Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Nov 1967, p. 5

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'No Tour | 'Arranged THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, N evatione 14, Bball 5 Three - Phase Development Will Be Meeting Place WHITBY (Staff) -- No tour of two Whitby premises, under investigation by a special com- ones in Oshawa-- mittee of council and the On- WHITBY (Staff) Townjler wonks incentive Dien Wp aa a Coun Tab a ae eee 15 in three years, tario County Health Unit, has(cOUnc!! will hold a meeting at!stall sewers and watermains on 199 was available in the cap- of the Bell Sys- + |yet been arranged. 8:30 p.m. Wednesday to study Hopkins street. from land credits sely and in 1885 | AU & aieslal Woealne of agreements for the develop Mr. Evans will present ) the work would re- p 'construction of i cil two a ago it de pags ment of tie. ingumuael Dar mates ot Boe t of 'i th ree p ee PPrOVS at MIG Ce 'en Montreal and the Health Unit be secu ela HORE Of We, MR CMCR AIC: ea pr rer am coveri g the indu earner, lg fo fe ; did not mean by several town officials a ing der. Freeway and ty nonaiier 3 area a a0 exis ti ng indust ies OF POU Bee mvniaied t subscribers in a tour of inspection. nine report. from. engineer W. p ; ' ase OREO pal Board, | talk to business I Evans relating to the possibility. ' ommenting that the matter) wt _would ca the work one ae oon oa mre Johp Robson of taking advantage of the win had pean Derors coun il se yevond tt bo: ll Co. came into ' Soak easton mand| lov cael said he d d nol u in} of t = q 9 . Bolg : pind 1880 + =commercial would not take members ap-| jany one knew what the cost of cellent one int had Brig 4 Tange of only 20 pointed by town council along| pectators ithe project 'would be of what sub ould be pane alisfactory trans- on its inspection tours of 300 "If we are going to do it ad e bugged for { was some years High St.- and the Hollywood! llet's do it, If we are not, let's two year ndustries in the r wire replaced Motel on Brock Road North nach t : he 'aid »a fo 0 os e said : d iron variety to Mr. Robs d tl a sisi us ay' ; Denu eve R t Atte Ce sations to be car- ie so Ore Git as ber oe les agreed say would | RIDE. AROUND ween centres 50 provincial health department, Ad AX (Staff) Spectators to see the engineer ip gy pe ANA hiacel é suggested there. might be no/at Public skaling sessions in the cost estimate for eact se eee tirement of Mr, authority for some of the people "@¥ Ajax arena w have to lions so coun ild decide avel the equivalent of 00, he was suc- on the committee to tour the pay a 25 cent admission cha at it wanted to do. 3 es around the moon each id Ww. gold who two premises, yn Friday evenings and Sun-|. Treasurer Forbes Mct arge of the Bow- P 'Jerk < Fr day afternoons aie lange. H. N. Dig- a Cre Jack Frost said) "Council Monday night appro. ' no date has yat been set for abe em Mr. Shaw and he the special committee, includ ed a Community Centre Board A I N KAT in 1905 by L. N. ing the town fire chief, police nettle ion that a fee b ANNOUTE? LYew i das tia chief, deputy police chief, by- ; ed to spectators at the oy q ele- law e re rer, social|~ ." 1 He li , a ae aw enforcement offs seca "Coun, Dominique Brun ealing Su es tr a geno engineer and councillor Vernon phair toi of ct > ; and avy MeCarl I ace ; sie and year McCarl, to tour the two prem. Porm Mn cotter" Shrinks Piles, Cheeks Itch aca tee ; es : ates ce NOW « py ht qr ok aietean dd er : Hah gut often the vuuld be se Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink er had 2.000. The WHITBY UNITED APPEAL WORKERS WAVE CHEQUE WHICH PUT THEM OVER TOP to town council after the in-\ "Mr Rrnnctle cata tne felt sor hemorrholds.,.and repair damaged tissue. ae 00 a ...From'Left, Robert Cawker, Charles Rycroft, Chairman besos Nurse And President R. E. Sims de NM: ele _ about implemer he charee|, ce en ! : z 24 apartments at ro. the ne came te the ound @ un 6 re in 1024, 4,000 in 300 High St., and the Hollywood arora ty watch their children With the at 928. e e Motel had its licence taken! pate thoids which ps heal injured Black succeeded e@ware tran e nima S away by the Ontario De-| 2. ng_and-discomfort-in d ; eats rye manager in 1922, ] ni eS eal WF /partment of Tourism two years ipeeds up healing of-t ) we padres was followed by ago i ' nflamed tiss ee : as a Thomas Traynor Fe li W Chi ld suRNEn SERviCk One hen noidal ca P _----_ . ee 's , } One « 7 y { " a alse tos ee werent | key | er oeee ny | wicoee ee + o. Sic r U $s 4 y rn ? Me lta xcee S od WHITBY -- A few more cases| by Whitby detachment offi-- West Indian and African Stu- : oromptly and gently relic ras cat a sect ry, 1953. . rabid foxes in southern On-icers. This increased number dents at the New Brunswick In SAWDON"S Per Kecuchion: OF Tettarton sg Ht Prevent, it» ment of the va- serio codnty have been renortediwas due in part to. the safety|iee o, boo umacey tere have shrinking) took piace 1 . principal camse elephone repeater WHITBY (Staff) -- Deep grat-|their employees had given 51! The staff and employees of ng eee TRS " as due in part to the safety/orsanized a soccer team. The FE U i> if Among these case histories were | of hemorrho' : bled the human ification was voiced by Mayor|per cent of the total through the Ontario Hospital had con- to Ontario Provincial Police, ajlane set up on the Macdonald- students are also instructing Ca 2 variety of hemorrhoidal condi- sist for Pre ransmitted across Desmond Newman and mem- the efforts of William Morrison/tributed an amount in excess report says, Parents are urged|Cartier Freeway in Pickeringjnadians at the institute in the ions. Relief even occurred, in ca x H Sur ries or Pre Twenty-two re- bers of town council Monday and Edward Robson; while the of the forecast amount. Trib-to remind their children to Township by the Department of/finer points of the game. Inst FURNACE OIL -- of long standing, and most im- paration H O nt (with @ is, Of which Osh- night that the Whitby Appeal house-tofiouse canvass headed ute was paid to the organization keep away from any animal be-| Transport. More than 100 carjtute coach Vaughan Blaney has STOVE OIL AND COAL ortant of all, results w ° e, were set up had exceeded its objective by by Neil Murkar and his 300/set up by Dr. P. Lynes and)naving in (enn jowners were warned of faultyjorganized a soccer league and} 244 Brock St. $., Whitby | :horough that this improven of your moneg 1. Today the Osh- $531. The target total was\chairmen, captains and canvas-|Hugh Baker, and to Mr. An-| ing in a strange manner. jequipment and were given time|hopes next season the institute 668-3524 vas maintained over a period of | refunded. pie . serves as a re- $38,225. sers, had raised over $5,000.|derson of the Civil Service As-| The report continues: |to make repairs before being|will enter the inter-collegiate ee | for 'service be- R. E. Sims, chairman of the. The largest company gift was|sociation for his work in con-| 'Accident, as defined in Ox- |charged circuit. ) and Montreal as appeal, told council the cam- that of the Lake Ontario Steel nection with the appeal. ford's dictionary, is 'an event pasta line which serves paign had attained its objec- Co., which gave $2,500; while .....,, ae without apparent cause', Why rio. tive for the first time in three the largest gift given by, an CRITIC AL 'BALANCE then, when automobiles collide » was introduced years. He thanked council for employee group was that of the "Although this year's United|with one another, or run into n 1951. This was its support, saying the commit-,employees of Dunlop Canada Appeal was a success, the out-|stationary objects, or just run ne enlargement of tee in charge had been grati- Limited, which gave $4,785, 79 Come hangs in critical balan- off the road and roll over, do ch local subscrib- fied and encouraged by the re- per cent greater than last year. ce,' Mr. Nurse said. 'During the campaign several clubs held we use the word accident? | without charge sults. One pleasing feature, he STUDENTS HELP ae aes se "These crashes don't just Ajax, Pickering, said, had been the response by| The contributions made by ape Se ae ae happen. They're not Ane of klin, Bowmanville every section of the community, the secondary schools had: been started without 'thie Gaited Ned God, they're acts of man. They) ance Dialing was builder. Mr. Sims praised the'the Miss United Appeal con- $ A ray "Drivers who are involved in at cent campaign chairman's dedica-|test. The primary schools had Oe os in Glee Appeal accidents rerely subscribe to| y Canadian and tion, saying he had lost 12done art work and promoted is in progress in future years.' jthis theory. To hear them tell) ; cities. pounds during the campaign. the publicity campaign. Contri- it, they're never to blame. It's| ; William §. Nurse, campaign butions from the teachers had "The social needs of this com-|aimost as if their car was being| chairman, said almost all the|been more than double the fore- munity are real and after the| directed by some unknown) committees had exceeded their! cast objective United Appeal budget commit-! power. quota in achieving the $38,756 The Whitby Boys' Band had tee obtained reports it was not "When a_ person hits his! total, He said there was a real assisted on numerous occasions felt that the huge requirement (humb with a hammer, he does- eiling and the house-to-house canvass had been a tremendous morale need for social services in the outstanding. Students had held a variety night and sponsored and, as well as performing sev- peal campaign dates. It is hop- ed that organizations would re- could be met. committee made real- do have an apparent cause and |therefore they are preventable.| Of necessity the'n't bury the nail and burn the community, and it was grati-jeral nights, had given a dona- budget hammer. He knows that it's ng to know the campaign tion. istic cuts. Thus the final $38, jhis own fault. It was his hand bd had raised more money than! Some 1,000 Girl Guides and 225 figure was established. In} |that held the hammer and his merica had been asked for, as it would' Brownies raised more than $500 past years not enough funds! eyes that directed the swing p it the participating orga- by holding a bazaar and bake were obtained to meet the needs "when a _ motorist realizes, nizat ions to carry on their work.{sale, and donating the proceeds of the agencies, therefore, this that 'accidents' are caused by was sponsored by He said industrial firms and of their Good Turn Day. became a serious situation. If}qrjyvers just like wee ressmen who pri- the needs of the agencies were | through carelessness, inatten-| 'ledged they fear not to be met what would they/tion and recklessness, then he flood due to a TOWN COUNCIL BRIEFS do? Have their own campaigns} ig able to take steps to avoid oe oe again or make additional can- |these mistakes and thus be a tate department, Three Groups Meeting vasses? Either one would prob-| ably have destroyed the United "i safe, accident-free driver." Two hundred and one ve keen sensitivities Appeal. The committee had|picles were checked last week 4 ica about the "co- their backs 'to the wall and thus) ------ mane North,' had hoped an all-out effort was put forth," * ht be delayed +4 \Mr. Nurse said. e it se at ' Consider Parade Plans | New committees are already VICTORIA AND GREY r special commis- 'being formed for the 1968 cam- A balanced group of di- iblished to study WHITRY (Staff) -- A meeting;credit on educational costs to paign. welve of the 15-- of the members of the Cham-jelderly citizens up to a total rectors from the township and INVESTMENT FUND Senate, five from ber of Commerce, retail mer-/$150 was passed. town will be nominated and reg- | Representatives chants' association and town A second bylaw dine for war year-round meetings will) § § providing or. 3 ie : . eh a4 the presi- council will be held at 2 p.m., the rezoning of the northwest be -- oe an se start For investment of the ceiling. Wednesday to consider plans'corner of Gilbert and Byron|can be made next year. A com- { at least another for a Santa Claus parade Streets, owned by Oshawa ee Sage eoaginige of id iby the funds of indi- 7 j irg 12 e e new Vv n more informa- A letter from the Kinsmen|Dairy Limited, was also pass- sill Bcd ig he astapliched. Me. viduals and groups Club, outlining two alternatives ed. Nowe sala | : { Iu sacweien suckled under to regarding the cottage the club) covmENDED Future planning by the wel-| ©" @ Pooled bosis erated by Everett leases at Heydenshore Park, ae me # rat | A ; Harold Wickett, parking fare