Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Dec 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 2, 1967 SIMPLIFY FAMILY CHRISTMAS $HOPPING & $AVINGS WITH WANT ADS! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Accountents |Building Trades Plumbing and Heating 2----Personal BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. : Oe, meen sim| Quality Carpent mbing Diséount ELECTROLYSIS co iets asa. en. fs g ao. wot el . | a 723-464) GORDON R. Accountant, . DAY, Sulte 205W, Oshewe ping Centre, 725-9953. JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account-| ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Stre Telephone 723-4833. BOB CLANCY'S Accountini r] g Ser Complete bookkeeping service, coe Street N., 725-0397. Res. YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND Co., Ege fered Accountents, Licensed Truste bankruptcy, 57/4 Simcoe Street North [ALL TYPES buliding repairs Oshews. 728-737) Certified Generel Shop- Home Improvement Specialists Serving Oshowa and District for Many Years Honest ond Dependable Service Phone 725-8576 o1 623-3411 149 Brock St. North WHITBY -- 668-6601 Direct to you, plumbing sup- Removal of superfluous halr Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Dec. 11, 12, and Sim. ben Stas |ROOFING, hot ter and gravel, shingles, repairs, large and smali jobs. \. AND H, 725-4937. | Rooting and Construction. | chimneys, -- eavestroughing, fireplaces, Blueprinting Imasonry Gord May, Whitby, 277. | PLASTERING -- Drywall, rei ling, |renovat ons, New or repair. 942-6342. af-} BELL DRAFTING and Reproductionsiter 6 p.m Ltd., 5242 Simcoe Street North. 723-466) Biveprinting end photostatic copies. 3 In busi quare foot. |TERRANO PAVING, {ness. Guaranteed work, Building Trodes 17 17 Bond Street East, "NEED MORE ROOM ? ? HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions -- Alterations Recreations Rooms Call us: JAMES ALLEN & SONS 725-6126 "Quality Is whot we build in' ROOFING New or Old Home Improvements C. RUSS HARRISON 725-3219 FIFTEEN YEARS' experience In home! Free_ estimates, 728-7287 repair and renovating. no obligations. Cunningham. BRICK AND BLOCK work repairs. M. Lafontaine Construction 725 3756. ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE, Get your driveway paved by experts, 20c sq. ft., all work guaranteed for three yeers, 723-0281 CLASSIFIED RATESS WORD ADS Cosh -- | insertion of 24 words, 1.20; additional words, 5¢ each; 3 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- and genera! | [Dentistry |r. > 6. ROBERT BROWN, , bantal Sur. jgeon, 172 King Street E., hawa, Tele | phone 728-517) Dressmaking | DRESSMAKING AND Jations, men's ladie's, chi ing gown alterations a specialty, 7866 |DRESSMAKING, designing, professionally done at reasona' |Call Mrs, Neve, 221 Lupin Drive, Whi |DRESSMAKING -- "Expertly fitted sult |coate, dresses, Beautifully tallored silp-| |eovers, drapes. Mrs, Tom, 668-2372 |Gardening and Supplies | "Bird Feeds" | Pole Bird Feeder Hanging Feeders Pet Supplies Purina Dog Feeds Master Dog-Feeds Purity Dog Meal Snow Shovels Water Soft Sait Brittania Malt Extroct Wine Concentrate ¢. Rooting, img (ALL TYPES plies. . Everything in the 13th. Phone Genosha Hotel plumbing line, 20% off all on these dates for appoint- supplies. ment 12 pm. --= 9 p.m 3--Sportsman's Column SATURDAY 9 4.m..to 5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY PES repairs and WILL SKIN, ~ remodel Reason J. Foley. 4--Motorbikes repairs ew and used materials. {rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, PUT AWAY a tidy sum by renting thet apartment. Phone 723-3492 and piace en) opt for rent ad in The Times. CHRISTMAS IDEAS FOR THE CYCLIST ae | | helmets @ gloves @ jackets | ry pry Service [Sur RE-UPHOLSTERING 725-9332 @ Wide selection of Fabrics @ Workmanship Guaronted (five full years) ® Easy. budget terms--Free | Estimates | | foce shields @ windshields goggles @ leather pants Motorcycles from $350, AB'S CYCLE SHOP 114 Stevenson Rd, 5. 728-7780 \s--Trelten " |HORSE TRAILERS FOR SALE, single, }double, and bigger, with or without elec- jtric brakes. 723-6840, @ Over 20 years experience THE FURNITURE CENTRE = 90 Simeoe St. North PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING cut and wrap 'deer end _|moose. Telephone Bob Slute, 723-0275. WILL DIE | UNLESS IT | TAKES FREQUENT | | DUST BATHS © ki Fein Srey be PORT Deak ee mee NEW MONARCH AS HIS FIRST OFFICIAL ACT = PHRAATES ALSO el 29 OF HIS BROTHERS 11--Pets and Livestock ESSIONAL DOG SERVICE--Cil; ping all breeds, poodies our specialty ih at end delivery; ahh pre Doberman Pinschers and \epherd pupples for sale. Bachurs Kennels, 655-3881. HORSES BOARDED reasonable. 