Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Nov 1967, p. 1

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oO f @ P | part o* } Ge? | Coco: ae I oe, a ' CENTRE ' \ Fund which lacked the attrib TWO DISTRICT TEENAGE, GIRLS DIED ... Lois Hope, 19, Of Reach Twp., IN THE WRECKAGE INSTANTLY And Bonnie Bonnell, OF THIS CAR 17, Of Prince Albert, Were Killed Oshawa Times Photos WHITBY (Staff) An Osh- awa man and two young area girls died Monday afternoon in a two-vehicle collision 20 miles north of Whitby on Highway 7, half a mile south of Man- chester, Dead are Lois Hope, 19, of Lot 17, Concession' 5, Reach Township, Bonnie Diana Sylvia Bonnell, 17, of Prince Albert, and Richard Thompson (Scot. 232 32 ty) Smith, St., Miss Hope 42, of Oshawa. Chadburn and Miss Bonnell were killed instantly when their 1957 two-door auto was struck by a 1965 Bell Telephone van driven by Mr. Smith. He was listed as dead at the scene of the accident, A spokesman for the Whitby OPP detachment said the acci- dent occurred in the northbound lane of Highway 7, opposite the Sanman Motel, and that the telephone van crashed into and through the auto. However, the spokesman said it was impos sible to determine what really happened, because 'There were no witnesses to the accident, no marks on the road . noth ing." Police said the driver of the auto could not be determined because the bodic of both of the occupants - were thrown Home 'Newsraver Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville, Ajax, Pickering an neighboring centres in Ont- ario and Durham Counties. Qa ~y VOL. 26--NO. 264 10¢ Single Cor SSe Per Week Home Daliverea Ghe Oshawa J OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WHITBY'S UNITED APPEAL The Whitby United Appeal man with a successful cam- is over the top. After a paign report Monday night. month of campaigning, Industrial chairman Wil- President R. E. Sims pre- liam Morrison, left, and _Sented Mayor Desmond New- _ chairman William Nurse re Se GOES OVER THE were congratulated by town council on their efforts to surpass the goal of $38,225 by some $500. The nine-agency appeal began slowly this _ TOP year, but has broken previous records for campaign in the town all the --Oshawa Times _ Photo $250,000,000 Bond Issue To Yield 6.35 Per OTTAWA (CP) -- The gover ment is offering a yield of 6 and! per cent-on a $250,000,000 issue|per cent for six years, of non-callable bonds, Finance! about 6.29 per cent for 27 vear: Minister Sharp announced! A further $100,000,000 of 392- toda) day treasury bills will be of- The 64-per-cent, six-year fered at competitive tender on bonds will be dated Dec. 1, 1967,| Nov, 28. They will be dated and) and due Dec. 1, 1973. They are|delivered = 1, 1967, to ma-| exchangeable on or before Dec. ture Dec. 1968, Corns Sia the sale will! jredeem $100,000,000 in. special) 1303-day treasury bills maturing said_ in a state-| Dec. 1 to_ buy for cancellation into an equal par value of 6! 4-per-cent bonds due Dec 1, 1994 _ The minister Rush Jury Gives True Bill Ruling Whilejates ase ribed to them by the ac- TORONTO (CP) stock promoter Myer Rush, crit- |cuse d. ically injured in a bomb blast,! Earlier, doctors told police lit- battled for his life, an Ontariojtle credence could be given to Supreme Court grand jury Mon- | Rush' s attempts to identify the day returned a true bill against|persons responsible for a bomb him and two other men accused|blast in his Sutton Place apart- of a $100,000,000 stock conspira-|ment last Friday. oy. The stocky, remains The indictment charges Rush|nessman in critical | with possessing $5,661 in cheques, knowing they had been} obtained by fraud. | persons by nodding and blinking F Toronto lawyer Joseph Wil-jhis eyes when police showed liams, and Robert Colueci, "e photographs lintermittently. He had earlier signified recognition of several 56, 49, are also charged on counts drawing board and marking of conspiring to defraud the|p@ncil have been set up beside public of $100,000,000 in shares|Rish's bed in hospital to hopes of Darien Exploration Co. ne 'will find enough strength to and British Overseas Mutuel|scraw! the name of the pejson or persons who tried to kill #'m. 44-year-old busi-| condition and is conscious only} Cent For Murder EMO, Ont. /ment the issue will be priced at $105, 000,000 of government old boy from the Manitou Rap-\of MPs, 199.50 per cent to yield about 6.35|/bonds now held by the Bank of ids Indian reserve was charged the people, to bring these feel- 1968.