THE OSHAWA TIMES. Monday, December 4, 1967 13 FARM FORUM Pickering Farmer Wins Bushel Comm Club Award Henry Westney, Pickering|mean farmers will get the re- Township, who had a yield ofjsults and their reamed books 155.8 bushels of shelled 15 per|back sooner. The project is a cent moisture corn per acre,|joint program of the extension was the 1967 winner of the On; branch, Ontario Department of tario County 100 Bushel Corn| Agriculture and the agricultural Club. leconomics department, Ontario In second place was Paul/ Agricultural College. Meyer Claremont, with a yield) More than 10,000 records have of 154.8 bushels Per acre. Don|been processed at Guelph since}| Dunkeld was in third place with|the project started in 1946. All a yield of 151.9 bushels per/record books and information acre. Thirty-nine farmers took/from individual farmers is part in the contest, |strictly confidential. Only over- The year's activities closed|all totals in the category com- with an award night and ban-|parisons are published for gen- quet in the community hall at/eral use. Sandford with Albert Foster,| Starting with the analysis of RR 2, Claremont, as chairman.|the 1967 record books, the in- Norman Lehman expressed ap-|formation needed from the preciation to the Sandford|books will be taken at the local women for the excellent dinner.|;county agricultural office. Lynn Fair, Ontario Count y|Farmers wishing to keep rec- agricultural representative, an-|ords may obtain information @ nounced the prize winners and|and record books at their local called on the donors of cash and|county agricultural office. merchandise to present their | AMALGAMATION OF farm 5] izes. Malcolm Allbright organizations to ensure that voiced appreciation to those tak- | farmers speak with one voice anes and the|in their approaches to govern- _ {ment has drawn the full support AMONG THE EVENTS of in| federal agricultural minister terest to Durham County farm-|J. J, Greene. ers during December will be the Mr. Greene told the annual - Beef Farmers bus tour to Duf-|conyention of the Ontario Farm- ferin, York and Ontario Coan-lers Union a united farm front ties, Dec. 6; the five-ton Hay| would help the government to Club meeting, Dec. 11, at the|/know what agriculture wants. Bowmanville agricultural of-|He said he gets almost as fice; the extension staff in serv-|\many opinions as there are a ice training course on farm} farm organizations. He said that management, Dec. 18 to 19, atleven if farmers could speak as Brighton; the annual banquet lone voice on one issue or a and award presentation of the|smoll group of issues, it would grain corn club competition,|pe a step in the right direction. Dec. 15, at Blackstock. | He said the day when govern- LeROY G. BROWN, Victoria|ment policy on agriculture was County agricultural representa-|made solely on the advice of tive, suggests water from wells|public officials has ended and in small urban centres and in|that now the voice of the pro- farms should be tested|ducer, the consumer and those periodically for purity. Agric n agriculture must be heard. tural- representatives' offices in) HERE PROBABLY will be all counties provide special cette pre 15 a continued trend to larger com- era aida for tak- mercial farms, specialized op- A h P ful wit eration, increased efficiency, reais organisms = are nut not much change in the net found in a water supply, two ' ' 9 fi sash inco! 'or ¢ s farm- temporary measures should be cash ncn eneds " perm immediately. Boiling or) chlorination of small quantities)» 4)-provincial agricultural out- pel ogi oc gig teh geri look conference in Ottawa also tamporaiy gee ie to bel Were sia nee will be eo : ' useage c competition for foreign markets, Contamination ean "be. esate meeased investment in farm and removed. Chlorination of a machinery, fen "ei ane fe = water supply is relatively easy|faney" and higher prices':tor hy 4 m Jand. and economical. Two fluid) ounces of a preparation con-| * taining chlorine is added to 100 gallons of water. Water in a well can also be treated this! * way by estimating the amount} of water contained in it. CHANGES IN THE procedure! of handling the analysis of farm| ; record books in Ontario will Police Hunt Bank Bandits YARKER, Ont. (CP) -- A po-| lice search was under way in| eastern Ontario today for two} men and a woman who robbed| a bank messenger after hand- ¢cuffing him. The messenger, Glenn Grice | ARY NESBIT T of Gananoque, Ont., was not in-} Representative jured. There was no estimate of| the amount of money taken but) a 'police officer said "a large| SUN LIFE amount of cash and cheques" was involved, The robbery occurred one} Assurance Company mile east of this community 15) of Canada miles northwest of Kingston. Mr. Grice was transferring the wr h H money from a Bank of Montreal | Oshe arg "g branch at Verona, eight miles northeast of here, to a branch Phone 725-4563 | Forecasts at a two-day fed- at Yarker when his car was) stopped. Big holiday cash? They have discovered the '68 Meteor gives them excite- fort that comes from Meteor"s longest-in-its-class 123" point 5 year/50,000 mile warranty. Your Mercury dealer ment, value, luxury, economy...and more. They get wheelbase. Take a look at any of the 17 beautiful Meteor has the details. So move with the Meteor people and styling inspired by the Lincoln Continental, the ride models for '68: fastbacks, hardtops, convertibles, discover a better idea in standard priced cars. and comfort of Mercury... but at a price that is down sedans and wagons. With the '68 Meteor you'll find a with the low-priced standard cars. They relax in one of lot more of what you want in a car and you'll find it for the quietest riding cars on the road with the extra com- less money. You'll also get Ford's unsurpassed three Meteor by Mercury 'Come to where Meet eereaes| The betteridea cars are even better for' whose only business is l @ the money is. Nearly 2 making loans. 8000 million people a year do day. Holiday shopping --atover 1750 affiliated Bene- a . roa Billpaying an Al ficial offices throughout Can- ,] = kinds of loans. Come to Bene- ada, the U.S., and around the U ficial. That's where the money world. Phone now. This is is. Just call or drop in. And where the money is. BENEFICIAL Loans up's $5000---Your loa can be ensure Your Mercury dealer has the car for you: COUGAR, MERCURY, METEOR, MONTEGO, FALCON, CORTINA. 42 month contracts on loans over $1500 OSHAWA -- 2 Offices + Deve eee ea Sie ain SEAWAY MOTORS (1965) LIMITED 1120 Dundas St. E., Whitby, 668-5893 Suen TEA MEE © 1967, BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO.