Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Nov 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 21, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Nicholson Wont Contest Next Federal Election VANCOUVER (CP) -- Labor y Minister Nicholson said Monday he will not be candidate in the next federal election. Mr. Nicholson, 65, made the statement at the founding con- vention. of the Vancouver Centre Liberal Association. His decision clears the way for MP Ron Basford to run in the new riding, created by re- cent federal redistribution which merged Vancouver Bur- rard and Vancouver Centre. Mr. Nicholson represented Vancouver Centre since 1962 and has been 'labor minister since January, 1966. u 1% Plane Hi-Jacked |} HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (AP) -- The pilot of a twin-engine plane chartered for a flight to the Ba- hamas was forced into Commu- nist Cuba Monday by an armed passenger he described as a Russian. "This man is armed and he intends to take this plane to Ha- vana," the pilot, J. V. Raymond of Pompano Beach, radioed ....Tells Vancouver Liberals Faulty Cars shortly after takeoff from Holly-| DETROIT (AP) -- The Ford|York that the IMF approved de-| Motor Co. has ordered 129 U.S.|valuation of the New Zealand| The message was received by|dealers to inspect 248 standard-jdollar by 19.45 per cent--two the Federal Aviation Adminis-|sized 1968 Fords for faulty in-|hours |stallation of tie-rod sleeves on|Keith Holyoakes announcement wood. tration at Miami as Raymond! } : was flying southward toward|steering linkages. the Florida Straits. A The FAA reported the plane's/137 cars shipped to Canada arrival in Havana. | All the cars were built at the : jcompany's assembly plant in Diesel Pollution |Wayne, Mich:;during the week of Nov. 7, Ford said. TORONTO (CP) -- The truck-|" Most of the affected vehicles ing industry can look forward to) vere believed to be in dealer an increase in both capital and) stocks, although owners who al- maintenance expenditures ready have taken possession of governments restrict diesel €X-/the cars will be notified by re- haust fumes in air pollution con-|cictered mail to return them to trol programs, the ayaa gd a their dealers, the company said. Transport Association of On-} tario was told Monday. Not Guilty Plea MONTREAL (CP) -- Forty- J. E. Paquette, a New York) management consultant, told) -- delegates that it soon will be|six persons have pleaded not necessary to install some device guilty to charges of participat- in trucks to reduce diesel oil ex-|ing in an unlawful assembly last) haust fumes. |Friday night in a demonstration He said public opinion as-|protesting against the United eumes that '"'dirty oil diesels"|States' position in Vietnam. contaminate the air more than| Five policemen and 'several a private automobile. demonstrators were injured in |the melee involving about 2,000 Orillia Labor Council |students as bricks, bottles and} paint were hurled at the consu- ORILLIA (CP) -- Four mem-|jste, bers of the Labor Council here have said they will seek election to town council to oppose a plan to lease a section of waterfront) nary hearing Friday. for $1 a year to the Champlain! j) 9 story Monday The Cana- Yacht Club, Nominations are to-\qian Press erroneously said the night. 46 had pleaded guilty to the The labor council also has|charges voted to ask its members to} support Councillor Burt Mc-| Sands Accused U, Bahamas Isaac, seeking the post of dep-; ASSA the leas-loy,, Royal Commission which them students, were freed on $50 bail each pending prelimi- uty reeve, who opposes ing plan. The town wants to attract the ad he Guat cane tee released a report Monday yacht club has offered to pro- vide service and boat space if former minister of tourism and|page advertisement in The New allowed to lease the site and finance, "was selling his.serv-| York Times opposing admission build a club house. It would pay ices" to casino operators as an/jof mainland China to United Na- jinfluential official rather than|tions membership. about $500 a year in taxes. fase Thayer. . | The report, read to the Baha-| Poultry Plentiful mian house of assembly by Pre- OTTAWA (CP) -- There will/mier Lynden O. Pindling, said: be a good supply of poultry to} "The enormity of the fee de- meet the Christmas holiday de-)manded and the speed and man-| mand, the consumer section of|ner in which payment was af-, the federal agriculture depart-|fected ... leaves us with no ment