° 12 THe OSHAWA TIMES, Twesdey, Nevember 14, 1967 SIMPLIFY FAMILY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING & SAVINGS WITH WANT ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. 11--Pets and Livestock 1 8--Male Help Wanted QUALITY CLIPPING SERVICE 19--Male and Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. REALTOR 16 Simcoe St. S. s : 5-- ~-Believe Ht orNot/ available, sil breeds, Telephone MALE HELP WANTED 793-5281 ee RMRrTS ie Prat Bake ae) A tral! maniocruring lent HOW TO EARN ° - . 8 5 . . larger breeds. $25. u iv req _cap- Oe iii ta 3 "a } phone 1-985-2648 anism able of keeping a set of rec- MORE MONEY -- -OMMERCIAL PROPERT) : EOPPLE, Peares MnTe Ugg at ords and preparing monthly MEN and WOMEN | @ 33,000 Sq, Ft. vacant lanc with pa D, udgi BA i ; tage, $12. Call before noon or-afier 7| statements. This position also I need a full or -port-time zoned commercial, frontage o p.m. §71 Simcoe North requires a basic knowledge of rach to help mest the de- 2 main streets, one secondar costing. The successful appli- i fore Oak hkadad ean street. Located in central pat : 12----Articles Wanted ie cant will be required to deal A ie age cr Hosa f Oshowo. Excellent locatio Accountants Building Trades _|Mortgages TV and Rodio Repairs GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc| With routine correspondence Beinihad, Good cavikg uae for commercial , professiona ary 7.4] : -D\/ICE CA mh ¢ Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNeiil's| and, if time and ability per- Ni : : h rise apartment develop noB CLANCY's | Cc t IMMEDIATE ERVICE CALL ¢ 2.50 Furniture. 668-5481, 668-6526 mit, will assist in production © experience necessary but nent, Call tonight. We will b aes Qual ny arpen ry Face TV. Servic ANTIQUES. Giassware, picture frames,| Control and purchasing. a car is. For full information eeca 4a. faralen you with @ REP First and second tgoge 1.¥ jewellery, buttons, china, etc. Mrs, R.| Sy \ hich i b phone 576-335}. please: 1: 7 ' miley pie Owen, 1177 Kingston Rd., Whitby. is plant, which is a sub- the particu' ae e Improvement S$ noney @ DOMINION sidiary of a large company, |eocKraiL WAITERS ond cockiell walk 4 hawa and Dis Kosteniuk fin Real Estate AS Aer Hit auiee 13--Articles for, "Rent _ has. recently located in the ress required. Apply Mr. Campbell, Hotel BACK" sie v ' M Ye lnited TELEV IS ION IN THE pres ae Oshawa area ond presents Genosha, No phone calls, please See. { H d Dependable Service 28 54 fe) WHICH LATER BECAME FORDHAM Tables Chairs, Linens, Dish- ample opportunity for ad- SP DRRTUNITY. NOES = urgently sid witt YALE ARI EDLA 25-8576 623-34 hake ' \ 5 UNIVERSITY, APPEARED To WILLIAM es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee vancement as the business {[td? estaté salesman or salesiady. One te Coe HST AND 2ND mortgages available." We T.V. Rentals HENNEN, OF BAVARIA, IN A DREAM Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal grows : who likes to make money. Good com- arage, lot and a 6% % nikrupt BUFFAM'S bile ler aipet sigh 'A ry $0 VIVIDLY THAT HE TRAVELED Wear, Men's Formals, White Please forward a brief resume initetan BF eoal celts, conte ortgage, to call tonight awe ae dad service, licensed broke ' ALCAN GERMANY, HOLLAND FRANCE Fox Furs, Min Stoles stating educations and pre- {$57 King Street €., Suite 101 J e MOPKINS, BEADL p E CE SER FIRST AND SECON . ; ANDO THE U.S. iN SEARCH OF iT i vious experience to Box : - APPLEHILL ee Accounter ' Rds lille ed a ennick RNITURI i HE FOUND IT IN 1846-34 years | SARGEANT'S RENTS 83758 20--Real Estate for or Sale vely 3 bedroom bunga i . PPLIANCE AFTER HIS DREAM-AND BECAME 463 Ritson Rd. S 5-3338 All replies will be confidential Les arate dining room ~ 4 A MEMBER OF ITS FACULTY TV RENTALS -- Alcon Furniture and| nd will be acknowledged ie Litchan recreation Building Trades king nd cc Painting and Decorating + | Appliances, 452 Simcoe S. Phone 723-0011 $6,000 range is $5,500. -- 'SCHOFIELD AKER hed except for tile wish 576-2876 ° ¥ anging ; : } |WHEEL CHajRS, hospital beds, waik- 6,0 od 614% mortgage RELL DRAFTING and ro : rena tee pnp rene estimate TV TOWER SPECIAL towe | weyy jers, reducing machines, sick room sup-|~ -| ge ight 2 "0 ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE prices, T ' ° 8 $ ie | a - |plies, Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644 REALTOR LIMITED M tonig drive Dave OxDONS | TS NOWI TF : pannine g Roa |. FS | JENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred ul smen --. ne s\ee - Buildi Tr des Adee e ni t | | | Bi | |People:: Oshawa Tennis ub ban Full Time Salesm Serving O: hava and District FULL PRICE $18,900 uirding {re aes aie te - 2--Personal | k a: po at leddings, Bar, kitchen and | For Over 31 Years / t ! EED MORE ROOM "8 , Plumbing and Heating | "| Commission Salesmen -- | n " HOM c fing TR Ka WOODE! |14--Business Opportuniti | 723-2265 lack k 4 ¢ yur . | ar y lorge = Carpentry Plumbina -Discount i WAS THE. ONLY fas US HISTORY LOCKS. | | for | ne ahi pane and has large PUNTIDING "stout 23-464 SERVE IN Z CABINET Pc | | | . be s ; , APROV S nn ; é VE | yt | ARE STILL USED ON DOORS] | LIQUIFEEDS LIMITED | Y basen ished MA \PRC EMENTS RECREATION ROO) werk f®| 149. Brock St. North SIMULTANEOUSLY - | IN SOUTHERN ARABIA | | ALL IN 1 Q TWO STOREY nxious to sell as they WHITRY 668.66 F HS IN 1836 AND 1837 | -UNCHANGED SIMCE THEY | | : z 195 Winnett Street 3 BEDROOM HOME Anata ore eee : E ¢ ORNEY GENERAL ANI WERE FIRST USED IN GARAGE WOODSTOCK, Ontario on Oshawa Blvd. North. Mod purchased with only | Dentistry : s bing: sur ETARY OF WAR ANCIENT TIMES RESTAURANT ' ern ktichen, large dining room $3000. down _c sl1 to-nite 3 s e. < € abd tein oom ; AMES ALLEN & SON R. G, ROBERT BROWN, Dente! § plies. Everything e these dates f tmer bas adhd SEO Tel: A/C 519-537-5651 and living room. eety, of iM epee ' 2 g Street E,, Oshawa. Tele) sigmbir e ' : POST OFFICE coset Sie in this. ine older MAIN STREET -KEDRON -612¢ supplie 3--Sportsman's Column O-Articlés for Sai 8--Articles for Sole Salary ,/ Good Commission type home so neor to bri 5 t Jressmaking HUNTING LICENCE cad | ets tor wee ee se ee | --av ailable tor sales of our pro- gd Aba noot-and---O-€ = aECimAKTHE : = £ n t e : |. ducts direct to farmers, All} ¥ r ; me vad ets we ne ' : * WR liveries r v ur oO ROOFING mn e elep e AA WRECKING | 4000 SPRUCE d aries made ia our own | $13,900 paaiies ORESSMAKING -- | suits WILL SKIN and wrar end} 2 eg ot 8 | transport. We need full-time | Pld, ; Bes ailp P moose ephone Bob Slute, Racial | ) HOUSES Spruce trees excellent for salesmen or 'it you ore al- | full price for this fine three .3 a ements es : Buintutes toe rate TAXIDERMIST 3 ell, RR| 94-- 6M St. W Christmas. Going in quantity, present. | ready calling on farms you | bedroom 2 storey home in the ; Home f RESSMAKING signing, alters ate es free € t heads 6¢ thew oy 'wish to carry our pro north end on Beverly Street + aee nformat ' Sve, 23) Lupin BD Whitby hug > Upholstery Service Allied Wreck ing 2 MILES NORTH OF inancing can be ducts as an extra vb or Soh kitchen, living wer e cae TERA e : R() NK For mér telephone as above for fur ind d ro rivate dri MINTO STREET fo Reply sara. Ee tueher F eded RE-UPHOLSTE 4-- Motorbikes (6) B Bip Map st eee ees SHIRLEY ther details and gar age and eat nice lot, ee TERRANO PAVING, ears 2-FI34 TRIUMPH . 