2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, November 18, 1967 A. GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE WEATHER FORECAST | Cloudy And Cold Sunday CF5 Jet . '| Producti _| Froauction Kennedy Says Extremists | || Delaved With Snowflurries : ioe ] Y | TORONTO (CP) -- Officialjsnow today, Cool. Winds light. lo ue On Policies Br ME Nee forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m,|Sumday cloudy with snow flur- | OTTAWA (CP) -- Production] or ise oer ' "'|ries and a little colder clearing FARE ee | of the new CF-5 jet fighter- 'day. Sunday evening. Winds becom- ee Lots -- _--s eda | Discrimination bomber now is five months be-| Synopsis: ee in : cir ad northwesterly 15. tor Robert gens A pe ali >| OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern hind schedule. of storms from the northwest is sia N.Y.) condemns + iagigesre dee ment was accused of discrimi-| Latest issue of the Sentinel, intensifying over the Great| bse Tema Wick eenaks both sides" 0 ; : © nation in hiring practices Fri- monthly magazine published by), 1.5 this morning, sweepingly:;.. , 3 issue, saying they make it diffi iiday - because applications -- to the information division at Ca-| oe" oid air into the regior |WiNdSOT -s+rere+e+s 22 32 cult to carry on a responsible Siteach in defence department| nadian Forces Headquarters, Mee ine drizzle in. the north|St. Thomas . 2 32 grein picid ogg Oe - schools are not accepted from! says the first CF-5 will come off will change to light snow while|London . my) 30 oained a lk criticlans of women: over 40 He gored ig = ae in southern areas a few showers|Kitchener .... 99 20 President Johnson's course he Canadian Teachers' Fed-| Ltd., Montrea a : aon dule|and snow flurries are expected. Mount Forest . 20 28 aid nan interview he agrees eration in a 19-page brief to the} Original pro ee a ¥ 'pe [Heavier snowsqualls will likely|Wingham ... se OD) 28 set --_ ei Bee ore cabinet called also for establish- called for the first p ne ® be! develop later today in the Ice of|Hamilton . a 30 - rae tied sinc donner ment of a federal education of- completed in August, 19 LR the |Lake Huron and Georgian Bay.|Toronto .......se06. 22 20 py cm a Gel ids ance the case fice and federal contributions to| The Sentinel also anh a <|Sunday will be cold with-con-|Peterborough ...... 20 28 keg yetn ss the pensions of teachers work- first eee aad cay i oe ""|siderable cloudiness and a few|Toronto ... 4 28 ee 'ettremists," Kennedy e ing in the government's exter at cy gga Otic ates snowflurries in all sections of!Killaloe ... 25 said he meant those who violent ~ nal aid program. peg paeehe r planes| the province, {Muskoka . 25 ly demonstrate against the pres- : : she 3 »| Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor,| North Bay 20 arte colles aad exanieters 'Quints Sell Home that oe oe Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niag.| Sudbury ane 20 of those policies who indulge in NORTH BAY (CP) -- An 18-| Former Defence Ministerjara, Lake Ontario, Haliburton Earlton tetees 1 8 name-calling and question the |room house built by the provin-| Paul Hellyer, now transport|regions: Mostly cloudy, windy|Sault Ste. Marie ....15 25 patriotism of critics 'ial government for the Dionne minister, , originally gave the|and turning colder today. Scat- Kapuskasing oe 10 18 quintuplets in 1943 has been total price of the CF-5 program |tered showers changing to snow- Moosonee ees 10 20 Snow In New York sold and will be converted into --115 planes--as $215,000,000. {flurries this afternoon. Variable| lee ce ALBANY, NY. (AP) -- A a nursing home by its new ae jcloudiness and cold Sunday with SPURS SIGN COOPER entation Seka. Anpane New ee owner, Mary Soper COSTS SOAR a few snowflurries. Winds south-| CALGARY (CP) -- Calgary York state overnight, dumping Mrs. Soper said two other} However, the defence depart-|west 20, becoming northwest 20/Spurs of the Western Canada up to five inches in some areas; SEN. ROBERT KENNEDY buildings of the property, pre-| ~ ment has since disclosed some!to 30 by midday. Senior Hockey League Thursday and coating highways with a ss OR HOM Sites ana chanel ales oe be po ian he tas London, Lake: Huron, southern |@nnounced the signing of Billy hazardous glaze. ' chased and converted into nurs-} The storm contributed to sev- 3 : homes Radical Changes UKRAINIANS HONOR DIEFENBAKER arma-|Georgian Bay, Cloudy, win Algoma regions:|Cooper. Cooper, a flanker with and colder with|Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the ment control system; ets : : 3 ange, i . fst PS - ~ ' ee ec aan ST. JOHNS, Que. (CP) -- Pre A ' Former Cadadian Prime from Dr. Lev Bobriansky, of Free Ukrainians, at ban- oe ae ground ryote tlegge Mace rage tei oh aa ear a flights and brought a private sao Danie: sOnsOn plea New Air Service Minister, John C. Dieten- Aero ereus ashi aati 5 Melony Pid ne about $50,000,000 for four jet Yeloping this afternoon and con- for Des Moines of the Interna- sed to push through "radical oT 'p) -- 4 ' ree hanatime fre ainians, left, : 'i = sgt al ; males 'ane : , 'key ar plane down onto a highway veal _ ears eile a ' TT AW A A P)--A Montrea baker, right, receives the Rey. Dr. B. Kushnir, presi- mony will be held Sunday. tanker planes to refuel the CF-5 Unuing overnight. Winds north-|! i o nal ee League. He i yng tia lag ot enow 160 procedure ohn ath portrait gy fogard Shevchenko Freedom award dent, Canadian committee (CP Wirephoto)- in flight. ny ad to 40 today, northerly 20 erry DD ean ane goals two * ee ut win "I want radi changes 1 scheduled Air service linking : This brings the total cost to me . rN s 5 pil % sedan a Pui died Soa u the rules so that we can get rid/\fontreal, Pembroke, Peterbor-| ° eo $296,000,000. eet ppd Males Bay, ramet Snow or flurries were predict-/°f Some archaic customs which|ough and Toronto, Liberal MP) Informants said the govern-|rane," White' Rive wh sees ed again for tonight after brief 2° longer are relevant," he said/Hugh Faulkner reported Fri- ment's current austerity pro-|7 ee e River, western clearing: spells and tempera-|i? an interview Friday while al-|qqy lgram may result in production\omes. Pay regions: Cloudy} tures in the 30s : Pera-|tending the Union Nationale Mr. Faulkner. MP for Peter. - ; . lof fewer than 115 planes for the with occasional light snow and wees arty's second annual secret. po, i "ane - IRCAF turning colder today. Mainly Buy 'Direct p borough, said a licence for the 1 ] 1 |RCAF. cloudy and cold with a few| S$ i 509 Src rg "Arranging Denis Meeting '""---- ra Ha sove up to Romney Announcement The premier, however, denied te ae sooty by| | jsnowflurries Sunday. Winds} P Z DETROIT (AP) -- Standing|newspaper and radio reports|, : port commis light, becoming easterly ~-20-this sion's air committee, the air transport board on almost the exact spot where! that-he-plans-to replace the lieu formerly By KEN KELLY Mr. Lamontagne also was he Jetnched his political career|tenant-governor in the reading OTTAWA (CP) -- Rene Trem-jlawyer at that time for the nor Ge Or ee, Romney inde of the speech from the throne' "Dremiums Increase _ lay testified Friday he had not|United States government in . r aviw the legislature opens in ; : . ver (legal proc: ) makes the long -waited ail sane ie Le He TORONTO (CP) -- Life insur- expected to see Montreal lawyer Shere Foren Montreal to}... lawyer, Raymond Daoust nouncement whether he will ance ¢ nies licensed in On- Piette Lamaniaene UE Cae eee ecu anuee tal ; : ago.on the night that crown al-|Lucien Rivard for trial in seek the 1968 Republicz resi- : L i lah leges Mr. Lamontagne was of-!Texas tario recorded an increased pre dential nomination. i mium income during 1966, the',,° 9) . 1 ? The crown alleges Denis tried Few doubt he will seek the annual report of the Ontario su- Sect caay ates seciends to clesunde "Mr on prize. perintendent of insurances. * : , : Mr, gration minister, said he made|now serving a 20-year no arrangement for a meeting|term in Atlanta, Ga |July 14, 1964, among himself,! Testifying in country Coming nine months before the Republican convention, an announcement to run would make the 60-year-old third-term| governor the first major figure) ? in either party to publicly de-| ® clare as an aspirant. Licence Plates TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario}: ear owners will have an extra! day in which to buy their 1968 licence plates, thanks to leap shows Premiums increased from $576,437,454 in 1965 to $579,- 56,376 in 1966. There were 113 'licensed companies, Auto insurance premiums rose from $225,059,453 to $264,- aaa : : jsaid he gave no instructions to ficial request to annul a depor- 907,617 and premium income in-/nenis to summon Mr. Lamon- tation order against Bonnano. creased from $206,437.835 to N 1 ii 1 |$247.773,546, Losses were down tagne here from Montreal. He told court he \to 62.8 per cent from 67.2--the'y, |lowest level since 1961 t | Fire insur i . i i-! i | urance premium Sitroduced to him as the immi-!asking Mr. Rouleau to intercede A the Lamontagne|this was to discuss bail in the Tremblay, former immi-|from opposing bail for