A 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednerday, December 6, 1967 PM Denies CBC Decision OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern men hat taken np Geoision to abolish che international service ef the CRC, Prime Minister Pearsdm We the Commons Mandar o Re said ff & Aecisin Is taker te Petar MM will hevwe & Chance w Gisouss hh > view of widespread snecn later, he neespapers: fhe fhe SMa xter serine i the wien af geeernmnen spending Ces am Somtumoernan, wank he made TNS week Yr Ghote on last Thome S Quiet The crime winikter spif he fs as seer? ac ane WEP af fe hp pertaet wert Gre ir Be nex Me Be sens, which Iona casts Qe ahert wee ir ar urtes. Buc che geeerromen:, was Wen ing 2c De qrerstere af al is agenci®' °O nak? Sree. ih Monrires |, te Gaaere Unier ef Creme ant "secs Wersers saint Womdae tac f De federal gevernmeet was mate siengs ft xtwuti om hs ree Qudzet lu ae Whe ~~ 2 Ore. CBC weerraetiema: wr The $0, We Se ae Yee mw ye 2 ie | ON I au? & ere spew nr atefence fe unin sand it 2 Kutt Optometrists Force Issu QUEBEC (CP) ister Jean-Paul! bee says his depart drawing a controve: e ment directive about eye pr lems. His statement Monday {fol- lowed an announcement by a group of Quebec optometrists! that they would stage a sit-in in front of the health .department buildings until the directive is withdrawn. Dr. Andre Gauthier, president of the Professional Association of Quebec optometrists, said the government, through the direc- tive, was trying to wipe out his profession by issuing orders that favor only ophthalomolo- gists. | Optometrists test vision and| prescribe corrective lenses which opthalmologists diagnose and treat diseases of the eye. Mr. Cloutier said in a state- ment the withdrawal of the di- rective was made "'after consul- tation with interested groups" but he did not elaborate on the government's reason for the ac- tion. Dr. Sone earlier his ob- gro withdrawal of the' directive which forces nurses attached to Quebec school boards to refer all children with eye problems to an opthalmologist instead of to an optometrist. | He told a press conference| that optometrists were fully ca- pable of dealing with most eye cases found in schools: The government order was depriving optometrists of about 1,000,000 patients a year and dealing a death-blow to the profession. UN Seeks Broader Role | UNITED NATIONS (CP) -- 7 The_UN Security Council is ex- pecied-te'meet in a few days to discuss Secretary-General U Thant's proposal for a broader role for the UN peace force on Cyprus. Thant not only has urged an expanded mission for the United Nations. on the divided island but also has suggested that 'the 4,500-man force be enlarged to give it '"'broader functions' in| regard to a realization of quiet and peace in Cyprus." Thant started intensive talks here with delegates of countrivs with troops serving undef 'the UN flag in Cyprus. Canada is among the major! contributors of the eight coun-! tries in the force with 900 men. Other countries in the force are Britain, Australia, Austria, Den- mark, Finland, the Republic of Ireland and Sweden. ABreece, Turkey and Cyprus) all have accepted in principle} the secretary-general's propos- als aimed at averting war on} Cyprus. But Cypriot President) Makarios said any enlargement) of the force would have to be considered by the council "with due regard to the sovereignty of} Cyprus." UN Adopts Russ Resolution UNITED NATIONS (CP) -- The main political committee of the UN General Assembly Mon- day adopted a Russian resolu- tion calling for a convention to ban the use of all nuclear weap-! ons. ' But the other nuclear powers, along with Canada, were among the 33 countries to abstain in the voting. The resolution was approved by 58 votes to none. The other nuclear powers -- WIN $2000 $1000 WIN $200 $100 $50, $10, $5 a is. eR, Po ~~ Nvubaezs Za THEM A a ANY-- se HAPPY WINNERS !