12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, December 5, 1967 BILL GIVEN SECOND READING HALIFAX (CP) -- The Nova|ting with a rebuttal of remarks Scotia legislature's law amend-|made earlier in the day by Ger- ments committee will discuss in| ald Regan, leader of the Liberal detail today a bill approving} Opposition. government purchase of Dosco's| He said the "'human element" Sydney steel mill and establish-|was the only justification for the ment of a provincial corporation) bill. to operate it. "It's the only reason the gov- The bill, given second readingjernment of Nova Scotia would and approval in principle by a/be justified in negotiating the unanimous vote at a night ses-;|agreement now before the sion Monday, would keep the| house." mill operating until April 30,) The premier was answering 1969. charges from Mr. Regan that Dominio n Steel and Coal|the government was not protect- \Corp. announced Oct. 13 that it}ing the workers. planned to close the mill next) Mr. Smith also said the oppo- April 30, putting 3,200 men out) sition leader was wrong in say- of work, ing that Dosco would be better Nova Scotia Debates Purchase Of DOSCO Mill 24. All movement of cargo came s s 8 ping Federation disagreed ever Judge To Give Decision [irs sos: 21 troversy led to the firing of the port's 3,000 longshoremen On Montreal Injunction |: n on ea njun 10n to a standstill. Operations were restored after the ILA was MONTREAL (CP) -- A Supe-in the port since work resumed) sranted the temporary , injunc- rior Court injunction which res-|last Tuesday. tion which ordered the Shipping ; : : trains shipping P from) Productivity--the t of| Federation and 26 member ship- off financially by selling the|firing longshoremen in the port|cango loaded or unloaded from|ping lines to provide a mini- mill than it would be if it had) of Montreal expires today. ships--has dropped by 25 per|mum of eight hours work each closed it. : : The temporary injunction,|cent, the federation said in aj day for all longshoremen or pay oe = ag ogee granted Nov. 27, brought the| statement Monday. them for "standby duty." gain over $9,000,000 by. selling port back into operation the fol-| 'Although the decline takes| The controversy over the dis- the fail to the. provincial. gov- lowing day after a four-day| different forms, and varies from|pute also affected the ports of ernment, He said the mill was| oo : ship to ship, there is no question|Trois-Rivieres and Quebec City closed on short notice because| Uawyers representing the|that productivity is down and| where work has continued. Ship- Dosco officials felt the "shock|Shipping companies and others) gives every indication of contin-| ping companies in the two ports value" would help them in their representing the longshoremen|uing to go down." said it was proceeding at a slow- | negotiations. return to court today when As-| Recommendations to restore|er pace than usual. "He refers to the generous|S0iate Chief Justice G. S. Chal-| productivity in the port were) The federal government re- Liberal government in Ottawa," lies is to decide whether he will|among the main recommenda-|port was prepdred after the Mr. Smith said. "I hope. they/hear. arguments for @ perma-|tions of a binding federal gov-|government brought in legisla- will provide assistance in order|nent injunction. ernment report on waterfront|tion ending a 39-day strike of to help us pay for the mill's op-|_ The Shipping Federation of| conditions. longshoremen in the ports of eration. But I haven't noticed|Canada, meanwhile, says pro-| The International Longshore-|Montreal, Trois-Rivieres and any help yet." ductivity has tumbled steadily|men's Association and the Ship-! Quebec City in 1966, The bill would ratify an) agreement already made be- tween the government and Dosco, Under the agreement, /Dosco will operate the mill at full-capacity until Dec. 31 when it will be purchased by the provincial government for an estimated price of $20,000,000 to} $25,000,000. | Dosco will operate the mill | until April 31, 1968 as an agent {of the government. At that time, it will come under the control of |the government or its nominee. Premier I. G. Smith told the | legislature that steel consultants j|and accountants would be made javailable to the law amend-| |ments committee if they are| | needed. | He said T. J. Emmert, presi-| _ |dent of Dosco, and Arthur Pattil-| lo of Toronto, a director and | chief counsel of Dosco, had indi- |cated they would voluntarily ap- |pear before the committee. | He read a statement from Mr. | Pattillo which said the Dosco of- ficials were appearing because they were disturbed that some persons thought they were treat- the trees in front of the jing the legislature with con- curved towers of the city | tempt. CHRISTMAS ON THE SQUARE Around the holiday sea- works crews solved the son, a bare tree can look problem by installing doz- f pretty desolate. Toronto ens of Christmas lights on hall. (CP Wirephoto) | Premier Smith wound up de- ' Christmas § \"RED ROSES" Gift Set Soviet Exhibition | NATO Given About To Become Mother .22%2 °%en2..: French Pledge |picketed Buffalo's Memorial Au-} PARIS (Reuters) -- A Gaul- ' AN SON {si b edica}|ditorium, site of a Soviet educa-| / s . | jbate on the bill at the night sit- First