THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 14, 1967 13 25--Houses for Rent 20--Real Estate for Sole |20--Resl Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for. Sale |20--Reol Estate for Sole |20--Reol Estate | for wr Sole _|20----Real | Estate for Sale |20a--Summer Properties | RETIREMENT |NEWLY "DECORATED, "'thres-bedra GUIDE | GORDON PETERS iL ar a JOHN F. H. KEITH, renieacstmialng ea HOMES |Thktee seoRoom REALTY LTD. | OSBORNE | REALTY LTD., 728-7328 | DeWit | LTD. ee Oe ae |26--Apartments for Rent ADS Move to Mala Glen Realtor REALTOR R lf | d : | os Gee oe ae fee a4 tg due! @al Estate Ltd. | ios KinGsTREET EAST | 43 Park Rd. s REAL ESTATE LTD, | - PHOTO MIS REALTOR ce Avenue, 725 Courts . Realtor j Oshawa, Ontario 5 Rae | PARK 5 Re 999 ? and 5 -- y and Femele 16 Simcoe St. S. BROKERS : REALTOR | HOUER SOR SENT = tias Fasmne oo 835 Oxford St . Wanted COURTICE AREA -- There is j WHITBY | ' j 576-0330 we ath, d rcvoan: Teles in 218 Dundas St. E., No. 2 Hwy. bead 10 | penne we 1 Bowmanville j \ dite tas fortoble ti 723-5281 | Bathe wee h me, minutes | 5 feo bungalow w # oi! 8 e | scenes AICS N 4h oF in yee a ' . | rom. town ne garage is |} heot and aiuminum windows CENTRAL LOCATION _ within walki distanc , PTE loca ° Whitby 668-8826 attached «and if is twenty | and rs. Excellent value 623-3 ] ] } ) sac ' : : south GM plant and W EN COMMERCIAL PROPERTY | five hundred down. 7 : tere at 316 OC Owner lea- BOWES A ~OCK e alled entra sf - no basement t 5 ving Ontario is anxious 5 OM f @ 33,000 Sq. Ft. vacent land, TOFONTO 364-6622 | 2, baxement bu | fo'sell, Seg it now by calling P4 a full" or Dartstiene pened plage Footer | bedrooms and | 723-8432 Se eH ) help meet the de- 2 main streets, one secondary, edrooms a : a much needed ser- street. Located in central part] Oshawa 728-5] 57 re, Sal D EXECU IVE HOME : motorists, Pleasant, f Oshowo. Excellent locati on! "4 } Magnificent {12 room me ° good paying work. 9 commercial professional, OSHAWA--$18,500 OREY AND A HALF w th two fireplace j . - ience necessary but high rise ise llagd sa i This clean, curbed well dev- lean home lo eat 5 mnie If )T ¢ For full information nent. Call tonight bd ih , eloped street in popular east a quiet street in j age. pe SES h 6-335]. pened io sfaralee you with al!) end Oshawa will keep your part of Oshawa w | 503.8 3 ing $2 'ch See 078 sa he particu' we | investment sound with three | bed ne bed ' R rick 9a . ERS NERD ERR ON EER | edrooms, One bec BROILEF q ' pags AITERS and cocktall walt- | bedrooms, living room, dining | bath on main floor BEAUTY SALON A r ool Mr. Campbell, Hotel BACK" are! iv | room and fomily kite | room in basement hvAg9 Il estab Acre ts | room in basen : Wy ¥ KNOCKS -- Urgentiy @ This is a'l tras jude broad tractive back yard with | lished ' : 9p 2 ambitious experienced « 9 ortgage ery and flagstone walk j er > , th i lesan or salesiady. One rv needs a quick sale, ing only $13,900.00 } year Id plaze i 2 make money. Good com- | Bill Ratcliffe, 655-4457 i; and equipmer a 4 bat | 3 9 gement. All replies confle $19,750 { i | . with 6 months ' Asking $ )00 | N.H artin Real Estate, 576-1206, ' i : ; ar aart foe CARMICH BOWES & COCK 1 E., Suite 101. APP eH r 1% acres and 5 room house. LOOK THIS ONE OVER! =| clouse, OUTe incepe ee LEHIL fruit trees and garde Spacious brick house at 16 } here, ca 43-79 w 3 bec _Estote for "Sale ely 3 bedroon 401, Low taxes Centre St. in excellent cor VARIETY STORE and 3a rm KIA ate din 0 fowr dition, nice ] ipe lot DWELLING A y bd ' kitcher recreation ee % 1 garag f t Wn nay 38 TTAGE 5 ¢ FIELD A finished except for tile.