Rivard,|}Bonnano case, prison said it was to discuss the case at the request of Mr. Rouleau, court|then parliamentary secretary to Mr. Lamontagne and Raymond )through interpreters, Mr. Trem-|Prime Minister Pearson. Denis, who is charged with at-|play said it was not until July|had heard of Mr. Rouleau's re- |tempting to obstruct justice. He}16, 1964, that he received an of-|quest from Denis. had do before such a meeting to The former minister, Liberal never seen a July 9, 1964, letter|COMsult the department's law- IP for Matapedia-Matane, tes-\from Bonnano's lawyer to for-|Ye?, adding: '"'but Mr. Denis tified Mr. Lamontagne was in-|mer Liberal MP Guy Rouleau|2s there to listen." TONECRAFT y. | King Park Ottawa and Montreal regions: , Plaza |Overcast with periods of light NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY Oshawa Riding Membership Meeting Election of Officers To Be Held On SUN., Nov. 19th - 7:30 p.m. Mr. Tremblay, the only -- Conference Friday, testified that he d Dens to see Boman SUCCESSHUL By GERARD McNEIL OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana- dian Interfaith Conference, {i-| nanced by a $99,500 centennial | grant, is described by Executive Director Eve Gilstorf as an "un- qualified success,' as it winds up 28 months of work. "We have opened a _ door| which has shed light and brought 34 religious faiths! together in fostering and pro-| moting religious activities across tlhe country,"' she says in a final report to the board of di- rectors. afternoon and northerly 20 Sun- joay 723-4922 ness authorized Denis to see Bonnan- July 15, 1964, to hear represen-| tation about the Bonnano case. Asked by Mr. Assaly whether Mr. Tremblay He He agreed with Mr. Assaly that it was the wisest thing to year. A regulation posted . Friday extends the expiration date for 1968 licences to Feb, 29. a Thursday, The deadline for pur- chase of plates this year was) were up to -$112,038,651 from|>ration department's lawyer in with the immigration minister $104,163,799 and losses were the deportation case of Joseph to obtain Bonnano's freedom down to $50,580,013 from $54,- Bonnano, " : 934,984 He had exchanged a "few,READ INTO RECORD words". with Mr. Lamontagne| The letter, read into the rec- jand Denis about the case, then ord by defence counsel Louis Hydro Strike Feb. 28 COURTRIGHT, Ont. (CP) --|left the office. Assaly, complained of "arbi-| R. H. Humphries, the prov-| 1A work stoppage by about §35| Denis, 34-year-old lawyer, was trary and dictatorial" action by| ince's registrar of motor vehi- tradesmen at the " $220,000 ooojexecutive assistant to Mr.|t{he immigration department! cles, said the new blue-on-white PREMIER JOFPNSON Ontario Hydro L *gener-|Tremblay at the time. jand labelled as "the product of, plates will go on sale Friday, ds i ms ating station here entered its fa sick imagination" allegations' Sok 4: in archaic i that Bonanno was "in important {member of Mafia." second day Friday. "The Feb, 29 deadline will All construction was halt aD M apply . sega Pe vehicle HERE and THERE Thursday eee Miuinbare And | I. urTay si agg Bdge: ypc ny : pipefitters discovered -- a T Y cre €X-| HELP FIREFIGHTERS | |Hydro supervisors were acting ays wo Jealrs anes | A request from Oshawa fire- 2S pipefittr:s : ,BOSTON (AP) -- New York| C d Sk fighters' association that the| The project has been plagued TORONTO (CP) -- Doctor|Yankees finished ninth in the} orrespon ent ot lcity foot the bill for a dinner|by strikes and work stoppages Gordon Murray said Friday it/standings in 1967, but proved ADEN (AP) -- An Arab gun-|at the Genosha hotel in honor | Since May 1. The latest dispute| Will be at least two years before|they still were kings as a draw- man today shot and killed Wal-(of visiting firemen from Ottawa|involves about 85 members ofhis technique for rejoining ajing attraction on the road. The ter Mechtel Middle East corre-|and their wives, over . for the|Local 663, United Association of| severed spinal cord will be Yanks attracted 1,364,783 fans spondent of the West German|hockey match on Dec was|Journeymen and Apprentices of|available to crippled personsjaway from home, helping the Radio and Television Corp. lgranted hy board of control|the plumbers and pipefitters in-|enerally American League to a record| Mechtel had just left the main|subject to council approval dustries : In a statement, Dr Murray attendance of 11,336,923 post office building opposite the : : Courtright is about 10 miles said work 'is: still experimental) ------_-- ily-guarded British high| EARLY SHOPPER south of Sarnia and in no