263 2196 after 5 p.m, 12--Articles Wanted 6000 UséD i igh beg wanted, etc. e8. Highest prices. Call an' are MacNelll's pauls 668-5481, 668-6526. . Glassware, picure frames, [evelery buttons, china, etc. Mrs. R. 177 Kingston Rd., Whitby. 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER MUST BE MATURE AND EXPERIENCED Apply stating qualifications, experience, age, and salary expected to BOX A327 XTRA CHRISTMAS cashi Those ~ Bowmaniiey Auction Born, Deus) OSHAWA TIMES Gower, Auctioneers, 728-1005. Cash FOR mi articles. Telephone 623-7276. = bedroom suite end cedar elephone 723-7655 anytime. were Britennies l WANTED, ( West Rana act TORE? for 20-foot cruiser. Telephone 728-3702. 13--Articles for Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Min Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, S., 725-3338 Industrial Nurse Experienced applicant to assume responsibility of op- plying First Aid and keeping compensation and employee records, Typing essential. Ex- cellent company benefits. Sal- ary commensurate with exper- lence. Submit resume to R. McLEAN, Safety Coordinator, LAKE ONTARIO STEEL CO. LTD., Box 330, Whitby, Ont. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Crop Service Representative International Company in fer- tilizer field with manufactur- ing plants and storage depots across the country is expand. ing operations In this area, We urgently require a man between 25 and 45 years old, presently farming or with re- cent farm background. If you are confident and ambitious, and interested in an oppor. tunity with @ company where you can move ahead, you may be the man we are look- ing for. Previous sales eaparones not important. During initia! training period position ean be handled along with your present farming operation, Write to--Louls C. Janke Ontario Sales Mgr, Box 84, LONDON, Ont. YOUNG MAN wired selescie fine gp a were care win train od perience § eee State and education, sass "bor Times. All4 Gohewe iF YOU ARE thinking oF = change because of unsettied Tekine © in your present field, ENTERTAINING? rant, to one hundred peop! a inis Club for baen- Bar, kitchen, parties. weddings, I-77, iL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk- reducing machines, sick room sup plies, Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644. 14----Business Opportunities \S--Aavine Equipr t | 2 Doy Service | Free Pick-Up and Delivery | SALES and SERVICE McVay fibreglass sail boats, Crestliner, Peterborough and Northcraft runabouts. Evin- rude outboard motors. Oshawa Yachthaven Angus-Graydon | 728-6254 | CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and) re-styled. Free estimates. See our mate-j rial for re-covering. Slip covers made! to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. teen 723-8186 RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- be ade BOATS repaired, recon: lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran-|ditioned and wooden boats fibreglassed, at-|also fiberglass, resin, cloth, hardener, cleaner at 30 to 50 per cent off market 25-6144 after 6. RAFT" GREW Traveller boats. Evinrude motors. Open seven day? 8 teed. Free estimates. Credit terms tresses re-bullf, furniture re-finished. Oshawa Uphoistering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311, Sales and Service nd K Giass end Mirror, Blackstock, foiais, Special for month of November on resilvered mirrors, $1.75 8q. ft., regu- larly $1.90 sq. ff, We have everything from We pbb go aluminum win- es, big or small. iekup and aativery 'on all types of Brooklin 655-3441 BOAT, MOTOR and box trailer, in good Condition. Apply 1610 Simcoe St. N., after 5 p.m. 7--Swap and Barter tonal words. 1syac Soc Sve; aeae Budgie & Conary Mix Siene ana enlerark: We're. a6 iam 85 bie Mites 'Ven teeter oan ive insertions o wi » 9.70; «5 2 thing In jew and used, 20 per ee Cooper-Smith Co. auboa, noe he ag vie ial onslers. one Park' Sc n eh 7088 de 4 rm itional ehe! mekes, new » brushes, new ors. | an er' ou! jays, eager! al gr iglag isis 16 Celine St. deck Lees, pick up and delivery, 728-|nights, Method of counting -- Less than 24) 723-2312 723-1139 | GUARANTEED REPAIR to al" wringer wringer 8--Articles for Sale words count os 24 words; @¢ach word, ri washers and ranges. Free initia! ghee Ragpetitiitlagh pera lod Instruction Faicun Furn. end Appliances, 7230011, NOW ene word; phone .numbe! PRIVATE LESSONS on trombone, trum- ie} pel, saxophone, clarinet, flute, drums,|Septic Service SIX SERVICE BAYS SOLIAL Notices Tuan, "agen Alte Musle Sipplin TE VGEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Promet verv-| FOR FASTER SERVICE iC 1 $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents addl- joe on calls, Walter bi "vg Chestnut tional charge if not paid within 8 days. Mortgages Street West, Whitby. 668-2543. pp one re ee IN. MEMORIAMS Su mouth, Pontiac. We correct 5 ds end 6c rveyors : ) . \ oa teeta oun 18 e per fine off SECOND MORTGAGE DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On| Wheel alignment, inspect and verse; 25¢ additional charge if not paid MONEY tarlo Land Surveyor, Commercial bive- correct castor and comber- within 8 deys. interest prints, 71 Onterio Street, 725-5632. align toe-in and toe-out to Akos OF THANKS Poy Rot H, FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor.| correct condition .... $7.95 $2.50 for the first 35 words and 7c ate Office 47 Prince St, Res, 103 Elgin $*. @ Ports extra if required @ach thereafter ith, 256 gacitional Borrow Monthly Per Annum |E. 725-6881. I Tanion bat ediistmnent pte ; pany Pane See | eane 16% |TV--Radio Repairs extra. : $238" per inch (elspioy); $2.00 for the| 2500 34.2315 BRAKE SPECIAL first 20 words and 6c each thereofter 4,000 50.97 13.5 TV SERVICE Most popular cars. First seta ae 7,500 88.63 12 'a or Quality Ravaline, 4 wheels, Al 1 $256 Per INCH PER INSERTION a > = BLACK and WHITE DEADLINES ¥' FOR THE BEST, CALL Pius $2.00 per whee! iene a DEADLINE Interest rate Is calculated T R | O (labor: cost) 4 pms DAY PREVIOUS on the: declining balance. . ote . WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL ost ab ND FOUND No arranging fees -- Open TELEVISION = welohts per wheel, ved sesame ogee FOR CLEANER, SHARPER " Dee IN MEMORIAMS ond . SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, C.A.C. REALTY LTD. ial sergy hin FRONT-END WORK ot evieus; 2 CANCELLATIONS AND SORRECTIONS 9 a. AY OF PUBL BOX NUMBER RENTALS $1.00 While every end " be made to x numbers to the} THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE RESPONSILE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER VISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE THAN ONE INSERTION VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- ERROR OCCURS SERTION IN WHICH ne paint its ed therein ore ¢ IT'S EASY TO PLACE & TIMES ACTION WANT AD | Classified Olrect i NDEX 1 (8) CLASSIFICATION --Women's Colurin 2----Personel 3--Sportsmon's pai vestock inted one Sole Sale Estate Wonted Offices and Storage ts for Rent Wa 30--Automobiles for Sele ae a ge Cors for Sale | | 3 &--Comi ng * Events 39---Netices doy previous} jeny tim time. terlor red bende Free estimates a: | tow prices. Telephone 720-2234, Diei | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MORTGAGES | First mortgages arranged and COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL * CENTRES The New Home of TV TOWER 728-5143 Corner Bond and Division chased. Open without no- or bonu > oges arranged | and purchased, Current. in- terest rate 12%. Open half- | yearly without notice or | |. DOMINION TIRE STORE | 17 Park Road South i Phone 725- 6511 |GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, |felevision, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and }¥p. Falcon Furniture and Appliances, 452 Simcoe South, 723-0011 T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT week, Marine Storage and Supply Ltd., Tent and Snowmobiles Troilers $129. up Trailer hitches made and in- stalled, Snow tires $12.95 up. Cars -- Trailers ---- Snow- mobiles wanted. Rent a Ski-Doo by the Hour or day, 80 acres to play on MacDonald Treo KING ST. Open to 10 576- 1250 CUSTOMIZED DRAPES SAVINGS UP TO 50% LIMITED TIME ONLY M&C DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES 23-7827 74 Celina 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale SNOWMOBILES RUTHERFORD'S CHRIS CRAFT 3 re $695. 