| SCUGOG ISLAND an appointment at 725- | ees f I oe bad 20 Miles North of Oshawa, | 2753 | Sia ROA Modern / 3 bedroom home with double | : 3 be 5 h 3 $ > m suite LTOR EIMITED gorage all cosssiead pace Four bed 3 : : os i Ny: ' E +} 4 a fF ry bd Jshawa and District ye yan ew ; 8 3 ) Rand & mortgage of $12,500 at Te T é Svar 31 Yaore v el a eae ment. Contact |CHURCH STREET ESTATE) 2437. 23-2265 leis $90. monthly on a half acre 102) 3 Ft ; 7 rt mag lot. Asking $16,900 SG a ' ; ; 3 me s nicely END OF 1AWA ng y $14,500.00 for this Ask /O STOREY es EAST ND O OS F 2 etcray hein 'i A : : ROOM HOME va. | ping in w i9¢ GOOD INCOME 10 ACRE FA tream and tw 3 3 a Blyd. North. Mod ed ze fOOr at S \ hon H i MIERSM 8-568 oR - n, large dining room | ached KSr P re mmuring cist y sit Hi A "4¢ g room, Plenty of a | garage y ze lot ear seule ) Asking $25 ce in this fine older 1 °, 1p) N/ -- Pe : t € wal S J month. $f N é 3 D a the Send dd near to idee STR EET KEDRO! j COMMERCIAL BLDG | son. 728-2548 ell as a \ é ' 21--~Farms for Sale " TONIAKIT n-School--and---0-€ ¥ three ay Joing a thriving busine t = ALY; 5 saad ' v rar ore "se ree CKY TENANT ' bei No. 2 Hwy. in Whitby with } : ' : * * : : n 250 DOLLARS alenty of room for expan sy i $1, ATE t REAL & $13,900 Living quarters for owner plus gh Nl : ¢ plage rs a a 2 apts. Can be converted into sy distance to 401 3ROV ) vith offices ? = " p if é : . ttle ys Bu ERA NTARIO CEN 4 e€ 22----Lots for Sale \ AV ery ae other 4 ey T Mev f t Aj JE ie ee ; $119 and $129 1s shawa Re LESLIE ST. INCOME A key " eal ) 3 é ta ; ' : ' : y tN Pee Ly aehis 7 } 2 l | ; for this fine three 2 storey home in the ff 1 on Beverly Street apie nat P tchen, living roo ° t r j room. Private drive MINTO STREET E : | Jf Y ect je and hos nice lot comy: brick 21 | t 0 k ' uy in @ good area, hf hed home. This s| | | n 950.00. Kedror : }: B 4 Di » A 4 ne and hos reg j. SUNseT: BIVE,,: Oy: & ANU, GSM ( ) kitcher hot t AND FIND A ic" heating. | fo 52,500.00, Neweeat MCMAULLAN: | | SPP res = hs TTER BUY m and three | raser 5t. 49 y, ask e f d 3 'i $5 900 OC haw VH I bedroom brick ; ad 200 j , ' on Sanier Biivs + $17,700 i af t neuer * ates & CO ; é : ' ' ed , | | r 728-7328 | w Wd « tif Age ; bedrooms, fire tc F a | BER I iving room and has a 1 | oe c | 8 Geta ane Close to schoc i re { R a | : at decorated. Handy to NORTH WEST a St. Lawrence St. E., | | sake Scugog with 725 3507 baa! ds Fi 7 = ' s, north A & P and @ We hc | dan } Whitby | | ake frontag I é | hi r : Hie € bri k ne W ' e ok at this fine home ype 'hor ) Phe Bee bad 25-27 i nd N rn and move in for th broadioom __ throughout : BUILDER'S LOSS reasonable ayment : en de nent wit me a * ; arge living room w place | Come in.and see the tw 4 . an as Gin ars ? P | i separate dining ro step say- storey, 4 bedroom beauties ttacned g. at OUNTRY LIVING 2 ) A RIST SHOP ng kitchen. and bedroom or gen ; | ] the North East area with one 9 yea SF ' > $4,500, THIS VIEW ie WO BEDRO at lished florist offers on main floor with 3 piece bath,| | OPEN DAILY j | bg Ait eae oth i hit rey : APAR TMENT fine business oppor- 2 extra large bedrooms upstairs} | | says to bring off : 3 i a iateiy ise C n with washroom and complete 10 a.m. until dark H | } ATE POSSESSIOP Simca ' ; : home of your own ith as aes | | | 4 ' xt 725 ! 