way reflects a univer- ssion building at Steamer} At least one thief sally acceptable procedure. the international YANKEES DRAW FANS STON ( has his In the Corvair Room at the MOTOROLA COLOR @ Rectangular Tube @ Uhf-Vhf @ Hand Wired Chassis GENOSHA HOTEL Guest Speaker -- Clifford Pilkey, M.P.P. (TV @ 1 Yeor Guarantee On parts and labor @ Solid State at 17 Vital Points. CONVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED T.R.1.0. TELEVISION LIMITED BOND & DIVISION To completely enjoy life you need good health. In this age. of "miracle" drugs more people should be healthier. Regular visits to a physician can often prevent many ail- ments from becoming incurable problems PHONE 728-5143 In stock, classified ;so that we can almost @ 9'x15's @ 9'x18's @ 12'x15's @ 12'x18's instantly locate each one and_ properly Point when he was shot twice|Christmas gifts ready for wrap- Sentenced aa po hod poate ya @ 6'x9's @ 9'x12's through ¢ fe Fe } l 3 point-bl gs . sil gas tae Ping. The management of the) TORONTO (CP) -- _ Paula/will take at least two years or! Ncteconeeaunttias Stripe Discount Store at 24 Sim- Beth Henline, 19, of Dearborn,|more to reach a final assess- coe St. N told city police Mich... and Millicent Elaine| ment." Thursday afternoon that some-,Shrish, 25, of Livonia, Mich.,| Dr. Murray showed the result un a ote time during the afternoon some-|Friday were sentenced to 18\of his experiments Tuesday at a| me had walked th 209;months in jail after pleading/fund raising dinner. at which| cartons of cigarettes left at the/Suilty to charges of possessing/Bertrand Proulx, diagnosed as| % rear of the store narcotics for purpose of traf-|an incurable quadriplegic, stood t I S$ er . ficking before an amazed audience CENTENNIAL CINEMA Police testified they were ar-| Publicity following the disclo- Oshawa has been chosen as \rested when a search revealed sure drew the attention of the| § Staff) -- Workers a one of the major Can cen. 'hey had four pounds of marijua-| medical world and. gave hope to| Ch Canadian Automotive} : ' na 4 4 Trim plant in Ajax have de-|{res which will host a National se a sane if Sopp led perecns, - cided to follow 'indoor work-|Fiim Board Centennial Cinema a | ers and work ur resentation of three lor nt contract unt films. The film ielicopt DRUG STORES Joe a Canada, Precision an na yntra red Wednes-,dians Can Dance, will be wn day. On Sunday, the 900 mem-/fram 2 to 4 p.m. at the Plaza Open Sunday 12:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. bers of Local 1090, will vote | thetgre on Sunday. Ticke iether to allow a 60-day ex-|, ; ' tension on their contract to|'t® fi a as be Gade . : EASTVIEW PHARMACY Jan. 15, The 60 days will be/the film library the M offered to the company in ex-'Laughlin Publie Librar 573 King Street East Phone 725-3594 change for a promise of wage ba : 5 1 parity in the new contract $150 DAMAGE MEDICAL PHARMACY The extension will also allow ving room fire at the era tite in resolve olhert home ol Robert Relat 300 King Street W. Phone 728-6277 and non-economic! Aberdeen Ave. shortly befo ttre onsnenantanennngattanee j n-ec dj -- aaa Emon the proposed new/pm, Th day afternoon i csesnratanantonenonvomoeaa = ---- ntract 3100 damage to the . had _been..a_threat|and..$50 damage - to T -- -- there would be 2 walkout tents. A fire department spo E d D Se ee ee i ager To Experienced Drivers Wednesday \caused by an electric fire Agee It's a challenge to imptove your driving ability. close to the Etobicoke is o extending thelin a Most f contract to indav for a Site [damaee was smoke dama; To The Accident Prone An opportunity to help clear your record. To The Beginner_"A MUST" A course money can's buy which will help poss your test with ease. OSHAWA > TRAFFIC CLINIC ~ consisting of Two -- 2 hour classes 7:30 P.M, -- COURT ROOM OSHAWA POLICE STATION TUESDAY, NOV. 21 too ler plant in| being et replace SCHOOL FRANCHISE FOR SALE A.B.C. SHORTHAND OWNER RETIRES. This is an opportunity to go into business for yourself, thru selling courses to enable students to qualify for Stenographers in 19 weeks home-study Have enough coursese to last for 2: or more years Good income assured Complete information on request. Write, call or phone 576-2939 J. E. CASSAN 1140 Mery St. North, APT. 814 Oshawa, Ont. stored to protect potency are thousands of medicines. 