- won! ' won: COLOUR TELEVISION vat $950 SPECIAL! LEAN SOLID MEAT BONELESS LOI SPECIAL! FINEST QUALITY RINDLESS MAPLE LEAF SIDE BACON 1-LB. PKG, VAC PAC MRS. W.FARRELL-OTTAWA Grand Cash Prize 2-DOOR HARDTOP MRS. V. MARTIN-TORONTO FIVE THOUSAND ! 67" SPECIAL! $X BRAND CANNED "IDEAL TO HAVE ON HAND FOR ENTERTAINING, SNACKS, BUFFETS AND GIFT BASKETS." SPECIAL! MEATY C. LB. Cooked HAMS «: 2.98 KING PORK SIDE SPECIAL! 30¢ OFF DETERGENT SIZE SPARE RIBS BLUE CHEER :: 99: ¢ SPECIAL! COLOURED BLUE BONNET MARGARINE 14F 3 LB. > N. PKG, FRUIT COCKTAIL TLB.N. MINCEMEAT SPECIAL! LIBBYS FANCY TOMATO JUICE IVORY vow sedis paktoacrne 99: i SPECIAL! DEEP BROWN WITH PORK IN AFL 65° LIBBY'S BEANS S23 3% TINS 48 FL | | SPECIAL! TUCK ~ CELLULOSE TAPE GREEN BEAN EXTRA GRAND PRIZE: RALLY SPORTS CONVERTIBLE 6 CAMARO $4,000 VALUE POWER STEERING -- POWER BRAKES FREE CO INCLUDES INSTALLATION AND SERVICE CONTRACT FREE $3,000.00 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7 FL. OF. poTTLE SHAMPOO REGULAR ALBERTO V05 C2 COUPON wxPiREE DIC. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE TUBE LYPSYL C13 COUPON rxrines BNE, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-07. CHLLO BAG DEL MONTE JUMBO PRUNES 34 COUPON EXPIRES DEE, 13 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 1407. TIN BEEF, IRISH or 'TURKEY © CHICKEN CLARK'S STEW. OF cov AS DEC. 13 CLAIRTONE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 5-07. 100': PKG, DIXIE COLD DUP NEFILLS 2 COUPON ExPiREE DEE, 13 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 5's PKG, STAINLESS RAZOR BLADES WILKINSON'S SWORD C14 COUPON EXPIRES BEC, 12 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8 FL OF. BTLE, HOFMAN MOUSE SHRIMP tarcoo SAUCE 3 COUPON IxPiRES DEE. 18 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8 ML. OF. JAR CEDARVALE HORSERADISH £40 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 19 LOUR TVs VALUE $950.00 MINK GOAT & STOLES BY HOLT RENFREW MINK COAT VALUE MINK STOLE VALUE $750.00 FREE Trips to California AMERICAN AIRLINES JET EACH TRIP FOR TWO VALUED AT $428 00 PLUS ACCOMMODATION AT THE LOS ANGELES BILTMORE HOTEL YB X 800° 29: SPECIAL! FI SPECIAL! FRITOS LMAR FRESH iene ORANGE JUICE usec: 77 CORN CHIPS 2: TINS % ¢ SPECIAL! SPECIAL! HOSTESS AFTER DINNER 11-07 , ENGLISH 13 O2, SCOTCH 13 07. CELLO 00 KAM wwrcseon wen 1202.N.TIN CANDY MINTS xcs. Ae SPECIAL! 12¢ OFF SPECIAL! MRS. HAMILTON'S PLASTIC CONTAINER 35° OZ. TINS 14 ¢ SPECIAL! JOHNSON"S ae SPECIAL! FROZEN. on ¢ scitw 29 AWAKE 2.2% 69 P LEDGE FURNITURE WAX penosor tin Me ORANGE DRINK 0Z.TINS | ' SPECIAL! FANCY CREAM STYLE 14 FL SPECIAL! ALL VARIETIES SOZN, ¢ | ' C RN 0Z. ¢ TWINKLE CAKE pouch ff 592.5 TINS MIXES PACK SPECIAL! LIBBYS CHOICE SLICED 19 FL SPECIAL! JOHNSON'S KLEAR LIQUID RED BEET ¢ 9¢ FLOOR WAX «= 1.59 TINS e SPECIAL! LIBBY'S IN TOMATO SAUCE SPECIAL! LIBBY'S CHOICE 5 _ SPAGHETTI" 3% 49¢ PEAS & CARROTS 3 3% 59° | | SPA : TINS TINS SPECIAL! BIRDS EYE FROZEN FANCY FRENCH "Mf 10 02.N. ¢ CUT PKGS. 10 OZ. N. PKG. 43° ~ LOBLAWS RICH DARK CHRISTMAS CAKE oe T5247 22.15 1LB. IN FOIL LOBLAWS PLUM PUDDING 19* i LB. FOIL fie LOBLAWS QUEEN ANNE CHOCOLATES LOBLAWS CHRISTMAS CAKE DELUXE FRUIT RING 1402. BOX 99° 2LB. 1.55 FESTIVE RING 2x..1.75 TOASTMASTER FESTIVAL ©. LARGE FROM SUNNY FLORIDA! NOW AT THEIR PEAK! 6 SIZE wt GRAPEFRUIT ONTARIO GROWN! NO. 1 GRADE BIG LUSCIOUS BLACK BEAUTIES! COOKING 5 LB. ONIONS SMALL PKG. GARDEN FRESH! FIRM GREEN! 99 C POUND v9 one 30 o ALMOND PASTE 8 0z. CARTON 39 SPECIAL! ASSORTED COLOURS ROYALE PAPER TOWELS 2 2 be ROLL PLY 95° KGS. SPECIAL! REGULAR OR WINTERFRESH * COLGATE ¢ specmsamnemewersse DENTAL CREAM FAMILY SIZE TUB! QQ PKG. PECIAL! ALL VARIETIES BETTY CROCKER CASSEROLE DINNERS PKGS. $5¢ ° SPECIAL! E. D. SMITH APPLE PIE FILLING 2 19 FL OZ. TINS 75¢ WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY VOLUMES NOW ON SALE 1% ca msm WEBSTERS DICTIONARY. j SECTION NO.1 FREE! WITH THIS COUPON AND 3.00 PURCHASE HOSTESS SPANISH HOSTESS BLANCHED SALTED PEANUTS BEAVER SALTED MIXED NUTS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 100s BOTTLE BRUSSELS SPROUTS 16 02. 55° CELLO BAG 13 02.V, P.TIN gq: " BEAVER ROASTED PEANUTS ' ANY ONE PKG. MORTON FROTEN ALL VARIETIES: MEAT DINNERS 8 COURCH ExPiRES DEC. 13 'TADLITS ANACIN 8 COUPON xpiNES DEC. 19 DRAGON FROZEN -- ALL VARIETIES CHINESE FOODS ° COUPON EXPIRES DRE, 13 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 1-L8, CARTONS: WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OP ANY ONE 12 FL: OZ. JAR ROBERTSON'S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 64 FL. OF. JUG puTcH BLEACH Te CIP COUPON sxPIRIS DEC. 1D WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-0F. TIN FANCY WHITE SOLID SAICO TUNA C16 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 19 pa ae WILD BRAMBLE JELLY SHORTENING or GINGER MARMALADE C19" COUPON EXPIRES DIC. 19 C20 COUPON EXPIRES DIC, 13 2) 1 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 14 PL. OZ, TINS AYUMER FANCY SLICED BARTLETT PEARS C24 COUPON EXPIRES DEC, 13 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16 PL OZ. TIN" « SHOPSY'S POTATO SALAD « C25 COUPON EXPIRES DIC. 13 WIT COUPON & ONE 150 SHEFT PAD "BIANT™ * WRITING PAD or ONE 150% Pee, "CANT? TOMATO SOUP PANCAKE SYRUP ae 'C21 COUPON EXPIRES BEC. 12 22 COurONM Exrints BEC. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF Two HEADS PRO LETTUGE C42 COUPON EXPIRES OBC, 12 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'Two PaisH 41 COUPON Expines DEC. 13 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE SOx. Ka, WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OnE 248, 00K HODIZED SALT C7 COUPON ExPiRES BEC._13 PETIT Co COUPON axrines DEC, 19 VIZIPAK LARGE SALTED PEANUTS «=i3%029° STAMPS 2) EXTRA STOMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS a EXTRA STAMPS thé United States, Britain and} France--expressed the pinion that such a ban would be un- l/4 realistit and impractical in the & 6 absence of an agreement) against the production of nu- faear weapons. WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 11-02. CELLO BAG TWIN PACK -- CHEESE TWISTS C10 COUFOM Mxrints BEC. 13 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-07. PKG, SUGARIPE GOLDER RAISINS [WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 14 FL. O7. TINS TuMSwerr BARTLETT PEARS C96 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 13 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'Two PKGs, FRESH TOMATOES C44 COUPON Exrines DIE. 12 TEFLON PRODUCT AVALABLE THIS WEEK 1 13 CUP EGG POACHER! 1 WITH THIS COUPON 16 OZ. CELLO BAG a0: : th. 3.59 EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRE STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF (OME 215, N. PLASTIC CONT, BILLY GSE $1 WHITE * CREAMED HONEY It COUPON mepinEE DEE. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 19 FL OF. TINS DEL MONTE * €32 COUPON mxPieES DEC. 12 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'Two WiADS FRESH CABBAGE CAB COUPON axPints OFC. 13 If not completely satisfied with ANY fresh meat you buy from LOBLAWS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Every Night Till 9:30 P.M--DOWNTOWN STORE Open Thurs./and Fri. Till 9 P.M. PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 6,7, 8,9 ] 1 1 1 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE 9 PL. OZ, BOTTLE DAVIS OF LONDON FURNITURE WAX C1 COUPON EXPIRES Dae, 13 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 48 PL. OZ, TINS ALLENS GRAPE DRINK C12 COUPON KxpinEs DIC. 13 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 19 FL. OZ. TINS Da, MONTE SLICED PINEAPPLE 23 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 7-07. AERO TIN COLGATE REGULAR or MENTHOL INSTANT SHAVE iy 13 THE OSHAWA T Wednesdey, December 6 Tradition Abandone St. Nicholas abandon dition and his milk - steed Saturday for a c ble car. St. "Nick", who is tl giver of the Dutch com usually rides through t on a white horse in the Klaas parade. But this year he rod party at the Kinsmen a car, without any mu: with his helpers who a tomarily called "Black I It seems the children awa, other than the chil the Dutch community, d cognize the bearded ger in a bishop's mitre w on a white horse. That's what James Ki president of the Oshawa Club, says. The club sp the children's party an dance Saturday. Mr. Kamstra says it not worth the cost to horse and music when \ children ask: "Who the heck is tha So St. "Nich" rode party in a convertible ca 5 is the saint's day a official gift - giving day Dutch people. CTV Networ Discouraged TORONTO (CP) -- TI television network -- tod: pressed disappointment 2 couragement over the Bi Broadcast Governors' re of plans to provide alte television service to p: Manitoba and the centra time provinces. The BBG Friday mended for denial the tions of Channel Seven sion Ltd. in Winnipeg to 1 CTV service to Brandon, CJCH Ltd. in Halifax to | CTV service to Moncte Charlottetown. The appli were for rebroadcasting « to be located in Brandon, and Amherst, N.S. CTV President Gordon told a Toronto news confe "Because of the great pu terest in the extension of native television service would like to make it cle the network and its af stations are prepared to the coverage of the netw reach 88 per cent of all sion homes in Canada at ditional expenditure of $3, to $4,500,000 and to do it 12 months of receiving tt essary permissions from | thorities." - Mr. Keeble said: "This sion from our present co of 74 per cent would be 2 plished by the addition o! regular stations to the n plus rebroadcasting s . . which cover most of maining centres of popul: 'Continental Challenge' WASHINGTON (CP) -- fic safety is a 'continents lenge" that requires a poc fort, Transport Minister Haskett of Ontario told dian and U.S. motor vehi ficials today. "In view of the urgency challenge we face, and it of its galloping complex would be futile and fooli any of us to try to go it he said. Hasket was delivering the two keynote addresse: ing the 35th annual conf of the American Associa' Motor Vehicle Administ Representatives of the 10 inces and the 50 states a) ticipating. He said the Canadian inces have fundamental a ty for motor vehicle aside from federal juris under the criminal code U.S. federal governmen more responsibility than ' Canada. Nixon Raps Pearson HAMILTON (CP) -- € Liberal leader Robert today criticized both P John Robarts and Prime ter Lester Pearson for th of federal participation Confederation of Tomorro ference. Mr. Nixon was the fi three party leaders to a grade 13 students at Ha Collegiate Institute. He greeted with deafening ap by the students several during his hour-long a and question-and-answer | Both Premier Robart Prime Minister Pearson | obligation to sit down to | sions on the conference : and the purposes and ai the conference before i called, the Ontario Libera er said. FIND ROMAN STATU NOLA, Italy (AP) -- W have found two Roman § while excavating for a b near an ancient Roman ; theatre on the outskirts o Experts said the marble § may be from the Ist ct The Emperor Augustus ¢ Nola in the year 14,