4 apartme ef ( a , bachelor opartment in base- fold 2 t 72o- ing price $30,90( rate entrance, large lot, 85 kod 728 > on ppb eal nent. Paved driveway, double| L __| | REALTY LTD., 728-8328 79 : ce Tt te lee tree Wanted | ae "2 B3 or apr bas garage and large, well kept ~ "DE Kathryn Armstrong /23-1884) span 40 otter Ser 340 arland, Apt 11} BEDROOM ire For appointment to in- HARMONY \ VILLAGE 103 KING STREET EAST | "ESTATE. SALE" | Jeon Hedge 728-4539| FREI TS PET REAL ESTATE WANTED H MILI EN "SHELDIAN MA AN ae ct, call tonight his 2 year old selected listed oe } hl og oraen: Aston 728-4 : . Ole is | 1 MA ONS \CK SPLIT ~ oe: 9 room brick home with at- Paoli TWO STOREY N ew thai OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE TRA YOUR PROF @ Sublet large 2 and 3-be ' ; ' Va ge Nymeyer 2 ble p ha End Wot NONQUON RD. SOUTH tected gorage, bh cen $14,900 Per asa a : BRICK HOME hid, ladttkak (Aba at Diol 728-4478 , j pitt siiite: sulile 'two bathe built-in stove an V 4 bedroom home tn area amily room, bedrooms, : \ | Consisting of four large bed j F ; ; Aebogatr osha fnetae | 'rooms. @ Hi-fi refrigerator, Living Neh ting Seabeny values stove, fridge, broadioom in- | youn wviekie Sry One Pink | rooms, and featuring double Gu Lebl | ney OD coll 153 Ree oY : pee MOY nied lie evators @ phys | dining area, Only Can be purchased today for} cluded, must be seen to be | i gor f drive, oil t anc | peli whiners : 795.9] 4 ss hone 'he ais Bevel parkin id. $17,900. Comfortable living} appreciated. Call for appoint- | $2 000 sted ad 2a [Joo Mae 9191 heat lo ae f your Pads : and lots of outdoor space. 71'} ment to inspect, Priced at {| brick in the es. Must sold t Frank F , RF quolifies for trade, please | particulars call x 120', Oil heat, 4 piece bath) $28,900. | bedrooms, sit eitote: Coll Mare 623 746) M bligat for mo information, please : , | ft, deep, Onl at 7 I29/ a) 723-2265 iP a | _ BRICK BEAUTY id bepass 772 cn a | ME OSEPH BOSCO, Re n ites 723-2008 | The 4 rooms, separate dining | DUPLEXED HOME eRe $1,500, DOWN A ex RMS 3 : "sy TE ¢ SARAG | Foom, fireplace in living room, | north east a | a oe Shor e Area 5 a ip "3 1 725-9345 "c wd home, kitchen,| built in extras, patio and | drive $16,500 COMME j TER "HOMES lot, ne 28-4283 dre 728-2233 " ith fireplace and d] nicely landscaped lot, close to | aay eae ey or $B900. f J H N ie N Good olde atvie home af 4 or apply \ i with fireplace a ee On ae 2 me Je styie varith en 728-1066 Full price $13,-| Public and separate schoolsin | $15,900. -- This new 3 be eoch 4 acre $ $1,500 Mo Sie Mharo SES OP Sins v 340 Ma arland, Apt. 111 Glanie 728-5205 oe ticulars | @ good residential area, Call | room bungoloy '; ; : : ) REALTY 5 Ae s "9409 ner pa yee rer before too late room, finished acd ys s . rth n home { 3 are We e 623-5638 tonight | ' and shi ) v aluminum. sidin cn