Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Nov 1967, p. 9

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aya : m , tenn m m . MUSEUMS DONT HAVE TO BE BORING PLACES FOR CHILD REN Museums are boring places H. J. (Herb) Brennen, who Brennen expects this figure to grounds with over 50 exhibits, posters but some original 10 to 12 mph. It's. believed to The museum's stock is always Following later will be a 1915 for children. Places to make takes them on a guided tpur of __ shoot up during the "peak" per- and he emphasizes the progress names for the cars. One boy be the only one in existence. _ changing to show as many of Grant and the return of the in' the el T { ' ' : hike Hoa The newest is a 1965 Amphi- Canada's 1,000 home - produced ' faces in the glass. To totch the museum and runs through iod from now until Dec. 1. made, during the no-charge wrote about the Rauch and car; the car which travels at a models as possible and a "new" 1917 Rauch and Lang, which things which are not to be Canada's history as a car-mak- It depends on the teacher tour. Lang electric ¢ar as the Ranch -- ¢jaimed 10 mph on water or 65 1928 Model "'A" Touring model has been away from the muse» touched. And kick your teels. ing country. what sort of benefit the pupils Last year, some. of the chil- and Land. mph on dry land. Critics say has: been added to the museum um for some time. That is, except in Oshawa's Last year, about 1,000 chil- get from the visit, but. Mr. dren drew posters or wrote At present, the museum's old- the speed claimed is well in ex- The. model is owned by Rick Teachers wanting to take Canadian Automotive Museum. dren from Grade 4 classes Brennen gives them an outline about what had interested them €st inhabitant is an 1898 Red- cess of what it will actually do Foreman. Beautifully restored their children through the mue And the man who makes thing made the trip and already 133 of the history of the automo- most on the visit. And that pro- path Messenger, a little, red but it. certainly is an historic and in running condition, this seum should contact Mr. Bren- zing is the assistant manager, have toured this Fall. And Mr. bile, which the museum back- duced not only some original runabout with a top speed of car model is quite rare in Canada. nen for the arrangements. CL I i vt etigvasstnnn neat snags anNe aE BEA S ML it 4 mr | OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1967 | : Eero SNE: Se ee See -. A F Snow tires were in order slushy disaster. The two falls, they retreated back for these two young Osh- E. A. Lovell school students home and set out again on awa cyclists as an early had considered riding to foot. The boys, Michael morning outing ended in a school, but after several Shabatura, 11, 13% Bruce Se a Rea ee Sse aes ee BBE a ee si : a . SNOWFALL MAKES GOING DANGEROUS FOR DRIVERS lthe last council after UAW had any change that takes place in jpn Page ie lg papsae el Arthur was reported as ' City Department Staffing: Outlined Drop-In Centre Crome elutes Findings ~ In Controller's Survey Sport Ct uae ee ee oe os what was stated in the Shaw re-|Guelph, Kingston, Port Arthur z port on staffing inthe--publiciand ria Strong "support" for the pro-;committee, Con. Frank McCal-|works departments of other request for total ex- posed drop-in centre for elderly|!um. A public meeting is alsolcities and the actual position, penditures by the various city citizens in John and Centre rae Se yh Nov. i7 in city was claimed by commissioner\engineering departments must Streets had come from the Osh-|pow a eo ctor Can. Puliof works Fred Crome, in the/have been misunderstood and aire cee vee *" forward their points of view. (first of three written reports onthe reported figures were on awa district labor council, and) Pointing out that some elder-|the enquiry conducted by Con.|various bases," said Mr. Crome. |they were putting up funds to/ly folk do not want to leave Margaret Shaw 'As a result the figures have no jsupport it, said Mayor Ernest their own districts to visit a Mr. Crome read his initial re-|Significance for purposes of Marks at yesterday's board of/drop-in centre Con. Shaw said port of six foolscar ges to the}comparison." 7 a 0! , "y pre relucts { > sid chided 5 bd fa Hodes gc geen Sis Can Ata eA fell ca reluctant to be public works committee last} ERRORS Shs ghee oh. ar aid at ae a ays sg at Marks 1 he (Might. At 11:30 p.m.. the com-| Other points from Mr, q ee te fives bat at eee u ' a the a age thats i mittee decided to call a special|Crome's findings were: Bese we ny a : a ever et deta 4 : aati cen're| meeting to deal with unfinished) --Errors in comparative sum- bg si) Eevee ane dE Sighs Gey Hae rhe bullae sean business Wednesday night, andjmary, by cities. (Shaw figure ia ee tian United ck Workers' ey bv B laree wiber of ol Mr. Crome's findings will be/first, actual figure second.) ~~ rhe nitec uto orkers jused by a large number of e d- discussed then. His report will|Cornwall 22, 121. Guelph 50, 146, hall was inadequate and over-|erly people, with a professional go to all members of council,{Kingston 28, 150, Oakville. 