Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Nov 1967, p. 31

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ed effort to create 'tment climate for canada. He told a up: "'No country dly obsessed with ons."" Tee he ee wo kinds of -tight world: | his women, 1 sometimes | them apart. sit to you BLANK" ENTERTAINMENT | Metrocolor SHAWA'S OUNTRY WESTERN RS L THEWS 0 THE pane LY at the N . Hotel Champlain 93 FSilevsaaures RRROW }TIMES -- 1:30) 3:30--5:30 7:30--9:35 LS ON TELEPHONE 725-5833 725-5562 DS INCLUDING' HE YEAR --Fred Zinnemann au! Scofield AY FROM IM--Robert Bolt NG ACTOR--Robert Shaw NG ACTRESS--Wendy Hiller GRAPHY (Color) DESIGN (Color) PICTURES presents NNEMANN'S IAN FOR ALL ONS T -rawnconr' [G} NOV. 29 VES. $2.00 $2.25 EATR DONALD DUCK BLONDIE ER--DO YOU /'IN EXACTLY KNOW HOW } SIX MONTHS, NEAR ? SINNER! ae 770 VES a\ yee Re: Buz APPROACHES 'THE STRANGE FOR FEAR OF SETTING OFF AN ALARM, BUZ SAWYER HMM... IT'S RESTING ON A TRIPOD. AHINGED METALDOOR ON TOR.. GREAT SCoTY! COULD IT BEA POLARIS-TYPE MISSILE LAUNCHER? 1m sorry 4] I'M LATE, BOSS I FELL ASLEEP + Nl But wHy wouto am THAT MAKE You i OVER TWO 3 | 2 ig 1 i (OMING BACK, I FELL) J ASLEEP AGAIN AND RODE TO THE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 22, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer, North-South vulnerable. NORTH @J9642 ¥I95 @KI3 The bidding: So is" West North East Pass 34 Pasg a "MUGGS AND SKEETER LI'L ABNER NUBBIN BUT MAMMY'S CAST-IRON CORSET-- THAT'S INCREDIBLE // COULD I HAVE A STRAW, 1002 CERTAINLY. **IT'S INEDIBLE--AN'TH' FINICASAURUS IS INCREDIBLE. // RIGHT! GLAD TO OF BIN OF SECRET AGENT X9 NOW IS THE TIME TO CASH IN ON THE SAVINGS ! YOUR PRESENT CAR MIGHT NOT LAST THROUGH WINTER! SEE US TODAY ! Channel 11--Hamilton 12--Flintstones j evie W--Phyilis Diller &--Truth or Conse- Channel 2--Buffale 9:30 PLM. Channel 3--Barrie ahd oe a Channel 4--Butfale | 10:00 P.M, Channel é--Toronte | Facey Ph led Channel 7--Buffalo Ra ks Channel 8--Rochester 10:30 P.M. Channel %--Toronto 9--Sports Hot Seat 12-114 Channel 12--Peterborough Weather, Sperts W178 PLM, WEDNESDAY @vanine | 1!--Plerre Berton f 11:20 PLM, tae 6--Viewpoint --Mr. Ed, las PM, 7--Flintstones 4--News, Weatner 4--Perry Mason Sports 3-6-12--Zorre 11:38 PL, 5: PM. pons | 2-8--Johnny Carson | 11:35 P.M, | 3--Untouchables | CLIFF MILLS 266 KING W. TELEVISION LOG 11:00 A.M, 9--Tugboat Annie 7--Honeymoon Race 3-6--Mr. Dressup | Vi: AM, | 11--Marriage Confidential | 9--Mr. and 7--Family Game | 4--Diek Van Dyke | } | | 12 NOON 12-3--News, Weather, Spor' li--Little People 9--Terente Teday 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date 4--NFL Pre-Game | 2-8--Jeopardy | | 12:10 P.M, 3--Super Heroes 12:18 P.M, 4--Pro-Football 12:30 P.M, 11--Photo_ Finish &--Eye Guess 3-6-12--Film Feature Merv Griffin dos 7--News 11:48 PLM, 3-6--Let's Go ll--Hot Line 1:00 P.M, 2--Of Lands and Sees 9--Perry's Probe 12--Movie 1 PM. +--Movie 1l--Mike Deuglas [7] 11--Plerre Berton | 11:48 PLM, bape rh dga F Ss] V---News, Weather, | paaitea a kak | TT nis eee ports | h .M, | p_Fuohi How's Business | 9--Movie | %---Fugitive 7M | é--Luncheom Date ¢Gilligans. stand 'hie se | Movie 4--News, Sports, | 1: PLM, Weather | 6--Let's Make @ Deal 3--He and She |. 6--Comedy Playhouse a chains 6:30 P.M, THURETAY | 2:00 P.M, TELL THE TRUTH. TELL SURE, SURE--AND FROM | ichesaid ane 1:00 AM, es eee EVERYBODY THAT YOU'VE GOT .| DELMONICO THE HOT-SHOT jews, Weather, Schnitzel Hinise | 2-8--Pro-Football A HEART CONDITION AND --_/ QUARTERBACK I BECOME PR tha smeninth, Rare ncee 2:96 PM THAT WAS WHY YOU DELMONICO THE BUST. #-8--Huntley-Brinkley eter |12--Calendar THE HEART WHO ie a yea lh of the Alr ie ferry Mason CASE 0 PLM. 255 AM. we USED TO PLAY FOOTBALL, 1--Walt Disney's World | ¥--Disling For. Dellars | --yecnl® in Confllet wn 9--Fil irgini : mt Flintstones Virginia Graham | port oe : $--World "Adventure | é--Ceronation Street F} 6--Day it Is 3:00 P.M, o er 4--It's a Small World Romper Reem | 9--Magistrate's Court i 3--Daktari cue +#=Pastor's Study | 7--College Football = 3 S News, Weather, © pial JON | 4--Te Tell The Truth = Sen 3 Hy * i--Pat : -~, iS AND WHAT DOL WIND | Sstrvaders gees a--News UP WiTH--2 zERO!! NOTHING, |G le-Mothersin-Lew {<Ontarid 'Schools 3:9 PM --4 ABSOLUTELY NOTHING GREG? Bl | ascvirginien 9--Cartoon, Piayneuse | 11--Bullwinkle EXCEPT A COUPLE OF G | 3-6-12--Ontario Schcols | 9--It's Your Move PRESS CLIPPINGS. ia 8:00 PLM, | 4--Leve ot Life | 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night =A aie 10:09 A.M, 4:00 PLM, <V ES 3412-Mission Impossible | ,__,,,18 i guar ereoe 8:3 P.M. 9--Uncle Bobby 9--I Love Lucy E | 9--Hockey 8-2--Thanksgiving Parade | 4--Secret Sterm & ay ee eooeiay 4 | 4--Beverly Hillbillies | bad ares sil Schools | 3-6-12--Bonnie Prudden TG y 5 j 9:00 P.M. fe eee 4:30 PLM. 77 JOKE SHOP e 7--Novie 10:30 A.M, | 11--It's About Time Hy 4--Green Acres 7--Dateline Hoily- 9--Mevie by } 3-6-12--Nation's Business w 4--Perry Mason 3 i 2-8--Kraft Music Hall 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 3-6-12--Barney Boomer i=) Ti CN I 7 ee S ] CROSSWORD = ; : be a ACROSS 2. Auction 24. Ofa 1, Viper 3. Places river a 4. Music note 4. Nourished © bank ao 6. Likely 5. Man's 25. Slum- 9. Fame nickname bers = 11. Wreath 6.Woeisme! 27. Ever- ial Eeieer yt Whe AAS. 12. Seasoned 7. Enclosures greens = ZZ PLE Wicpep WL iae AW ID ec ee 13. Famous 8. Small 30. Chinese rg ee educator 10. Network river BOWE m0 wHE'S STAYED REAL 14. Top of 12. Frightens 33. Metal IRIAN MME | (O[E[R PHASE LITTLE CLOSE TO ME/ -: awave 13. Mumble fastener CEIEIPISMIRIE|SIe [T LEROY IS GOING Cy | 45. Untiay 15. Obey 35. Ap- Yesterday's Answer OF 16. Exist 18. Greek proach of 4 17. Egress letter 36. Track 40.-Small 3 19. Coin of 20. King of 37. Spirit island rp 2 Iran Judah lamp 42. Hint = a 22, Buries 21. Profuse 39. Man's 44. Baseball = i 26. Theme 23. Midian nick- position: O y paper king name abbr. = ae 20. Barrel parts (77! [2 |3 Qi Ss 6 |7 |e & : D t 31, Mature a} L 3} | 32. Certainly: " io obs. LOr!) 34.G.Russen [@ B pen name V1, 35, Salad a? Go [Xk MAY t PLEASE HAVE YOUR Gae! THANK YOU © SHE JUST FRAMED ingredient TT y 'AUTOGRAPH ? JUST SIGN HERE, VERY MUCH, BUBBA! ME OUTOFA , 38. Tweet yy, WY Y LIKE YOU DO ON YOUR = TLL FRAME THIS! }\ "NOTHING PictuRE! 7-5] | 41. Sol 4 ALLA "ee PuNTINGS! i promise ae! Ae es 24 3 I 42, Make-up: rr" ot 3 archaic WV 6S My 43. veyoen 29 30 7a ss god o: 2 ; \ procreation 7, F 44, Girl's GZ 32 SG { name LY, LY, ; 5 45. Guido's bal be Shade ne: 159790 4 ighest H oa note bs Ar ri 46. Scant s aoe 47, Half anem ia WY deg Y4 DOWN as % Ls 46 yy" L, an M-2a Maem TOBIN DIONT a GET RIDOF IM! HE CAUSED THE POWER FAILURE! THE MOTORS 123-4634 HUBERT HUBERT! I THOUGHT I'D SURPRISE YOU AND COM& HOME FOR LUNCH! THIS IS THE LAST TIME I COME HOME FROM THE OFFICE FOR LUNCH' Opening lead--two of hearts. It is seldom wise to paint a false picture of your hand when you are a defender, because the chances are that you will fool partner instead of declarer and thus frustrate the very purpose of your design. However, there are hands where you don't care a tinker's dam whether partner is fooled or not, and in such cases it is possible to gain an advantage by abandoning normal defensive procedure and by deliberately misrepresenting your hand in order to deceive declarer. Here is such a case. Assume you are East and partner leads ja heart on which declarer plays \low from dummy. Your normal play would be the ten which forces the ace from declarer's hand. If you now imagine yourself in declarer's seat, you can see that he will automatically make six spades. He draws three rounds of trumps, cashes four diamonds discarding a _ heart from dummy, and then takes a club finesse. When it succeeds, the rubber is over and on top jof all your other troubles you are on the wrong side of a vulnerable slam. Now let's go back to trick one and play the king of hearts instead of the ten! Your pur- pose is to create the impression in South's mind that your part- |ner led a heart from a holding of four to the Q-10. That is what declarer is al- most certain to think, and, if he does, he will surely go down. He will draw trumps and either im- mediately or eventually lead a heart towards the J-9 in dum- my, fully expecting your part- ner to have the Q-10. It is next to inconceivable for him to first cash four diamonds in order to discard a heart from dummy, because that d force him to rely on a club finesse to make the slam. Since he can avoid the club loser by discarding one from dummy on his fourth diamond, he is prac- heart situation and wind up go- ing down one. WHITBY MEN'S LEAGUE jay) High Triples: Ted Munns 778 (261)) Ed Brisbois 747 (294); Geo. Childs 740 + Bill Hewis 737 (323); Andy Van- derende 734 (278); Keith Landry 732 ; Bob Carter 717 (247), Alex Fil+ lier 714 (254); Bill Sibeon 709 (318); and Vietnam The Big Issue = s In New Zeaand Politics WELLINGTON»(CP) -- De-; He pledged New Zealand to spite economic cession, low|consult with the fund on further prices for primary produce and|measures if necessary, a move heavy borrowing on the world|Labor labelled as "selling out money market, the war in Viet-/New Zealand's sovereign nam remains the major political|rights."" talking point in New Zealand. Holyoake, however, argues The government of Prime)that the ordinary man knows lit- Minister Keith Holyoake is|tle about credit-worthiness on pleased to keep it that way. ithe London market, nor about In recent weeks the official|the intricacies of borrowing Labor party opposition led by/from the International Mone- Norman Kirk has hammered fi-|tary Fund nancial matters, Labor blamed) -- Holyoake for the under-sub-/ ALL UNDERSTAND WAR scription in London last week of' War, on the other hand, is un- a £15,000,000 sterling loan. Only|derstood by all. 19 per cent of the loan was). New Zealand now has 547 men taken up publicly; the rest was'fighting in Vietnam. New Zea- provided by underwriters. land first entered the war in Labor also seized on a letter|1965 with an artillery battery of from Finance Minister Robert/120 men. The battery was rein- Muldoon to the International/forced a year later with 27 more Monetary Fund in Washington. men and more guns, and one In return for sterling credits of/year later again--last March-- $95,000,000, which New Zealandjan infantry company with sup- will draw over the next 12/port groups was added. months, Muldoon promised a! The latest increase, another eontinuation of the credit 170-man infantry group, was Harry Vanstaveren 707 (304) High Singles: Vaughn Brooks 339, Jack Johnson 270, Sam Princiotta 274, Don Duncan 270, Ron Childs 268, Ed Hutch- Inson 