rasan Hage Cabl REGENT ARMS vn 725-3867 | INCOME HOME | Jow hai furnace, aaking Gals 976-1056 wn ena hss ny FREN CH ot 'Hoot AREA Situated close to Oshawa } $14,306 Build ts We have c a ia ae Swe vecronint si ae ments, 725- e ly three bedro Hospital, this home has 2 sep e 10 ct FARM j : ; _ Quiet building, adults only. t Y ven | 4 ACR 2 home @ rAK ew r ts fe } x ters 725-1726 tt new crate apartments plus an 4 ACRES Mag R ' A A N er t C etter @. p.m 1 k I : + | with fireplace e bat ff Are ' AILY 9 TILL 9 it cov br wih song at | ited f ; ; city . LUST 723-6944 of the O.D.R.E.B hie $17,500 pee aren tact John schaafsn 1 a Oe ee ee ee ee nes , i Rt : 1 L68-44 723-6455 paar fi : | 10 ACRES witha hi say 32 rabolen dsled Mel dl Ad eth aida : f Oshawa THREE: ROOM apartment i lesae r & SELL M.LS thy 1h taal | INVESTMENT PROPERTY | 20,AGRES with 2 good house 100 ACRES $500. DOWN Paik Rd. b ict Ge aoa ae , xtra tw | 4 OC £5 é id . - is HARRY HELP Si A r Street te GES ARRANGED $19,700 Siaiaeesaceeee "| 75 acres workable, frontir 2 ti ect hree bedroom bungalow, | ""' | formation 'telephone set : nis Whitby, Ash Sti area. 3 | n Highway bt j f 1 drive fron brick and. stone with holly YOLID HOME INE A HLIRRY f MAE T T Two BEDROOM St. West, Oshawa gfe apartments, al! have separate ONE OPEN MORT } room +t 4 i wood kitch i ' vis asa buliding LACE OUR bh t Sri be a BIReUre 'tol entrances, meters and bath- i Wat barn. A W r i i a ieeeaieses Mahi wt ve ee room facilities, hot wate is er 1 oC wn terms quick: sale at $18,2 Call Harry Taras nr mee ie | heating throughout, income y jage 1d Bill e F Git Friary Ure Vy, ) $2,580 per year, taxes and Tt SRY} FOL JR BEDROOM $2 @ Rg 4S ed heat $700. per year. This is 5 a = day | OPEN MOR TGAGE older type building in good SPI | i ec, ri In duplex is } bungalow loca na deep 30 by appointment only. {76 Ax jelaide DT; 1 sd i ARIO j ft, lot. -- loaded with 728-165¢ EALTOR 2 deluxe three - i garage, rec-room, extra room inj} HALF ACRE . 710 j 181. Eolintor venue East ELECTRI HEAT dain hhae ne , 7 cri [ YOUR wo Ns eager baths, basement, paved way large Situated close to Highway 2, | } oronte Intario ATTACHED GARAGE hcisiietin © : ook ot t YUUR ; MODERN sia, Teepe \ nn if ST modern kitchen se to schoo at Darlington this biulding lot |} H MILLEN SNS B HOM E NOW ! t gerator a redroom, apartment with | | and transportation. Very good! has nice trees and is conven ° , Soult 90 DEAS of Ue 'i - : . es i } y. 101 Craydon Rd. or tele. terms. inspect this ient for schools, Priced at | Reo! { ; FOR SALE mit pavem 4 EG 0°98 ce, ll tae 500 dow Call 576-( 3{ : ihe am - eta aeoneeee niae Bh Monk ail | $4,000 i Real Estate | caltors =f fot, twe r ust listed {daery that Wilkin a ig ONE BEDROOM apartment, "private if : il AM Rae eer Neca cena me 8 2 storey 00 fs < ompleted, }- Keith Ltd $35 m y " ESTATE DEPT, EAST OSHAWA | Dave Johnson 668-8826 | Bost ot Ousawa excellent buy for $26,900 4 SCHOFIELD XI! @ Handsome 2 year old, 3} Andy Keys 728-0196 STOVE, FRID 4 act BILL MILLAR 725-2557 : eee i Manager edroom bungalow with carport D, Vickers 576-2476 ie AMSON Real! Estate Ltd. : KE Ncy i vers Pee ee pleasure Le ae nen) "Barbard Reynolds. 723-1887. | : : pes bare Z P25-1186 2 EMIE 3-409 ee inlet Marlow Hancock 723-0288 { ? 