108 % ' 7 * ' ' as . ceria 5 € NC "BS Momus ° craWaes and oe thee sae it running ee program. : including Con. Shaw. 08, Port Arthur 15, 125, Sarnia [came about, said city clerk Roy It is unfortunate houses are Chairman of the committee, 35, St. Catharines 239, 239, Barrand. It was initiated byjinvolved he added, "but in 5, 295 brought jin a petition. the city there will be some dis- Discussion on the proposal location of families, and we are was left pending the return of|not taking down a huge block, their time in a reclining |the chairman of the specialjonly a few residences." position. three stages, and it was hoped having no engineer, although the to bring the whole of the find-|letter included in the report was ings before council at the first|signed by the city engineer. meeting in December. | A comparison of the staff of a Denouncing the aa pro-|public works department on the St., and Dale MacDonald, 11, 199 Ritson Rd., like many other pedestrians, found the footing was also slippery and spent much of Jury Rules Death Of Natural Causes A coroner's jury last night|way, that he may have beenjearlier, but he insisted on see- ruled a 44-year-old Generalisuffering heart trouble. ing his own doctor, Dr. J. C. Motors worker in Oshawa died} Mr. Marshall went to the|Woodman, Sunderland. An at- of natural causes Aug. 18 at a/medical centre about noontime tempt was made to reach Dr. factory medical centre. |the day he died after going to| Woodman but he was not avail- While the jury brought in the/his work foreman, Vincent|able. verdict, an inquest into the|Rimes, Bowmanville, holding) jn the end, Dr. McPherson ' ney death of Robert Marshall it/his hand over his heart and|iearned that' Mr Marstiall's| 0000 was working well, and/said the provincial health au-|yesterday morning during an Oshawa Boy Scout quested it is impossible tolGROWTH RATE made no recommendation for)Complaining he was not feeling /condition was declining and got changes to General Motors'|Well. his permission to move him to first aid facilities. Following Dr. McPherson's |hospital. He left the. clinic by The inquest was told by a examination, some time before | ambulance about 2:55 or 2:40 GM nurse at the centre that|1 p.m., the nurse returned to p.m when Mr. Marshall was ad-|find Mr. Marshall receiving) py. Woodman told the inquest mitted to the centre with pains)oxygen assistance frem nurse, yy, Marshall complained to in the area of his heart he had}Patricia Andrey. An ambulance) him earlier this year that he normal blood pressure and his|was called and he was taken to! had heart trouble symptoms but color was good. Oshawa General Hospital where} subsequent tests showed no evi The clinic's physician, Dr. he was pronounced dead. ldence: of it. That was Dec., William McPherson, said he) Dr. McPherson told the in-11963, and later tests in May} examined. Mr. Marshall and/quest he tried to persuade Mr. ' this' year showed the same re- told the nurse, Geraldine Oat-'Marshall to go to the hospital cuits' General Motors Spokesma Denies Inquest Charge A General Motors spokesman] Mr. Wilson said GM should fa : : 9 i.| today labelled as a "'political|be prosecuted for not comply-|Pesrenced in mls: Heaths ete gambit" a charge made last|ing with the Ontario Workmen's) night before a coroner's jury | Compensation Act by not having When Mr, Marshall first ar- rived at the clinic he was siven| ja pain-killing injection. He talk-| jed with a nurse for some time jand then seemed to doze off. | |Later, Mr. Marshall said _be- fore he died, that he had been quiet because he just had the that GM was to blame for the/a first aid post in the parts| s \ death of an employee Aug. 18./and service department. Ta 1¢C The GM spokesman was re-| However, the jury made no sponding to statements made|recommendation on changes to by Nelson Wilson, committee- first aid facilities, and the GM I man of Local 222, United Auto|spokesman said today that Wil- ncreases Workers Union, at an Oshawa son's charge was "a pretty bane eae a police station inquest into the bald, political gambit." PIC KERING (Staff) -- ane| death of Robert Marshall. He added that the union peo- Liverpool GO Transit station in- Testimony indicated Mr. ple (UAW members) "right now|Creased its traffic volume by 10 Marshall died of heart failure.|are pretty politically interest-/Pet cent in October over the Mr. Wilson claimed the first/ed."" He said the first-aid--post/Previous.month, according to aid station in the building was closed and moved a short figures released by the com: where Mr. Marshall, of 80 Ath-/distance away because. there;Muter service. | ol St. W., had worked was/"was so little need for it" in' In September, 699 persons closed last April as part of an the parts and service depart-|used the service daily, while 771 austerity program. iment Lpbisone went through the east- ----jern terminal on an average) October day. ' Information Director Ed arr S er] n n S Ingraham said the Liverpool station is now the fourth busi- est on the 60-mile line. | e The largest terminal, Eglin-| S Cc Ing eda er jton, also increased by 10 per} cent from 972 passengers to OTTAWA (Special) --Michael|/Theo Ricard, senior Quebec|1,070 passengers daily. The) Starr's term as acting leader of|lieutenant for Mr. Stanfield.