'Whatever you may need, the § odds are WE HAVE IT. TE, ANY COLOUR 573 King Street East PHONE 725-3594 Saturday Hours: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 12 Noon ve Sunday Hours: RVRORERYRS Your MONARCH MEN can show you HOW to save money and protect R. A. Slaney C.LU. svour family at the same time. Branch Mgr. So139! | HOW to provide a fund to ensure that--no matter what happens-- your children will have the opportunity to realize the ambitions you have for them. Also. . . @ Hardtwists @ Ozite @ Thick Plushes. | @ Acrilans ' HOW to make sure that your family will always have a home to call their own, ce Parker District Mgr. T.V. advertised, 501 gothique-extra wear Spectacular 1968 dense pile plush now available. Shop at home service -- 24 hour enswering service. CALL 576-3790 3 DAY SERVICE M&D CARPETS Broadinom Snecialists EASY TERMS Roy Rhodes THE MONARCH LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE-- PHONE 725-6588 Norm Powers John Telford od CONSUMER EDUC Debate | Of Cons By ALEX FARRELL OTTAWA '(CP) -- The pro- posed federal department ,o! consumer and corporate affairs should help people of modest means learn to spend their money more wisely, it was con- tended in Parliament Friday. Gerard Loiselle (L--Montreal St. Anne), speaking during Commons debate on third and final reading of the bill to set up the department, 'said the depart. ment could do much "in the field of consumer education." H. W. Herridge (NDP -- Ko- otenay West) said the teaching of better buying habits would be a big step towards keeping prices down to reasonable lev: els. The bill ran into heavy criti- cism from opposition MPs and three amendments, all aimed at defining the proposed depart- ment's task with more preci- sion, were introduced shortly before the Commons rose. One of them would put the govern ment in the drug-manufacturing business. Debate on the bill is expectec to resume late next week The Commons will deal Mon. day and Tuesday with motions to provide money for govern: ment expenditures. These mo. tions also provide the oppositior with an opportunity to bring up any subject for debate. RITS TOY ADDS Mr. Loiselle, who made + sharp attack on the advertising ef expensive toys during the Christmas season, said the con sumer "has to be taught how te plan her budget," particularly in a modest household. "She must be shown how to save money, how to choose products how to establish priorities among the family's needs." Mr. Herridge said no greater advance could be made thar "the provision of informatior and education in an attempt te establish better buying habit: Northern High Concerned Ove STURGEON FALLS, Ont (CP) -- A Warren-area second ary school board has asked thi Sudbury high school board t take in its 45 students because i is concerned over the use 0 French in the Sturgeon Fall secondary school. In a letter signed by Este Dixon, secretary of the Warren area board, the board said th students do not receive prope background in English ,becaus of the use of French in th classroom and over the publi address system. The board asked if the stu dents could be admitted to ei ther Garson-Falconbridge 0 LaSalle secondary school a some future date. But, the Sudbury high schoo board passed a motion turnin; down the proposal because o lack of space. George W. Thom son, Sudbury high school super intendent, said 89 per cent o the students at Sturgeon Fall are French. Principal H. D. Trudel said hi had not been approached on th subject and added that th public address announcement Russia Incre Rround Cana MOSCOW (CP) -- The norm one-man police patrol outsid the Canadian Embassy in mic town Moscow was increased t two Friday, apparently to guar against possible demonstration in' the wake of Russia's sti protest note to Ottawa Thursda over anti-Soviet demonstration: An anti-Canadian demonstré tion outside the embassy woul be unprecedented in the 3 years of Canadian diplomat representation here. Unlike the U.S, and Chines embassies, among others, whic have been the scene of nume ous public protests over th years, there has been no ant Canadian outburst. But observers here do not ru out the possibility of one th time in view of the severity | the protest over anti-Soviet inc dents in Ottawa and Montre: Novy. 7. The note, rejected by Exte nal Affairs Minister Martin in House of Commons stateme: Friday, said the demonstratior had the 'obvious connivance | Canadian official authorities." The note was reported fully all Moscow newspapers whit previously had not carried st ries on the demonstrations. I severity surprised observe here and in Ottawa. It said that the Soviet gover ment 'insists on severe punis ment for the initiators of ar participators in the anti-Sovi provocation and on full compe HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS &