Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Dec 1967, p. 17

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. SCHOOL WINS \LO, N.Y. (AP) -- Buf- 2, with a 49-32 lead at scored a 98-74 victory iversity of Windsor, day night in the sea- ng basketball game for hools. Bob Nadetta for Windsor. DERDOGS LOSE LO, N.Y. (AP) -- Un- Jniversity of Toronto an early lead, but Uni- | Buffalo streaked back /-63 exhibition basket- ry Friday right. Bruce was high for the Ca- ith 15. h, Walker Sones, Rows tal ahaa Ce -- Mile pace purse wor Webster 8.90 10 4 veples iso di: Wally 8. Byrd, Phil- n, Jolitop, Superior Eddie Hat 4,372. Handle $260,890, Bisisizisisiee Were ss ER BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE A 16-year-old Toronto youth was sentenced to 18 months def- inite in reformatory when he pleaded guilty in Oshawa Mag-| istrate's court Friday to nine charges of auto theft, one of theft of auto keys, and a charge| of absconding on bail. | Rae William Webster, 1229A) Bloor St. W., Toronto, admit- ted stealing the cars and the keys between Sept. 8 and the) end of October. | Webster usually committed the offences in company with three juveniles, two of whom were escapees from a training school. On Sept. 30, they were chased by the Ontario Provincial Po- lice until they burned out the motor of their stolen car near Brighton and escaped. CITIZENS' ARREST A citizens' arrest was car- ried out on Sept. 17 after Ran- dolph Scott, 43, of 302 Muriel Ave., reportedly struck a park- ed car on Rossland Road East. Evidence showed Scott pan- icked and drove off after strik- ing the car but an individual standing on the street yelled to two men to chase him. They jumped in their car and pur- sued Scott around the streets in the area until he stopped. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck suggested to Magistrate Donald|-. Dodds that there should be "some commendation to the citizens who made the arrest." {Control Act. A similar charge America Soccer Will Be Popular, 19 Months In Reformatory | Kinsmen Speaker Claims 232" s 3 ete ee For 16-Year-Old Youth Soccer _ will in 10 to 20 years, become _the|for the Civic Auditorium cam- most popular sport in North|paign, also the recent Greater! Reed cr) Oshawa. Community Chest! (2 members of the Oshawa Kins-|Drive. would grind to a halt if itjof cherry police found in his) men Club were told at a dinner wasn't for the actions of citi- Med was not his and. must have/ meeting in the Kinsmen Civic longed to a stranger he met Centre, zens who are interested in liv- jing in a community where thejin Harry's Hideaway. rule of law exists. CONCERNED FINED $200 A fine of $200 and costs orjhis concern at the number of 30 days was levied against Ul-|minor consumption of alcohol| lysse Legere, 36, of 413 Bloorjcharges which are coming be-| St. E., when he pleaded guilty|fore his court. to a charge of impaired driving. Legere unemployed and thejcent of the cases on the docket father of a large family, was warned that '"'this type of of-|hol: fence involves a great hazard to the people who use Our|19, of 124 Park Rd. N., streets,"" NEW HOME uilty to the cha The House of Concord will be ieuntion of pe diag -- Kevin Sawyer's home until Jan. West youth was convicted at/pernard E. Mueller, 19, of 229| | \fetched now, Texas multi- together better than any other sport. That is 'important in this fast-changing 1 A six-month suspended sen-|world," said Mr. 5. The 16-year-old Elgin Streetltence was also imposed on|served as financial chairman Russia in a added. Kelly, who a previous court 'hearing Of|Nassau St., when he pleaded break and enter with intent. On guilty to the charge of enasah Jan. 5, he will be returned t0ling liquor while a mino' Oshawa along with a report on| Five other youths pal fines his behaviour. Magistrate) when they pleaded guilty to the Dodds will then make a deci-\charge of minor consumption sion on the youth's future. of alcohol. Robert Beemer, 20,| f 419 William St., Cobourg DISMISSED van ; Being drunk on a bus or in teal om #99 snd cont md a taxi can have its advantages 4 F ; line Rd. N., RR 2, Oshawa, pagal Heong hers garage attendant, was fined $50 of public intoxication against and costs or 10 days, Terry E.