725-4171 728-3521 past Hydro Office 723-4134, --------______.__| 4 900d buy in a good area, ' ed work square DRESSMAKING AND a ypes alter A Te e 7 SRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD . = i Se ana ie rere ae "TRIUMPH TWIN, A-), #95, Save| All. types ed. building CALL 576.0343 Quality Control 1 oe aS FIFT ARS' expe . ? F ¥ . on site : 7 ; Mpiccuon die? % LADIES ; R 1961 B GOLDSTAR --- : " c iad 3 3 Supervision than this bedroom brick | COMPLETE HOME improv able ; e bi a, USTOMIZED DRAPES | START AT ONCE Only man with proven per- bungalow Sunset Drive news 2 baggy se : us a - 6------Marine Equipment ; eed VINGS UP TO 50% | MAN OR WOMAN Heablpeaii in metal working Large cosy bedrooms, fire ss --- Gardening & Supplies ovely with nigh | LIMITED TIME ONLY ee | industry will be considered. place in living room and has h rai in | Supplyin tablished | New facilit Guelph. Re- ' : Pi ack ain M & C Boe re ak ee aa wit | H ch acilities in Gue' Pt © just been decorated. Handy to ser Ec 5 : ie ons in your area h catio is CLAS a 4 'B ra Fee tol! SKI os DOO . | Bae Feu: eck Wai Ton, Oa) es hd adeenad all schools, north A & P and i! @ We have Ir¢ Seas te ta y ' DRAPERIES | HORA Hee Ate et rite giving details of ex buses. Look at this fine home pe home on st € € | ed coffee at 5o-a-cup on the perience, education, and sal- | ; 7 e vi t 7 ii 6 Pdy- : spot at plant s, et | -orv re { to-night and move in for th r rr ! WMOBILE LSC f RE spot at plar es, € | ory required ae aa livine (oor place, | n : < : $ 9 i5's, worth Exclusive with | Replies treated confidentially | separate dining room step say- - yin orge é ms 6 F: : USEL best offer; | FLORIST SHOP ng kitchen. and bedroom or den ect : 5.00 cere: Oshawa) HAYHOE"S LAKESHORE Old established florist offers on main floor y with 3 piece bath, per ce nal charge SETS | MOUNTAIN BLEND COFFEE | DIE CASTING LTD : extra | edrooms upstairs d & s C é > Rg you this fine business oppor- 2 P , ; Box 25 Oakville C vith washroom and omplete € e : \ You require $1,500 to con | tunity, A home of your own shale" tment in e- ad - - = z - anc aa ey and two green houses Call bachelor oportr y 7 : ; TRIO TELEVISION one Llovo BABY carriage, sis, in| 'MeNce. Bank Financing avail ' i . nent, Paved driveway _tigure : @ : 728 5143 JI rood. condition. Peitohann SE Nae ant able with reasonable deposit, REAL ESTATE now for full particulars, sersae Gnd: larok Well 'Kept i $ ' oa / -. jtime, eS anak ae plus 2 to ours per wee lawns. For appointment to in- eeds | i ,s |GURNEY ELECTRIC stove, chrome| spore time. For further infor- SALESMAN 4 BEDROOM eect, call tonight g Feed ----|aven, rotisserie, timer, in excellent con-! mation Box M83383 BACK SPLIT vied, Free estimate e our mate RL JTHERFORD'S |dition, $125, or best offer. Two mater-|-- canes : > F on w ; Or i jrity dresses, size 12. 323 Pine Avenue or |A SUCCESSFUL, long-established lunch] Wanted for Oshawa office, in Oshawa's East End. Mod NONQUON *RD SOUTH F Snow Shovels a e harles : 3 ing Re 576-1578 anytime jand vari ety store, Simcoe o. 1966 sales Inquiries treated confident ern kitchen, built-in stove and VII @ 4 bedroom home tn area ot | r fi . ust sell, neds. asy terms. ad " Ld - . ' cage Ron: omy bin ing R rer ation Basket | }€all_ Jerry Coady, J Wilkinson Realtor, ially. Call W. Baldwin, ma- hon ~" refrigerator. iis Asbiaeh Alot aT te € Brittania Molt Ext Sales and Service A dil ede shit le sree 1576-1411, # ene room an ining area, Only Can be purchased today for Bi . ' Os h j 7 | terms. Immediate deti H |TWO-BAY BP service station for rent,| "ager 3 years old. $17,900. Comfortable Hying e ery or layo good location and 'good «pportunity for £ outdoor scace. 7 Ss awa anitor r : ; aohan | and lots of ou f KS 2 S sRIS CRAFT RU UTHER RFC ORE S | Ncensed mechanic, Telephone 725-1730. _ W FRANK For fall porticutere call x 120', Oil heat, 4 piece bath, t so ' j =) ( Ria CRAFT ¢ | A bs Poe PR lease ; ¢ r-Smith C ervice Sout 15--Employment Wanted -- , 723-2265 for more informat mn, plea e g U ( Churches SALES ond SERV : i phone tonight Oftices enurcne : SUNWORTHY walipape price [FReR PICK-UP and delivery, day care] RLTR ' | ; chao ° | 'a ne New Homes reg boots, |f home, Not Unger ive' years] = REAL ESTATE LTD, | George Twaites 723-2008 i a 5 ereat 23-2 23 37 Full Cleaning Service es} : ne sh jot age Lh AL EEN ES | 506 Simcoe St., Oshawa | Mike Belmonte 576-1908 SEPARA "4 ' | . eae me = Ls . =J r Norther E ities lMaWine, move Wnaurkd: Gdn tebe' ons | 7 | Harry Taras 728-9817 1X @ 3 bedroom one and a half é MA s SOD Providec elephor je t ir 3 SUGRANTERD USED w load washers Mclntos }with or without truck, Rent fruck with 28- 7585 | Ed Drumm 725-9345 pboord home, kitchen, , a fated . x 2 evi erat et 34.50 and | 728-2882 -- pa Foes ? PER Vv 28-60 28 hthave A € and Appliances, 457 es ss ig| MAINTENANCE MAN | Moible Boudreau 728-2233 with fireplace and : All ce GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringe 23-81 8¢ . : | book fo a banauetey anil NEEDED } Willard Johnston 728-1066 ce Full p hg 13, All-Gr een Nur Ser Y washers and ranges. Free ¢ ; SS: STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller boa eibeligarlal als Ary, mixed i, i jChristm ¢ p more informa-| s | Irwni Cruikshanks 728-5205 0, For further particulars cal a z Ev r even days & elivered 2 Per Bushel i --| Bondable, reliable with refer- | Me! Dale 623-5638 tonight aC re service es @ and Supp RECEPTIONIST -- recentiy moved tol 79 6 : oad UoWrowers F Brooklin 496-260 wren ROTARY bit die bad tl tion, Five years'|. ences. Benefits include shop- | frene Brown 725-3867 NICH SCHOOL AREA a J me 4 -- pilect ef jetiee experience, PBX, Telex typing ping discount, health and life Marg Hall 23-1358 FRENCH SCHOOL $ . ' gy and Barter ele a f voicing. Box 2%, Oshawa Times insurance, profit sharing, etc, | Reg. Aker 725-0201 Lovely th t brick} 4 mont ELECTRIC GUITAR A [ G @ MA Icast CHANCE fo have. y Age object; Please submit | Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Wall} M i : and storms application in writing to: and| reveacthe rr a USED racavisiene winter. Multi-Clean Janitor : | OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 200) REGISTER NOW 9 L rt : EL econe d IMATURE WOMAN desire 7 4° | plus iy PU ie at a : astee eee oe] ORCHARDS Ltd, [eee teteh veut te ae wairehl ade : 7 a core re Aa ghis Sparro | jing, payro 0 ast ; ' ea hetero $ --_ BUY AND SELL -- Good used turn : A ough, Telephone 473. after § 21 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa WE LIST & SELL M.L.S Money to Loan varuie oe . warn 11 8---Articles for Sale ture, appliances, antiques, 723-9241. 19| Thickson Rd. N EXPERIENCED "WOMAN Wants day | MORT. $s, nev es es, nev s kasd Eisaes ork. ES D 5 ' : alive v. 28 KIO VACUUM REPAIRS. Whitby paish Wo CAR SALESMAN R GAGES ARRANGED ie JOW Has, ota. Pie Me Re - Re ie aS ALL YYPES iX SERVICE Servic 17- --Female Help anted For new and used 'cars, Ideal | . 360 King St. West, Oshawa a ° ER TALS ant A avestrout F I : ONTARIO NO. 1 WINTER TR SST ' working conditions. All ben: |--->-------___________ night, x NUMB aS FOR FASTEF We BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE us sed |livered or apply 14 Rock AJAX PUBLIC LIBRARY ; : pe al gas | show this home ' - VHE NM db hy anyining you have. The|Telephone 723-9439, | fits. Apply in person ee | e @ ends Septic Service Ch € Te Ce pant, Store M6 Simcoe | orn e adult female | 0. avie TANK ; a ot lj a = Re -- 9A--Eggs & Poultry se Nicols Motors Ltd | WWa% NK eane GLASS PAIRS tp mingm B erage . K as } P alte 4 es hry 4 jy atuminom "and ceil oabe an | i 401 Dundas E., Whitby | i OPEN MORTGAGE. ery. 18-2064. 2 | oe) by IS | x1 @ Or ay brick CHRISTMAS TREES FOR - SALE. A : mente Work is LICENSED MECHANIC, | i bungalow loca deep 300 re = z Surveyors ' pes an f trees avaliable. Tele : position in re : : || ONT ARIO | ft. lot. -- loaded with om : ee ciel" a eee Se pec AEST | Sete al srt ein, | | ce enh eee "4 i F er fers 6s, service, ai 2 giving full particulars to the benefits, American Motors | basement, naved : eway, large e in ADYER . 400" S0Y DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN nakes. Cali your Royal dealer, 7 libraran: Alex: Public Lik Jealer, Apply in person to modern kitcher se to s¢ ' OTHERWISE : r and Surve mme bive RAKE SPECIAL STUDENT TYPEWRITERS CHICKEN LEGS dtc ba de ea | and transportation. Very go wRI FOR MORE Madaibs c f . 3 eee rary. Nicols Motors Ltd. | terms, Call us inspect this} NSERTI ON OF ANY AD- Mortgages : p id Packed 1 me | A Hl home | BEYOND THE TV--Radio Repairs 4 : LARGE LOCAL PRINTER equires ex 401 D di E Wh 1} 9 Simcoe St.-North | bhi | FOR A SINGLE. IN f sAGE . TV TOWER SPECIAL -- dot, si uctur A9c per Ib |perienced person for offset copy prepar- ungas G., Whitby : | | e if Yuicw ERROR OCCUR sel ' A RUT GEA = 08 sirachire 49 per Ib Jaion department. Ari abllyan. Stel WanTED -- Married. couple? person r| REAL ESTATE DEPT, | EAST OSHAWA t T ER E F 5 = |but not essential. Wage to ability. Good/ 7. 7 | ¥_ SERN e ee 26-514 ay 5C 5 F dt inate aoa Simcoe |PETSONS, for domestic duties in ex-| xi e@ Hands ome 2 year old, 3} LY COLOR ORIENTAL 6 FOOT by 9 foot rug, Tele| Wodr ve Fanaa Mut lb " \Sireet Soule z b |a3spe. Oshawa Times rental. Write eal On SCHOFIELD dro W with corpe rt 2.74 t AC K and WH WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL/phone 6 Arg Oe he ae feather alain COOK, shori order, Good siarting rates SPPORTUNITYTo| | sila bl leasure k in kitchen) 8 Th : a ad EO pon Sure Night shift. South' End Restaurant, balibed sate Poh tela Loli g jterae| a ce seca ai Tae mn tihisnne tcane ane ae inet nd ' er whee LLOYD BABY carriage, ¢ CHALET |Bloor Street East ent Wh Dsieee oe bois hee ee | * ay : ae RQ. 19S tell he eh AN ol FAR MS LTD EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES wanted. Reply, stating 'personal' history. "esuce: ACRE --- 7 ROOM BUNG jining area ge pl MUFFLEF heii wi ie Blin AR [Apply RIN Restaurant, Whitby. Tele-|tion and experience to Box 60595 Osh,| (3 ACRE ---- 7 we piece bath with vanity, and an} st, } FRONT NOR SNOW TIRES First line Town and aa 668-2061 a es awa Times | ALOW -- ONLY $14,500. extra door to bedroom. On al ' MPARABLE PRICES od Used tout Wontar eit treet : BABY-SITTER WANTED for four chil-| PRODUCE CLERK WANTED, full time.