18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 14, 1967 MAIL VANS REPLACED ee : fs 5 9 -EeE CESER Sa FRESNO, Calif. (AP) -- A lone sight in the Sz BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE |scagwin: alee cite int loffice--has become a thing of | Accused Gets 90 Days = si ser tess |Bakersfield since 1950. Inside clerks sorted the mail. But now! | the vans are being replaced by| | S ons a e Saul e air taxi mail service and section | al centres to serve the small of A 28-year-old Oshawa man,Chesterton Ave. Schwass_ was /fices was sentenced to 90 days fn thejarrested on Oct. 30 as a result Alex Brown Memorial Clinic injof a check by Constable Gerry |than a residence resulted in a Mimico as a result of a brawl/Johnson of the city police lfine of $25 and costs or five in the Cadillac Hotel on Nov. 2 ' avs for Ane aes anal hict ee Bale ga | IMPAIRED days for Victor Cox, 24, of 1624 which involved an assault isk a SA Simcoe St. N. He pleaded guilty city police officer Fifes totalling $600 and costs ig the. ohare eae ' 531 Montrave| Were levied against three'? e char A aa # = ~ wae re ae aY"ldrivers convicted of impaired ve., pleaded guilty charges| driving. of assaulting a police officer, -. a : public intoxication and willful! Owen Albert Kennedy, 36, of davace. : Prince Albert, Ont., pleaded TH ; dante inated' that guilty to the. charge and was he ,evidence indicatec he enn « Re pk when Constable Peter Mandryk fined $200 and costs or 30 days ass re cencernih "| The same fine of $200 and answere a call 'ones ing al, < y 30 ave H disturbance at the hote Brun ee te days bilo levied | : ; cal hi: and ald against Anthony Silvestri, 24, of ton approache hi an é 69 rha q . ns that the woman who had been|™ Duriam St, when he. wa HEADS PROBE at ito} wae bls wie, ie convicted of impaired driving aske¢ leave was his f J ms Tite ' ot df Laurent Picard, a Mont- |then placed his arms around the renner geen pvp? real lawyer, headed a fed- 'officer and pushed him. Wher dave: wae ie eyed se eral inquiry into waterfront |the constable went to arrest Hols Biante 47. of 94 Cadillar jitions. in Montreal. It [pj kicked the officer in thel,.." neon sR Satada ep aid down new rules design- |) the two of them went to ape line go aang guilty ed to increase waterfront /the floor. The evidence also re-) myo; 5 h der é e thr > I eceiv productivity |vealed that Brunton punched the Th 3 hree ati will 1 rer . _CP Wirephoto lof ae Wille thes were on the automatic Department of Trans- t icer while Py were in 8 erie or 5 & floor and kicked him later while port suspensions for three 7 pesipese oe is months in the cruiser . 3 Shirle Seen Brunton's counsel explained, ATTACK "All these charges emanate' Twelve-month suspended sen- from a drunk and alcoholic con: tences with probation were A Ha k dition at the time handed out to two city youths S W who admitted their part in what 30-DAY TERM ; RG . TP a Caen Hine eke was described | as an un- REDWOOD CITY, Calif. (AP) Hawell called dt "ec deanken provoked attack' on a fellow --The major opponents of Shir-!}-aw) rather than a deliberate ene oe ee ae ley T ple Black in San Mateo/attempt to inflict injury."" How David Henry Lee 18. and County special congressional ever, he indicated that "fighting Joseph Beitivache, 1A both of election Tuesday. are striving to/with a police officer on the 3 Townline Rd. § RR. 4 Osh: make the race a referendum on/floor of a public hotel' should awa, admitted pushing, | grab- CHOOSE YOUR CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS NOW AT SPECIAL PRICES AND ENJOY THEM THE WHOLE FESTIVE SEASON LONG! OF ALL THE CREATURES ON EARTH- ONLY MAN co the Vietnam war. bring a_jail_term -- "to indicate! bing' and-punching-the-youth_os Two contenders consistenily|that this type of behavior will' ne walked down Simcoe Street identify Mrs. Black, the former/not be tolerated North on the night of Oct. 14 child film star, as a hawk com-| Magistrae Donald DoddS wren he returned north. later 30 days mitted to escalating the war. sentenced Brunton to the youth was again attacked They are Republican Paul N on the assault onviction and by a-group which included the McCloskey, 40, a' marine vet-/Made it concurrent to the 90/104 accused. On this occasion eran and Navy Cross winner,|days in the Alex Brown Clinic). was kicked, punched and and Democrat Edward Keating,| where Brunton will be treated pushed through a fence founder and former publisher of|for an alcoholic problem. A fine Crown Aftorney Edward Ramparts magazine of $50 and costs or 10 days WaS'Howell told the court "they Mrs. Black, now 39 and moth- imposed on the willful damage probably thought that they were er of three, argued Sunday that conviction acting in a bold and brave way" she holds a, moderate view and!