| 'Hydro Charge 'Dismissed | TORONTO (CP) -- An air -| pollution charge against Toronto | Hydro was dismissed Friday by} |Magistrate Charles Opper be-| |cause he said the city had wait-| }ed too long to lay charges. City experts had blamed the| | steam utility plant for most of! Charles Landry, 45, of Bay Rid-|#08an, 18, of 385 Gibb St., was |the downtown air ges, was dismissed when Crown|!ined $75 and costs or 15 days| ttorney Affleck agreed with|f0r & repeat offence, Michael Magistrate Dodds a bus is not Zimmy, 16 of 1106 Cloverdale) i . i Ave., was fined $50 and costs or a public place under the Liquor 10 dave: and-Walter "Srydiow:| 199/Ski, 17, of 453 Crerar Ave., 1| Said the plant was operating | | without permission. Magistrate Opper, however, | jsaid the plant had been operat- | ing for three years and it was) man team speech. Many Canadians were aloof to soccer because they had never seen the superior and Terence V. Kelly of Oshawalcolorful international variety, \said that soccer would replacejhe said, U.S. and Canadian football in) ., Magistrate Dodds expressed] f Popularity, and pointed out that {an you a syndicate of influential U.S. jsports promoters -- including Lamarr Hunt, millionaire -- were behind the He pointed out that 20 per|move to popularize the game. "Soccer will achieve these would happen if Canada played meant something -- not one of|months these meaningless, long drawn out Canadian football sched- ules? Why the stadium couldn't|in now involve minors and alco- goals, which may seem far- begin to hold the fans," he/Court this week. because it has He placed Richard Courville,|already proved one thing on a stu-|the international scale -- it has dent, on a six-month suspend- world-wide appeal and can ed sentence when he pleaded) bring people awards at a banquet during the year. to 244, Jos Clampe 263, John Azzaro 258, WHITBY BOWLING tte 2tuS03 oo c"etees: Team Standings: Lambert ON Ltd: MEN'S LEAGUE (Wednesday) son 772 (278) Bill Sibeon 737 (253); Ernie Stoneman|> 3° wai 257); Ernie Bill Jarvis 696] 5, B. McMullan Real Estate 1. 235) and Don Duncan 695 730 (289); Lorne Haley 717 Shepperdson 704 (284); (267); Harry Vanstaveren High Singles: Horst Zimmer 310, Tony Hamer 281, Bill Phillips ridge pe Stirpe alberry 200. 265, Jake McClimond 264, Spencer |Myrie Reeson 782 (334); Bill Jordan 771 ioe od Taken: Rolling Pins 5, Night Co. 6, County Bowl 5, K. of €. 8, And- THE OSHAWA TIMES, 17 _|rew Antenna 5, Diamond Insulations 5, Seturday, Decem 1 8, The Golfer's 8 Bathurst Containers |Post Office 4, Legion Old Sweats 4, : So 7, Sportsman's Corner 6, Whitby aa Whitby Firemen 4, Red Wings 4, Ken! No. 1, 6, Mitton and B. Rentals 6, Joe's Barber Senlih 'Conel. 3," Wiiby 'Hardware $, Mer: | HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S. OIL 313 ALBERT ST. Stage Door 4, Whitby Police Assoc. No. | | iby Barber Shop ay Wilson's | CROVEN LEAGUE 1 LA. T. Motors a Fe vi ll oo Betty Hill 594, Carol 589 and Theresa Tromiey 563. | bre tart areas Betty Hill 237, Heidi Nie- [mann 219, Carol Raderford 215, 210; Theresa 1 Osea 203, 20) and Barbera oad MEN'S | League (Thu High Triples: Ed apna 705 (276),)C2 Deeth 747 (293); Joe tzatt|Hawks 5, Lucky Strikes 3 end Owls imagine what He had been convicted of 16 As indication of the growth of|counts of break and enter, -) the game's popularity in Osh-}16 counts of theft. awa, Mr. Kelly said that more| Pilkey had pleaded guilty to| than 300 boys