Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1967, p. 23

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, CAN'T UNTIL TOMORROW, |7 [MAN IF WHAT WE SAW DOWN TTCOULD TURNTHE W iT COULD BRING ON fs BUZ, 'THE BATTERIES OF | j | THERE I$ A POLARIS-TYPE PENTAGON UPSIDE ) ANOTHER MISSILE Nevember 25, 1967 23 MISSILE LAUNCHER, I WONDER DOWN CRISIS BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) DONALD DUCK BUZ SAWYER Fast dealer. East-West vulnerable. NOV. 27th NOV. 28th : - NOV. 29th ETTER GET BACK TO JANE aE AN' DON PEREZ, Vie $ IN YOUR. SAVINGS 'COUNT Features BLONDIE JANE ARDEN Opening lead -- five of hearts, The bidding by the opponents frequently provides declarer with a blueprint of their hands. Though the picture may not al- ways be entirely clear, declarer will often obtain all the infor- mation he needs to guide him to the best line of play. For example, take this deal where South is in four spades and West leads a heart. East takes the queen and plays the jace, which South ruffs. Declarer sees that, come what may, he must lose two club tricks, so his only chance for the contract is to avoid a trump loser Ordinarily, with this spade holding, declarer would lead a low spade to the king and an- other one back towards the jack --hoping East was dealt Q-x or |Q-x-x, in which case South jwould lose no spade tricks. | But declarer does not have to jbe a mindreader to realize that jthis method of play is sure to FO' TH' FUST TIME IN SADIE HAWKINS DAY HIST'RY A AT TH' FIRST SHOT, YOU COWARDLY CORNPONE GAL AN' BOY IS IN TH' LINEUP?! --?? BEIN' BACHELORS RUNS FO' YORE. HIPPIES WE GOTTA TAKE THAR WORD THEY IS zy. i ever. EACH WIF TH APPROPRIATE SEX." my... BELIEVE YOU'LL LET US WALK OUT OF HERE WITHOUT ANY TROUBLE! VALUE YOUR WIFE'S LIFE, LI'L ABNER SECRET AGENT X9 tias @erss= NOW IS THE TIME TO CASH IN ON THE SAVINGS ! THE 1 SWEET MOTORS LO YOUR PRESENT CAR MIGHT NOT LAST THROUGH WINTER! SEE US TODAY ! 266 KING CLIFF MILLS 123-4634 fail in the present case, It is obvious that West has the queen of spades, judging from his no- trump bid over a spade. Declarer has no way of know- jing whether West's spade hold- ing consists of Q-10-x, Q-x-x, Q-10-x-2, or Q-x-x-x, but he should proceed on the basis that f West has one of these holdings. YS wz TELEVISION LOG | cRossworp or ae THEY'RE HAVIN' |" SHOULDN'T YOU : of spades at trick three, intend- PA RARALS A HORGESHOE-PITCHIN' LEAVE YOUR MOTHER | ACROSS 40. Germar 13. Metal ing to finesse if West follows TOURNAMENT OVER AT MR. A NOTE $0 SHE'LL KNOW Channel 2--Butfale \ 1:8 AM, \ 10 PM 1, Exchange river con- low. ' " 11--Hockey 4--Viewpoint 5. Reach tainers this pl it =RBER : JOHUNGON'S, TATER/ THINK ERE -- Channel 3--Barrie Nar cievand SG OO 'lr a . As it happens, this play se! f ( i i Channel 4--Buttato | @--Social Security | 6-News Weather, and across DOWN 15. Ebb tles the entire issue, since : ILL GO NER AN 4 Channel 6--Toronto | 7---Discovery 47 Sports ee 9. Setting 1, Econo- 17. En- West's queen is trapped whether WATCH ITS p< 7 Channel 7--Buffalo 2--Youth aac Perr ad 10. Sat, as for mize trance- he covers the jack or not. As g $ \ es Svan bsaestenetgl aaa Living Word. bette cae as sch indir e hick eco result, South makes the com ceed Channel %--Toronto Be ; | 2-4--Jol i 3.§ ia - 5 Channel 11--Hamilton caw | 11,35 PLM. escutcheon unit board tract. as ' aa hannel 12--Peterborough | 7--Super Comics 3--Dragnet 13. Incrusta- 4. Hebrew girl Note that South s method of Channel 12--! ' 6--Reach for the Top ea No ' s prety r taves 21. Hue bows BieNir play, _-- hye it ro | ------y 4--News, Weather, | installation Ceremony . 