| ~~"e0F Preston's Rd. and No quiet poved street, ond carries| "LEANER AF ene F |dren, live In. Telephone after 4, 942 [Apply to Store Manager, Sunnybrook; | 2 highwoy. Three bedroom for $133, per month. includ ng i TY RECEP BOA 0898. SE a lalliss 2m santas bungalow with large--family aes | ATS tasy To # v Rogie Sen : 2a j EFFICIENT BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST for|YOUNG MAN 21 or over, required In| room, good sized kitchen, liv- ' e = 8) Pp R 'cal farm organization rience onjretail mén's store, men's wear or re Rie ce = ' ell Classif TV TOWER i e x payroll required, Reply tc Whit-|tall experience an asset, All inquiries) '%9 room, modern bath plus . APARTMENT SITE | . = ; FENDERS 2 655-442? by __|treated confidential. Write box 84046,| utility room. All on main XH @ Located in prestige} Ay MINION Vibe CTADE yard gonsrats ei |MIDDLE-AGE lady for baby-sitting andjcshewa Times. =| floor. See this one quickly. area, Park Rd. North. Space for € € 728-5] 4 v . TORE ' 0 charge light house work. Wilson South area.|CONSTRUCTION laborer wanted imme:| 2 hee . other _ Road Sout ais s presi) Pace ----|Live in or out. Telephone 72 diately. Telephone Ashburn 655-3921 | JUST TWO BLOCKS DOWN- eleven suites. Owner has othe r Bond 'and D r ri "Ee CHRISTMAS CARDS, boxed, half price. EGGS "DAISY FRESH On| SeSE REE ape eee te ant Ton ; terests « wants to sel e 6 ve fey by ihe? 4 | BEAUTY ela Nelle Morrison Osh. i OWN -- Two storey brick € ' EA ' I VARIETY P ce of 0 sat ' Pleked pre " jawa Section eperient personne! 19------Male and Female | older home with tae bed- e e > c { P t 1 $ or management. No c BS 1 a JAY rs and orn, areset Made meg inal iaitar maranenetsne| Help Wanted | rooms, "extra back kitchen, _ HIGHWAY 115 | iF V. TOWERS form wee Fat and Styles 16 ' 4 10--Farmer's Column {phone Beauty Counselor Information. 725-/ | separate garage, oil heating. XIV @ 150 acres, just east of} micoe hie re uh ast Ont DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock| °816 FULL PRICE $12,900. with Highway No, 35, ape land} v4 r > ag eg Reena : | picked up promptly will Fur Farm,|LICENSED HAIRDRESSER - no exper H j i th bush. Christmas MORT G 5AC GES BUILT IN OSHAWA cane VIOLIN, 34 size with bow and case, $20. |Tyrone. Telephone' collect pion 263-lience necessary. Apply at Guida' and 3 Experienced $1,500. down mixed ein ee P ri | AT OUR OWN PLAt felts Telephone 72 272), Licence 101-C-67 Dino's Hairstylists, 109 Byron $t. S§. i trees, good hunting. iced 9 ae 7 ; i : TWO LARGE SPACE heaters, In" Whitby Ene | REAL ESTATE SALESMEN DISTRESS SALE _ please call for details | € give you c FURNITURE a 00.7 one Quebec| '11--Pets and Livestock EXPERIENCED SHIRT presser. "Tele Very impressive three year old ? less mor re. Pay only $15 m Bion $5; one old dresser, $25, Phone CHILDREN'S PONIES, "-ai ect Phone 728-236 : eight-room storie two-storey COMMERCIAL PROPERTY | pets, $75-$100 delivered, Teleph 985. LADY TO SHARE north-end epariment a ee ae Real arate home with double attached XV @ Located on Ritson Road) As : st hy we Bs OSHAWA T V. led (ETE with widow, room board for ligh rigs oe ene le, | sniper, and clveiicr paved