3-room groups, Living Spey from Bedroom, Dining Ro $399, $499, 3599, $699. Easy terms. Immediate deliv- ery or layaway. RUTHERFORD'S 156 Simcoe St. South VIOLINS FOR SALE. Also will repair all kinds of instruments, Telephone 723-7090 evenings. TWO SKI-DO0'S 1966 and 1967 with trailer. Force to sell, due to health, Telephone 725-8166. FILTER QUEEN Cleaners are being chosen by more people this Christmas és the gift for the home. 576-2370. TYPEWRITER, standard, $20.; portable, $35.; electric typewriter $95., adding ma- chine $20., electric adder $40, 723-4434. 9--Market Basket Apples | VISIT MacNEIL'S YE OLDE SHOPPE Stain glass windows; Bell or- } gan, reconditioned; corner cupboard; stands; toilet sets; older furniture. 413 Dundas E. assorted 668-5481 HEAD COMPETITION SKIIS 1 poeir, 215 cm. long. Red Star, 205 cm. long; 1 pair Ski Boots, size 9, Raickle, Pro- Elite, 1 pair. 725-6266 | after 6 p.m. [CHRISTMAS TREES FOR ronge types and sizes of trees All Melntosh $2 Per Bushel ALGOMA ORCHARDS Ltd. Thickson Rd. N. Whitby phone Mr. Niro, 668-6592. BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. SKATES, new and used, hockey equip- ment and sticks at bargain prices. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E., 725-6344, BUY YOUR HUSBAND or wife used furniture for Christmas. Valiey Creek. 778-440) FIREWOOD, ar dry, mixed hard aple, beech, white birch, ete., 17" od Ie" delivered, 728-6852, ELMER will buy or sell your furniture and appliances or commission. Free pick-up. 263-2294, WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. TWO-PIECE chesterfield, kitchenette set, 3-pleces bed, dresser, chest of drawyers, hair dryer, other household furniture. Telephone 728-7698. refrigerator, ' |TYPEWRITERS, no money down, $2 We give you a better tower weekly, cashiers; adders, trades, terms, for less money Bill Hamilton, Raglan, service. 60 VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213. Fleming Vacuum Service, Maln Street, Pickering. |LIGHT GREEN lined living room end dining room drapes. 91 Inches long. | Could make one pair. Ten widths, Reas OSHAWA T.V. onable, 723-6938. AORTGAGE | S$ JPPl V GAGE LOANS SUPPLY LTD, [DINING ROOM aulte, nine-plece, light @ Re-f ce Present TAUNTON RD. E joak, one electric fireplace, one custom TAUNTON RD made wrought iron table with glass. top Just East of Ritson) |with four matching chairs, caned seats + fa) jand backs; ene studio couch and chair; e nts 723-8131 723-8132 }bedroom suite, light maple: MacNell's {Used Furniture, 215 Dundas East, @ Exc Whitby, 668-5481 @ Fo TELEVISION -- RADIO | TELEVISIONS, reconditioned, 21-inch ROSE a4 |Marcon!, $49.; 21-Inch Fleetwood, $79.; . N 24 f r Service {23-inch Phillips, two years old with . ok |new picture tube, $150.; 21-inch Philco, MONEY A PR¢ nsolidate ol! your 'debts into OWDA -E, ONT. IMMEDIATE MONEY $89. All sets guaranteed. Trio Television, 728-5143, }CITIZENS' BAND two-way redio, 24 channels with hand and desk mike, ear- HOLMES ELECTRONICS CHRISTMAS TREES for sale, '| SpY APPLES FOR SALE. | | | \T 1% miles north Whitby on No. 12 Highway, $2 and $3 per bushel. MayBelle Orchards, 668- 2163. Open every day ONTARIO NO. livered or apply 14 Rockciiffe Street. Telephone 723-9439. 9A--Eggs & Poultry EGGS "DAISY FRESH" dally -- white Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. Pick- ed up, delivered at store or home. 10--Farmer's Column 1 WINTER potatoes, de-| 2 SPARE TIME DOLLARS Overwhelming demand forces manufacturer to grant manu- facturing rights of patented automotive products to indi- viduals. Can be processed in bosement or garage in your Spare time, Machinery and tools supplied. Absolutely no selling. Earnings in excess of $7000 per year, by contract. Low initial investment covers special machinery, material, and supplies. Only stable, de- pendable person should apply. TRED SPRED MANUFACTURING LTD. For application call Mr.. MacLeod t the Georgian Motor Hotel, Oshawa 723-4693 Phone Monday after 9:30 SERVICE STATION with two bay gar- age to rent. Good opportunity for tic. iced mechanic. On outskirts of Osh- a, Call 725-1730. BABY-SITTER WANTED for four chil- dren, live In, Telephone efter 4, 8. EE WAITRESS } REQUIRED 4 4 4 m, + 119. shift and for 11 m, Apoly pbell, RELIAB = WOMAN to come In and care for three children, one school age. Five- day week, light _housekeep! dut ies. | Eulalle - Central Park area VARIETY AND FISH AND CHIP. Only Sixty-nine hundred Includes equipment, excellent location. Cail Earle Allen, Keith Peters Realty Ltd, Realtor. 725- 7782. VARIETY STORE business, Including excellent building with store and six- room apartment above, Excellent op- portunity for couple. Owner will consid- er trade of house on this excelient prop- erty, equipment inciuded in price. For furiher _ Information, please contact Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377. 15--Employment Wanted MAN WOULDe LIKE JANITOR work from 8 a.m. until 12 a.m. Small church fe hall preferred. Phone 728-3387, morn- ings only, SWITCHBOARD receptionist desires position on PBX Board. Experienced typist and telex operator. Telephone 723- WE PAY YOU TO TRAIN FOR RETAIL STORE MANAGEMENT Rapidly exponding Canadian Retail Firm with stores from coast to coast has immed- late openings for young men to train on the job for Store Management, with future op- portunities in Home Office and administration positions. @ Ages 20 to 30 desirable, but we have a few - ings for men 18 to 20. Single men preferred. Starting" salaries depend on age, education, and past work experience. Muture salary depends upon the ability and per- formance of the individual. Salaries at the manage- ment level range upward from a minimum of $7,,- 500. annually. Employee benefits Include Pension Plan, Group Life Insurance and. Health Plan, Profit Sharing, Sum- mer and Winter Vaca- tions. Qualification: @ Leadership ability. @ At least High School ed- ucation or better. Attrac- tive starting salaries for both High School and Un- iversity Graduates. @ Willingness to accept per- lodic expense - poid trans- fers during training. REPLY stating full particu- lors: Nome, address, tele- phone number, age, marital status, education, nig pre- vious work experienc And send to MR, Hh ROSS, ¢/o ZELLERS LTD. 21 Simcoe St. South Oshawa 942. |8W8. This opportunity old has an opening vancement In accordance with var ine ability, specialized training with Persone} assistance, @ salary and bonus, and s guaranteed pension, nen 8 state age, marital status, Business on perience and eaten packground, Write B Box 84215, O: nL ng Oahew tl "ne | worth up fo $) 2,000 in 4 cash bonus, Air in ee Bln rep SE, PO Box 70, Station R, a en 1% Ontario, THE OPENING. Advertisin Speci salesmen wanted. The opportun! Ne limit on earnings, Sell full time or part-time with present lines, Answering this ets OU o) free \9-part sales course from Kedco Products Limited, PO se M40, Brockville, Ontarlo. 19----Male or Female Help Wanted REACH TWP. AREA SCHOOL BOARD (18 miles North of Oshawa) Requires for Jan. 3, 1968, for Central Schools the fol- lowing teachers: Grade 1 Teacher Grade 3 & 4 Teacher Assistant to principal for half time Salary schedule: Cat. 1, Min, $4,400 - Max. $6,200; Cat, Il $4,800 -- $6, '900; Cat, Il $5,200 -- $7, 600; Cat, IV $5,800 -- $8,800. All experience allowed. Reply giving qualifications, name and address of last inspector to: Mrs. Patricia Love, See. RR 2 Port Perry VIC TANNY'S HEALTH SPAS Due to our expansion program we have available openings for Instructors and instruc- tresses. Full or part time, Must have a good trim phys- ical appearance. Apply in person Tuesday, 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. CAROUSEL MOTOR HOTEL 9276. FREE PICK-UP and delivery, day care in my home. Not under two years of age. 576-1337. MOVING, move insured, odd jobs done, with or without truck, Rent fruck with driver, 728-2882. CATTLE DEHORNED arteries picked -- no bleed- ing. Phone W. W. Simpson, Oshawa, 576-0850 or 576-3485 DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm = stock picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, yrone, Telephone collect Hampton 263- 2721, Licence 101-C-67. CHAIN-SAW WORK, trees taken down, small moving jobs, light cartage, odd Jobs of all kinds. Phone 668-8682. WOMAN WANTS housework by the day, 9 to 4 p.m., $10. dally. Telephone 725- 8273. RELIABLE WOMAN will give day care to children, five-day week, Please apply at 849 )_ Sylvia Street. HOUSEWORK WANTED by the day by experienced woman. References If need- ed, Telephone 728-0790. EXPERIENCED fifle searcher requires work with firm In Oshawa-Whitby area. and retail, Scotch pine, spruce and bel- sam. Telephone evenings, 728-6562. CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat- esses half price, ail sizes, headboards one-third off. Factory outlet, 723-3889. URNITURE -- Three rooms of furniture. Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' Home Furnishing, 4 424 Simcoe South. STRAW FOR SALE. T 723-1308. Telephone 668-8096 after 6:30 p.m. TWO ROW , used cornplanter wanted 'with fertilizer attach. ment, state price, make and year to John Suurdt, RR 1, Frank- new|'ord, Ont. 11--Pets and Livestock TYPEWRITERS, adding cash registers, new, used, sales, service, all makes, Call your Royal dealer. 728-3664. FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you purchase from Western Oll Company. 725-1212. . Reg'd. pups, Pro fessiona) tralning, boarding. Stud serv- Ices. Pinto, Show mare, Texas saddle, Shirts, Cozy-5 Ranch Kennels, 655-4662. BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready for training, talking strain. Apply P, Broad, 114 Elgin East. 17--Female Help Wanted SECRETARY TO MANAGER OF CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT Qualified mature candidate to assume responsibility for secretarial ond other inter- esting routine and non-rou- tine duties under the direc- tion of the manager of Cor- GLASS REPAIRS fo and wood lows and aluminum geree Free pick-up and delivery, 728- FIBERGLAS FENDERS seem 7 and up. New and used auto bullt starters and generators. ite Mareen St. 725-2167. jPhones 8 and r, Telephone 576-2566. USED TELEVISIONS, reconditioned, TV RENTALS |$2%, and up. Buy, sell, sont and service. 19 "Prince Street. 723- FOWERS \puy AND SELL. Good used furniture, lappiiances, antiques, 9241, 19 Prince St. Skates, guns. 723 PHONE 668-5679 LADY'S SEAL COATS, (two), _full- length, size 14-16, good condition. Rea- sonable. Bowmanville 623-5718. |CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS -- For sale, | Brother sewing machines. | will demon- | strate |today for "an eppointment. KENMORE DELUXE 30-inch range, '67 model, excellent condition. Reason for {selling--moving to home with bullt-in |rénge. Telephone 668-8764, T.V. Rentals NEW SETS FALCON FURNITURE and In your own home, Cali 725-1328 |bedr: ANTIQUE CHERRY table, dressers, pine box, lugs, Also fl cradie, pesitheng LUNDILU REG'D KENNELS -- Peking- ese, toy poodies, chihuahuas. Groom- ing, stud service, puppies. Townline Road North, Oshawa. 723-6216. POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing, reasonably priced. Telephone Whitby, 668-6977. HORSES BOARDED, excellent care. Box or standing stall, Telephone 723-0112. TOY TERRIER, for sale, male Als! ee old, purebred, has needles. children. Telephone 728-6334, GOLF CLUBS, complete Billy cas men' right hand set, irons 2 through wedge, putter, woods | through 4, 'at lantic bag, $150, Also cartridge type tape recorder with tapes, $50. All In ex- cellent condition. 725-0338. HEAVY DUTY electric stove, 40'. Per- fect working condition. Priced reason- able for quick sale, $25. Apply 136 Sum- er Street. ' APPLIANCES FOURBARREL | carburetor and ment irst nd } fo! hevrole' jac, e' may nel Gre + Uo 73586 Fai with ir. cleaner, Telephone "725416 ' bse , | sfler 5 p.m. ie ey eatin Real Es- | ISOALLON DEUABIUM ae toe Li 3 made s! and canopy. ler'a 8, ans SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50) BTU alr conditioner. Fits most apart- 942-3310 Fast T.V. Service FIREPLACE as white birch, 18 |FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, lengths, also . --Teleph agreement $ purchased ond og Ron DOMINION Orono 983-5530. niet East; Barristers, 31 King Stree: |GOALIE PADS, in excellent condition, j nearly new. Telephone 723-4718. TELEVISION FOR cae gg AE Tew |TRIANG TRAINS, parts, eccessories |= Ouse: cen interes! good |and landscaped 4' x 8 table for sale. As cove 8 £2 1 Custom Holdings Ltd. 728- 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m |@_unit or separately. Telephone 947-2655, 30 _King TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-foot toweroi, Bur a unit, W BRANCH REAL TY offe 77-|structure, all-channel antenna installed, {IL BURNER | caniversion unit, "Water gages Telephone 72 $50. Oshewe TV Supply Limited, Teun, Iron bed frames. |Money to Loan |NEED CASH tc Paced atetaeresa | 1 Road East? lust east of Ritson Road. ONE ELECTRIC GUITAR, one pick-up, in perfect condition, Telephone 942-0562 lafter 5 and ail day _Saturday --Women's Column joonfidential, private ¢ DO IT Nowi - NOW! finterior decorating. Ou |Schmidt, 725-9572, consolidate your b se AQUA LUNG, scuba fank and harness, Under New Management -- {$75 "boy's Mustang-type bicycle, $30. Artistic Hair Styles |seconne Roath edi cuideas V TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-f, structure ore] 725-7221 ail channel antenna, $80. TRIO Mra, ANNE! GODIN. owner, [oeee eg dad BLUE SNARE DRUM, cymbal and Painting, paper formerly from Ronnie's --- |stand, excellent condition, $30; Singer | ive i se jsewing machine, converts to treadie, Mrs. Fern Brennan, operator "straight sewing, $1§. Telephone PAINTING AND PAPER hanging. SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Classified Ads sell things you don't need for spot cash. Tana ter a0 Aé-uriter now, isoneble, Telephone 722- AMERICAN FLYER ¢ ain ae eale, Ree- ne be SS boy Wee oth SET YOUR LOT MARLY. Cihristmes trees, wholesaling, _ Spruce, Balssm and Scotch Pine. Telephone 942-1043, /a7" Alax THREE: PIECE bedroom suite, $75. Studio couch, like Mg $45, Humidifler| 7 820. Telephone 723-758! porate Development. Short- hand experience essential. Excellent working conditions and company benefits. Salary commensurate with experi- ence. Submit complete res- ume to A. Smith, personnel manager. YOUNG MEN To assist manager In local branch of coast to coast chain organization. Exper- lence unnecessary, in educa- tion field, but must be able to converse intelligently. 1, Aged 18-26, 2. Neat In appearance. 3. Able to start mmediately. SALARY: $110. Weekly For interview call 725-2541 9 - noon ONTARIO * MOTOR LEAGUE OSHAWA OFFICE has an opening for.a mem- bership sales representa- tive, full or part time. Apply in writing only to district supervisor, ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE 172 King Street Eost. OSHAWA Bloor Street, Oshawa R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE LTD., BROKER Immediately requires one ex- Perienced salesman or sales- lady, who is not afraid of hard work for good returns, Lots of leads, All replies con- fidential. Call R. Martin, Real Estate Ltd. Broker. 576-1200 172 KING EAST SUITE 101 CIVIC MINDED AND CONSCIENTIOUS ADULT with an awareness and con cern for the future of our youth and our country to act as cub leader or assistant. Experience unnecessary. Pay- ment low in salary, but high in satisfaction, 725-2825 MANAGER REQUIRED FOR MAC'S MILK STORE IMMEDIATELY $1,000 cash bond required. LAKE 'ONT. STEEL CO. LTD BOX 330 WHITBY, ONT. room set, counter, 21 cu. ft, freezer, stove, refrigerator, dehumidifier, baby YORGARD KENNELS. Registered Great carriage, bicycles, ice skates, garden/Dane pups, biack and harlequin. Brook- tools, etc. 942-2992. lin 655-4821 or 655-3962. USED TIRES, most all sizes, B. F. ed MINIATURE COLLIE, p y Lab- rich, 88 King Street West. 725-45: radors and Tiny Toy Poodles, One white Telephone kitten, $25 to $150 delivered. 1-985-2645, POOLDES -- beautiful black and white miniature pups, Ready for Christmas. Registered. Choice of litter now, deposit will hold. Telephone 576-2608, WILL BOARD. one horse, private st excellent care, just north of Oshawa, $35. Telephone 655-4810 evenings. KITTENS FREE to good home, Three months old. Some white, two part Per- sian. Telephone 623-7630. BLUE AND CREAM PEDIGREE Per- sian kittens for sele, nine weeks old. Will hold until Christmas. s,_ Telephone 576-3284. CHICKENS FOR SALE -- ach, and rabbits. T 98: POOL TABLE, regulation size with slate barg in very good condition. Telephone 728-3702. |TAPE RECORDER, 3-sper AC-DC transistor, phone 576-1054. PEDIGREE English pram with cano- py, Storkcraft crib, new mattress; beau tiful bunting bags, like new; solid wal- Inut kidney-shaped coffee table, orang pole lamp. 723-5964. BASS GUITAR and amplifier, sionally painted, new strings, tn Electra, $125. Tele good Portable|-- En profes- Bee WELSH ci CORG! puppies, lovely compan- ons for adults and children, Reserve now. 452 | Loring 728-9888, TO GOOD HOME, six-monthold sage kitten, house broken. Telephone 576-2938. ' FOX TERRIER, female," six months old, reasonable. Had all needies, 'ogous pet. Telephone Port Perry 985-7048. PUPPIES FOR CHRISTMAS, purebred Uxbridge 852-6939. KITTENS, SIAMESE Sealpoint and condition, Telephone 623-5352 after 5 or|Lilac, eight weeks old, healthy, trained. weekends Make lovely Christmas gifts. Telephone RESTAURANT QUIPMENT for sale, | 2425389. ine deep fryer, grill, two sets tables | AQUARIUMS repaired, custom Built, Telephone Ridges, 839-1631, er arti+ rs, New and some old style for sale. CONSUMER RESEARCH One of Canada's foremost Morket Research companies, has openings for women to conduct interviews (personal