recently received|the charges in a previous court in the| appearance in Peterborough. He Royal Canadian Legion Hall|was given a suspended sentence for participation in soccer here} with probation and later sent to lthe House of Concord to learn Mr. Kelly presented a film|a trade but left there illegally. of a World Cup final between) Real Madrid and a West Ger-|month concurrent sentence for illustrate his|wilful damage inourred during 'cottage break-ins. 15-Month Sentence)! ste fe foo "ih r For Oshawa Youth|?:*", 7, #7" An Oshawa youth, Lloyd|2s3, Glen Hough game that really|Pilkey, 17, was sentenced to 15|%! and Dave Foster 250. definite months indefinite in an Ontario Reformatory when he appeared Peterborough Magistrate's SEVEN |boy's 6, The Guy's 6, Kaiser Aluminum'students in 1938. SNOWMOBILE RENTALS Pilkey was also given a three- 305); Gord 743 (288); Tom Perrow 736 (252); Chas. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER - 50 YEARS MANY STUDENTS Warsaw alone has 40,000 full-) Marty JOE 3, "Larry | time advanced students and aon 256, Dave Mcintyre 255, Bob Curtis|29,000 more in home study and land 253, John Breuchielevening courses--a total which be.|'8 Sreater than that of all Polish Team Standings: The A.A.'s Want to know where you can have fun and enjoy- ment with the entire family this winter? Goreski's Winter pollution and RIDE with MERCURY TAXI and WIN a CHRISTMAS TURKEY FREE 725-4771 10-15 ib. Turkey te be given eway on Dec. 15th WINNER OF NOVEMBER 15th DRAW -- Mrs. H. Suppon -- 340 Ritson Rd. N., Oshawe Resort | Is The Place! Located at Club Annrene on Scugog Island at Port Perry Magistrate Dodds fined Scott|against Lloyd Stevenson, WAS'too late for the city to lay) = soneeneeinmecring #200 and costs or 20 days. ands Rd. S. was withdrawn fined $80 and cosis or 10 4a. charges RENTALS: '2 Hour, Hourly & Daily Raies Everyone cen man Dat an automatic ig : hotter igy'e ene - HAVING Liquor , epartmen ransport sus- yOLve Having liquor in a place other| CRORES pension follows a conviction for|side a taxi. \than a ger eas a ae Richard INQUIRE ABOUT OUR RATES ISTMAS ... leaving the scene of an acci-| A charge of having liquor in| Weaver, 24, of 643 King St. W., ne dent. In praising the action ofja place other than a residence a fine of $25 and costs or five To Give The Finest the two citizens who made the|was dismissed when Peter a days. He pleaded guilty to the) d Earrings arrest, Magistrate Dodds said|/Abramczuk, 400 Grenfell t.,offence. | es "the administration of justiceltold the court that the petits | Sales and Service for nd Rings "Le hh mies 975 Ritson| MecCullouch Snowmobiles Rings fe Lary N. yk, son | ny Mor Rd. S., pleaded guilty to being Sneck Bor on the PT IDEAS $100, Costs Or Jail Term intoxicated at the Jubilee Pa- Premises from : vilion. A fine of $50 and costs Storage Service Is Available Gas and Oil Supplied or 10 days was imposed on 21- year-old Bobyk. For Causing Disturbance fro «: Through an interpreter, Adel- AJAX -- Convicted on a) TWO CHARGES ino Neto, 361 Drew St., plead- charge of causing a disturbance} Pleading guilty to two|@d guilty to a charge of vee Harold Ralston, 26, of Lans-|charges of doing an indecent intoxication = fined $: downe Avenue, Toronto, Was} aot Robert John Moore, 20 ranilierait Heli dt fined $100 and costs or 20 days : ' es in jail when 'he appeared in|Concession 8, Markham Town- GIANT LOAF magistrate's court here Thurs-|ship, was remanded to Jan, 11! The longest loaf recorded is day before Magistrate H. M,jfor sentence. one baked in Osijek, Yugosla- Jermyn. Police said a Picker- via, in 1958 measuring 12 feet. ing village woman was walking|!5 CHARGES her dog when she was ap-|_A district high school student, proached by the accused who Stephen Coulter Boyce, was re-|] SELLING YOUR to Dec. 28 on 15 | _ HOUSE ? charges of