%, > & seas A aan he we ecaanp amet oil -csnlinnipa ss ¥ ae ee ewe Ve > 4A THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 5, 1967 Swing To Color Noted For "Average" Incomes A higher incidence of color TV buying by persons in the average income segment is con- sidered a sure sign that color bas become popular. "One of the most significant developments in color television has occurred in the past few months," says E. C. . Luton, marketing executive of Cana- dian Westinghouse. "Many deal- ers report a growing number of color set sales to families in the average income group. This indicates that color TV -- like black and white 15 years ago -- is now expanding beyond the 'privileged' market into the mass market. "If this indicator is correct, it would appear that more and better color programming, par- ticularly from a local station, will be the factor to stimulate even more widespread demand for color seis," he said. Mr. Luton pointed out that while some price reductions in color TV sets may be possible in the future, the present effect of price on sales was being exaggerated. "Price is merely one factor that potentia) TV set buyers consider, The point is that if people want color television, price becomes less of an ob- siacle; but if they don't want eolor television, we would have a tough time giving sets @way. "There's a danger putting too much emphasis on price magic Some price reductions will be possible through economic mass production, and these savings could be passed on to the con- sumer, "We can also design sets | with. inexpensive cabinets for | the low price range. But pre- vious black and white experi- ence indicated that a good vol- ume of the sales will remain in the middle price ranges. And it musi not be forgotten that we have been living with infla- tion the past few years while the prices of color sets made in Canada have actually been re- duced slightly. "What many don't realize," he continued, "is 'that the larg- esi single price reduction that could be made in color TV sets is not up to the manufacturers. I'm referring to the 15 per cent excise tax which the customer has been burdened with. Re- move this tax and the price of the average color set would drop by about $100." Price-cutting at the retail level, particularly on the fran- More Radios Than People Due By '71 By 1971 there will be more radios than people in Canada predicts the Radio Sales Bu- reau, a service organization for private Canadian radio Ssta- tions. While Canada's population has increased 24 per cent since 1956, the number of radios has jumped by 350 per cent, the bureau notes. Last year, for the first time. battery - powered radios out- numbered plug-in sets, account- ing for 38.1 per cent of all sets in operation, the bureau reported. : Plug-in radios accounted for 38 per cent and car radios 23.9 per cent, The report revealed that 2,225,769 radios were sold last year -- 45 per cent of these portables and 29.8 per cent automobile sets. . There were 6,125,235 port- ables in operation as of Jan. 1, 1967,. plus 6,121,020 plug-in sets and 3,854,751 car radios. tic scale that marked the early days of black and white tele- vision, is not necessarily in the public interest, Mr. Luton warned. "The dealer has to provide a certain level of service if the customer is to be satisfied with color, and appreciable price cuts by the dealer could mean a reduction in the quality of the dealer's service. "By dealer servicing, I mean proper counselling of the cus- | tomer in connection with all the | forms of antenna systems avail- lable, or recommending the |right materials for the home }antenna, or explaining the set's | operation." COLOR TV GAINS IN POPULARITY HERE ... Middle-Class Incomes Swing To It Now "CHRISTMAS CHEER WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS 1218 SIMCOE ST. N. STARTS HERE... With a wonderful Family gift that will give years of pleasure. Zenith Handcrafted Quality. No printed circuits, All hand wired, Power Transformer chassis, Automatic Preset Fine tuning . . . choose' from a wide selection of 1968 fine furni- ture consoles and smartly styled table models. : ZENITH Handcrafted COLOR TV for 68 THE MARIN LTD. PH. 725-2905 oN Ste! In § All wood, B.S.R. UA system wi CHRISTM "Charge-! CR RRCNCNN TO PLEASE Eme Con Classical, ye and longer, beacon. Six