reports. Turkeys will be plentiful and|services, primarily as an in- the medium weights--10 to 16|fluential member of the execu- oo be the bestitive council, and not as a law- Uys. yer." HERE and THERE SCHOLARSHIP FUND SNOW PLOW Board of Control Monday rec-| Board of Control Monday ap- ommended to accept an offer) proved a $1,799.75 tender bid from. the Oshawa Centennial/from American Coleman Ltd. Committee to use the funds re-jfor the purchase of a snow maining from this year's ac-|plow. The bid was the lowest tivities to establish a secondary|of the three submitted school scholarship fund, and the Wee balance to go to the Hills and| RECORDING EQUIPMENT Dales project. | A piece of recording equip- ment for the Oshawa fire. de- ANNUAL MEETING partment to time and record The Canadian Automotivejincoming calls was recommen- museum will hold its annual|/ded to be purchased without meeting | and dinner at the tendering by board of control museum's building at 99 Sim-|Monday. The cost of the equip- coe St. S., Wednesday. A pro-jment is $3,500 gress report will be made on the Canadian Automotive Mu- CENTENNIAL WRAP-UP seum The Oshawa Folk Festival will hold a dinner-meeting at PICKERING ELECTION St. Hedwig's church hall, Nov. Coun. Donald Beer, who is|25, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Offi- seeking re-election in Ward 2,/cers for the 1968 season will be Pickering Township, is a retiredjelected. The dinner will close businessman, not a_ retiredicentennial year activities for farmer as previously reported. 'the-Folk--Kestival introducing | ED. GALLAGHER 333 Gibb Street, Suite 2, Oshawa 728-6003 newly appointed to serve you with the best in auto, life, and fire insurance. ee smart Pane STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Canedien Head Office, Scarborough, Ont. HON JOHN R. NICHOLSON |Zealand dollar before it was of- Similar action was taken on| |views on the campus by Dow] (AP)--| investigated casino operations} ganizations in Canada are listed gambling in the Bahamas/among 285 Chinese. organiza-joptometry as a qualified medi-|ices." say-|tions in 47 countries and territo-|cal supportive service and; The medical bodies had rec- ing that Sir Stafford Sands, ajries which have signed a full-jasked that the committee rec-)ommended that optometrists not doubt that he was selling his|regime into the world body | Restrictions Eased | LONDON (Reuters) -- The |British government Monday leased restrictions on the move- |ments of Chinese diplomats and) Fe officials in London. Since last August the Chinese were prohibited from travelling more than five miles from the centre of London without per- mission from the British gov- jernment. | The restrictions were one of jthe retaliatory measures taken by the British government after Chinese demonstrators attacked and burned down the British mission in Peking in August. New Zealand Protest | WELLINGTON (Reuters) -- New Zealand is making "a vig- orous and strongly-worded pro- test'? to the International Mone- tary Fund about a leak in the decision to devalue the New ficially announced here today. CORRESPONDENT Gen- The news broke when the Jap-| nady Vasiliev of the Soviet anese commercial news agency, news paper Pravda, left, talks with four U.S. sailors who deserted the carrier In- trepid in Japan last month. They are shown in Mos- Jiji Press reported from New before Prime Minister in Parliament. 'Dow' Riot SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) -- Po- lice used tear gas and arrested }a score or more persons at San| Jose State College Monday in} |quelling a riot that broke out) yaANCOUVER (CP) tion: _At least three ee aap babies into the 20th century. but failed reported injured and win OWS in the political task of preparing |were smashed in the college ad-|i,, people for the changes, Eric | ' Parr ministration building as the|Kierans. president of the Que- demonstration by an estimated |)o¢ Liberal Federation, said 2,000 students suddenly turned! y)o,qay violent. "The Lesage government was} The demonstration was organ- : : new and brought about a com- |ized by the Students for a demo-| hlete revolution in ways of look-| cratic society against job inter- Chemical Co., makers of na-| palm used in Vietnam. | Mechanism Traced | TORONTO (CP) -- Police) said Monday night they have| traced the clock mechanism) used to trigger the blast that a department store in Hamilton.