2 Yesterday's Anewer |not cost him a trick an ves fh t 9--Perry's Probe 14, Cover 5. Chastise merus 7" ' F SATURDAY BeStonysd s-ainedral of To: MOV as 15. Snowy 6, Hasbor 23. Basks 28. him a os ae na = ~_ 5:00 PLM, morrow 16. Type 7. Star 24, Juice 30. Goddesses |Same' time, je finds hed 12--Mevi ype vy ' ; SE te cherie haa tee wtawee ye ALM. square 8. Closer fruits ofdestiny |with the Q-10-x or Qox-x-x, 2°ARC Mightianrs 4Let's Look at Con-| %--Nobel Lecture 17. Humid 9. Shoe 25. Printing 33. Split leading - jack does no harm, : jonte ress a , 18, Sand- parts errors 34. Cavity but if he is lucky enough to 8:30 P.M. 11--Homleide D y 8! N--Littlest Hobo nwanterie Peek Piper 11. Laundry --26. Nibble 36. Urchin find West with the Q-x-x, he SEs hes Bunny | 6--A City's Story TURSDAY 19. Eating room 27. English 38. Hindu picks up the suit without loss OE. Ccilece Row! | cen Vict ala sae ca utensils item city sacred tree jand may furthermore wind up } | J 0 sucee are |11Sir Lancelot 11--Schnitzel_ House 21. cone OG "ET with his name in the paper. onl ire | 9--Spect | 4--Captain Kangaree N BRAND { "TErcus, Wanner, | esfor"Secar and co. | Sie Aare? | 22. "Ravent Ly Y, Sports 7--Movie ates at, author 9 Vy il ACK i 2--Lost In Space e-Showchee | | ybinina her Hatiara: 2. Distress WY a an Ul S el 1--Death Valley Days 3 - M Herald of Truth | Virginia Graham signal 2 Y % ) i N--College Bow!" tt PM inca ate ie 24. Nobleman Y, 5 ; ---- 9--Flintstones 12--Calvery Calls | 1h-Bg Allen Time 26. Well- P7A\\5 A t ] { bh oP * cma yh 9--Romper Reem known G * us Ta lan 4 | 11--This Space Age | }--Crossfire Hill cr V4) Ysa 2--| Dream of Jeannie | Y | H ceamn ot 4 9--Question Period é--Meta seria V, MELBOURNE (AP) -- Aus: 8--GE Coll Bow! 4--Contact . under (A 'A 7 2 : Popa olin, | ESE Gin owt | etal 30. Excellent [7-20 Wye tralia's economy is. swiftly bee J 4 Buffalo Round Table | 3412--Country: Calendar | 2--Pat Boone 31. Greek V4, coming more and more allied ta a) r 3-6-12--Beverly Hill- 2-Querierback Cie | et ieee it AK Wht that of Japan, C a ute : sche | 36-11-12--Ontarlo Schools 32. Biblical 1, 1, VA Japan has replaced Britain as 7:0 P.M V--College Sports High | 4--Love of Lite mountain: 24 125 Gia 21 [28 Australia's biggest customer for q o--Maya lights | 11--Movie Poss. ZA) wool, is the biggest buyer of her Movi 8--Pro Football , ae Sorte you TO or Lager 3 | ratte lesson ; | 24-20 Foo ah Piuncle, Bovey 34. Unser. 29 yy Gia sugar and is spending many : -12--High 1 P. wor! ili j ON PLAYING. TELL THEM aE "AND i $4-12--High Chaperra cA Ur tains «Candid Camere, pte val ¥ < Win millions of dollars on Australian PLR LEAL LE Movie --Moment of Truth ae lnh Sctiools 85. Ostrich Yj; minerals, ie: -M, . j - 3 1:9) P.M, 3:00 P. ° 9 Se Capital from Japan is likely N BRAND "a FL TtoBIy Graham ee Comiine. otlvieced bey Sance Ys to be invested in Australia in 3 t * 4--Beverly Hilipillies , i SETABLE OIL = ANG S dane 1--Litflest Hobe bee edatbes all ae 38. Large ) Wynd larger amounts of rebate of dou = ; aw ties Sant | 7--Issues and Answers | ea 4 bundles ble tax can be negotiated. Japa- i=) Sb | 36 Hockey 4:00 PM, | 12--Romper Room 39. God of EX V/A 46 V7 \nese banks have indicated they = H 24---Get. Smart Nowy Favorite Martian | 9 --Tugboat Annie pa YW would like to open Australian & i 4--Hogan's Heroes | MONDAY BVENING PN i-25 | branches and have sent officials 4 2-8--Movie | 5:00 P.M. 4--Andy Griffith to investigate. 