$200 FINE and added "they have acted in believes "the way to peace is by| Robert Louis Knapp, 96 Bea-,a Very cowardly fashion."' Mag- ing a swift. and honorable | trice St., pleaded guilty to istrate Dodds reminded -- them conclusion to the war in Viet-!charge of careless driving. The| 'Assault upon persons using the A. SATIN BALLS Shimmering rayon satin tree balls 2% diameter, Com plete with hangers. Shatterproof. About 21° diameter, Choice of red or blue Box of 12 -- SPECIAL se eeeceereeeeses eoeeeee U8 B. TREE TOPPER ae nam evidence indicated t Knapp Streets of the city is a very iy et : 4 . * ceri. 2 - ave i) . 2 y is Tag oe s; = a _ had been chased by a_ police|Serious matter You have no : THEODORA PRODUCTIONS, INC. On top of everything . 14" tall tree topper matching satin 4 : Cals Ree LE Sah Pw: ° MEMBER DIED motorcycle officer for three and|Tight to strike anyone whatever presents "BENGH RED' balis mentioned above. Choice of blue or red, i . r ch x ay ia | I % " SPECIAL, . eeu esnes hes a y q She and McCloskey are two offs half miles before he and the the reason. COREL WILDE » _ a E 'SILVER SWIRL PINE -- T TALL . four Republican candidates for) 11 ficer ended up mired in a : the 11th congressional district! Office in 2) MINOR ' ui : Wilson. RAN Tl te : Tree complete with snap-out tripod metal stand > ted by the ath of J jswamp at t Jen | A fine of $75 and costs or 15 ib. 3: mn Republican. the end of Wilson Rd. N. TEtidays was imposed on Darrell D 5.25 mee oa C. POINSETTIA GARLAND @ Needs no decorative lights. Thousands of 'mirror-finished' aluminum 2,4 rang Chase. dvolved .speeds up. to 50 Brodofske, 16, of 89 Bloor 'St.} gt ANA Gay Christmas garland of holly: set with 7 poinsettias and needles glitter in the room-light to create a dazzling display. 314" dia- 4 Neantidates and an|Ivcd glo and costs or 00 a8 ea ae SPECIAL, och es dsebeucss 49 meter branches. Note: It is advisable not to use electri¢ lights on this tree. a Democratic candidates and an/r "OS 30 days dvoc te of an i ; ed t fined $200 and costs or day charge of minor consumption of a ebine halt onde eescid cere |and was given a six-month SuS-|-16oho). Brodofske admitted two Pe a Gn A Word con: pension of his licence by the| previous convictions for liquor ference on Vietnam. magistrate. Defence coun Biante D. HOLLYWREATH F. TREE SKIRT A runoff election is scheduled|se] Terence Kelly told the court | arm and cherry Christmas greetings . . . @ hollywreath, Dec, 12 between the top Repub-|'"This young man, to put it)$25 FINE | ' about 16" in diameter with plastic red berries and a large red : lican and top Democrat in Tues-|bluntly, has got a heavy foot."| Having liquor in a place other| | Persia: uniter resistant plastic. 1 Big enough to fit the base of any tree, 36' in diameter, May also be ' day's balloting unless one candi-| Ass Blur hase Sasa Sestak cn a -- . m used as a table cover. Red melton cloth with Santa motif, white 1 9 ] date polls 51 per cent of arg iy ioe - ead aialee | 4 fringe. Just slit to fit, SPECIAL, each ................. Rae L 'ossession a ce ' a ai e total vote--an unlikely prospect.| r ¢ 7 ck A turnout of about 140,000 SanjStolen_ from Inter City 'Truck Mateo County voters is ex-|Lines on Feb. 23 resulted in an) pected ' oie *""'18- month suspended sentence, ge : ther lic jwith 12 months' probation for} he two other Republican as-l arthur 1, Schwass, 21, of 723 pirants are Earl B. Whitemore | 49, county' sheriff since 1950, and William H. Draper, 39, Ko- war veteran and business Te-Pee , - if 'semen Drive-In|| do if your pay Archibald, 47 councilman ALL COLOR PROGRAM ¢ e National Educa James Coburn in Sto ed 8 tion Asso on, 'T} OLE hie mot ae WATERH Daniel Monaco, 43, San Mateo NO 3" Suppose you had a serious illness.Or an accident. eons "isnine a Bs ! : , are jimging an unconditional ' Suppose you couldn't work for 6 months, a year, d ombing atte ; r E sobeahct ocd Al kia he or a lifetime. Would you have to change your way of life? Move to a cheaper home? Sell your Craig Stevens os Sips 5 IZZA car? Cancel plans for your children's education? sentative ADDED ATTRACTION 66 ww? pig nt GL N N There is no guarantee that you'll always be able nid ri Sox CHtice Opens 6:30 to work. But Manufacturers Life can guarantee EPE § Show Starts 7:15 you a regular