|oysed of acting without concern Rush, 43-year-old stock prom-|for the public welfare by recom-| joter, is improving in hospital|mending enforced curtailment from injuries received in the ex-|of some optometric services. plosion of a time-bomb while he slept in his hotel bed 11 days)\school of optometry and the On- ago. Hospital officials said he|tario College of Optometry de- may be bed-ridden for a year. (fended their training and at- Opposition \tacked the opinions of the medi- jcal bodies in briefs to the com- NEW YORK (CP) -- Fight or-| mittee on the healing arts. They asked for recognition of 'GO' Transit Jurisdiction Let ae ..,,... OTTAWA (CP)--The board of} We urge the United Nations |iransport commissioners, now| General Assembly to defeatlincorporated in the Canadian once and for all the move toltransport commission, has juris- bring the Chinese Communist) diction over tolls charged by the Ontario government's new 'lake-| Mrs. Kefauver Dies bac tens train service at WASHINGTON (AP) --| In an unanimous 'oda | Nancy Kefauver, 56, Scottish -|the high court also ruled that| 'born widow of Tennessee Sena-| Parliament has the right to con-| jtor Estes Kefauver and a state/fer this authority on the board. idepartment art adviser, col-| The court rejected an appeal| lapsed at a formal Wang on ty the Ontario government from} dinner and died in a hotel room|a board of transport commis- Monday night sioners' ruling giving the CNR} She had been carried from thejauthority to discontinue four} Mayflower Hotel's grand ball-|passenger trains operating be-| room only a short time before|tween Toronto and Hamilton} President Johnson, a longtime|since its crews would be operat- friend of the Kefauvers, arrived|ing the provincial system | to make a dinner speech. A po-| The province took objection to \lice coroner said her death was|the board declaring it has juris- jdue to 'heart failure." jdiction over its train tolls The advertisement--headed| 17,000,000 Overseas Chinese Op-| pose Admission of Red China) Into UN--says: Optometrists' | Defends Their Training He Ke TORON™O (CP) -- The medi- ommend amending the Optome- The 46 accused, all but one of|critically injured Myer Rush to\ca) profession Monday was ac-|try Act to allow optometrists University of Waterloo's|by the College of Physicisns |decrease of both the availability cow yesterday where they appeared on television to protest American policy in the Vietnam war. From left are Vasiliev; Michael Lind- ner, 19, Mount. Pocono, Pa., John M. Barilla, 20, Cat- a onsville, Md., Richard Bai- ley, 19, Jacksonville, Fla.; and Craig W. Anderson, San Jose, Calif. This picture is from Tass, the Soviet ag- ency. (AP Wirephoto) of the federal riding of Vancou- ver Centre. Mr. Kierans said when the traditional ways of living are stripped away, a vacuum is created. Mr. Kierans said Quebec's ed- ucation budget went from Lesage Accused Of Failing To Prepare For Changes eo -- The,ing at things," Mr. Kierans said|000,000. The health budget in the|McGill University have asked during an anti-war demonstra-/tecage Liberal government injin an address to 642 persons at|same period increased fromjfor a three-week postponement Quebec yanked that province|the founding Liberal convention) $74,000,000 to $567,000,000. \COSTLY VENTURES "We took education from the church and health from reli- gious communities with hardly a thank you for 200 years of service,"' he said. Mr. Kierans, former finance $134,000,000 in 1960 to $555,-|minister in the Lesage cabinet, | Brief the wider use of drugs in dizg- nostic procedures. The College of Optometry said recommendations made earlier ~-- |said the Liberal government used the credit of the province and, although its debt in- creased, Quebec's assets didn't go down because the talents of the people were being devel- oped. He said English Canadians should not 'counter separatist sentiment with the argument Quebec cannot afford to leave Confederation. This is logically jinconsistent with Canada's ob- vious desire to remain separate from the U.S., though economic union would bring greater mate- and Surgeons and the Ontario medical Association 'if imple- mented, would lead to the de- mise of optometry and to a con-) current and resultant serious and quality of vision care serv- be allowed to use drugs as they now do in certain diagnostic procedures, that they not be permitted to treat ocular imbal- ance or perceptual difficulties or be allowed to prescribe con- tact lenses--other than specta- cles. sr © ONTARS rial benefits." GOING E no intention of trying to get in| Georgian Bes; John Fekete, a columnist. WEATHER FORECAST Deserters Protest Viet Policy MOSCOW (AP) -- Four U.S. sailors who deserted the carrier today. Intrepid in Japan told the Soviet) Synopsis: public today that a majority of er 'American servicemen do not/falling in the north country. _ want to fight in Vietnam. system over the central Unite peace committee|States will move across Ontario TORONTO (CP) | Skies Cloudy And Colder With Snowflurries -- Official;Clear with some cloudy periods forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.