265, Pete Stripe 261, Bill Robin- son 261, Hans Zimmer 261, Bill Hen- derson 259, Doug Lintner 283 and Horst Zimmer 252. Team Standings: The Golfer# 6, Lam- bert Oil Ltd, 5, Bathurst Containers 5, Jim's Stage Door 4, Mitton Mach inery 4, Ottenbrite's 4, Rambler's 3, Sportsman's Corner 3, Whitby Polio« Assoc. No. 1 3, B. and B. Rentals 3 Joe's Barber Shop 2, Whitby Barbe Shop 2, Whitby Police Assoc. No. 2 2% A. and T. Motors 1, J. B. McMullan Real Estate 1, Wilson's and Food Mar- ket 0. | WHITBY MEN'S LEAGUE (Thursday) High Triples: Ed Samanski 798 (303)3 Wayne Allan 781 (324); Dave Mcintyre 773 (316); Roger Reeson 770 (311); War- ren Watson 754 (267) Bil! Dingman 747 (292); Norm Weales 717 (286); Lou Bedard 717 (267); Paul Frank 707 (275); Glen Doak 703 (247) High Singles: Bob King 292, Myrle Reeson 269, Bili Jordan 267, Bill Dalby 262, Jim Ross 261, Ron Andrew 259, Earl Smith 258, Bob Correll 256, Doug Allan 254 and Bill Ruegg 254. Team Standings: Diamond _Insolations 5, The A.A.'s 5, Whitby Firemen 4, {Post Office 4, Kaiser Aluminum Co. |4, K. of C. 3, County Bow! 3, Deboy's 3, Whitby Hardware 3, The Guy's 3, Legion Old Sweats 3, Andrew Antenna 2, Ken Smith Const. 2, Red Wings 2, 'DyPont-1-and: "Mercantile: "Dept. "Store 1 " ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST MIXED LEAGUE Men 600 and Over: D. Gagne 690 (249, 240, 201); D. Kennelly 676 Oe 206, 203); E. Samanski 671 213); P. Wood 661 steren 651 (262, 202); 651 (241, 230); B. Schroer 637 (260, 228) J. Smyth 629 (218, 213) and Rw Chias- son 625 (231, 206) Ladies 550 and over: B ane 706 (270, 237); G. Rieger 666 (245, 242); A. Amell 635. (267); A. Gaudee 628 (231, 204); T. Fraser 591 (238); M. Newton 558 (225, 208); A. Sandreili 578 (231) and F, Schatzmann $62 (214) Team Standings: Sharpshooters 40, Monkees 38, Strikers 34, Turtles 32, Mad~ hatters 27, Hippies 21, Creepers 16, Her- mits 15, Lizards 2 and Beatles 4, QUEENIE "Okay--you're fresh and f wouldn't trust you as far as I ures if necessary. lafter joint defence talks with \tion said it would withdraw all TORONTO (CP) -- Harvey\doctors and advisers, perhaps tiary for threatening Magistrate|Holyoake if he would still with- was sentenced by Mr. Justice|asked, bya the pattern the tures, He recommended that|seems certain to be the ground the threats began after he had|the Palmerston North seat by squeeze and even tighter meas-/announced recently by Holyoake a: Gi for PABA, M s t t In fighting the general elec- agis Ta e \tion last year, the Labor opposi- jcombat troops if it became the reatene jgovernment and replace' them |with non-combatant engineers, William Little, 47-year-old|as many as 1,500 in all. Toronto butcher, was sentenced! But in recent -weeks Labor Monday to two years in peniten-/has been equivocal. Asked by David Coon with death or in-jdraw the troops tomorrow, Kirk jury. jsaid only that there was no elec- Little, who pleaded guilty,|tion until 1969. Could anyone, he Edson Haines, who said he con- war would have taken by then? sidered the accused a paranoid] On these terms, Holyoake personality with paranoid fea-|welcomes debate on Vietnam. It Little be confined to hospital for!on which he will defend a com- psychiatric treatment. ing Parliamentary _ byelection. Magistrate Coon. testified that|Holyoake's National party won sentenced Little to jail June 28,jonly 259 votes in the general 1966, for assault. lelection a year ago, could throw you--now can we get to work?" tically certain to rely on the - WHITBY BOWLING

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