20 P.M, 12--Rocky and hi Ss i WHAT DID I 1 Trieste eae ager alae 1+6--Mr. Dressup Since 1960, Japan has invested i=) SAY _ TO RATE | 7--Iron Horse 1N--Maya V--Marrlage YOUR HEALTH $60,000,000 in Australia. m= || THAT KIND OF rt 4--Patticost Junction Lema fein Re Confidential More than 65 branch offices PANIC --? e Hes Musee Py Recker' Robin. Hood Le oR Ue et w have been established b: A i h ville - e' MI --| "Conan : ° 4--Perry Mason Pare dite ya . no S| iy TO5 P.M hoe *Dick Van Dyke shew ergy cquired Japanese companies in Austra- 412 18 PM, + |lia. ] wade ac" 12--Flintstones en eh 11--Movie t-Truth or Consequences | > ee eather, ne sl 7--Movie BaP N1--Little People tl t séncoumeoinan oO Line end Seas s--Terente Sh aad y éensl za 10n QUEENIE PPLPLELELPD i -2--Jeopardy 11:00 P.M, 6:00. P.M, ba Movie ; N BRAND" 1461249-11--News, 1a-News, Weather, &éLuncheon Date By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ua weenie BM. NN--Plerre. Berton gest ad Dear Dr. Molner: I think I{but never got more than a few : rat wink Pad ports . : v E : s gay ho a ag me | EMO can understand something of|to eat at a time. He went (this 2 Sports | 3--Super Heroes ig f=} aia eae Ck ee 12:30 P.M, the nature of an allergy that|was some years ago, of course) "Tt Ss ees or | Sports ' | 11--Photo Finish someone is born with, but is it}to a "strawberry social' and 8--Movie oe a P.M, Lea oe for To |Possible to acquire an allergy? gorged ttimself on his favorite By aa Aaa | }1--Rat Patrol morrow When I was younger, I had no/delicacy. : 3 4--Movie | 4 News | f=-Merv: Griffin trouble with animals, Now rl This "sensitized" him, ant 11:35.P.M. Sere Newee Wealhets.-. 4 12:45 P.M. I am in my 30's, I find that if Ilever afterward even a few Mi Sport: | $-4-6-12Gui Sy . é = Movie |iaNews ee et pick up a cat, my eyes get red|strawberries made him break -- ae ee laa romcUNcLa | ieMerle and puffy. Do some allergies de-|out in a rash. yoMovie | 9--Second Hundred | \--Mike. Douglas velop later in life?--D.W. | Too bad, isn't i But that is 11:85 P.M. OP Soaks Dialing tor Bollars "Allergy" means an over-sen-|the way we are made. Tr A it 1 * . Py Pi : beat jsepay it Pal ed 5_Nirainie oranem sitivity to something, but let me| Another example is penicillin a TODAV'S LADIES' | [NOBODY KNEW SUNDAY | scacclucater Family 4 Luncheon Date explain one point that evidently|sensitivity, Some folks have CLUB MEETING ONLY] | ANY NEIGHBORHOOD) 7: AM, | "o--News, Weather, ee ihe Millers confuses you. ; penicillin repeatedly without "T wondered about that, too, LASTED TWENTY ee 7--Christopher Sports 1:0 PM, An allergy does not manifest|trouble, but one day they get a until I discovered the people MARAARS MINUTES Program an PRE fe Rag «4--As The Warld Turne | itself from the first contact with|1ittle more than they can toler- tn ths hah iat ' : }1--Living Word 7--Cowboy in Africa state Make © Osa J anything. There must be, 'irstlate, and they become sensitized. partment are dart G6 k 2:00 PLM, " ppp enthusiasts.' ' "Word of Lite | et --Don Messer reread Game, jo all, & "senstizing™ contact [From then on, even a small 2--Agriculture U.3.A, 2-8--Monkees 64--Love Is A Many en any further contact w: amount is bothersome. ony oe . = nF in Maia n AP ag eM £8 Dave ut Our Wes that substance touches off anal-| Yes, an allergy can break --Father --Movi i i lergy i i i=) 9--Carfoon Playhouse 9--Bewitched : 2:30 PAM. lergic reaction. _ |through later in