|today. Increasing cl |this evening followed by inter. are mostly|mittent snow tonight and cloudy across Ontario with sr74 le below normals Light wind Forwcast Temperatures A Soviet je a looking after the four said they|Wednesday, bringing snow and Pon tonight, high Wednesday are "resting" in Moscow but de-|blowing snow to the North with . in ee bas 32 clined to give their whereabouts] falling temperatures. The colder) Tivae bs 6 35 or future plans or to allow for-jair will spread southward a OMAS «serene a 32 eign newspaper men to talk/across the lower lakes regions Ki _ Soke 5 30 with them. Wednesday. : Pinseed Perr) ; . 32 The four young men said on) Toronto, Hamilton, London, | Muskoka . (eo. 8 Moscow television Monday night| windsor, Lake St. Cla they deserted in protest against|/Frie, Lake Huron, U.S. policy in Vietnam. They|Lake Ontar' ir, Lake | Kitchener .. - 30 32 Niagara, |North Bay .....0e. 20° 25 io, Haliburton, south-|Mount Forest ..... 30 32 ( ions: |S coeccccese 20 25 are Richard 'D, Bailey, 19, ofjern Georgian Bay regions. Sudbury Jacksonville, Fla.; John Mi-|Mostly cloudy today. Cloudy| Wingham... » 2 chael Barilla, 20, of Catonsville,|with snowflurries tonight. Wed-|Earlton ...+ 20 25 Md., Craig W. Anderson, 20 of San Jose, Calif. and Michaeller with occasional snow. Light Lindner, 19, of Mount Pocono,|winds increasing to northwest- Pa erly 20 to 30 Wednesday. Sault :|nesday cloudy and turning cold-|Hamilton ....+. Ste. Marie " 20 25 St. Catharines .... 32 35 Kapuskasing ...... 15° 20 The U.S. embassy said it has| Sudbury, North Bay, northern | Timagami, Algo- touch with the deserters or in-|ma regions: Cloudy and milder quiring about them. today with snow beginning in ; 2 the afternoon. Wednesday ee ites in|Cloudy, windy and colder with! A -isnow and blowing snow. Winds} pi gg oa on gg Poppe be southerly 15 today, northerly 20 art spaper, s S| é said they would go on to ee nA ter cakes, west- countries to nage vege lern James Bay regions: Cloudy |against Pigg wig not. say|With occasional snow today. Reagan Bod """\Cloudy and much colder which countries. Wednesday with snow tapering z off-to flurries by evening. Light} 7 |winds, increasing to northerly McGill Seeks e@ Extra insulation tenance! e@ Free Estimates, "GALBRAITH 140 Elgin East -- 728-0181 Beautify and Protect With CD © SIDING ¢ . . « by Keiser! @ No main. e@ All work guaronteed 15 to 25 tonight. Postponement | Ottawa and Montreal regions: | MONTREAL (CP) -- Fifteen senior faculty members at i Your money earns in the hearing of McGill's| Icharges against three students who helped publish an article) that the university described as \ indecent. The group said the issues be- fore the McGill senate commit- tee on discipline raise "a series of questions that are of funda- mental concern to us as schol- ars in the practice of our res- pective disciplines, that is, be- havioral norms and social and| human values." | 6 Most of the 15 who signed the statement are chairmen of de- partments. They said a post- ponement would give them time to draft a memorandum. The three students have been cited before the senate commit- tee and preliminary hearings have been held. The three are| Peter Allnutt, editor-in-chief of| The McGill Daily, Pierre Four-| nier, supplement editor, and} Guaranty Federally Incorporated and Rein Harmatare, 32 King St. E., | BALD? on term deposits Capital and Reserve $27,000,000--Deposits over $40,000,006 Tel. 728-1653 Trust Supervised Manager Oshawa yi C0 SEND ME 1 Name . YOUR FREE ! BROCHURE ! Address | Taylor Topper jae = DEPT. 1208 BIIA Yonge Hy Toronte 5, Ont. in that doesn't look stamp and find out a Brochure in a plain envelope. honey and We make a terrific hairpiece you can SWIM, SHOWER, SLEEP or PLAY ior yourself--we won't send 2 salesman, Just | a which nobody can spot. Spend a See for yourself... j Get a Winning Deal on the "WINNING CAR!" YNN MOTOR | 1968 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY 2-Door Fast Top | 331 PARK RD. S. ust drive our 68 Plymouth Fury! 13% DISCOUNT ON ALL NEW CARS or « $500. minimum trade allow- ence on your cor regardless of year or condition, ] 723-2284 ... the Plymouth Win-You-Over Beat Goes On 4 Because the Real ONTARIO TRUST just sold our house for us AND CHARGED US ONLY 4% COMMISSION That saved us $250.00, to us! Why don't YOU they charge you ONLY where they also have their own mortgage money. This means they can get you more cash for your property ! cA CENTRAL TRUST a Harvey Face Ralph Sel LAUGHING! Estate Dept. Tom Houston 668-4416 of CENTRAL which: is a lot of money list YOUR home where 4% TO SELL IT, and LL ONTARIO Real Estate Dept. 723-5221 jompson 728-2870 Hogen 655-3663 hofield 576-1680 HAVE YOU THE MACLEOD OF THURSDAY, NOV. 23rd is the GRAND OPENING of \Jock's Carpet Mart 282 KING ST. FACTORY PRICES! 11 WEST SEEN MACLEOD? 4 SEEKS NON-CONF! Stanfield Liberal ] By ALEX FARRELL OTTAWA (CP) -- The new Opposition leader, Robert Stan- field, seized his first opportunity to move non-confidence in the government Monday, declaring that it has been careless about inflation and is no longer taken gia by the Canadian peo- ple. The vote, which could topple the minority Liberal govern- ment, will be taken tonight. Mr. Stanfield's maiden speech in the House of Commons was a calmly delivered, 65-minute denunciation of Prime Minister Pearson's regime for complacen- cy and mismanagement on the economic front. Finance Minister Sharp called him a "singularly timid maiden" who offered no alter- natives to the "hard decisions" the government has to face for the good of the economy. Mr. Sharp announced earlier this month that tax increases will be made soon, but he gave no details. DOES IMPOSSIBLE | Mr. Stanfield said that until recently, it had been thought impossible to get inflation, high interest rates and high unem- ployment all at once, "but, of course, this government has managed to do it." "So we have both inflation and unemployment, and _ the government seems unable now Student Ban Dow Recruit TORONTO (CP) -- An official of Dow Chemical of Canada Ltd. was barricaded in a Uni- versity of Toronto building for more than two hours Monday by students and professors who claim the firm is the chief man- ufacturer of napalm used by the United States in Vietnam. More than 150 persons who want Dow to stop recruiting em- ployees from the university campus blocked doors to the building where William White was interviewing students for the company. About 45 minutes later, Robin Ross, the university's vice-pres- ident and registrar, made the first of several attempts to per- guade the demonstrators to withdraw. He said the university has a duty to see that students have an opportunity to seek any em- ployment they want and said the purpose of the placement service is being studied by 2 committee, including the presi dent of the students' council. Mr. Ross asked the students to allow Mr. White to: pass but was met by shouts of: > "I want to be a rapist, get me an interview." "'I want to join the SS, what about me?" Finally, ringed by police, Mr White hurried to a waiting cat as the demonstrators shouted: "Dow shalt not kill." Rene Tremh 'Decision Als OTTAWA (CP) -- Rene Trem blay, former immigration min ister, testified Monday he ha already decided to refuse bai and to deport Joseph Bonnan when he asked Raymond Deni to hear representations fron Bonnano's lawyer. Mr. .Tremblay, Liberal MI for Matapedia-Matane, said h took the precaution of informin Denis of his decision and it structed Denis to make no com mitment to the lawyer. : Mr. Tremblay was testifyin .for the second day at Deni: trial on a charge of attemptin to obstruct justice three year ago, when Denis was Mr. Tren ' play's executive assistant. He said Denis reported to hit that he met Bonnano's lawye! Raymond Daoust of Montrea "July 15, 1964, to hear a reque: for bail for Bonnano, who we ' fighting deportation. This date was a day aft Denis met Montreal lawy Pierre Lamontagne in the imm gration minister's parliame tary office suite. The Crown 2 leges Denis relayed a $20,0 offer to Mr. Lamontagne. -- Mr, Tremblay agreed with d fence counsel Louis Assaly th he concluded that it had be useful for Denis to meet Mr. L montagne July 14. Mr. Lame tagne had been introduced him as the immigration depa' ment's lawyer in the Bonna case. 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