monthly "pay" check which will help you maintain the standard of living you've ee worked so hard to achieve. Call the Man from Manufacturers. He can help you set up a plan to meet your needs and your pocket-book. A plan that is guaranteed renewa- ble to age 65 and which in the interval cannot be changed or cancelled by the Company no matter what happens to your health. The cost is rea- sonable; return of peace of mind starts the moment your plan is in effect. L. TWINKLE TREE A 20" high snowy fir tree made of pearly white plastie. IDAY FLOODLIGHT KIT ada by C.G.E 3 and original lighting effects indoors or out of Bakelite case, 6-ft. cord, ground stake, bracket, C.G.E, 100-watt spot light. Choice of red, green, blue or omber. SPECIAL, each complete ee H. IN-DOOR COLOUR WHEEL { like @ searchlight, the wheel is in sparkling white finish r glifter on sturdy, adjustable steel body. Bult» r-ordinary.-househald-- bulb (which is not_included) Very glamourous holiday lighting. Four principal colours 1 1 in the spectrum. SPECIAL, each : ; . J, WALL SWAG For a wonderful decorating effect, deck the door with a woll vO nulated fern and branches are decorated with poinsettios and baubles. SPECIAL, eoch 3.79 K, CENTREPIECE Part ip the table with a centrepiece of simulated green. fern, flocked green branches decorated with 4 red poinsettias and bright ted baubles. A conversation piece! 19 SPECIAL, each . e YULETIDE TRIM CENTRE, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 219 PHONE 725-7373 Twinkling lights, shine through a prism, bath the tree in a soft glow of continuously' changing colours. 4 49 CORAL, GOON SiS cine cauiuen sais caa iy M. ICICLES Package of 500 strands of tinsel to shimmer an 88 your tree. SPECIAL, pkg. ...... rasan Shooters # N. 12" ILLUMINATED SANTA A full bodied figure that makes an attractive decoration P z E * E: io" ws N SUPER PANAVISION AND: METROCOLOR GM 725-5833 -- 725-5562 FOR CHOICE RESERVE SEATS CALL BOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY 12-9 p.m, fen. thee Ast. shawn of 0:15 DEON) Wed., Sot., Sun. Matinees 2 p.m. Second Smash Week! e " for coffee table, mantel, TV or can be used as a nursery night light. Complete with bulb, cord and plug. 1 97 SPECIAL, each ........ a Pye L A rootin'. tootin'. shootin' but sincere picture! PARAMOUNT PICTURES 2-\ YULETIDE TRIM CENTRE, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 219 PHONE 725-7373 ME oc J. Frendo-Cumbo i P. Andrey | Representative Res, 725.2502 Juches 40 much more fevyow al |uumen| EATON'S SME MANUFACTURERS LIFE . | ettee cee eel (i, es re ? ? TNSURANCE COMPANY | e ? @ \ ° ? FED votive CARROLL OCCONNOR une: esr roucvcx, + JOSEP TSTECK aR RYOUNS JOSEPH TSTEDK W =e ce OER = gervrrernenerer rere YOUN TORONTO (CP) -- dramatic demonstratio; Toronto hotel Tue night, an elderly surge veiled a surgical tec that allows persons pai from spinal-cord injur regain the use of-their | Dr. Gordon Murray, Toronto, speaking at ¢ nual dinner of the East General and Orth Hospital! Research F tion, had attendants wi on a bed a 24-year-old dent victim paralysed the shoulders down. sin« tober, 1963 Before the operation Murray said, the victim tram Proulx of St. Je: Home Of Oshawa ville, Aja neighborin« ario and D VOL. 26--NO. 265 oer ettHag SF ' de theg. < By ies $4 re, Sage 4. Sh be 8 ¥ : 'It's difficult to explain the play without making it sound crude, which it isn't," says Maureen Langridge, who plays "Cyrene," a Lon- don prostitute in the Osh- awa Little Theatre's first 1600 S To Van GALT (CP) -- Premier John} Robarts has announced aj sweeping new education plan}: that will make Ontario's school): boards directly responsible to) the electorate for their spend-\ ing. | Legislation will be introduced), at the next session of fhe legis-|, lature to abolish 1,600 school}, boards Jan. 1, 1969, and consoli-) date control of the province's], education in 100 county-size|' units. t In a speech Tuesday night at), the opening of a Galt school, the], premier said the legislation--ex-|, pected in early February--will |; require the new education units}, to take responsibility for their} own fund- ing by issuing sep-| arate tax bills to the public. At} the present, boards requisition | ; funds they need from municipal): councils. : Mr. Robarts said the move lt would bring the public closer to}, the provincial scliool system. ly "This will insure that the|r ratepayer will be able to hold the appropriate unit of govern-|y ment responsible for the spend-'d ing of tax money." | Ontario now has 1,654 school't k