life. You haveltake to match. Then they have 7--Linus 8--Man from UNCLE 12--Calendar You may be extremely sensi-|to be born with an allergic tend- «bible wie cotemgel i--Let's Go 3-6-12--Danny Thomas li--Perry Mason i x < V : : A Movi 9--People in Conflla? tive to some allergen (an aller-lency, but it may be years be J = saaiakd 1 mera PM. Z--Dream gir et gen is anything that causes al-|fore you are subjected to) near pr, Molter: I've been o Monee huank pe Maal Stee eee lergies) or you may be. onlylenough contact to sensitize you-|1.14 to drink milk for my bones * 6--La Baite a surprises | 4--Lucille Ball 2-4--Doctors mildly sensitive. Or not sensi-| as I need calcium but I gain C Mia wy S-Chontiye imete. Hall s-Mastrner con Thee aL _| Dear Dr. Molner: My: prob- weight easily. Is it all right to n 8--Danny Thomas Pik: Let's say that you are basi-\lem is I have no appetite. I eat|, ' A vn tes 1--Itallan Journal y Thor 8-2--Another Werle y P drink skim milk, or do I ha ib TRocketship | Eee. Sauad 7--General Hospital cally mildly allergic to cats (or|cereal in the morning and then drink regular milk to get full pl? ni ly Griffi . ai : Pf * 8 A 4-Look Up and Live |3412--Front Page Chal-|aeis-téve aon their fur, or whatever). Youjnothing until dinner, and notlhenefit of the calcium?--Mrs. 3--Hymn Book lenge 3:25 P.M, may, th.refore, have had no/much then. My blood count and} 4°¢° CARROL | + Mee tere A as alate NE trouble with cats for years. blood pressure are good. What!""cr i milk is the perfect = $-Falth For Today. | 2-Can You Hear Me N--Bullwinkie CATS REACT can I do?--Mrs. M.C. answer for you. It contains just Americ u ' D you. 'ANTEED He Spectrom T" | S642 bvnaee and the Je Conender tenn But on some occasion you pet-| I am guessing that, you arejas much calcium as Rnegad iy Ser One cans PM. 34-612--Edge ef Night {ted or cuddled a cat to the ex-/fairly well along in years. If so,/milk--only the fat has been re- imit Quantities 9--Cartoon Playhouse N--Merv Griffin eae Pale tent that the contact finally|it may be that you no longer|moved. a tahoe Up and Live | fBlg Vatiey 11---Super, Horses want," past 'fhe emount wiithineed am muy fond SOCaeee 08) ail ees AN 1 kk AART PLAZA Qa 4-Uncle Jerry's Club | 4-Caral_ Burnett yl Love Lucy your system could tolerate. Youjare not as active as you used to : gee 2 see pe ed Heart -B--1 --Ma ame o48 ell yo i AWA | mp ea Ss ba Lcbarvel wae then became sensitized. And|be. 2 : -Jespecially in a child, and more ay 9--Canada 101 3-6-12--Bonnie Prudden | from then on, only a small con-| If your weight remains rea per . wv 1--Continental Mina $12-NYPD a-Mike Devan tact with cat fur om enough to|sonably stable, stop worrying|particularly when there is any 11--Continental Miniature amg s ys » Sl @ } BOWMANVILLE roe ae 1iMy Mather: ihe cer | touch off your allergic reaction.Jabout yeur appetite. Be glad/discharge _-- ig te ; Fete cera ae 9--Movie ; van give y example|you aren't like some folks who,|receive immediate medical | REE PARKING 7--Bullwinkle 2:3-4-6-7-8.9-11-12--. News, 0 I can give you one example|s ; favably by & specials i=) 4--Church Service Weather, Sports yitave it To Beaver |trom my own experience: Ajas they slow down physically,|tention, preferably by a sp 1 2-- i 1.10 .M, --Tru' ir onsequences 7 . y ip in- i 1 STORES LIMITED = ap Aue her Toa. LiiBeri bark ¥612--Barney Boomer 'man- who loved strawberries,!do not slow down their food in- ist. ---- ee '

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