South. Large irregular lot 295] 4rre ep erds. eg'd. pup To side! sus ed a ive § tine home is loca iD- rs '. é pe ELN ' aur FPire 18 90 fessional training, boarding. Stud. serv-/ HOUSEKEEPER - COMPANION war j Immediate financing vad Be there 'i hina a5) feet deep, and has rary possib-| e 'a mt s rr ' ape 'a . ob Playpen. All injices. Pinto, Show mare. Texas saddie.jed. Port Hope. Live private quarters. | f Goad o g "4 lities Presently used as a] Ag : SUPPLY LT7 i pies hone 728-5404 Shi ris, Cozy-J Ranch Kennels, 655-4662. |Phone collect Seite Son oenent for mile of " city limits of Osh- mber yard. Call us for mors] MA cs se CLUJADT | F 7 5 televisis ae ner stove, with PPIN a ah 5in eases ommission . awa. Make an early appoint- informat VVANIN Ed AU Meg ae "4 Pd nai P) Sond pg esas rer a ced. ° 7a, anemposinn | confidential interview call ment to see re 6 Kir tre t ust East of Ritsor fe 728-6502 Sell reasonably: |¢4a.497; | RITSON ROAD SOUTH ; sassy 5 --aUSKY sons T | 3 D " t 723¢ 8131 23-8) 32 MODERN" WALNUT | LADY'S DARI bron Bo Tse he [SIBERIAN HUSKY puppies : ; JOHN: KOSTENIUK | OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Wl wk con bc rel : new, 'size. 12-14, $20. Telephone 668-821 . Rs : c : | YOu R BUY aI . iy molt treat: Busi iy . anys euaariN es SELL GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTp, |MAY HELP YOU SELL OR. BU ee ce he ee ae . / TE _-- repaired, noes ric 50 foor, close| ee TWO, 670 X 15 SNOW TIRES CONTINENTAL BEDS érz "nat riginal new and some old ' Realtor LIST WITH to schools and shopping. Fenced] . A ae 4 boards) Poe 264 SELL! | CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST ' : yard, garage. Should be seen to Bs B i : . a JOLMES lz hea BRIDAL and _vell:| FyPEWRITERS No dour gh La way "BUDGIES, ready 942-3310 | 723-5221 -- 9::00 to 5:30 Le atrecinted $2. weekly, Ad cashiers, new, used,| py } East fe | @ Mak eink 5 v after 6 p.m trades. Blit Hamilton, (2°08 114 Elgin East, That's the job | AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL bd | ' CHEST OF DRAWERS |PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE-- JOB SWITCHES ( ® Beane , cee ees , ar sige ee NO TOLL CHA ) expane I Fi ECTRONICS bamboo bar and sto no i TYPEWRITER, "standard, $70) portable,|PIN@ all breeds, poodles our specialty ° imes The average man between 20 and 241 Allan Thompson 728-2870 GUIDE REALTY 8 . e tw Se od te Sia er-waxer-po' ombinat ctric riter $95. ad |Free pick-up and delivery; boarding and can expect to switch jobs six or seven ss nd- far e 6 He ere ee lO ee aan |training. Doberman Pinschers and Wont Ads times. In many cases the change will be Harvey Hogan 655-3663 pr? TY RENTAI APPLIANCES, elec or t__|ma erd puppies for sale. Dac to a totally new career Tom Houston 668-4416 LIMITED ep i 3 Hig : : SKATES, new K 655-3881, ce. } And the place to look for the best obs! Paint Schofield 576-1680 vi : TOW ot rde ols a8 ESR day LUNDILU REG'D KENNELS -- Peking s the "Help Wanted' column in .The igi a re j oc, 725 eek OWER joer: te assay ese, (oy. poodles, eninvahvas, Groom 723-3492 Times' Classified Section, Whether. you're Soalmene, street south omy ends end evenings 5623 PHONE 668-5679 Phone TEs 100 er epply "es. Raskenare UPRIGHT PIANG. re "service, puppies. Townline r 7 unemployed or looking for a better Job, | SELL Unwanted articles. Phone 723-3492 723-5281 |oa ibis: i 'St, Oshawa, [6228, Telephone 728-8576, mrt North, Oshawa, 723-6216, Icheck "Help Wanted' now! Action. 14 cS . { t A ;