14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Testey, Wovember 14, 1967 'i -hpatnaaie for Rent |27--Rooms tor Rent MOTEL UNITS - 12 per person shoring units. Immediate Occupancy Casa Manana 230 Nipigon St Price _WOODYCREST MOTEL ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Controlled entrance d Modern spacious s 1964 CORVAIR for saie, best Telephone Blackstock" 986-4293, 82 PARK ROAD N. Lots of closet space ONE LARGE. ROOM for This ta yous chance ONE BEDROOM apartment 9 * phone 942-1897 'S57 CHEVROLET station wagon, ic- | Standard with radio. 56 Ply. new car condition. 170 Cabot Call MRS. WERNER ROOMS FOR RENT weekly end nightly (3 housekeeping privileges » power "NOW RENTING More and more of Oshowa's 164 GIN ST olf EAST reosonoble rents at the we vie es |ROOM FOR eecloriaeey G Two FURNISHED. housekeeping SURNISHED bedr 'oom, ZZ<ruuno Telephone pth 4526 or "668 548). ONE HOUSEKEEPING room for rent for VAZNS eo -PHON E 728-9724 Oshawa's Best Rental Value TOWER on vse GREEN CLEAN, ne tia furnished bed "DOWN Nichols $4 VAUXHALL Victor , four door sedan, A-| shape. $890 MARY STREET, North end - ~~ FURNISHED ond UNFURNISHED 2 and 3 bedroom aport Controlled entrance 28--Room _ were ROOM AND BOARD for Pee inoe pool, fenced ploygro ing: ROOM AND BOARD for gentlema unches packed, close to bus solid plywood racks, Tele Phone 668-5605 Whitby '57 FORD six cyl haif-ton | pick-up, Fieet- MOTORS LIMITED R.R. No. 3, Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top poid for Good Clean iens paid. TERMS _Phone 728 737% or 728-7376 RAMBLER SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT New and Used Cars Easy .to Finance at "NICOLS MOTORS LTD, WHITBY --- 668-3331 1965 GALAXIE XL, convertible, 1 is steering and brakes, radio, Heigl lk Low mileage. Private Telephone 576-0846. "BEAUMONT, two-door _ hardtop. standard transmission. Telephone 44 CHEVROLE1 station wagon, | steering and very good con: H Asking $1,400 or best offer. 725-8963 evenings ALL USED PARTS, tires, wheels spindies for trailers, sprin Street East, 723-228 $10 DOWN buys '62 Buick sedan, automatic radio, mmaculate condition throughout 278997 at Nicols, Whitby, arking Ke " 31--Compoct Cars for Sale * Volvo and Peugot * Mercedes Benz Genera! Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and -Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd South Oshawa ZOLTAN. AND NICK'S Your Authroized Datsun d Fiat Dealer alizing-in- Volkeswagen Repair and Service 60 Simcoe South 728-0051 '6) AUSTIN STATION wagon. Ideal sec- No down payment, $6. Licence X11589. Weilman's, 728 723-3203 '1963 VAUXHALL, perfect condition body end motor excellent economice transpo!tation 1961 VOLRaWAaEN deluxe, white walls condition. $325 58 Dodge, hard automatic, $150 Port Perry tre -- ~ -- % 32--Trucks for Sale je 1985 "FORD ¥3-ton, 312 motor. 5. Tel ephone 728-4842 _anytime. ton pick up Apply "WY Street 1955 "CHEVROLET, two ton tow truck fifteen ton winch. Geod condition. Tele 9006 phone 728-4549 after S p.m or trade, 1967 1-ton Chevy, 6,000 miles, 7' x 12' box. tarpaulin end hoist Telephone 655-4697 'oard for young gentiemen, packed. Telephone 668-4928 57 COLBORNE EAST, room and board, 2 BEDROOM 'BUNGALOW gaping to share, single beds. Ciosr north General Motors zoom AND Regge vneg for lady near hos ROOM OR ROOM end board Jin country ping Cen Centre. Apply 574 Cartier GEORGIAN MANSIONS, adult apts 124 29--Wented 'to Rent _ bought, parts for sale. bought. 