| Monday night with the capital land for general purposes murder of a farmer four miles The announcement 'said the West of this Northern Ontario icancellation will reduce the dut- Community, halfway between |standing amount of government Fort Frances and Kenora |bonds "due Jan. 1968, to| John Wappel, 45, was found $400,000,000. shot through the head in the |Canada and due Jan. 15, | id the ~-small farmhouse where he lived} The statement said OV lernment_may vary the amount, @/one of the $250,000,000 issue by 10 A motorist who had lper cent either way, and that the dead. man's cattle back on the Bank of Canada will take up to the farm, found tine body dur-| at least $50,000,000. ing the: weekend. The high yield indicated the| government felt even top-qua)-| ity bonds must be made unusual- irst 3] ly attractive to sell during the} current market weakness. In-| vestment dealers said they ex- pect the issue to move well. By using $105,000,000 of the sue to retire current central!) SAIGON (AP) -- The United bank holdings, the government States lost its first general in will make it somewhat easier to\the Vietnam war today. Ma return to the market in January,Gen. Bruno A. Hochmuth, 5 to replace issues maturing then commander of the 3rd Marine} Mr. Sharp announced the cur-| Division, was killed in a helicop- rent offering Friday afternoon, |ter explosion and crash north of after telling the Commons the Hue. | government would introduce tax, The U.S. command also an- measures later in November. jnounc' ed that Communist gun- jners shot down two American The prediction of a tax, in- helicopters. and damaged five tempt to reassure the market in|the coastal lowlands 365 miles advance of the bond issue and portheast of Saigon. But it was to guarant' > its sale. Inot known whether Hochmuth's The finance minister has said death was due to enemy action that one of the problems in the) The pilot of another helicopter capital market is an expectation, accompanying him said the gen of yet higher interest rates in eral's, craft was flying at about future causing investors to hold|1,000 feet ayhen it appeared to onto their money, explode in pe air, broke-in two Youth Held © herded | As Viet War Casualty crease was regarded as an at-)more Monday in fighting along| TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, + 1967 | CBC POT BOILS | | | | Judy Says | OTTAWA (CP) -- State Secre jfary Judy lharsh statements about the CB( by MPs during last week's Com mons debate have caused dis tress in the country. Appearing before mons the Coém- c LaMarsh said today)criticism of CBC by detailing her management. ontroversy STUDIES NOT USED c being investigated to death broadcasting committee,/Problem was that the results of She said the corporation fre juently complains that it is The Miss LaMarsh said the principle| Various investigations and stud- of public broadcasting appears|ies are brushed aside. |to be accepted by the Commons.| If the current controversy has Yet there seemed to be uni-/\done any good, she said, it! versal condemnation of the "may have borne in upon some public broadcasting agency by|of the management of CBC for MPs during the debate. ithe first time that it is not "We must be careful not to/enough to spend money and throw out the baby with the|Make studies and answer 'we're bath water," Miss LaMarsh told] the experts' and go on as be the committee which is going over the new broadcasting bill.| |principle from the Commons. Terry Nugent (PC -- Edmon- |ton Strathcona) said the minis-| fore." "Some members of manage The bill already has approval in)ment woke with a start in the jlast two weeks, and I think | that's helpful, very helpful." Miss LaMarsh also disclosed jter's "'Jecture" to MPs Was|she had asked CBC President sheer effrontry. He ss there is| Alphonse Ouimet not to bring uneasiness among Canadians|neo-Nazi Adolph von Thadden to as representatives ings into the open. Miss LaMarsh must have had her tongue in her cheek in mak- ing her remarks, he said. Her own comments on the |management were proof of it He was referring to LaMarsh's statement Nov: 4 the Pierre" Berton television show that there was "rotten management" in the CBC. Miss LaMarsh said she would} 'just cause another Seven Days neral Lost Jand crashed on its back in a \lake. | There were no survivors. Two} American pilots, the American} |crew chief and a Vietnamese in-| |terpreter also died in the crash. | NO ENEMY GUNFIRE | U.S. military headquarters in Saigon said it was not believed \there. was any enemy fire in the area at the time. The flareup of fighting along the coastal lowlands coincided with a Jull