7 oe t 66 « 66 94 st Offi 5 . : THREE me = 19 Grea F * | 3 bedrpom bunga y easy , -- i > at -- 7 ROOM BUNG piece bath with vanity, and an| George Abramoff 723-4871 | spotless: condit ) mediate possessior | NORTHEAST AREA publ ces storage 3as;-----f=> = : ORY, $14.00 extra door to bedroom, On al N. Van den Broek 668-2675 | forced to me : . SARARE lama.caleuee Sate eo WHITBY CENTRAL be Three hdl seo ry Sel street Hes pth Clore Shank 723-5145 included--in-price east of Oshawa, | wa ae ae ot * ir easlin coe i tar s month. including} | ° I 5917 oF mas J. Hu ea H. Ke with- large--family axes per ioe 3 Roy Soley 723-4726 } 798-1675 | - rs | sized kitchen, liv- Gordon White 668-6337 28-1678 sterr |éi2 PER CENT NH A. resale Rs d inenern eat), Biv : APARTMENT SITE Vivian Halligan 942-0296 | Pleo [like rent, Three bedroom. : r | in | 1 Ai she id ee Xi] @ cated in prestige} Olive Ferguson 576-3637 H. MILLEN Y 5 i! area, Park ~ North, pace for} Goerge Sulivan 668-6226 | H. GOLDSTEIN ? ) D ele suit wner has other } ! Estat Realtor ---- ; ) BLOCKS DOWN- even as a j. Real Estate ealtors 7 25--H for Rent : Two storey brick erests « wants to sel ouses for Ren p wits (our, bees fe ----_------| REAL ESTATE (Bro = |$0.14¢° MONTHLY Thea tavoan Gl ' ra back kitchen, HIGHWAY 115 | { PAYMENT i home only 9 years old. Let size 75' 'x : x arage, oil heating. XIV @ 150 acres, just east of} r 728-5 161 Nicely landscape i, taxes only (EVV 3|Frontenac Avenue =E $ igh 35, rolling land| Brags rhiciewy Me { : a 12,900. with Highway No. 35, rolling lan | . OUR SMALL HOME ae | ranged. Call Shirley Mos Detac hed Homes wn mixed with bush. Christmas Real Estate Ltd atau | |kal, Griffin Real Estate Ltd. trees, good hunting. Priced right, . | ! have a large 7 room brick 200K ING FOR | |$2:500 DOWN three-bedroom home a4 re Ss RESS SALE please call for details 728-7576 | home in excellent: condition AN 2CHARD ? | on Adelaid near Mary St, Real good) ot ry : Slove, re |FOUR-ROOM apartment, private _ ene ssive three year old e | | throughout, near King St. and | N ORCHARD ? : Mead ea Keesha atl ; ts heat and water supplied. 82 Sim- on : i Fi | Oia sch ofleld sdowne | c0e_St._N zs ve i jal two-storey Ov Lacted PROPERTY | Asking $9,900. for this e seltila vive Be ar R Pesan Ne 6 TWO-BEDROOM b ssement apartment, . eeue attached Si @ Located on Ritson Road| oom bungalow in a ce 1 | Coll Willard 728 SOUTHWEST AREA. Best incom er volajpectlogh Patiw. sh ane Y t YH Cat . Ge kane ani th. Large sg meuler. lot location with fenced yard 1066 an Ur apart S conetion, build. |bazement kitck e t ome is 3 fe ) - ¢ self contair uni Wilson a 723-46 arge lot within 4 Bagg Pali APE ies a and Oat nan, Hoes | SCHOFIELD-AKER Ltd vee $16:3579. W. 0. Martin |Don. Stradeskl : 779 147 : 4 us | | + n your - _ 8 fe ; city limits of Osh- lus for more| IMMEDIATE POSSESSION for | REALTORS thew pe Rusesenanr| |).4 15) WEST -- Three: and four-bed ONE.BEDR 3 . an early appoint- | this income home on Park Rd. | \ ¢ | Fe ee eee carson Gr Chon Fee Cot ile | $ yOu always can | two-year-old, large plan, thr 4|9ages, Carports or garages. Tw M , } S. with separate apart- | UYING or SELLING is F sce, GUIDE jbrick Bunaalon, Teuceltent qundition Cali {necms Walkout family oa. es 2 