89 Bloor Street E TWO FURNISHED epariments, | foom (one bedroom), on t 33--Automobiles Wanted | CARS WANTED -- Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to "Ted"' Cash' to the New Car Dealer and 'Save'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 , cars and trucks for wreck-| No charge for towing. Best prices Telephone Nicols . 30--Autémobiles Fa 'for 'Sale SHAW "AUTO WRECKERS 725-2311. power , two-door hardtop, in For sale cheap. Tele 728-0921 |30--Automobiles for Sale |36--Coming Events. GUS BROWN LIONS NOVEMBER SPECIAL BINGO $1,850 IN CASH PRIZES 10--$10 DOOR PRIZES This Week Only & 2 JACKPOTS $200 Each Both Must Go Increased to $300 In 52 Nos. \or Less PLUS $10 per line both \games. Eorly Bird Gome 7'45 Sharp Guaranted minimum $10 per line and $50 full card $150 Jackpot Game 20 Regular games ot $20. Double in 15 Nos: or less Last 5 bames, $30 per game ADMISSION 41.00 Bus service leaving King and Simcoe Street at 7:00 and 7:15 p.m Wednesday, NOV. 15th JUBILEE PAVILION delivers 63 Volkswagen, » New motor, Licence 36485. Motors, Whitby, | ee 7,300 or gine rs) cond! 4549 anytime 5 CO, Cars Iron and metals | Only sheen Morley Stalker Private bath and entrance 1962 hes en Coath SIMPLE THINGS TALK ell things you don't need for spot cash. 9. now _.MORE CASH bopD M \OTOR SALES Children's pet. Gibbons 36--Legal sale of fo radio and rebuilt engine B Nicols Motors, Whitby $10 DOWN celivers your choice | $2,194 BUYS brer a new 34--Automobile_ Repair FRED STONE Brooklin -- 86 Queen Str. E. Automotive Machine Shop REBUILT ENGINES OVERHAUL AND ENGINE PARTS _ AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE ( Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 ransmissions are Our Only Repairs, Adjust- xchanges. Al! work for an Ad-wr' 35--Lost ond Found Dark brown wa! et contain rs and other important 349. Black part 728. 3660, _Rewa a n arrears of y of Oshawa the be held in the Coupcil Chamber of the City Hall, Oshowa at the hour of ten in the forenoon of the fifth day of December, 1967, unless the and costs are sooner of lands for seie for of taxes has been published in the Ontario Gazette on the 2nd day of September, 1967. Copies of the said list moy be obtained at the office of the Tax Col- Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 9th day of August, 1967. . MARKSON, Treasurer SELL! a SELL That's the job of Times Wont Ads 723-3492 Classified Ads CITY OF OSHAWA Sale of Land For Taxes That's why betore 23,000 'et low cost, just die! 723-3. ROWE TOURS CARIBBEAN and WEST IN- DIES cruise, 15 days, 7 ports. SF. ROTTERDAM January 2 to 17, FLORIDA circle tour a January <- ie Hogidaaided 12 Nronday November March 2 fill "Apail 10 CALIFORNIA and NEW OR- LEANS tour 30 days Eili February 19 to March 19 ° SYRACUSE, NEW _ YORK, charter bus weekend of November 24 to 26 Chartered bus to KINGS VILLE, DETROIT and JACK MINER'S BIRD SANCTUARY to see birds in migration November 3 till 5 For information to the above tours telephone or write ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY 885-2527 Port Hope or BURLEY BUS LINES Cobourg 372-2118 "COLONY TOURS -- -- PACKAGE -- FLORIDA TOURS $246 American 14 day GUIDED Tour, all accommodations 14 meals included @ Side tours included --NOV, 24-- WWVA SHOW Wheeling, W. Virginia $29.75 American For Further Information Call COLONY TOURS OSHAWA 576-0246 BINGO DNIPRO HALL EVERY TUESDAY 7:30 P.M: Ail Regular Games $10 Shafe The Wealth Jackpot $150. in 62 Nos $20. Consolation Good Service For Greater Attendance FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor and Edith Sts EX-KIRKLAND LAKERS Renew Acquaintances. Re- union dance at City Hal Toronto. No 25 ot 7:30 For information call Toronto: Days 259-6234 Evenings 255-5844, 249- 6623 