Blue Baby Survivor | Hundreds Protest Manicure Set eveweee Sore Voselere be try spires ca, PHILISHAVE NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) | But the pulsating jet of blood|ond protest of its type within a| French commitment to auto -- As a little girl, Viola Ireland|raced through the repaired ar-|W°X. a, P nigany rd nay lived in the shadow of certain|teries and Viola Ireland became! Sunday's protest drew several ay ve Re oF ae» fivered th death. |the first Canadian blue baby to|hundred persons, many of them) 2 ay tgp op wig Hf Only a thin trickle of blood/turn healthy pink through sur-/from Eastern European nation- re oy ne they Taina a . fag flowed in the plugged-up arter-|gery. ality organizations. It was part paler cpt at arlinesenthrlane jes between her lungs and heart| The successful two-hour oper-jof an anti-Communist rally ala Britain dd the six Eu S because of a three-way heart/ation also closed a hole in the|sponsored by the local Awake))... Common Market pines defect in which most of her|inner heart wall. \American Committee. |{ries, all members of NATO. blood was pumped back into her) When Dr. Murray removed|~---- | "France is bound to afford Views ae steno later, pe gave Viola 4 trand Proulx to shorten the cer-| automatic assistance to any of 2 t cry, * : By the time she was five, her| Viola, now Mrs. Carlo Rossi, re- Me alien ek the is WEU allies that would be the 0 SHULTON SPEED-FLEX Desert Flower Gift Set #1759 ag 2-0z, Hand and Body Lotion and 2-0z. Toilet Water in Gift Box. 2.75 Value ~ LANDER "Spellbound" SOLARAY fingers, tongue and wd = in -- gree joined." aes eee oe yg = ¥ HOME blue. She could not play with) en she was 15, she re-|' Viola Ireland Rossi maintains|sels treaty and Paris agree- D P d mite ea other children because she suf-|/turned.to Dr. Murray for a sec- ith i a | Big ie t i fered spells of suffocation at ie ond te pop apres te so SU° her Cag fn We! man who saved i ee set up WEU, us ing Ow er MASSAGER least exertion. cessful it is doubtful she will re-/ "qf if js at all possible for| The Dutch note said Russia Silken smooth powder and long handled In 1946, Viola Ireland was/quire the third and final opera-/ anything to be done for paraple-jhas 46 ships in the Mediterra- lambs wool puff. Sugg. ist 198 ) -- " oa bm a gh ad |gics, he is the one person who|nean, compared with 50 ships in with new p= O- i cg - -- cdl EXPECTING CHILD will be able to do it," she says. |the U.S. Sixth Fleet. sng a oa handle comes. tion to be performed by Dr.| Today she is happily married+ BORG BATHROOM Gordon Murray. ee -- her first child. in| dee tok An audience' of medical per-| A : Choose | > come Gickel catered to inane ts! Through the years Viola Ire- PY LY # Green, Pink or White. Cap- first successful operation on a 4 Py aga by Plog eS e acity 250 Ibs. Canadian "blue baby'--an op-|™ ! ' Sugg, li eration Dr. Murray later per-| Recently Dr. Murray an- mie. SPECIAL formed, on 180. patents with/nounced, a new, surgical tech, i ---- party SP-Der capt muECeES. |spinal cord, performed 'on a * EATON, CRANE & PIKE'S NURSE FAINTED year-old paraplegic, Bertran He clipped an rerouted the lit-| Proulx. Dr. William Drucker, HIGHLAND VELLUM tle girl's arteries and sewed his | sungeon-in-chief of Bagg id a ie sutures with fine waxed silk. As|eral Hospital said later that Dr. + With batter- he announced his intention to|Murray's findings were prema- St t F#AIOAR: i release the vessels and allow| ture and would need further es : li : a one ies, film and Flashcube, the blood to return to the area|vestigation; and later still sai 24 sheets and 24 gold-col- where the arteries were stitched|in a statement there was "no Canada Ss largest sel Ing wine cured lined envelopes, together, a nurse on the other'operation performed on Ber Sugg. list 3.25. e _intime for Christmas Gillette Buy 1 P uy 1 PENATEN CREAM | ; SUPER Get 1 FREE Travel Pack STAINLESS STEEL BLADES ff Pann cem tsmie a Mali ail your Cards eee EN Proce , PENATEN Powder, 1.09 : Ria HAIR SPRAY [i fexceuresce local delive = . le fd of "40% More Bonus Size" et e or better still -- 5 EASTVIEW PHARMACY KARN'S McCORDICK'S LANE'S 573 KING ST. E. 28 KING ST. E. 360 WILSON RD. S. 302 STEVENSON RD. NORTH 725-3594 723-4621 725-8711 723-1131 and 2 9 5 LAW'S JAMIESON'S MITCHELL'S North Simcoe Pharmacy YELLOW PAGES OF YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK 1204 WECKER DRIVE 241 KING ST. E. 9 SIMCOE ST. N. 907 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-3525 725-1169 723-3431 723-3418 € BEFORE THE WV Woma: On 'Shc A charge laid over two y ago finally resulted in a co tion when Helen Hutchi pleaded guilty in Oshawa | istrate's Court Monday to charges of theft. Mrs. Hutchinson of 129 ( fell St. admitted stealing sheets from the Walker Sto the Oshawa Shopping Centr Nov. 9, 1965. She gave a s ment to Det. Sgt. John P and Det. Cleo Thompson o city police but her case set back repeatedly on grounds that she was sick couldn't appear. However, on Sept, 20 of year, Mrs Hutchinson, a This Christn the 'right' store specials, You're s to Grandfather. Remington CV-3 Sugg. List 29.95 2 pe = Hankscr Automatic E Baby E Warr Removoble St reached, Sugg. list 3.95 SPECIAL } 3. EASTVIEW PHI 573 KING ST. 725-3594 LAW'S 1204 WECKER D 725-3525 memos