Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 14, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE UN Auspices Seen Vital In Maintenance Of Peace TORONTO (CP) -- No dation has the right to interfere in the matters of other countries ex- cept under the auspices of the Af. Paul Martin said United Nations, External nd The 64-year-old minister toid the Canadian Club that he has always supported the U.N. and the League of Nations before 1t in their peacekeeping efforts He reminded his listeners that he is the only living Canadian who took part in. establishing the league Commenting on North Viet- namese charges that Canada is selling arms to the United Mr. Martin said the same charge de against the So- viet Union and its allied coun- States for use in the war, could be tries, such as Poland Poland is 2 member of the In- ternational Control Commission! along with Canada and India. Report Studied SARNIA (CP) -- The board of directors of Sarnia General Hos- pital will meet soon to consider recommendations of a coroner's jury Friday that held the hospi- tal and an anesthetist responsi- ble for the death of a three- month-old girl Hospital administrator Arthur the Hewig said Monday that meeting may be held sooner than Dec. 7, the date of the next scheduled regular meeting Parity Criticized Pound Support PARIS (AP) -- sources close to tlements in Basel, "jmonths and may the sources said Central banks of France |Germany,__Italy,_Holland, ium, Switzerland zg United States contributed fo the Douglas who fled from the OTTAWA (CP) -- Wage par- operation. ity with the United States would the manufacture of farm equipment in Canada, the discourage TORONTO (CP) royal commission on farm ma- nartment of labor | chinery was told today. manufacturers. New Regulations TORONTO (CP) --A _ new regulation permitting the use of studded tires on Ontario high- ways was announced Monday Transport Minister Irwin by Haskett of an inch. Labor Minister Dalton said Monday eight to-based inspectors appointed and five ies. The 12-passenger mountainidress, appeared in court follow: wagon was built to carry resi-\ing dents around the Stanley Hotel paintings from the home of Dr. {Morton Shulman, former Toron- lin Vstes Park, Colo. to coroner and now a member Murder Charge 'der in the beating dea ter Joseph Wells, 22, Wells' body was found last Tuesday behind a Toronto; Police said he had been} Waiter Assaulted Codyre of Brantford was }Monday on a charge of assault waiter Peter Kuba was severely Crash Kills 3 _ anda man were killed in a car- 1S truck collision Monday on High- about 20 miles north of PAUL. MARTIN «++ Supports adding about $40,000,000 multi-nation $250,000.000 fo support the British ministry said today. The credit, granted the Bank for International Set- of Oshawa, also killed. Prince collided with a truck driven by Richard T Can a FOUR OF THE FIVE the judges. Miss Prince Ed- finalists in the bathing-suit ward Island, 19 - year - old competition in the Miss Carol MacKinnon -- third Canada Pageant in Toronto from left -- was later se- Monday night line up for lected Miss Canada. Others WEATHER FORECAST miles east of the accident scene. Escapee Recaptured mum security Camp Bison Sat- Branch Bolstered urday,-was recaptured Monday Blythe was serving three today las bolstered months and 60 days definite and its elevator inspection branch in Minneapolis-Moline of Canada jine with promises made after a Ltd., said in a brief that produc-| young bov was killed in an ele tivity in Canada will have to in- yator shaft last spring crease to keep pace with U.S tions of four counts of indecent ly today will be in the tower Great Lakes regions by tonight. Snow ing north 15 to 20 by this in advance of this weather dis- evening and light Wednesday. turbance has already covered' Sudbury, North Bay, northern northwestern Ontario and will Georgian Bay, Algoma regions: Cloudy and cold with snow or Accumulations snowflurries today. Wednesday : aii = . variable cloudiness with chance TORONTO (CP) -- Two mentor the snow belt areas around of a few snowflurries and con- charged in connection with the Geo NEW YORK (AP) -- A 1914\theft, of paintings worth $75,000) Mr. Haskett said in a state-|Stanley Steamer bus, still capa-jto $100,000 were remanded Mon- ment that under the regulations, |ble of going 50 miles an hour,|day to Nov. 20. David F. Stra- metal studs will be permitted on|was auctioned Monday for $ tires between Oct. 1 and March|000 at the Parke-Bernet Ga 31, provided they are no greater than 14 inch in diameter and protrude no farther than 1-16th Russ In Algiers inspectors squadron of five Russian war- . have been promoted to supervi- ships arrived here Tuesday. sors to train newcomers and as- sist officers in the field Bus $31,000 reach southern Ontario regions afternoon. are expected to be light except Held For Theft rgian Bay and Lake Huron }Wednesday will be mostly sunny but cold 29. of Toronto and How- the theft Saturday of six) HERE and THERE, PARADE PLANNED . 73 mt ak-|speak to the bia TOWE Ot Ueneees ft War. 21 about, "What Canadians : jmean to the United Nations" After spending a number |years as a press correspondent to United Nations, Wet road conditions Saturday|and Ottawa, Mr. Trueman was ved a part in two auto|appointed national director of on the Macdonald-|UNA in August CANADIAN CORPS y Among the special guests at- nding the three day general meeting and convention jof the Canadian Corps Associa- tion, Ontario Command starting uto received|Noy. 17. in Brantford A. FE. King Ontario Provincial president of the Canadian Corps Association of Oshawa ge to thelichts of the corps convention will be a luncheon, laying service at the Brantford enotaph and a gala tion ball ing plans Parade to be held Dec. 9. TWO ACCIDENTS BOWMANVILLE . (Staff) night dents Cartier Freeway west Wave Road wh e Memoria pital T a $2,500 damaz n & one-car mishap, A four-car rear. end pile-up or e westhound lane resu if a § ir ed minor in 1,000 COPIES Staff raw ology of Motivatinn CANADIAN CLUB Peter Trueman. the natione! director of the Uniied Nation of resulted in injuries to two persons and te I Jack Vermas-| rough was' taken Hos es to one female passenger Buy Direct Save up to 50% TONE CRAFT King Park 723-4922 Plaza Beoutify ond Protect With laminin ® SIDING ® «+ + by Keiser! e@ Extra insulntion @ Ne moin- teronce! @ A|l werk gucranteed @ Free Estimctes CARL GALBRAITH 140 Elgin Eost -- 728-0181 ~ if ,Association in Canada, Canadian of the Ontario legislature. Engineer Dies Noble, 55-year-old engineer} working at a steel mill in India, |5 when an oxygen pipe exploded India, it was learned here Mon- Noble, a native of Port Colborne, arrived at the site in late October to help train Indian | He was employed by s Steels Ltd. division of Rio 1966 REASONABLE PRICES Hotel Lancaster balance Interest on daily balance gee savings earn the highest true interest in a Savings Deposit Receipt Account. No other account in Canada earns you so much interest. That's because Guaranty Trust cal- Pee OM.) Wednesday Sunny, Cold Arctic Air Mass Here TORONTO (CP) -- Official} Northern Lake Huron, south- ys 59<onee at a camp: on the Wahnapitae forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.ern Georgian Bay regions:\.., Cloudy and cold with snow or Synopsis: Cold Arctic air coy- frequent snowflurries today months indefinite on convic- ers all of Intario today. A rapid-|Variable cloudiness and contin- moving disturbance north- uing cold tonight and Wednes- of Lake Superior early day with scattered snowflurries. | Winds westerly 15 to 20 becom-} two to five inches are in the next 24 hours, by this evening. regions: Mainly cloudy light overnight. and cold with scattered snow- Forecast Temperatures jflurries, becoming more fre Low tonight, high Tuesday }quent this afternoon and ending Windsor . 25 tonight. Wednesday sunny with|London . Frank/|g few cloudy periods and contin-|Kitchener . uing cold. Winds westerly 15 to/Hamilton ... , becoming north 15. this|St. Catharines evening and light Wednesday Toronto ..... 8 EUROPE Yak - "WHILE BOOK NCW. <0 AIRLINE AND STEAMSHIP SPACE 1S STILL AVAILABLE Enquire about our completa European Tour Packages, Take the worry out of travel'. contact Meadows Travel Service 723-9441 25 King St. E. 723-7001 UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of Dominion Tire Stores AUTO SAFETY SERVICES 4WHEEL BRAKE RELINE wheels with bonded @ Reline all linings. @ Adust parking brake @ Flush hydraulie system and in- stall fresh fluid culates interest on the minimum daily There are no chequing privileges but with- | drawals can be made any time. Minimum i balance $3,000, Guaranty Trust Federally incorporated and supervised Capital and reserve $27,000,000. Deposits in excess of $400,000,000. 1 Wheel -- 1.95 of the linings. 2 Wheels ---- 3.70 : Most American 3 Wheels --- 5.45 ond 4 Wheels -- €.6¢ Canadian Cars 5 Wheels 7.50 : USE YOUR CREDIT PEL Student Nurse, 19 -- Wins Miss Canada Honors Bruce of Edmonton, Sandy Hill|tition with a bilingual speech on and Debbie|Confederation and Canada's in- ternal problems. She said she pjenjoys reading, particularly books involving personal histy By DON LeBLANC Carol|of Muskoka, Ont., MacKinnon, a 19-year-old stu-| Burkhart of Toronto. | dent nurse from Summerside, ! P.E.L, needed only one word to)the title,' Miss MacKinnon said sum up her feelings Monday|in an interview. "It's a great re- rl night after winning Pageant--"Won- best." A native of Montague, P.I.L., a brown- she entered training this fall at eyed, dark-haired beauty who/Prince County Hospital, a block Centennial|away from her home. 'I'm going back next year, if side Lobster Carnival in July. they'll take me." nationally-televised pageant over 24 other contest- Miss "T just hope I can live up te During her one-year MacKinnon, who stands "T can't believe it, that's why 110 pounds, will liv I can't cry," she said. except during three schedule With the crown went $25,000 in cross-Canada tours and trips to cash and gifts, including a 1968'several countries. Her travels model car which she said she|will include a two-week stay in plans to give to her father, Sgt.|Czechoslovakia. A. F. MacKinnon of the Sum-| She was crowned by last) Canada, Barbara "1 don't even have a driver's Lynne Kelly, 20, of Vancouver and Moncton, N.B., who covered) two round-the merside air base. Runner-up was. Merrilyn 75,000 miles a sec- world promgé ond-vear student in education at} the University of British Colum-| won bia. Other finalists were Betty |placed high in"Nhe talent compe- THE ONLY. CURE FOR ' BALDNESS is a TAYLOR TOPPER The amazing. new hair replacement nobody can spot that does everything 'our hgir used to except grow. Your riends will compliment you on your improved oppeorance and you'll look your own age instead of ten years for BALDNESS © now, Find out about our terrific new potented hairpiece -- Send for de- toils, it's the best stomp you'll ever Send Me Free Booklet In Plain Envelope'™= == @ 511A YONGE ST., TORONTO 5, ONT. Taylor Topper PHONE: 925-4331 - DEPT, 1108 coccecs PROMO scccsccetice a eee eee eerasererssece SOW esis MPERIAL The whisky for people | PERL who know. | = People who know and appreciate the finer things -- know Imperial. It's a subtle way of expressing that you know the good life. Imperial. A truly distinguished Canadian whisky. tinuing cold. Winds light becom- ng north to northwest 15 to 20 White River region: Snow, ta- pering off to scattered snowflur- Toronto, Hamilton, London, ries by this evening. Wednesday Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake variable cloudiness and contin- Niagara, southern Lake juing cold. Winds dight becoming Huron, Haliburton, Lake On-!north 15 to 20 this afternoon and! es. V'll do my}. Ina contest in which the girls "ithemselves were the Miss Hill was selected as Miss Congeniality. ours. non, 35-25-34, t contest and DIARRHEA....Fast Relief You can rely on reign, DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY 4 inches and weighs|!t gently restores intestinal balance-- e in Toronto, quickly relieves nausea, cramps, diarrhea, d Dependable for all the family. An% SAVINGS ACCOUNTS PERSONAL 4% CHEQUING ACCOUNTS LOANS 4 GE Canadian hike) 9 Fd rf PERSONAL CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 FRIDAY NIGHTS and SATURDAYS a AYA) a OPEN i] i] : 5 | ors ae | @ 6'x9's @ 9'x12's @ 9'x15's @ 9'x18's @ 12'x15's @ 12'x18's ANY SIZE, ANY COLOUR § to 138! @ Inspect wheel cylinders WHEEL @ Inspect brake hose and lines BALANCE Guaranteed for 20,000 miles or 20 months. : Free adjustment every 5,000 miles for the life T.V. advertised 501 gothique-extra wear Spectacular 1968 dense pile plush now available. Shop ot home service -- 24 hour answering service. CALL Also... . @ Hardtwists @ Ozite @ Thick Plushes @ Acrilans 576-3790 3 DAY SERVICE Rein Harmatare, Manager 32 King St. E., Oshawa Tel. 728-1653 King St. W. at Park Rd. a KING PARK PLAZA Phone 725-6511. M&D CARPETS Brondloor Svecialists EASY TERMS ARMY PTE. RONALD Lockman, 23, hugs his fi- ancee, Lynette . Polk, 20, left, following his convi tion and sentencing Monday at San' Francisco's Presi- dio. Lockman was convict- ed of refusing to obey U.S. Soldier 30 Months ] SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Aj) general court martial has sen-}| tenced army Pte. Ronald Lock-!! man to 30 months at hard labor for refusing orders to go to Viet-'1 nam. t The court convicted and sen-,¢ tenced Lockman Monday after a't trial punctuated by clashes be- tween military police and anti-|§ war demonstrators at the Presi- dio, U.S. t6h Army headquar- 4 ters. t Seven demonstrators were ar- ! rested outside the courtroom.! MPs carried six others from the r court. c "T would do it again,"' said's Lockman, 23, a Philadelphia Negro, after hearing the sen-|F tence. "My father had doubts}r about this, but I know for a fact/v that I was right." c The court officers deliberated) only 11 minutes before convict-}e ing Lockman on two counts of!s refusing to obey lawful orders. ji They pondered 20 minutes longer in deciding the 30 months sentence with dishonorable dis- charge. The maximum term is five years. | Stanley Faulkner, one ofic Treason I LBJ Criti WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sena- tor George D. Aiken says Presi- dent Johnson and administra-) tion officials imply Vietnam war st policy criticism borders on trea- it son. The Vermont Republftan| mr calls it "hitting below the belt."|is Aiken, a member -of the Sen- y ate foreign relations committee, -- took issue with a Monday state- nl ment by Ellsworth Bunker, U.S.|., ambassador to South Vietnam,! that domestic dissent acts to |, "encourage the North Viet- 3) namese to hold on."' A sharp critic of Johnson's es- calation of the U.S. war effort, | q Aiken said in an interview he|H detects a pattern in weekend) ;j speeches by the president. ap New York talk Monday by) s Vice-President Hubert H. Hum- phrey and in Bunker's remarks ¢} a pattern of blaming critics for to what he called lack of success) jn in Southeast Asia. is "Congress has given the pres-'de Early Pec For Trout UNITED NATIONS (AP) --|}fo Unyielding positions taken by | ri Israel and Jordan before the th UN Security Council Monday) he have further dimmed hopes of tu any Middle East settlement th soon. - Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban made plain that his gov- ] ernment is in no hurry to come to terms when he brushed aside two rival resolutions both de- ; signed to bring the Arabs nearer than ever before to com- promise._ ee Eban reiterated his rejection ta of a resolution submitted by|th India, Mali and Nigeria because |se he said it suggested "that Israel|th should move from the ceasefire) w lines without a peace treaty de-| | fining permanent and ' secure! ce frontiers." da He said the U.S. resolution | ay failed to "'give sufficient weight! pr to the concept of negotiation) op and agreement." The Israelis) _ are believed willing to accept|,,, the U.S, plan in effect, but want)... it made plain that any solution) p, must result from. direct talks|,, between them and the Arabs. | \,, A similar inflexibility -was| gs, shown by Jordan's foreign min-| . ister, Abdul Monem Rifa'i. bail ISSUES ULTIMATUM |pe & Rifa'i stressed Arab demands|Mi i C f ic fe