50c KINSMEN BINGO 2--$200--Nos. 52 end 50 1 MUST GO $25 CONSOLATION TUESDAY See Saturday's Ad ADMISSION 50c EUCHRE Woodview Community Centre Cadillac Ave. N WED., NOV. 15 8 p.m. Sharp Lunch & prizes Admission 50c RUMMAGE SALE, Wednesday, Novem- 1 1 p.m. Legion Hall, 471 Sim coe South, Legion Ladie's Auxiliary. DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS An average 300 million copies of 8,000) |daily newspapers are sold throughout the world on any given weekday. i1'S smart business to ad in The Times' Classified Section so popular. It's the one place look for your ad To get your subscriber - readers son-in- ee Dick, 492, ! IkaynuL ~- Leo and Noreen (nee Bren-| rv lea Rosemary on Monday, November 13, « jing. Two-year-olds, Bt Eunos, 1 i , b J 9 Plomine keceed Difach 3.80 2.50 FIFTH RACE -- Purse al cian. | 1A-Tardy Tears, Gordon 7.40 ing. Two-year-olds, foaled In Ca |rival of their son, John Richard, weigh] A baby brother for Kevin glare of the world's entertain- ment Spotlight has swung ab- | Wallbridge) e REE a Catherine Mary, Os! lon Thoraday, Nevameer + with the close of Expo 67 and its World Festival. Theatres here have been lit for the last six months with the best in theatre, ballet and for Mr.| OPera from the four corners of George and Linda (nee Gou' Pounds 3 ounces, on Wednesday, Novem | Now the city finds itself in First great grandchild for Mr, , Oshawa, first great great | the aftermath of perhaps the Man thanks to Dr, Ww. | world has ever experienced. looking at it all in retrospect, Can its success be measured? What kind of an effect has it left on its spectators? In financial terms, to announce the arrival Ot ; on Tuesday November 7, and Morgan and fourth j floor staff, The Proud parents are Winni- Bob and Mary Anne 'are happy to announce 'the nin, World Festival officials admit | they did not achieve their at- tendance objectives. In the latest figures turned out by the computers 10 days before the festival ended, attendance was 7,411,896 of an Jon Monday, November 13, 1967. A broth. |Entered into rest in the Oshawa General los jiny Clarke and John of Oshawa, brother had achieved 80 the total anticipated amount. POP SHOWS RAN SECOND "We expect to be within 19 per cent of our projected goal Resting af the Armstrong Funeral the chap: mide eben fe November would be appreciated) BROWN, Margaret (Westerveit) in Oshawa on Saturday. ir At the three Place des Arts' theatres and the Expo T tre, where productions tended y, the officials expected a 75 attendance and got ey Brown of Grand Rapids, Oshawa. Service in College Park' thronged to see such operatic ing! November 15, at 2 p.m and the Soviet Union's Bolshoi 1968. a cluding the Royal Ballet, Belgium's Ballet of the Twen- Lovise) Alberta, in his 86th year ing at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh- with funeral service in the chapel Wednesday November | p.m abroad, among them the Vien- York Philharmonic, y Leonard Bernstein and the Toronto Symphony under | Arthur Edward Gilroy and ji y | TOPPED 75 PER CENT , Expo officials re- ported that they exceeded the anticipated 75 per cent atiend- ance in Salle Wilfrid Pelletier. At the two smaller at Place des Arts, neuve Theatre and Walker of Brooklin, Mrs is - Gerrow Funeral Chapel, " for service in the chapel on Weds Pine Grove Cemetery, 'Prince Albert. 