|Port Credit and Scarborough| the opposition in the House of|They will introduce Mr. Stan-|Stations are also ahead of Commons is expected to come|field to Speaker Lucien La-|Liverpool in daily passengers. to an end Wednesday of this|moureux, who will welcome him| The GO Transit reported vol- week when Robert Stanfield offi-and direct him to his front|Ume of traffic increased by cially takes his seat in the com-|bench seat across the aisle from|35,880 persons during October, mons, Prime Minister Pearson. to a new high of 331,800 rid-} Mr. Starr has. been head man} In the few short weeks that/ers monthly. This indicated an| of the Conservative party in.the|Mr. Starr has headed the party Overall increase of 12 per cent. | commons since the fall session|he has generally been acclaimed| The average number of rid-| opened on Sept. 25. as having done a. good job, ask-/ers using the service during} On Wednesday, Mr. Stanfield,|ing many probing questions dur-|the Monday - Friday business/| who won a byelection victory ajing the daily question period|week increased by nine per week ago in Colchester-Hants in|and making one major speechicent during the past month. | Nova Scotia, will enter the Com-|on the government's. manpower! The daily average for Saturday} mons and officially start to di-| policies. gained 14 percent, going from! rect the strategy of the party. | The Oshawa MP will remain/4,900 to 5,600. There was also He will be escorted down the|as the party's house, leader inja four per cent increase in Sun- green carpeted Commons'|the Commons' and sit im-|day riders, which now aver-| thamber by Mr. Starr and by|mediately to Mr. Stanfield's left. ages 2,500 persons, \ 4 | jtinually regarding its opera-'tg the scheme but were now/Park cedure, Ald. John DeHart said\basis of population is of very the engineers were going up the|little or no significance, but if it wall with reports. "They are|is to be done it should at least spending more time drawing\|be correct and other factors them up and making them than|should be compared on. this getting on with their proper|basis as well, said Mr. Crome. work," he declared. "Let's ig Oshawa had about one to one United States Cities Seek | NDP Names Cliff Pilkey Incinerator Information | Parliament Labor Critic AJAX (Staff) -- Cities in thelin the town during the Second| The New Democratic Party|volved in bringing the injunction; states of New York and Flori:| World War. |has appointed trade unionistlissue into full view about two| k: z eae The method uses air jets to|Clifford Pilkey as its labor|years ago. |da, and a town in the West} 0" is : hes : F revolve garbage while it is be-/orjtie in Ontario's parliament, Indies, have requested informa- ing consumed by flames. The |tion on the new Ajax "open pit" |<moke from. the incinerator is this as read." and a half times as many en- gineers on the basis of popula- FEW REPLIES | jtion compared with the aver. Mr. Crome said Con. Shaw's ages for the other municipalities method of study was to send|and about the same ratio in the NDP parliamentary members questionnaires to 16 Ontario public works staff, but the city Mr. Pilkey holde the Queen's had expected to be officially|cities requesting information|desizned one and two-thirds n sworn into office today -- but ajwith regard to the number of|more construction with it: incinerator also consumed in the revolying|Park seat for Oshawa riding)' -- ; s Hi celia : i S own AG a aidaiing ok tome counal ae te ing only ashes to be(which he won Oct. 17 in. the postponement was called be jemployees and budget estimates|staff and Supervised twice as ae 8 i " «inferno leaving only ashes to vahtaaat Ze : cause an official has become ill,/for the engineering department) much construction with its own Mipnsay. Slay: councilor Owen hauled from an opening in the Provincial election. Mr. Pilkey says of each city. Only seven replies/staff on the basis of population Ashley said the incinerator,|side of the pit His appointment as labor) --------____-- ------ |had been included in her report./as_ the average of the other uilt last year at a cost of Deputy Reeve Mary Reid critic for the party was made "From the information re-|municipalities. quiries were coming in con- . ad at fir: . NDP caucus session at Queen's a pr -onclus | i thorities had at first objected 2 jcome to a proper conclusion re-|- 11 addition the population of ; lgarding the size of staff re- ' in s Will Be Honored |quired in a municipality," Mil Aven or pene do Pea On Monday, about two years|Crome said. "In any case if a average increase of 6,429 in the land District Labor Council and, : rowning 14-/COmparison is to be made on thelother