break and enter. BRAITH fELLERS HOPPING PLAZA ( --- 942-0407 SRENRENMRERME -MER'S hristmas Store 3ifts Galore" Oblems ? Drop into argain House and ge selection of gifts nole family, Goreski's Winter Resort Located at Club Annrene on Scugog Island at Port Perry For Information Phone 723-5731 or 985-3008 $200 BOND _KAER'S Charged with watching and -- pene ee THEN LIST WITH besetting his 16-year-old wife, fi i e v : while his ability was impaired Bloor St. E. iainey alitchetl 5 te G. Reid, of Lakefield, was CENTRAL ONT. TRUST | corer 28-3473 Bayshore, Bay Ridges, was|fined $100 and costs or 15 723-5221 ee ae placed on $200 bond and a six- ys gli ypelg suspend- oa oe Le r . : ' : "§ RECORD BAR month suspended sentence. The moni WE CHARGE el e ct ri Cc h eatin g Gallant, 27, of 2142 Dundas Street West, Toronto, who pleaded guilty to a charge of careless driving. The suspen- sion of his driver's licence was left to the discretion of the de- partment of transport. fee the accused was seen on several/cry moONTHS 0 occasions loitering near the | S IN POPS' Sikes @hAre Ni. wili cli vas: Convicted of a breach of her 0 | : > suit all testes probation Yvonne Richards, 17, 0 | AL: All Four CARELESS of Pickering, was sentenced to 1 e Ss you ma Cc KEY'S Albums A fine of $75 and costs or 15\SiX months in jail. | sp it days was imposed on Laurie | : | ' \ FLYING CLUB cial Person on your list, give him or her ft certificate for as WESTERN ELECTRIC | and Commercial Training REMANDED ' e Flights Barbara Holden, 17, of Ajax, | a Municipal Airport who pleaded guilty two weeks | 28-1626 ago to a charge of stealing QUALIFIED Pia nip ty ninntaiaiaiail jewelry, was remanded to IM CITY Dec. 14 for sentence with the Electric Heating Contractor YRONTO stipulation that she live at Certified Lighting Consultant | RUMS SET home and be off the streets by) ONLY 10 p.m. each day. ' from. All mokes sel WESTERN ELECTRIC (soutu" $1.50 pre Cole ; 725-0842 EACH . nnouncemen n (OR MORE) Savas BUILD IN... pointment now with i j , | Some people pay dollars more for a wine just because it has an sa Electromode | "Imported" label on it. They have a lot to learn. And a lot to save! | BE esp FLAMELESS ELECTRIC HEAT Brights has invested millions of dollars and 30 years of time to HN, sr. WwW. | make fine Canadian wines that are equal to or better than the -- 56 | great majority of wines imported from anywhere in the world. For OY THe Contractors PRINCE ST. proof, try any of these wines. Why pay $1.50 (or more) for a piece | AS EASON OSHAWA | of paper? City Cab Phone | 728-4611 st, Courteous UR SERVICE 127 President Sunnie e Canada's prize Champagne, perrruas 'i the leaders in Electric Heoting President Burgundy e A great dry red table wine. seit President Sauterne =e A delicate light white wine. President Sherry GABRIEL MARCHILDON President Extra Dry e Ideal before lunch or dinner, | ber to remember ED T sre Formerly With Trio Television , President Port ; A Giircitod beset ite | % ING EAST has opened a shop under BE WISE: ... ivity is hi eeececenecene |_| the meme ECONOMIZE ! isan ie oO BOWLING | $ What # wonderful gift! A President Wine "cellar" like this It's that easy with electric heating. cr iki G * we Vv E 4 S; pis ada daaaaa get a lot more thanks Room-by room or 2 one ' temperature "ity Bowli A el sey one, Boniuig? 's ¢$ $ irs just ppt ceauaete evo di TE LEVISION ¢ WITH B 'dl h Way brings you afl the comforts of home. ia -- & Service bs 7 a & L Tg mS mes Live Better Elecarically ECU ee 786 Simcoe St. S. PINE CANADIAN WINES SINCE 1876 be aoe OIL | OSHAWA PUBLIC ebrhotes -040 UTILITIES COMMISSION Float Honest, reliable service $ Phone 668 ig 3341 $ orce to all makes. | 100 SIMCOE ST. S. -- PHONE 723-4623 US | Fat Pa OTe eee Cea an ant pes ae ee ae en ee eer ' wi ee 4; % , '

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