to H eles THREE.ROOM soarinie ral down-|CNE _SEDROOM RITSON ROAD SOUTH | ant on ot G ann can Realtor, 723- {i° 7aES10S, WO, Marti Raab |sehools, bug end shopping: 4 vies Sarre l \ \ r 4 e at ys t ROLD SEGAL Sean NST re awa eaRehe Ca 2 CIAL ASSISTANCE XVI @ 6 room brick, 2 storey| valu MAAS SoA ag __. BEAU VACLEY_SPECIALOny_va Qi" \aceepied. Ca ian sarin | eoree VERY Bape TOM, YOU SELL OR BUY Ider home on main street bus} EQUR BEDROOM Seven room piece hd A NORTHEAST AREA, centrally located, for this thr rick and stonelitg Reslioe ' al Esta Tele. | COZY large Foo ae goes right past the door, close} hy Good 64 a if atk Residence 725-1772 two storey tour bedroorr Kk home in|family hor tr k tchen, balcony ont = x i House For Rent 7 tle on ie ITH Niele ome in good conditif ith | Hovely -condition. Invest 0 for gocd | off ff a rec.| WEST cellent two storey clay m = : ; iment i "ae * men ONTARIO TRUST ti a Sheu te an private drive, Excellent value J. B. McMullan ings Martin Reg mis," lroome. wit Fa at mati Hupesh eae Peau Q 2 W aa ring" comple-|South, Talen ee d . y a C 3701, W. O n Realtor 728-510 |rooms with vanity. Attached garage, in sold now! Ca Q cabs cnboha (eines -- 9::00 to 5:30 be iiasomuetie™ at $14,900 Pests & Co ASE ___|NEWCASTLE, Country living. Asking ine. Ho Being sold esl feplacemnent |e W. ©. Mart pel ah ii or atiiaek ators r ur fi r one " r qual- |= f first mortga 4 per! self contain partment a JRS PLEASE CALL Inspect these homes now by [fiivarea,qeraun price, Four-bedroom/anly $16.900 Tor new wo edroom aval Icent. Call Ernie Wilson, 725-9750. W. | ree eed SAREE ROO Ses One. Teloohone "ase DLL CHARGE) | calling 728-7576 and asking family room. Whitby. Near all schools.jextras, Call Bessie Crysler 723-2025, w.|Frank Real Estate Ltd, | Abe a he ance, parking |548 TE npson 728-2870 GUIDE REALTY | for Steve Lehan, |Many extras, Price $26,500, 668-4449 ©. Martin Realtor, 728-5143. DUPLEXED HOUSE, live rent tree! WANT RESULTS? | Leader : ' a. Felenene: (2% THREE ROOM apartniént gan 655-3663 | pact | NORTH-EAST -- $13,900 -- twostorey,|$17,500 -- FULL "PRICE " Fine |Walk downtown $14,900, Joe Crawford] | t will acce private bath, pr ion 668-4416 LIMITED |MODERN EIGHT room, split level brick three-bedroom home "Beverly St.,/three-bedroom -hor ee ee Realty; Cimitegt: GET A( j from tenant who w WHITEY Tha 576.1680 | bungalow, with faur bedrooms, Holly.|near Coronation | School. | Three _ good: the cozy ean : maa Be ye : ¢ ie 2/6-1 # wort itchen, separate dining room and/sized bedreom arge, kitchen and din d cheery bed AND NEW HOME N cs i * 2) 16 Simcoe Street South jmany extras. Close to schools and trans- |Ing room. Monthly payments only $80.|56' x 137'. Minutes to P.|castle, tully decorated, one mort ger, CLAS jan" hana pan uae ee ge) down with present mort- |Full price $13,900. Call George Twaites|Shopping Centre all schools and} nied pens ! PR pg $2,000 ee TAR TRUST FOUR-ROOM partment articles, Phone 723-3478 723-5281 | ge at Der cent. Call new. $76|at. 723-2008, Schotleld-Aker Ltd. l-|bus. Call George Twaltes at 723-2008, |dow: 1 Boe hehe ct Peres ee ee ee teenies 38 and water 14, J, Witkineen, Resitor, tors. ' Schotleld-Aker Ltd. Realtors. formation telephone yonanas. 723-3492 724.5221 coe St. N a