areas y recently was named as an inter- after he rescued a drowning 14-|hasis of staff versus population] p15 PF esbengeg Sel og two mde posal A M L national representative of the year-old boy, Scout Douglas)the same comparison should be i Council first heard of the t ount awn United Auto Workers Union of|Ashmore, 76 Thornton Road,|made in each case. The WOMEN eau ont ehamian, oS revolutionary incinerator two Information under a picture) America. He has no plans to will receive the Medal for Meri-|of the questionnaire is such that size of public works st yee the years ago, when a United on page nine of The Times yes-lrelinquish these titles. torious Conduct from the Gov- it was not interpreted. in the basis a opul tio: . ian t . States Dupont factory was ex- terday indicated that members! In an interview today, he said ernor General Same manner by each city." EAs ee Bey he perimenting with an open pit/of the Royal Canadian Legion,|he was overjoyed at the pros-| A citation, to be presented at} Only part of the staff under|' Factors and responsibiliti disposal unit for industrial Branch 43, had. participated in}pect of tackling the labor task/Government House in Ottawa, the jurisdiction of the city en-| vary from one municipality te waste. the dedication of a 2,000-plotifor the NDP: "On any debates/reads: 'For his prompt and gineer was reported in some| another he said Ge Aisi Council sent a delegation to|section at Mount Lawn Ceme-jon labor I'll be. the. lead-off|meritorious action in using aleases. As an example, the Shaw] ample 'the tater engi hails the United States to inspect|tery, instead of members of/speaker in the house for thejnearby tree limb to reach/report indicated a total of 22 department in Rincetan ts a ere and report. It acted immediate-|Branch 42, Canadian Corps.|NDP party." for and pull to safety, 14-year-| persons in the public works de- arate department: as a Nae ly on the report, prepared by|The section is for veterans. of| The NDP favors abolition ofjold Ray Shaw, a non-swimmer,|partment of Cornwall, whereas building inspection de artme t town engineer G. A. Robinson,|the First and Second. World|the use of injunctions. in indus-| who had fallen from a dam intojthe actual number was 121 in Kingston and caraia Guel a and the incinerator was install-| Wars and their immediateitrial strikes and Mr. Pilkey|deep water and was in danger; Of the seven cities included in| - r ; P } | , | ; jengineérs look after the water ed in a huge septic tank used 'families. iwas one of the key men in-'of drowning. the report, five gave only par" facilities, and in some cases the sewage treatment is operated by the Ontario Water Resources |Commission. | POLICIES Policies, amount of work done by contract and own forces, jlevel of quality control, level of budget control and level of serv: ice all affected the staff posi. tion, said Mr. Crome. "The faster the increase in jpopulation the greater the staff required to provide the neces sary services," concluded Mr. Crome's report. "Growth 'brings other complex problems of traf- fie; -polution control, building construction and long range planning." In one of the tables appended fo the report Oshawa's. esti- mated value of 1966 construction totalling $3.797,000 was second largest of the' other five cities oted, St. Catharines with a re of $6,200,000 being iggest. However, only 27 per cent of the St. Catharines con- {struction work is designed by their own staff, compared with {61 per cent in Oshawa. "Open House" By Ajax Group AJAX (Staff) -- United States industrialists will be hosted by members of the Ajax InduStria Commission at the Waldorf As toria in New York Thursday, The commission had consider- able success with their "open house" technique of bringing {industry to the town during visits to New York and Chicago Mr. Pilkey has been president tion much impressed with it. z for the last 10 years of Oshawa The incinerator is the first-of -- its kind in the world to be| M used for municipal garbage dis-! Canadian Corps pe Renn ONE MAN'S FAME IS ANOTHER MAN'S PUZZLE A determined art goer auditorium. TRE 19 water is taken from the Art In- wald Timmas, Carl Schaef- been part of the library's {last year. : muses the whys and what- color paintings of contrast- stitute of Ontario and in- fer and Peter Goetz. The program since: its Ete ee Gite and ae \ . ees r oe pay ag p trialists wil ye shown slides vers of "Water rs 6"? 9 Ps are hai :. " as Aline. next exhibition of the AIO several years ago he : evers of 'Water Colors 66", ing styles are on show dur cludes the works of Alex will be "Flowers". from present show may be view- of Ajax, and will be presented current art exhibit at the ing the library's regular andra Luke, . Betty Me- Dec. 11 to Jan. 2. Travel- ed until Nov. 24 with the first 'Ajax Newsletter" McLaughlin Public Library Open hours, The collection Gaughey, Dorothy Cope, Os- ling art exhibitions have ~--Oshawa Times Photo {produced by the town, ¢ » > 4

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