers; Presbyterian| Mark's United Church Hi- Presbyterian ChurechiC Group; The 7th Whitby Cen- Ajax Ajax- Cubs; | st.| y Melt- itizens'| y Tim- Young meeting; Wanted Pound Urgently required for Church Study; Whitby Kinette Club; }\Unity Club Past Nobel Grand Leck Mca Pee weeer %\(Rebekah); Royal Canadain s j | Legion Ladies' Auxillary; Ajax|| Interested Persons Please Call St. Bernadette CWL; White 668-3034 IDove Rebekah Lodge; Ajax 668-5070 St. Paul's United Church! Scout Leaders 4th Whitby Scout Troop St. Mark's United the WHITBY THE MIRISCH CORPORATION THE DAVIO SWIFT 4 PRODUCTION OF 4 ing Programs at 7 & 9 P.M. Eveni BROCK Feature Starts at 7 & 9:20 BeBe Booey eel Goma Tet Bs ed Also -- DOG SHOW and SPY SWATTER | SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS AT 1:30 yhile fighting the $65,000 fire, Sept. 7, at Bay Ridges Continental Homes factory. Mr. Adams wanted to do something for the Firemen's Association, so he offered to hook a rug. Starting on his project during the 10 weeks he was confined to bed, the rug is now com- pleted and the lucky winner will be known Dec. 13. Ad- iri 'Proving LTD. miring the 'Provincial Flow- : ers' rug with each province MONUMENTS illustrated by a flower is 668-3552 Mrs, Edward Spanger the president of the Pickering (AR) <x AGES, STAFFORD BROS. 318 DUNDAS EAST Individual Requirements Beach Firemen's -- Wife _As- : HARD WORKER A skilled workman in the Philippines scoops out 1,400 co- conut halves in an hour and 8,- 000,000 laborers there supply half the world's coconut prod- ucts. ing with a pot luck supper at the assembly hall. REMOVE BLOUSE RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) -- Brazilian political police have| confiscated a Rio store's stock] of the '"'Che Guevara blouse," a garment styled after the Sush- wear favored by the guerrilla chieftain slain in Bolivia recent- ly as an outlaw exporter of Cu-; ban-style communism, The pro-| prietor said the reason given by the police for the seizure was that Brazil has no diplomatic relations with Cuba. EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rey. Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M. WHITE GIFT SERVICES | 9:30 A.M. and 11 A.M, St. Mark's United Church Presentation of gifts for local, mis- sion, and overseas welfare. i Only people con be merciful. : Give your gift. 11:00 A.M, C.G.1.T. VESPER 7:30 P.M WORSHIP WITH US | a. ANDREW' S PRESBYTERIAN Corner eyron BE St. Rev. W. J. S. n McClure, B.A, Mr. J. R. Robertson, A.R.C.T., R.M.T., Organist 9:45 A.M.--Church School ~ovK lasses --Morning Worship Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Kindergarten and Nursery '| Care during Divine Worship Everybody Welcome John English Service and | Sunday School | 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 WHITBY BAPTIST GILBERT ST. E, at REYNOLDS | Minister; Rev. John McLeod | Organist | Mrs. W, E. Summers, A.T.C.M, 11:00 A.M.--"The | Grasshopper" }} 7:00 P.M.--"The Coward' | 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Classes for all. | Wed. 7:30 P.M. Bible Study and Prayer Excellent nursery facilities. 419 Brock Street N. CKLB -- 1350 On Your Dial @ MISS GRACE KEMP "A GREAT MISSIONARY SUNDAY" REV. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister MISSIONARY SERVICES 9:15 A.M.--"FAITH TIDINGS" RADIO BROADCAST 9:45 A.M.--OPEN SESSION IN BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M.--MISSIONARY SPEAKERS @ REV. JACK BROTHERTON Serving under the Sudan United Mission, Africa. Beautiful Kodachrome Pictures at the Evening Service. WEDNESDAY EVE., 8:00 P.M. PRAYER, PRAISE AND PASTOR'S BIBLE CLASS STUDYING FIRST JOHN, "There's Alwoys A Welcome At Faith' @ Sales ond Service for Snowmobiles @ Snack Ber on the Premises @ Storage Service fs Aveilable @ Gos and Oil Supplied SNOWMOBILE RENTALS Want to know where you can have fun and enjoy- ment with the entire family this winter ? hs Goreski's Winter oo ere now being taken for Summer Boat Slipsp-- Resor! Is The Place! Located at Club Annrene on Scugog Island at Port Perry : % Hour, Hourly & Daily Rates INQUIRE ABOUT OUR RATES There is room for 100 boots beside the Marina Goreski's Winter Resort Located at Club Annrene on Scugog Island at Port Perry For Information Phone 723-5731 or 985-3008 EARLY WEEK MONDAY - DEC. Ilth TUESDAY -- DEC. 12th WEDNESDAY -- DEC. 13th Money Saving Features -- AT -- ONTARIO NO. 1 SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS » 69° "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" RICHMELLO ICE CREAM SAVE 169 Vo Gal. 71y CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK 16 oz. Tins "2 33° "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" HILLTOP TEA BAGS Pkg. of 100 39 KRAFT -- MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing SAVE 32 02. 10° Jar 39 HI-GRADE TOURTIERE PORK PIES rx 69° EVERYTHING GUARANTEED We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities MIDTOWN PLAZA --- KMART PLAZA DOWNTOWN OSHAWA WHITBY and BOWMANVILLE AMPLE FREE PARKING DOMINION STORES LIMITED OMINION ewe +

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