14, 1967, after a brief illness, Hannam. Dear father of William some productions, National Theatre of Britain di- brother of Albert of Brooklin ed by six grandchildren, in | Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral | Minister the Reverend J. Smith. folk groups from various LOCKHART, Allan R. IN MEMORIAM | Cemetery, LYNDE -- In lovi ne memory of a dear |Teronto. Visiting in the chapel on Tues- \Garvies in the chapel on Wednesday of Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten MIKLASZEWSKI, Sophie Entered into rest in the Oshawa Genera) 3 , LYNDE -- In loving memory of a dear beloved pail aunt deceased was ia daughter. of er Ren Or ee eee the late Robert and Elizabeth Walker. Following her mar- H d L d Sh d 2 riage she and her husband d farmed on the ridges north of y ro 0a ial e Ing Too dearly loved to-ever be forgottin. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral --Sadly missed by Raiph and Muriel. Ceme- dearest wife, Iva B. Lynde, who passed Suddenly near Manchester have .so many memories son Smith beloved husband J father of Shelley and Colin at home, brother of Mis Jessie Smith, Mrs. , James and George ail with funeral service in the chapel, sed by husband Bill, Oshawa Union Cemetery. are asked not to call at the funeral home of our passed away November @ loved one laid to rest; In memory's frame | shall keep It he was one of the best, fades and shadows fall, BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers held at the Gerrow Funeral FAMILY MONUMENTS Chapel, at 2. p.m., Nov. 15,,/0 the two years since that plants..The emergency power 318 Dundas St, £., 668-3552 IN MEMORIAM -- tn loving memory of @ dear Martha Homes, who passed away 1 32 loving memory of our Interment will be in- Pine " Grove Cemetery, Prince which hit eight states and parts; tions and restarting power for Albert. : of Ontario and Quebec and _ af- the bigger-generators: And grieve that death's forever stilled at Montreal of John Douglas\sometimes they have to turn Ww. \Kervin, a former well known some off to do it. pete Hie ; ven r s 1 power directly to the ci sub- resident of Oshawa. "There's beeh more or less a , A 3 A LASTING TRIBUTE ' For permanence and dignity remembered by Tee "lice, held at the Dwyer Funeral shedding which sacrifices some Home, Hamilton, at 10 a.m.,/customers for a few minutes i Nov. 15, followed by internient'save the system," says Paul f in_Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. (Shore, regional engineer for the SWAP POWER MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice pleose My heart cannot tell what to sa visit the Park Office. God alone knows how i loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, who passed away November HUBAND -- We wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbors to Him who redeemed us. ev ver remembered by son Giles, daugh- grandchildren John, acts in our home she is fondly remembered, deep appreciation name; and relatives for their lovely floral trib Those who loved her in life sincerely, utes, mass cards and sympathy cards Still love her in death just the same. and acts of J ' 4 € Lovingly remembered by Ronald,- Eric, le logs of @ dear mother, grandmother erick George Taylor, who died er-in : : Dorothy and grandchildren, Norma, Lind- ls r aw. Nov. 9 at the Oshawa General Hospital in his 80th year, was | held at the Armstrong Hughes, who passed away November 14, deep appreciation fe rel ighbors, Home, Nov. 13, at 2 p.m. Johnson last July relatives for 'the lovely floral Bi The Consolidated Edison Co. ly recommended ceived during the loss of a dearly loved to Mayor John Woods for his consoling And leave behind tokens ol love, a God ever made. dian Corps, Unit ! be standing at the door, me the Armstrong Funeral Ever remembered by daughter Glenys |Montrealers Search GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS 's Gent. MONDAY, NOV. 13 F. and A-Joy's '| A--J Agro and Cherudon Stable Entry, |i ee eee eure ee songs, | EXACTOR, 6 AND 3, PAID $143.60, Also Ran in Order: Far Away Yates, Mile Sea of Grace, Ecoutez, Camilo, Sam"s 7-Bull Purple, ifort 8.60 Py 3.90 WAsh, Oriental Era, A-lron Knight, Rodeo |3-Pagan Prince, Platts chamber music performances, gSwonky Franky, McCom! ' Mark id it's And filled only half the house. A Dick Henderson' and JC Meyer, Also Ran In Order: "Highest Ruler, < Regardez, Queen's Award and Conserva- But, averaging the ups and Entry bes downs, Expo officials reported | geconp pace--Purse $2,000. Claim ha ay re ¢ ' , ; Mile. SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,100, Claim- that they were again slightly |ing. Three Poplist Aa Mg ng. Three-year-olds and up. 7 Furiongs, over their 75 per cent antici- itpeerin ia hen 40 3.00,1A-S'den Chase, Arstg 360 . attendance bea 4 -Lady Kasha, Grul pated attendance. 10-Dilly Living, Gordon OE eT eee icehy 210 ee ceile sa irangi, Burnt 3 , In the Expo Theatre it Was | eee Rene areerirne' Sala,' Moms, Also Ran in Order: Alberia Sunshine, the same story. The Stratford |prige, Shady Lass, Brazen Roman and Quick Load and A-Trayhl Dancer " y id A Vancha Entry. Festival Company drew |Nantyr Belle. -J Wanner as A Nene By F Bat at DAILY DOUBLE, 11 AND 4, PAID $29.20. EXACTOR, 1 p 5 crowds, while the Semaine de - i ; RACE--Purse $2,500. Claim- la Chanson played to disap- THIRD RACE -- Purse $800. Claim: SEVENTH ingly nat diences i ing. Maiden two-year-olds. 7 Furlongs. ing. Three-year-olds and up, One and pointingly small au ' Lucky Mich, Grubb 7.90 4.40 3.40 one-sixteenth Miles. as the final analysis the 75 per |11-Heel Nose in, LeBlanc 3.70 2.90 2-Italiana, Grubb 6 320 18 5-Ithinkiknow, Coombs 4.30 4-Carodana, Platts cent goal was reached. Foturcote ef ari Also Ran in Order: Megay, Lake Dis- 3-Arctic Flas! urcol Officials were less exuber- trict, Jacob Starr, Marc. Thomas, B. Also Ran in order: Willow, Twig, Drip. "shorthair" at- Good Jimmy, Count Wyndham, Shine ping Springs an ention ant about the "shorthai pei BAL Pag R ed tractions EIGHTH RACE--Purse $1,900, Claim- F a 1 i -olds. 7 Furlongs At the Autostade, an Oul-, FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,100. Claim. jing. Three-year-o iz 5 S Ids, foal i da, 1/6-Eriline, Platts 5.50 3.60 3.30 Goor arena eeating about 25,< [ip Twepeercds fonles, (nv Cenade; ye Eriine, eee aii #90 £79 000, the attendance was only |6-Joss, Walsh 24.40 9.30 5.10 7-Nry Maura, Gibson 58 - cent of the anticipated |3-Sea Brat, Brownell 4.90 3.30 Also Ran in Order Prompt Response, oe bet: VER P 7-Dialogue, Turcotte 3.80 Victory, Trip, Capt'n Roo and Rodee 75 per. cent according to the Also Ran in Order: Royal Brandy, Pageai faint figures available. Grey Empress, A-Jock's Pride, Jaysee itemuancs 7,366, Handle $489,159. One of its productions, Flying Colors, featuring Mau rane" GREENWOOD ENTRIES Mary Jolliffe said many of | WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15 [Ballyhoo Boy, Brownell x118 the productions at the Auto- Cloudy and Fast EX ACTOR WAseRINe) ri stade failed because of bad ' a ACE Clee Soe: Alem FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Maiden ances. Three- and four-year-olds. 7 Fur weather. two-year-olds. 7 Furlongs 410) Hlongs. (10) ' "a 's Gare Stars /Laurentien, No Boy 115 Devivar, No Boy 118 : La Ronde's Garden of Star Hy EI i Se ee Terinta Rint Diitaeh ata Theatre also fell short of Offi- 'royal Mmangoneo, Brownell B-X107 Sari-Mark, Duffy XXX101 cial expectations for attend- Power On, Griffo 117 Terrible Tan, Kelly X12 'e, reaching ly 63 . Persian Port, Platts A-XX108 Ann's Gem, Gordon 114 ance, reaching Only 63 Per G5 Go mina, Brownell B-X107 Mr. What, McComb 110 cent of the predicted number. (Assizes, Brownell -X115 Kitty G., Platts x54 The - 7 DW z7a- Canadian Spirit, No Boy C-1) Ten ,Jays, atts X104 The musical review Hellza- (ee ee be CX Pat's Honey, Brownell X104 poppin' did badly and contrib- |g. Good? Anna, Dittfach 112 Wellington Square, Armstrong 112 ted largel . » over- A-H C Polk Jr and Gardiner Farms . ed largely fo the low over Entry. SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. Ciaim all average for the theatre. B--Mrs F W Merrill Entry, ng (6500). Three-year-olds and up. One Miss Jolliffe said Expo Cor- |C--Windfields Farm Entry. and one-sixteenth Miles. (7) _ nie Vintage Port, Platts XX109 poration would pick up the tab seconp RACE--Purse $1,800. Claim- Redirect, Turcotte A.116 for productions which were |ing (3000). Three-year-olds and up. 7 Fur Canadillis, No Boy 114 sponsored by the World Festi- |!ongs 0) Peter Comet, Kelly X109 Thirty Grand, Kelly A-X114 Arctic Flash, Turcotte A-109 val and failed. In a great |Hit The Line, Platts X11 Baranof, Grubb: X113 a ' 2 ». |Naipe, Dittfach 120 Echo Lad, No Bay aed y s many cases, however, produc- Dream Plan, Kelly A-X117 A--A Paolucci Entr tions were largely sponsored Dellar Scholar, Dittfach 113 (EXACTOR WAGERING) bythe governments of ~--the~! Neptune's Hostess; Bradfield 105 #: "era m ane ie Berno Miss, Walsh 110. SEVENTH RACE--Purse $10,000 Add. countries from which they |piack Kitten, Bell 116 jed. "Tattling Stakes-Handicap". Fillies came. In these cases, the res- |Blue Mel, Gibson X11) and Mares, three-year-olds and up. One : "™ € Twilight Tango, McComb 116 and three-sixteenths Miles. (7). pective governments would be ja" Kane and E Lieberman Entry. |Cosmic Grey, Walsh 110 footing about two-thirds of the Cusmax, No Boy 109 bill THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,800. Claim-|Hinemoa, Gomez 123 in ing (3000). Three-year-olds and up. 7|Margabella, No Boy 112 Marcel Theoret, public rela- |Furiongs (Divn of 2nd). (10). |Northern Blonde, Fitzsimmons 109 tions director ce 5 |Helen Mary, Grubb X111 Italiana, Grubb 111 4 : , for Pla dee ehonn. insite Ve Speedy Lament, Dittfach 117 Arts, predicts a "greater in- Righteous, Grubb X11i terest" in theatrical events |Love Quest, Bell 113 EIGHTH RACE--Purse $2,000. Claim- g - paar Te 2 Miss Dynamic, No Boy 119 ing (3000), Three- and four-year-olds, after the summer's rich expo- judge Burne, Gitfon x14 One and one-sixteenth Miles (9), sure. Tall Indian, No Boy 113 Last Marriage, Platts X111 ae Searenti sisi Mary Catharin, Swatuk Easy Shot, McLeod X103 SALES ENCOURAGING Feast or Famine, Kelly X Jurisdiction, LeBlanc 114 "At least as many season |Famous Monarch, Armstrong Tudor Gift, Platts X109 ; man Emperor, Gubbins 114 ke! i eats 5, Ro tickets as last year have beén | rourtH RAce--Purie $2,200. Cialm Wallaceburg, Armstrong 114 sold for the winter season in |ing (5000). Two-year-olds. 1 Mile (7) Gay Andrew, Gomez 116 1] "i 2 2 9? Fleet Session, Turcotte 115 Sunday Cruz, Gibson X106 Salle Wilfrid Pelletier," he |o3n mecrew, Grubb X110 Bye Bye Fifi, Dittfach 108 said, adding that almost every |Brown-Eyed-Gem, Gibson X112 X--5 Ibe AAC io - " of 2 . |Golly Solly, Gordon 120 XX--7 ibs AAC night is booked with entertain evs barey, Gross Xie XXX--10 Ibs AAC ment. Winning Monarch, No Boy X110 i POST TIME 1 P.M, Gilles Rochette, secretary- general of the Theatre du Se een | MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS this winter, said 8,000 season it nev) stra iste j . NDAY, NOVEMBER 13 {6-Mollys Report, Waples 3.10 10 tickets have been sold for _the (Weather Clear, Track Fast) Kelly Tod, Curran coming season, He thinks it is rgely due to the stimulation FIRST RACE -- Mile pace purse $800 Bon slorted: Phyllis Merle, Librum, nee ey DN Conditioned Royal McLean, Jimmie Mae and Jose- he ts orld Festival. TArawana Herby, Davies 9.70 580 ;.30 dale Royal Pal Nothing more extraordi- |&Car! B Grattan, Campbell 9.20 4.50 _ R "i i} --_ nary could have happened for ae a a Iwood 3.90 FRY Sad RACE Mile pace, purse $900 the good of the theatre here. | Also Started: Adios Look, Azucar Ed-|7-Armbro_ Instant, Meknly$.20 320 2.20 The festival has developed the |S2iatetoa". Suney'"Atme™t "X -- |LBrave Rare, Chrran 300 38 taste of Montrealers." seee eite Time 2:07 3-5 The fate of the Expo Thea- ND RACE -- Mile trot, purse! Also Started: Scot Gay, Miss Carolene 3 $800 conditioned Ann, Hello Killean, Perennial. and Tim- tre remains unknown. 8-Jacksons Ose, Waples 4.80 2.50 2.60 ber Tone Director David Haber said tilt go a ee Geisel, Jr, 2.40 2.30 Exactor, 7 and 1, paid $16.70 ' i: 3-Kellys Hard I would hate to see it go Timehnis oe SEVENTH RACE -- Mile pace purse dark" but it is an asset of the acl sNartea: Batty Frost. Kawartha i claiming . oe i SLE , |Belle, Spring Hill Tommy, Kits Dale ani ncle Spu avies 50 2.90 Expo Corporation, and they |theigiers 4-Wee Governor, Campbell 9.60 2.70 will decide. Daily Double 7 end 8, paid $42.50 2-Shayne Wayne, Waples 2.50 One Expo source said it THIRD RACE -- Mile pace purse $800 tea, Henry's Allen, Tammy may become a "'roadhouse" claiming Chief, Myron Scot, Michael Kirk and for travelling groups, but the Ellis McKinney, Holmes23.10 8.90 8.10) Mr. Adam 5 8 P &Kip, Feagan 5.70 3.007 theatre would have to be win- |5-silly Boy, Waddell 3,00 EIGHTH RACE -- Mile pace purse terized to be use . |Time 2:11 $1,000 claiming ized J used. on a full- | Teg aes, Fancy Knight, Kendal 6Kwrtha Babe, McArthr 18.50 $40 3.20 t basis ime basis. Brook, Mr. C. G. Dan Congress and The /3-Little Cherry, Foley 4.50 ea " -- ----------- Quiet Man 2-Rhodes contin, Crowe 2.70 Time 2:0! 2-5 FOURTH RACE -- Mile pace purse Also Started: Wynsor, Edgewood Wal- vere claiming ly, Mr. Whickers, Santa Raiderand ey an Trust, Wellwood 6.90 §.40 2.80 Ambroseabbe. . Aa " . , Taipailee Mark, Wellwood 13.00 5.80 VA MRS. ETHEL GILROY 1-Dandy Sandy, Waddell 2.70 NINTH RACE -- Mile trot, purse $900 In failing health for some va te os ' ey HORS ae 7 a so Star' lemo Van, Lady Violet 5-King pounes 5.80 3.40 2.70 time, Mrs. Ethel Gilroy, whO/pirect, Jonny Nick and Coptein Dillon laclecer' Sue Wap! 340 2.80 formerly lived at 20 Beatrice Loyal Briton did not finish, broken equip- 2-Miss Todd Ridden Wellwood 2.80 ied Noy. 12 at the y- | ment. Time 2:10 1-5 abs pia ane the Sunn} Also Started: Buckey Song, Dream crest Nursing Homie. FIFTH RACE -- Mile trot, purse Acres Guy, Lady Ezra Flood and Diller The former Ethel Walker, the $1,000 claiming A. Dollar 5-Mr, Scott Key, Feagan 6.90 3.70 2.50 Attendance 2613. Handle $18) $92: Raglan before retiring to Osh- awa many years ago. Predeceased by her husband, 'vtiutivare cay. Prevents Major Blackout the deceased is saEvived by daughte Myrtle Station and two sons, Merlin and Ernest, both of NEW YORK (AP) -- The , Oshawa. ; house lights flicker and the elec- gamage from sudden surges of M awa and two brothers, W. . F Walker of Port Perry and Her. POWer Om Pany deliberately sel-driven generators at each of man Walker of Brooklin. Mrs. Fred Stevens of| By JOHN SHANAHAN {prevention; rapid restoration of service in the event of a power failure and to avoid equipment Also surviving are a sister tricity goes off. G : 6 hs 5 ' y goes off. Generator fail electricity. M. bane. (Alma) of, Osh-| uve? Possibly, or it could be the) [Tt has installed auxiliary. die- pulled the switch to avoid a its 192 turbine enerating sta- repetition of. 1965's Big Black- tions and 15.000 idlewant gas The funeral service will f : turbine generators in two key "|ma ive Nov. 9 power failure, | pjants provide light at the sta- fected 30,000,000 persons, the Gon Kd also has JOHN DOUGLAS KERVIN utility---companies.-have -- been and is ready 6 Pas purchased, The death occurred, Nov. 10.;working to keep lights on. But gas turbine generators which ill be able to supply enough si : way system in an emergency to The funeral service will bejuniversal effort toward load- keep tunnel lights ri ictal systems operating and get trains into the nearest stations. During his residence in Osh- |Federal Power Commission in Con Ed and some 18 other awa, Mr. Kervin was a special| New York. major utilities in the northeast- duties officer with General Load-shedding automatically ern United States and Canada Motors of Canada, Limited and cuts off portions of an electrical also have formed a co- ordinat- CARDS OF THANKS |: |later ibe as zone Manager system when the demand on the ing council and operate power og ab a al ; whole circuit is too great. pools, swapping electricity e is survived by his wife, "back and forth on need." In y the former Vera Malone; a sis- 13-HOUR BLACKOUT New York, a central power dis- ter, Miss Sarah Kervin and a) The 1965 blackout left the in- patch centre is contemplated _ brother, Edward, both of Wood- habitants of 80,000 square miles near Albany. Computers wilt do The Family/stock, Ont of the United States and Canada' most of the work. ge e without light for periods of up tq, Ack: ; Pere UNERAL OF 13 hours. People were stranded The Big Blackout in 1965 was FREDERICK G. TAYLOR Jin skysere touched off by a tremendous : ier teh nq |in Skyscrapers, trapped in ele- ..,.. ci Cham rate The funeral service for Fred-| yators and immobilized in dark- oa ie nad rie ened subway trains. iS , power lines which weave grid. Since then the utilities have like through the stat aken "a long hard look" cure' Funeral themselves. Shore says. An FPC report to President The service was conducted by whic h serves nearly all of New utility companies spend about Rev. A. Woolcock, padre of the york City has taken a number $°:00,000,000 by 1975 to install Royal Canadian Legion. Inter- E % extra high- -voltage transmission ment, was at the Oshawa Union BE alee prove aor Dice lines. That's said to be about Cemetery. : Cea | $3,000,000,000 more than the util- The pallbearers were mem- FARM INCOME GAINS lities planned. bers of the Royal Canadian The income from farming in| The extra high- -voltage lines * Legion, Branch 43: Eugene Mit- Nova Scotia for the first. six: provide "a much bigger pipe to ton. Phil O'Neill, John Eggleton, months of the year was $24,- carry the electricity in, says Waller Devenish, Reg Thomas 952,000, an increase of $300;000 the Con Ed spokesman, and can 'Jand Alf Brisebois. [from the same period last year.|absorb larger surges of power, 4 t' ceived a reproduction of t McMu 120 Dundas Stre 3. bedroom Beacon ladies, actually over 17 in before Christmas! J, "BUYING A HON Recommended Solutic Choice RED Branc Young Select PORK SHORT RIB and BL PRIME RIB STEAKS BABY BEEF LIVER GROUND CHUCK THURSDAY SPECIAL 909 Simcoe No