and telephone) and gather Opinions in connection with consumer surveys and publi¢ opinion polls. Positively no selling involved, Both daytime and evening work. Use of car desirable but not essen- tial. Local Retail Store requires a responsible man for the Receiving and Shipping department. Must be bondable and WRITE BOX AS02 OSHAWA TIMES $100 WEEKLY or more, full, parttime, tadies, 5 » Full Bowmanvilie, bbl rtd -- [rage EXTRA eyes by demonstrat. HF fon homes fy Pr Prince ar sairoet. Felephons MR. MERCHANT This Space Is Available For Your Message PHONE fits, Fer appointment phone Mr. wood at 576-1341. DISHWASHER RaeUIRES, ay fin. six-day week. Mr. Campbell, 'Genosha, Har- Apply Canadian Facts Co, Limited, 160 Bloor st, | between 25-40, Toronto 5, Ont. EXTRA EARNINGS as a Beauty Coun- APPLY Lapa Pani! Section Manager. elephone 725-9442. dagdoll ORDER COOK required dally, Box 77229 10 a.m, - 2 p.m, sixday week Including Sundaya. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha BAKER Experience not necessa CLERK - TYPIST -- Requirdd for local ¥ office of international finarclel organ-| Will train. APPLY f ization. Salary commensurate with ex- perience and ability. Usual fringe bene- MR. DO-NUT 438 King St. West (opposite the Oshawa Shopping Centre) between 10 a.m. -- 4 p.m. 725-3614 ~ 123-3492 A Courteous Ad-Writer Will Help You. ? 20--Real Estete for % GUIDE REALTY LTD. REALTOR 16 Simcoe St. 723-528) BUILDING LOT | @ Townline south in the 7 ship of Darlington. Good lot 80' x 200' In a nice area on a paved road, S residential, Ideal place for home site. Call today for Information. « VILLAGE HOME tt @ For only $8,500 you c the proud owner of a 4 room, 2 storey frame home taining two modern kit two bright living rooms. situated on the main stre Blackstock. This would | excellent income home. * DO YOU WANT? Il @ a home and approxin Vs acre of land in the C Oshawa? Do you want a : ate workshop from the | along with a garage? If s on this one we just listed. 150' x 250° LAKEFRONT LOT IV _@ with a lot of trees. miles east of Williams Poi Lake Scugog and only 30 from the City of Oshawa. # VALENCIA ROAD V @ 3 bedroom home on « quiet street, large lands lot, shade trees. Just listed Ing $11,500. Owner will possession in 30 days. Fe particulars please call toni e NORTH-EAST ARE VI @ Enjoy the comfort ¢ 2 storey, 3 bedroom home a recreation room. Hot ' Oil heating system, base diators, three entrances outtide, lot 50' x 150' yes, It has @ garage, call t e CENTRAL LOCATIC VII © Very attractive thre room brick bungalow, holl kitchen, double stainless sink, double car drive, very to King St, on Wilson Rd. $3,500 down, less than 000. For full particulars, | call tonight. 7V4% OPEN MORTGAGI VIN @ Only 2% years old, bungalow located on a dee ft. lot. Loaded with extra: age, rec-room, extra ro basement, paved driveway, modern kitchen. Close to s end transportation. Very terms -- Call us to inspe home. e Oshawa Office: Marilyn Fitzgerald 668 Morris Fogel 723 Leon Manitius 728 Ted Mendyk 728 Hilda Mooney 728 Grace Thomas 728 Rey Flintoff 725 Jack Graham 728 Ernest Mueller 728 Jean Peacock 728 Vernon B. Corson 723 Evelyn Cassel 725 Joe Drapak 723 Steve Englert 728 Lloyd Corson 72: Lucas, Peacock 725 Richard A. Young 72: Whitby Office: George Nymeyer 728 Kathryn Armstrong = 72: Doreen Aston 728 Len Bissell 72! Jean Hedge 728 W. O. MART REALTOR 728-5103 LOW DOWN PAYMENT Try an offer -- 5 room t home--best north-west | tion. See and buy It now $1,500 down -- Count storey home 2 apartment good income, asking $7,000. $6,900 -- For 3 bed fully winterlzed cottage Bowmanville 'Beach, o ances and furniture inclu Make us an Offer. 2 _ ind a storey brick hore, best tion north end, jclose sch Act fast on this one. Contact HAROLD SEGAL Business 725-3557 Residence 725-1772 J. B. McMull & Co. RANCH BUNGALOW--This Is 3 built home with three bedroom room and lovely large kitchen, veer cae uethied stone 0d f ee 2 hollywood oa kieeen in twopiees ban, toohaty ion agé room. Only inrea. 9 years i priced to sell, Must be seen L iesge 2 Venger will hold appointment call Mike Be Schoticlo ater Ltd, 576-1908 or 7 $3006 TO $4000 DOWN, and Income of $240 per mont unit apartment, gies Bd & ros lot nen eaten Mullan"and Con Resiton. ést-i $13900 -- FULL PRICE for room, twottorey home on $t. kitchen, dining room drive and 1 ot 12-0 fe

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