council indicates a single} ublican minority was referred to the town prop- : AB ieee soe A ? A e meter inspector, was commend-|organization for the United Ap- Senate, who has erty committee for a recom- i Sisal : 4 A a0 by council for his courtesy|peal extending from Bowman- N leverage because mendation. : i : AND upports President : oward a Richmond Hill resi-\ville to Hamilton. An Ontario policy in "Viet The club epeesnted oe wine dent who experienced motor unit has already been sketched TRUST : ; like to be reimbursed for th€ trouble while in Whitby. with the area from Pickering insisted the 120,- nit 'is a_ pledge » price for Dirk- nt to back the im- interior partitions. : ential isions, While the The club also said it wants ste baa a pa and presentatives has to enter into negotiations with avreed indvarnce-$15.000-401™ ated for dd lit council to sell its park and! cover contracts which-.it-- has} a year, the Sen- swimming poo! to the munici- aed "y an | 5, entered into. The money will be pality. 1t said if the-town buys repel by the Board : : OW os n 0 a es 7 1 the-park, the club will put the) jp Vantuvyen of the water- proceeds into more recreational works staff was authorized to| Get cash fast for house repairs, a new car, facilities. attend a senior course for| vacations, or any other good reason. ; waterworks operators being) $3,000 it has spent on the build- ing, or if the town is not going to take over the park, the club would like to remove all EXPERT ADVICE The desirability of expert advice on electronic daia processing so tax program can be set up was referred to the chairman' of finance andthe (aM, gnt_ Toner eating $3,000 $55.58 oo Folge a PHILADELPHIA 36.55 $74.10 36. A letter from residents of the) The chairman of finance was to given power to place an ad- Bowmanville -included. It would be to the advantage of vertisement in the Henry Street/all to have this unit formed High School yearbook. sources Commission. Approval was given. for purchase of a crawler weve READY IN THE 70s " é | retaining|21ven by the Ontario Water Re-) the| as soon as possible, he said You Borrow $2,000 $4,000 WHITBY 668-5897 Monthly Payments As Low As $37.05 ROUND TRIP CUSHIONED AIR RIDE CNG AB BER Freee All round trip fares are jow by BUS WASHINGTON . . 49.60 8 3 DAYS in NEW YORK INCLUDING RETURN FARE, HOTEL ROOM, SIGHTSEEING, ENTERTAINMENT Johnson and Stewart Streets} ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) -- A area, asking action be taken to)scientist says vertical take off clean up several lots, was re-|airports for downtown-to-down-| » ferred to next Tuesday night's s|town flights could be ready by committee meeting. |the early 1970s. George N, Sa- Council moved to proclaim|rames said .a_ variport capable and publicize the period from/|of handling 4, 000,000 passengers oa 1 to 7 as Safe' Driving ae a ty NO BONUS CHARGE OR HIDDEN FEES: With \ bylaw to provide for a tax/000,000. the Associates, you get a mortgage agreement that -- = | is crystal clear. No bonus or hidden fees are ever | charged, Prepayment privileges. Confidential arrange- WIN A = NIGHT ON u- LOWN ments, | SPEEDY SERVICE: Just tell us your needs and we'll @ Chauffeur-Driven Car To Toronto | @ Free Spending Money set up a plan for you immediately. Every Time you Ride With Mercury Taxi, you Get Another Chance to Win... "A Night On the Town" NEXT DRAW ON NOVEMBER 15th | MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 | 34.75 47.70 9.0 2 EXPRESS TRIPS FROM TORONTO EVERY DAY VIA Q.E. WAY AND NEW YORK THRUWAY CHICAGO....... ST. LOUIS... (Via ensed C $5,000 $92.63 Above payments based on 14% per annum for 7 years WHY OUR PLAN IS BEST: CEXCHAONGE SURCHARGE EXTRA) Tickets And information ae WHITBY -- Ph. 668-3675 OSHAWA Bus Terminal, Horry Donald Ltd. 18 Prince Street Telephone 723-2241 oe Tedel Limited -- Agent AJAX -- (South) The Coffee Cup, Phone 942-2940 (North) Ajax Coffee Shop, Phone 942-3390 GRAY ihadaieatsie LINES. ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LIMITED : 111 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 725-6531 Winner of October 10th Draw -- Mrs. E. Power -- 1190 Northridge St., Oshawa

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