around Dak To, the central highlands, after weeks: of hard battling there in which both sides have lost more than 790 killed B-52 bombers pounded suspect ed Red positions 16 miles south- iwest of Dak To, CBC} Miss | an! (CP) -- A 15-year-,about the CBC and it is the duty| Canada for CBC of|>- inj two! \ appearance. ee ee OSHAWA MAN KILLED IN «+. OPP Officer, Investigator, Question A some distance from the wreck The car was totally destroy ed in the collision, as the van appeared to have mounted and driven right through it. An ob server 11d Nice hada eat deal of difficulty iratin the two vehicle riu veld ed together by th a Althoug now was falling Auth dE Cong MPs Harsh Captives \Greeted FORT BRACG, N.C, (AP) - | Fellow special forces soidiers | shouted "Welcome Home" and lembraced Staff Sgt. James F Jackson Monday night as he and two other U.S.' Army. ser geants returned to the United States after ye rs of captivit by the Viet Cong The cheer for Jackson came jfrom a-trio of his comrades as he stepped off a military plane; returned him and Master Daniel Lee Pitzer of Spring that Sat Lake, N.C., to Fort Bragg Pitzer walked unsteadily and lay. down on an ambulance stretcher. An army official said he had a serious vitamin defi ciency. The third prisoner of war re- leased in Cambodia Saturday Master Sgt. Edward R. Johnsor of Seaside, Calif., from the plane in a stretcher at was removed Washington and taken to Waller Reed Army Hospital, He was reported suffering from try and malnutrition dysen ee NEW MISS CANADA ~ Carol Mackinnon of Sum- merside, P.E.1., was named Miss Canada of 1968 ala pageant in Toronto Monday night. The 19-year-old Miss P.E.I. 'was chosen from a-} mong 24 other provincial candidates. She is shown during an earlier Toronto reception for' contestants. (See story on page two.) (CP. Wirephoto) UK. Asks For New iB sncustzicl Set-Up ey f SHATTERED BELL VAN Bystander ron, a police e road wa: ered a wat' hit wet bu not snow the time o the coll : I ; The. three f es | t n traffic acc ont the Whit 17 ig by OPP detachme te iad ie ae Ma : fare 4h ne Ge : , 0 ar the Whitby OPP detachmen An employee of the Bell'territory t vea 5 Weather Report Vednesday sunny with a fev cloudy periods and continuing cold, Low tonight 28. High tomorrow 38. ~~ EIGHTEEN PAGES U.S. Dominetion Fered Of Strategic Industries ' I } vidual European countries to) Wilson spoke agains |join with Britain in building/drop of increasing powerful industrial machines to!cern over an imbalance in Br ht the threat of United States/ish fore trade and its in LONDON (CP) -- Prime Min-|"must inevitably. take some a back lien nation of strategic Euro-jon the pownd. France has re- pean industries peatedly stated Britain must "We are ready to talk in the/first put its house in order be- fields of computers, electronics;|fore Common Market negotia and civil application of nuclearjtions can begin. jenergy Wilson said in al Wilson's offer of technological xeech prepared for delivery atico opera with the annual lord mayor's dinner|pean powe as been § Monday nigt fore but this time he set it w He emphasized, however, that more detail. his offer of an industrial part And he emphasized the point nership to establish huge re-lhe has made before--that if search, manufacturing and dis-|Brifain and Europe do not co- tribution combines is not meantioperate in development of to be a substitute for British|highly sophisticated industrial membership in the European) product ed States indus- Common Market tries would so domin 1rope However ne onceded initha we are |! ! another part of h ch i f 1 yiations for Bri 1 en aw of water i] NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Ohio Students Riot -- 91 Arrests ILBERFORCE, Ohio (AP) -- Students threw stones, sa es, furniture and other object riot that today with 91 arrests as po d onal patrolled the predominantly Nes n si ( nus. At 10 patrolmen u¢ were d, mos t t n object The office said en ) were involved. Thirty Ships Tied Up in ¢ anal ST. CATHARINES. (CP) TI up-win.-and --around-the foot ocean freighter struck the near Port Robinson Mond r owned by Munro - Jorgensen of west bank of the canal between g hole below the water line in the bow. She is down three feet by the bow. .. In THE TIMES Today .. Report Crome Refuted--P. 9 Appeal Over Top--P. 5 Benefit Game Set--P. 6 Ann Lo 10 5 9 £19, 13,14 ( H f 16 oO 15 sia <> peeae -6,7 - avi mH - ~~ <= 4 'Bad news, chief. Your union application has been rejected!" es \ *"* 4 rE i Ne « we ee ee ent ee ie ee eZ <

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